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Re: Hate Thread

It's just been normal raining here, though freezing on the bridges. One hundred calls to the police for help before 6 am today. Got on the interstate to go to lunch, bunch of out of staters going by at like 90, despite the fact that we're going by cars in the ditch. We, being locals, were of course making our way along at a reasonable 65.

Oh, and later I saw the tow truck owning places had them all lined up and ready to go, and tons of them out an about on the city streets too.
Re: Hate Thread

have you consided that they decided that one of the songs on there sounded to much like another one of their songs so they just told youtube to ban the lot. sounds like the typical laziness and fascism of a large company.

Well, international copyright laws states that it's a breech if it's "recognisable content".

Exactly what this means is a massive grey area that involves musicologists and courtrooms and lawyers and judges. Most copyright cases are settled out of court.

But the bottom line is if one of the songs sounds enough like a copyrighted song, it is possibly in breach of copyright, depending on the specifics of the similarity.

Re: Hate Thread

i hate my latest chapter of Magic's Slave. Despite the editing it ended up right back to where it was before i started, and it's an unmitigated pos. -pokes it with her toe-
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my power keeps going out, and the room with the electric controls smells like fried electronics, it's getting harder and harder to turn everything back on, and the two electricians we used don't wanna take responsibility for anything.

Oh, and we have waterborne heat, which means we have pipes of water running through all major floors. With it being -13 and windy outside, we can't really leave the house in fear that it's all gonna burst from ice in the pipes.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate? The goddamn ice levels on Patapon 2. 'Oh whats that? You dont want your troops to be frozen midbattle and be slaughtered? Well FUCK YOU!' It wouldn't be so bad if the items to make ice resistant troops weren't so rare.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate "Last Christmas." Yes, I've said it a dozen times, but I really can't stress enough how much I want to hate fuck that song's parents while it watches, bound to a chair.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate games where a bout of randomly generated bad luck can screw you over. I'm looking at you, Irisu Syndrome.
Re: Hate Thread

haha it's hard to like anything by wham, rule.
Re: Hate Thread

I need a new place to hang out and casually chat, but it's such a pain to find a place I like.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck the cold weather, and fuck my job

That's all
Re: Hate Thread

Fucking goblin ambushers. Not a moment after my champions slaughter the first bunch did a second bunch appear right next to my fort entrance and butcher most of my hunters and take out my only woodcutter. It then proceeded to use my own axe against my other dwarves. Luckily my champions rushed in before there was any other casualties. Though now I need to assign one of my carpenters as a logger.
Re: Hate Thread

haha it's hard to like anything by wham, rule.

Actually, I think I made some progress in finding out just what it is that bugs me that much. I think the song is, for me at least, the incarnation of the commercialization of Christmas. It's plastic cookie cutter bullshit, just like all that bauble you can get in supermarkets and spread around your house so you can look like the most massive fuckwad in the neighborhood.
(Steel cookie cutters are where it's at, by the way.)
Re: Hate Thread

It's cold enough outside that breathing in deeply causes the tooth I had drilled a few weeks ago to hurt x.x
Re: Hate Thread

he's just saying that cos i make so much fun of him for being a horn dog.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people with a medical condition not caring for it at the first signs, then when they realize something's up become such a headcase about it they mantra themselves into full on trouble.

And I also hate dumbasses that decide that even if they know the limits of the person better then you, act like a prat while you're busy trying to keep them alive.

And on that note I'm going to play violent video games to get my flustration and adrenaline out. Watch your warning signs, those with ashma x,x
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the argument that no proof of a god must prove theres no god. I believe in safety and atheists are the ones who are playing fools with chance.

Also I'm an atheist
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the argument that no proof of a god must prove theres no god. I believe in safety and atheists are the ones who are playing fools with chance.

Also I'm an atheist

To add to your point Toxic, it is impossible to through life without chance. There is chance in everything that happens in life.