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Hana Maru

Re: Hana Maru

I meant after you stab him 37 times in the chest. I always thought he was a tree monster rather than a rock monster. I reached a point where there is a cutscene where both his eyes are scarred after the knife fight, and then I cannot get past him.
Re: Hana Maru

I meant after you stab him 37 times in the chest. I always thought he was a tree monster rather than a rock monster. I reached a point where there is a cutscene where both his eyes are scarred after the knife fight, and then I cannot get past him.

that's my problem aswell >.>" [can't get past him lol :D]
Re: Hana Maru

anyone know how to cheat money in hana circle?, the game is too hard for someone who want to only enjoy game like me...
also, this game doesn't have save function? I finished the first map and got to buy item from the sister, but after i quit and reopen the game, i have to redo the first map :|
Re: Hana Maru

I could easily upload the full version for you to download if you guys wanted, it just wouldn't do you any good until someone cracks the DLSite DRM, and that is what you should be more focused on asking for.
Re: Hana Maru

how about uploading the .swf files that have the game overs in them? or even just pictures of them?
Re: Hana Maru

Ayumi already tried decompiling them, without success, and the .swfs don't load if viewed externally. I can do screencaps but I'd prefer to get everything first to prevent having to do multiple takes.
Re: Hana Maru

how about uploading the .swf files that have the game overs in them? or even just pictures of them?

It's been tried; the DRM prevents SWF tools such as Decompilers or even just Flash players from opening the files via corruption. It seems likely that the swfs were made to require certain files provided by the DRM system in order to run properly.
Re: Hana Maru

People have cracked drm protected games before. I honestly have no clue how they did it or if drm has been updated since then but a few games on the dlsite were cracked so don't lose hope on this game.
Re: Hana Maru

Does drm allow video capturing software? (fraps, etc...) If so, then perhaps a fine gentleman here can make a game-over rape collage?
Re: Hana Maru

Even if the DRM itself attempts to interfere with screenshot and video capturing software (some have been known to do just that, believe it or not), it should still be possible to bypass those restrictions by running the game on a virtual machine.
Re: Hana Maru

Now all we need is someone who's smart enough to bypass the DRM but "dumb" enough to pay them 30$ for the privilege to do so AND doesn't mind that their work would enable others not to have to pay that same fee. Great.
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Re: Hana Maru

There is no DRM preventing me from recording it or taking screencaps and to label it as "dumb, regardless of quotes, to toss Noisy Crown some money for a game they spent 5-6 years developing, offering the bulk of the content openly throughout that time, is a bit much. I agree it's more than I would have liked to pay for it but, considering I didn't pay for the CG collection they put out, it works out still.
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Re: Hana Maru

Need Help [Not Sure If This Is The Right Place To Post]
I Have Past Several Stages And Now Im Confused After This Event.
After I Met A Lady,Where Should I Go Next?
Quite Confusing But Endless Entertainment XD

Re: Hana Maru

The idea put forth on the forum here was that you needed a few keys from the bug at the start of that act but someone over at Hongfire said the trigger is actually using your affection power on 4 of the red plants from the previous screen. Try both, *shrug*. I probably tripped the latter while coming back from the former.
Re: Hana Maru

i got 2 but where another 2?
i have pink key.What it does?
Re: Hana Maru

The dream puzzle: If you use the fruit (Grapes I think? Can't recall off the top of my head) you get at the start of that section, you'll notice that one of the mirrors has a key glowing in it. If you go to the cloud section and attempt to pick up an item in that same location as the mirrors, you will get a key.
Re: Hana Maru

im confused at green guy..what should i do?
he keep attacking me..just can avoid and cannot attack him.
Thank you from before,i managed to get 4 red flowers [blinking]

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