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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

if anyone wants to add me i'm risokyo referal code: df34d0
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, yay I've gotten permission to post. And what's the first thing I'm going to do?

Whine about the drop rate for Jeanne because, god damn, I've been through 9-5 for the past two days without a single Jeanne drop. Also whine a bit about the massive costs in unlocking unit slots. To unlock my ninth (I'm trying to get 8th right now), I'm probably going to need to dump like 1.5 mil. :(

Huh. I forgot the wiki existed.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

well derp. i've been absent from the forum for some days.

got this some days ago


i had to retreat from stage 16 because last year i've spent 55 levels to get her all my pent up frustration. but some days ago i got her by using 80 ST. talk about delayed effort reward

Guan Yu:
My answer still remains the same. Pound for pound, one on one, I'll eat my keyboard if another R girl on her own (barring the newest two) can beat Guan Yu based on what we've got. Ergo, given your limited pool of people (only 15 on the field) she is by far a great choice for people to have especially if you don't have costly but powerful SRs like Comet, Realizer, Ghengis and the like.

I admit that it is probable that a maxed out White-Black or similar will probably be better than Guan Yu at max level, but you can't say that for certain - it'll take a lot of testing since those cards are rare in the first place. White Black has a resummon cost of 75 seconds and a cost of 500+. Santa, True Nobunaga, Dharma Yuki etc are more or less similarly costed. Clearly they're on different tiers. I'm not arguing about that. The only character who is similar to her is Hybrider and maybe Space Sheriff, but you can stack Hybrider and Guan Yu much easier than her, and that opens up a whole different can of worms.

Ergo, my assessment is as following, assuming a single copy is played. Some characters gets hilariously overpowered when played in multiple copies (Y-Poola), I'm still testing mine.

- Great AoE damage. Giant spike potential due to inherent skill and high base damage.
- Second fastest thing in the game tied with Sarutobi. If they kill her she gets back up the battlefield faster than most of your Rs.
- Ok attack speed - run of the mill melee attack speed. I have no idea where you're getting the animation problem from, because if you see that as a problem then every character that's not Sapphire will have the same problem.
- Durability far above average. I can't comment on hitbox because I'm still testing that, but she eats arrows for the team and still does her thing. Melee targeting is moot because if it's AoE all your characters are getting hit. If they hit her that's less damage to your squishier characters, and she can take a lot more punishment than Oda (who's basically my metric to measure against for a non-special melee character).

In a nutshell: you get the quality that you're paying for. Expensive, but once you've established lines and begins to hit the limits on characters, you'll be glad to keep at least one copy of her around. She's not as tanky as Ghengis-chan, FYI. That's not really her job, I think. If you let her eat focus fire she'll still go down like anyone else.

On the wiki:

With the exception of troll edits of droprates (such as someone putting rare ticket as Caesar's drops, that wiki is pretty much more accurate than our testing here and corrections happen pretty rapidly (especially in the recent months). Their ネトゲ廃人 blows our WoW addicts out of the water, and I had a fair number of those being the floor mom during undergrad.


Hybrider doesn't have a crit bonus in the same way as Revoica. Read their profiles in-game and see for yourself. She has high damage because she was an early release in terms of character, and in my opinion her biggest advantage over other characters is her giant hitbox.

It's natural in these kind of games that characters become more and more powerful as the game increases, which is unfortunate, as I like the designs of a lot of the earlier characters.

lol it's just not the right time for any stronger girl than kanu to appeared, attack wise. well nope i dont recommend her by the fact that her rarity is so high only few peoples have her here. people can always use recommended girls in the first post that's more than enough to deal with any situations.

i can say for certain that SR outclass R in one thing or another aside the obvious fact that SR has higher level than R. indeed White Black is a rare card. i welcome anyone who has her can test it out.

no comment for Y-Poola. i dont like her special skill much. there's been a lot of Y-Poola appeared as player reinforcement. they teleported and eat all the shit delivered from the mobs they didnt last long. there is good thing in walking than teleporting. when walking, a faster but late summoned girls can catch up with others along the way, lining them in one line. lining is important as it's the basic of how Wall Team works. uhh.. no Y-Poola attacks single target. nope, she's not to be called "Fastest" since she teleports. if you say she's faster when walking, well she's not any faster than Yoshitsune. dunno about attack speed but durability wise i saw that she's not far above average. she's just average as i saw her gets kicked from some enemy attacks after eating two times of critical hits. note that i'm not going to test her since i hardly has room for her in my team. this is based on my observation with player reinforcements that has been summoning Y-Poola way too often than the rest of the people in my list

nope not really. there is Akeno who comes with low cost but she herself isnt as low as her cost as she's currently the best wall for N also worked really well in Hell Mode. yes Kanu isnt as tanky as Genghis. i already said Kanu's defense is pretty meh for her cost. basically her cost equal to her damage. obvious enough because it's all she can boast about.

they still did the troll. the wiki puts anything that any players gives including the bug with Un=known's loot image not showing but available in the girl's storage. nope, you cant say wiki is more accurate in girls testing. pretty obvious that the wiki lists girl and their abilities. we're here, especially me, tests how girls gets along with the others. wiki doesnt have list of girls compatible with others (excluding Friendly Buff). wiki i'm not going to read girls stats on wiki as google translate might mislead me. the only thing that i care on the wiki is only drop lists but it's not accurate because some trolls are being troll

really, your comparison isnt fair. Revoica holds the highest critical rate among all R. i can also say Hybrider movement is better than Revoica because she's the fastest girl. nope her damage is big is not because she's early girls, but because she's made to be the big damage dealer. she still remained being one of the biggest damage dealer in the game.

sure a lot of newcomers gets stronger but so does the old ones gets buffed up as well
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Prima99 Is it normal or hell stage that you got SR?

Well you guy are so lucky. I'm really hate my luck cause' I got 4 tamaki form 6 rare gacha spin .... so cruel.

TwT wanna cry .
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hell Mode has no drops atm other than the first time you beat the final stage for a RR gacha ticket. Bosses drop from the final stage of their map ex: x-6.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Is it just me or do you only get drops before you fight the boss the 1st time and not after you fail when you are farming a lvl?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Is it just me or do you only get drops before you fight the boss the 1st time and not after you fail when you are farming a lvl?

You can only receive drops in the first minutes of any stage. The card drop is determined when the girl is spawned, not when you kill it.

There are some long range girls in the back that spawned in the beginning, and you killed them after 10 mins of starting the stage. You can receive card from them as they spawned within the limit (currently unknown)

There are some long range girls in the back that just spawned after 10 mins. These girls you cannot receive cards for as they spawned after the limit.

Also, I'm pretty sure they nerfed rare card drop rates, have not been getting the midrange girl from 18-6 for awhile now
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Also, I'm pretty sure they nerfed rare card drop rates, have not been getting the midrange girl from 18-6 for awhile now

2nd this. I haven't been getting hardly any R cards from drops, they used to be somewhat common. Pretty disappointing but I guess I don't really have any need for them anyways now.

All I've been running is Revocia's stage for weeks now and I don't even find Asmodeus anymore. I used to get one every few runs. It's like they made the common R drops as rare as the rare R drops used to be (Elfella, Jean, etc).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Eh, I think ally testing is best reserved for characters with big costs. Y-Poola's obviously not going to be as useful on her own. But you could say the same about Revoica or Sarutobi, both of which are amazing when ran in multiple copies due to the sheer volume you can pump out. I don't have multiple Revoicas, but I do have multiple Sarutobis, which is what I'm playing with now.

There's been no announcement formally about the adjustment of drop rates. I'd echo everyone's opinions, but I don't think I play enough rounds to notice a significant difference one way or the other. Though have been complaining about drop rates. Pay particular attention to the numbers and they get hilarious. One guy got defensive enough to actually post an RP total (which is ~100k or so?) Though the general consensus of a conspiracy seems to be: drop rates reduced in order to bait people into spending money.


Picture above is from some poster on 2ch. Gives you an idea of how hardcore some of these people are.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Eh, I think ally testing is best reserved for characters with big costs. Y-Poola's obviously not going to be as useful on her own. But you could say the same about Revoica or Sarutobi, both of which are amazing when ran in multiple copies due to the sheer volume you can pump out. I don't have multiple Revoicas, but I do have multiple Sarutobis, which is what I'm playing with now.

There's been no announcement formally about the adjustment of drop rates. Though have been complaining about drop rates. Pay particular attention to the numbers and they get hilarious. One guy got defensive enough to actually post an RP total (which is ~100k or so?) Though the general consensus of a conspiracy seems to be: drop rates reduced in order to bait people into spending money.


Picture above is from some poster on 2ch. Gives you an idea of how hardcore some of these people are.

I'm not big on conspiracies, as much fun as they can be to joke around about, but the drop rate really does seem a lot lower. I mean most of us do hundreds of runs a week, so it actually has some weight behind it anyways when we all start feeling like they lowered.

Pretty normal business strategy, start off with high drop rates, strong characters, etc. Eventually you add new characters that are either much stronger than the old characters to make people want them, or they just nerf all the older characters. Next you lower the drop rates of rare things...etc, etc.

I'm sure most online f2p games do this to try to get people to cash up. Man I wish I knew to test drop rates before this started happening. I don't like not having evidence.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Wait, how does RP gotten from friends work? Is it you can only receive RP from someone once until you "collect" it?

eg. friend A summons B for 10
friend A summons B for 10

friend B only receives 10 because he did not "collect" it before the second summon
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ack, too many friends, I feel like I'm drowning in invites. I'm sorry guys if I don't accept, nothing personal but my list is maxed with all very active people already. If any go inactive for 3-4 days or more I remove them, so I can add you later. I don't know where all these new players are coming from. Everybody really wants RP all of a sudden, I wonder why.

Wait, how does RP gotten from friends work? Is it you can only receive RP from someone once until you "collect" it?

eg. friend A summons B for 10
friend A summons B for 10

friend B only receives 10 because he did not "collect" it before the second summon

Nah, I think it's cumulative, or that guy could have had that much RP waiting for him when he logged in. I know I usually have a couple thousand RP when I just wake up that is over my 41 friend limit (Just had 43 and 2k waiting for me right now).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What we know for sure is that rare drops have no indicator at all - I've (and I think we've all) had ST restores and R+s drop without a green item card and special R cards without a red color. Devs have been remarkably silent on this matter, and a poster has pointed out that we still don't know if rushing a stage is the optimal way to farm for something.

The only thing I know is that spawns appear to be pre-determined with several "algorithms" in mind, if you want to call it that. Take Ann, for instance. She starts (for me) blade-mook-bazooka-bazooka-blade-mook consistently (I don't summon anything until they cross over to about Elfella range), but the frequency of how often she summons Ultimaya and SSG (which always appears in pairs for me) is highly variable. I've taken to actually farm out stages where she spawns them every ~5 seconds or so, and just blitzing through the others.

And given that we don't even know if there's an item limit
, I think it's basically a crapshoot at this point.

@Tiger: You collect RP after the stage is completed. Refresh your screen. For that guy to build up so many points it's basically very frequent plays by his friends or that he's got a popular ally girl (Sixth Heaven, Hajune, anything high cost).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

And given that we don't even know if there's an item limit
, I think it's basically a crapshoot at this point.

@Tiger: You collect RP after the stage is completed. Refresh your screen. For that guy to build up so many points it's basically very frequent plays by his friends or that he's got a popular ally girl (Sixth Heaven, Hajune, anything high cost).

Wait what. There was totally a 10 item limit at one point (Or so it certainly seemed). Is that your screenshot? Because I'd almost call bs on it. By the hentai gods, what is happening to this game?! I mean I've farmed stages for nearly up to an hour many times testing drops and I've never gotten more than 10 during those times, or all the hundreds of times I've just farmed stages for like 15 minutes.

Maybe they changed it so farming a stage is more important than rushing, or maybe it always was. I've just been rushing for quite a while because I got bored of farming stages for coins. Who knows.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hunh he must have extremely active friends - I get about 1-2k every 7-8h. Can't even phantom getting 81k in a day/time period, that's so many RR tickets
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics


Might be good to believe BSer like myself every now and then, mhm? ;) You've got my word. Now you've got screenshots. What you do with the evidence is up to you. :p
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics


Might be good to believe BSer like myself every now and then, mhm? ;) You've got my word. Now you've got screenshots. What you do with the evidence is up to you. :p

Never said you BSed anything, in fact, I take everything you say as truth as you can read Jap/the forums lol
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

There's been no announcement formally about the adjustment of drop rates. I'd echo everyone's opinions, but I don't think I play enough rounds to notice a significant difference one way or the other. Though have been complaining about drop rates. Pay particular attention to the numbers and they get hilarious. One guy got defensive enough to actually post an RP total (which is ~100k or so?) Though the general consensus of a conspiracy seems to be: drop rates reduced in order to bait people into spending money.


Picture above is from some poster on 2ch. Gives you an idea of how hardcore some of these people are.

i'm not convinced about they lowering drop rates. if anything that is all purely because of luck. i'm saying this based on the fact that i FINALLY obtained 6th Heaven Nobunaga just few days ago after the updates, where i was like farming her in 55 levels straight but she's not showing up until now. same case with the way i obtained Hajune which i farmed in weeks (i've been farming her ever since she's introduced. probably more than a week). there's no proof enough to say that they're lowering the drop rates. i'm still getting R the normal way in 18-6 and sometimes R Extensions, though very rare

about that pic, you know you can backup your main account by making Alts. i'm going to do it too since it's not hurt to try it, and they didnt say anything about banning people helping their own account otherwise that guy who gets 100K RP is pretty much just BS, unless he's not logging in more than some days. hell, even if he AFKed for too long i still dont believe that he's getting that much of RP, since you have to summoned by others to get RP while chance of you getting summoned among all your friends are really random


SR, as of now only dropped in normal stages and that's limited to boss cards. no confirmation about SR mob cards in normal mode so until then you can just focus on getting those SR boss cards


WTH!?? wow, how can you get that many items man?? never in my life i've farmed that many loots before..

one more thing. did you guys get more than one Rare Ticket during the event? i remembered getting 6 Rare Tickets plus 1 from the daily login campaign before (though i cant back this up because i forgot to save the pic) but it's true. i was kicking out 6 inactive players out of my lists and all of them have maxed out brother points. is it happened to you guys all?
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So out of all the early players, seems I'm the only one stuck farming for Sixth, lul. :mad:

Anyhow, game sure changed a lot with the recent updates. Bummer how the new cards were gacha exclusive though.