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Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

You really needed to back that video up a bit to convey the proper message.
Re: Hate Thread

No, not really. At least not for my second post. The meaning of my second post was using the timing of the video to describe why I phrased my first post the way I did, but that doesn't at all explain why I initially posted. Timing of the video doesn't matter in conveying that message.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate copyright nazim. Again. Another of my subscribed youtube channels has just been shut down due to alleged copyright infringment under order of WMG this time. Considering this channel hosted purely Touhou doujin music and nothing else, I'd like to know what the hell gives a record label like WMG the right to demand it's termination.

(Doujin meaning indie. As in un labeled and self/non-published, not the western "indie genre")

So yeah, WMG are undeniably in the wrong. Problem is, if the youtube uploader disagrees with this, they are required to make an appeal to the person or orginaisation that made the complaint, and if said orginisation refuses to withdraw the complaint, must face them personaly in court and be willing to pay the legal expenses if they are unsuccessful.

So either go about the tedious process uploading your 1000 videos again, or chalenge the third largest record company in the world to a needless legal battle. Fun choices. I can only imagine how much this must piss off the uploader.
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Re: Hate Thread


While I might understand some of the claims, it's incredibly annoying. This is ironic because Youtube tends to show people the music that would normally not be so widely available, thus doing advertisement for free in some/most cases. Some artists I wouldn't normally listen to actively use Youtube to spread the word, as it were, and they support/are unconcerned about piracy as a way to advertise, as odd as it sounds.

Just my 2 pence.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate copyright nazim. Again. Another of my subscribed youtube channels has just been shut down due to alleged copyright infringment under order of WMG this time. Considering this channel hosted purely Touhou doujin music and nothing else, I'd like to know what the hell gives a record label like WMG the right to demand it's termination.

(Doujin meaning indie. As in un labeled and self/non-published, not the western "indie genre")

So yeah, WMG are undeniably in the wrong. Problem is, if the youtube uploader disagrees with this, they are required to make an appeal to the person or orginaisation that made the complaint, and if said orginisation refuses to withdraw the complaint, must face them personaly in court and be willing to pay the legal expenses if they are unsuccessful.

So either go about the tedious process uploading your 1000 videos again, or chalenge the third largest record companies in the world to a needless legal battle. Fun choices. I can only imagine how much this must piss off the uploader.

Honestly, if those are the facts, I wouldn't worry about having to pay WGMs lawyers.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, but you'd have to pay for your own. Even if you will get your expenses paid back afterward, you still have to pay them up front. And I assume that even if you win, that doesn't automatically mean your opponent is going to have to pay for your legal expenses.
Re: Hate Thread

It's the principal of the thing. Plus if they started a donations account, I'm sure they'd get enough.
Re: Hate Thread

I agree with the principal, but unfortunatly for something that simply shouldn't happen in the first place, it's a ridiculous amount of hassle however the specifics would go. I doubt many people would want to take days out of their schedule researching on procedures and attending court.

Plus technically the uploader was still uploading the doujin artists work for free listening. It's obviously the relevant artists place to file the complaint, not WMG, but I am unsure of whether that could cause other issues if it came up in a court. I'm not the most knowlegable on law of any kind, I just know it can be messy.

Then again, I don't actually even know if Touhou doujin artists are allowed to claim copyright on their music since it's all rearanges of ZUN's works already. A large majority only ever do limited releases anyway and only want their stuff to be heard.
Re: Hate Thread

Well unless someone actually stands up and does something, it's gonna keep happening. I wouldn't say it's no use just complaining, but I'd say that it really needs to be done, sooner rather then later.
Re: Hate Thread

have you consided that they decided that one of the songs on there sounded to much like another one of their songs so they just told youtube to ban the lot. sounds like the typical laziness and fascism of a large company.
Re: Hate Thread

I couldn't find a love thread that is bumpable, so I'll just use this thread.

I love all of you.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate bad movie references.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate snow. Everything is closed because of some giant blizzard that's supposed to have hit last night, even though it barely even snowed.
Re: Hate Thread

Snow is awesome. I will piss on anyone who says otherwise.
Re: Hate Thread

Snow is only awesome when it hurts the ground. The only good thing about it falling is how others react to it.
And I like golden showers so your threats fall on deaf ears clogged with pee
Re: Hate Thread

Fine, I'll have a massive shit in your gob then.
Re: Hate Thread

Turkey. seriously. bland shit is gross. happy thanksgiving to my temporary Argentinian family that I'm eating with tomorrow - NO turkey.