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Re: Hate Thread

In the morning it's supposed to be -9 here in Helsinki. Meanwhile in northern Lapland 1000 km to the north from here, it's supposed to be +2.

I hate cold. And I hate people who contradict themselves all the time.
Re: Hate Thread

In the morning it's supposed to be -9 here in Helsinki. Meanwhile in northern Lapland 1000 km to the north from here, it's supposed to be +2.

I hate cold. And I hate people who contradict themselves all the time.

Heh, I don't hate the cold, but its about -3 here right now, and I just got done pumping gas in while standing in the wind. Plus I'd let it go for awhile, cause it's been crappy for a time now, worse then today, so I had to fill for longer then ususal while standing in the cold x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Monday morning we had -15 °C. People in middle Europe have been freezing to death. What the fuck?
Re: Hate Thread

We just had pouring rain, close to flooding, for about eight hours. Now the temperature is supposed to drop to below freezing immediately afterwards. Tomorrow's going to suck...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the argument that no proof of a god must prove theres no god. I believe in safety and atheists are the ones who are playing fools with chance.

Also I'm an atheist

Luckaly i never argued that, i argued that because there is a chance of god, claiming there is no god is stupid.

the argument you bring up there is even stupider.
Re: Hate Thread

Monday morning we had -15 °C. People in middle Europe have been freezing to death. What the fuck?

Yes, just saw the news article on it about 30 minutes ago... quite strange...
Re: Hate Thread

Luckaly i never argued that, i argued that because there is a chance of god, claiming there is no god is stupid.

the argument you bring up there is even stupider.

He's... kinda saying that he hates people that say no proof of god = no god.

He's kinda agreeing with you.
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Re: Hate Thread

I think that argument is almost exactly the same, I was just trying that Vukis idea that religious people are the risk takers is wrong. Whats the term for the four square "what if" reference tool? Look something like this.

xxxxxxxxxxxxGodxxxxxxxxxxxNo God

Obviously very simplified and is certainly not an argument to be religious since an avoidance of punishment is not intrinsic motivation for lifestyle, but a basic illustration nonetheless.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't know what the term for that four square thingy is, but the idea of what you're saying is Pascal's Wager. Basically, that if you don't stand to lose anything by a belief in God and stand to gain an afterlife in heaven, it makes sense to believe in God rather than risk eternal damnation for no gain.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the argument that no proof of a god must prove theres no god. I believe in safety and atheists are the ones who are playing fools with chance.

Also I'm an atheist

Absence of evidence is the only evidence of absence there is. How do you know when you need to buy groceries? When there isn't any food. How can you tell there's no food? THERE'S NO GODDAMN FOOD.

On the other hand, it has been previously proven that the food exists, so the argument is not entirely equatable.

I'm an agnostic.
Re: Hate Thread

Absence of evidence is the only evidence of absence there is. How do you know when you need to buy groceries? When there isn't any food. How can you tell there's no food? THERE'S NO GODDAMN FOOD.

On the other hand, it has been previously proven that the food exists, so the argument is not entirely equatable.

I'm an agnostic.

Old Spice Commercial in 3, 2, 1...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being promised a party and food, and then there's no party OR food.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm an agnostic.

I think as Richard Dawkins puts it:

He's 7.9 agnostic.

No true atheist says there's no god. One can only say that because there's no evidence to prove a god exists, one cannot accept such a claim.
Re: Hate Thread

The rant I'm about to go on may besmear the USA's neighbor to the north. I apologize and bear none of the forum members any ill will.

I hate the importance that corporate America puts on sales numbers and bonus add on crap that they require us to prattle on about at the registers when they don't take into account the frigging twenty busloads of Canadians that we get in on the weekends that have no freaking use for a $20-a-year shoppers card because they're only here in the States for one or two days out of the entire f'ing year and yet they *only* look at the fact that you had 800 transactions yesterday and you only sold 10 shopper's cards because 500 of those transactions were Canadian. Not to mention it's really hard to pitch donations to *local* charities when the people you're waiting on AREN'T LOCAL! Now, granted, it isn't always the case, but you're a lot more likely to get someone to donate if they know which hospital you're talking about than "So, what's the Shriner's hospital?" Also, why the fuck are we goaled for donations? They're supposed to be DONATIONS. They're not supposed to be about making the store money. OHyeah, and let's not forget that we cashiers have to stand there and instead of just ringing the customer out, we have to pitch: the shoppers card, ask for gift receipts, ask for gift cards, ask about the Moose, ask about books for the kids, ask about coffee for the troops and they wonder why the fuck the line goes out the queue! Because I have to spend 10 minutes on a transaction that should, in theory, take me all of 30 seconds!

And that's another thing! Staff! We don't have any! Frigging Friday during the Chirstmas season and they have ONE cashier and one person on the floor. Of course, the managers and supervisors are supposed to be picking up the slack but when the managers sit on their asses in the back room and getting them to respond to calls is like trying to find the teeth of a hen, it kind of defeats the whole purpose.

And they wonder why one of my hobbies is shooting things in the head...
Re: Hate Thread

I don't see how that besmears Canadians... more white collar, suitcase and tie folks.

I call them strap-ons (cause they strap on a tie and thing they're kind shit of the world). I hate them. Hate them very very much, especially when they come in and make a decision to make work longer, and more tedious, despite the architects of the building we were working on saying that removing the tiles from around the windows was unnecessary and would make life easier for everyone involved, including the patients of the psychiatric hospital. No he made that fucking decision cause we'd already been fuckin paid to do it. Dirty little tie wearin, suit case carryin, cock sucker.

Probly hasn't even worked a hard day in his life, afraid of getting his soft wussy hands dirty, or oh fuck maybe even a callus....

I could go on but I need to go to work.
Re: Hate Thread

Of course, then you have Bosses on the OTHER end of the spectrum:


..... wankers.

I prefer bosses like Mike from Between Failures:

Re: Hate Thread

My fucking militia just went into a martial trance and killed each other. While SPARRING. Fucking idiot dwarves.
Re: Hate Thread

People who don't turn off their brights. Was blinded today just long enough to almost hit a pedestrian, but luckily I was being careful and decided to look for things I might hit before being fully hit with the high beams.
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Re: Hate Thread

D: That's annoying indeed.

Trying to get some mods to work with Minecraft, should be easy...

Almost an hour passes from distractions, searching around and file-stuff, and nerd rage looms, so I'll bother with that another day.