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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff looked at Rikke contemplating a bit "I will offer my services to them at a discount untill the crisis is over at lest then maybe we can work out a actual deal." That was probably as good as Rikke was going to get from Gruff. "Well I should get going guys." It was Kat speaking as she rose from her chair. "After all I should call it a night if Im going to have company tomorrow." She looked right at Gruff being incredibly cute and Rikke could see that the grumpy smith was slowly warming to her. "Ill walk you home Kat its not safe at night." The Kat girl almost squealed in joy but managed to hold it in which only made Rikke smile.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beamed a smile at the catgirl, even if she wasn't a matchmaker by trade sometimes she surprises herself "Thank you so much for the food and company you two. Maybe next time we'll drop by under much more relaxed conditions. Another picnic maybe?" the heroine winked slyly and would hug Kat warmly and wave good bye to the blacksmith. It was time they headed back to camp... hopefully Sylphie behaved.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls and Willow said goodbye to Gruff and Kat before heading out themselves. It looked like those two would make it though there was plenty that could still go wrong. "So Rikke what do you think will happen to the kids once Rune becomes Lord Mayor or would it be Mayoress..... humph." Jess looked lost in thought about what Rune's title would be and Rikke noticed how cute she was when flustered. She began to chime in when she heard Willow start to growl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well~ It's Rune and Rhea afterall, my guess is they'll receive anonymous care packages in the smithy and just live out whichever life they choose a comfortable simple or as nobles" the heroine smiled warmly at her companion "Yes it's Mayor no matter the gender... though she's a wee bit young to be mayor... more importantly we should start thinking where will we have our golden statues place. I'm thinking I'll strike a very provocative pose, just to really upset those that are uptight for that sort of thing..." the rogue giggled lightly, but was cut off aswell by Willows growl.

"Willow? What is it boy?" the pup rarely growled... what could've caused this?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Perception: 48 vs 39,40 success
Jess Perception: 23 vs 39,40 fail

It was dark and Jess looked all around for what could have caused willow so much distress. In fact it looked like Jess was a little paranoid as her borrowed blades left the scabbard rather quickly after the growl. Rikke however got a strange shiver up her spine and instantly saw the two figures near invisible on a nearby roof. Their shape and form reminded Rikke of an all to nasty fellow she once met at the Pesli manor. Noticing that they had been spotted the two creatures launched their attack both aiming for Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"JESS! SEVE-KIN! UP ABOVE!" Rikke shoved her companion aside and quickly prepared herself to intercept the creatures, they were heading for her, best to make sure they don't accidentally graze Jess and get some room to dodge. Drawing beauty from it's scabbard at lightning speed and finding her footing to dodge the incoming attacks!

Full defense +30 dodge. GOOD LUCK hunters ;P
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stalker 1 attacks 34 vs 88 miss
Stalker 2 attacks 39 vs 88 miss
Rikke full defense
Jess attempts to burn them bc is auto success 33 vs 55 miss!

Rikke easily dodge the blows headed her way and was thankful that she had spotted the enemies after all she still remembered what happened to her last time one of these things got their claws into her. Jess unleashed a fire bolt at the creatures but due to her surprise it was far off course impacting harmlessly into a wall. Squinting their reptilian like eyes the foul things then ran off.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"After them!" if they're lucky... or unlucky the two scouts would lead the girls to their lair or their master. At worst catching one alive may prove VERY usefull, afterall Rhea no doubt has quite the expert to make everyone chatty.... whether they like it or not.

Chase the stalkers!
Mere stalkers? Really? Pff :D
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ran after the two stalkers making sure to keep them insight what she didn't notice was how far she was out pacing Jess. It seemed the stalkers where running threw narrow ally ways and several times Rikke lost sight of them only to catch a fleeting glimpse as she rounded a corner in these dark narrow streets.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just needed to follow them to the location, nothing more. The heroine decided to continue her pursuit even if Jessica couldn't catch up, this information may prove invalueble!

Rikke continued to chase them, her agility easily on par with the creatures and more. Hopefully there would be a clearing she could follow the creatures across and into some building... they weren't smart enough to lead her into a trap... were they?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Perception: 47 vs 34, 48 fail vs 1
Stalker 3 attacks 32 vs 58 miss
Stalker 4 attacks auto hit sneak attack 53 (58-5a) damage Rikke's armor is at 11/30 tp

Rikke ran forward intent on her goal leaving her ally behind. There was no way the sev-kin could be plotting an ambush they where to stupid. Satisfied with that thought Rikke almost didn't notice the claws swiping at her face. Dodging that blow Rikke was caught by another unseen strike that severed the strap of her backpack spilling the contents as well as Willow out. Blood dripped down her arm from the strike and Rikke could see the two stalkers she had been chasing creep back out of the shadows further down the ally way she was in trouble.


Rikke: 9/62 hp 45/45 ep 45/45 pp
Jess: 51/51 hp 30/38 ep 43/43 pp
Willow: wounded
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"AAH-ha~!!" Rikke spun around form the impact, but quickly got her footing. The claws did their damage tearing up the girls armor and leaving a substantial wound another blow and she may be disabled from combat... Well who was the stupid one now... Rikke tightened the grip on her blade. Four on one, this was bad... but in proper combat she should have the upper hand "W-Willow RUN! Find Jessica! NOW!" the girls tone let the pup know this was not a question or a favor, he was to comply.

"Alright you creeps, time to show you who's the pray here." the heroine turned her blade on it's side, giving the creatures a impossing gleam from her silver blade "Well you have me, come and get me" Rikke eyes sharpened as she awaited the creatures attacks!

Defensive stance! +10dodge; Free attack on dodge!

Unless Willow is in deadly danger, then lightning strikes[kill and move on]! and pray...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stalker 3 attacks using sudden strike!:
Rikke perception vs Stealth 33 vs 50 fail auto attack hit sneak attack 51 damage (56-5a) armor at -7/30tp
The raspy voices of the stalkers reached Rikke's ears it was almost if they where laughing at her. Readying her self Rikke moved to intercept a blow that proved to be a faint and then her world went black.


Rikke awoke later sour but seemingly healed to full however one nasty surprised was how bound she was. Iron chains and manacles as well as ropes and collar chained to a wall. It seemed her captors where taking no chances with her escaping.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke woozily woke up and tried to move her hand, suddenly feeling the fairly cold steel and ropes holding her! AGAIN?! The same trick worked on the girl once more! "No... no no no no....!" Rikke strugled against her bindings not to much hope... she caught! And this time it wasn't just a simple rope holding her in place.

Rikke would quickly look around and try to see what she can... This was very very bad, she needed to slip out of this somehow!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Calming herself enough to get a grip on the situation Rikke found she was in a stone room without windows. Metal cage walls surrounded her which clearly identified her location as some sort of prison or at lest cell. The next thing she noticed was her lack of clothing. She was wearing the tattered remains of her undershirt and pants but not her boots. A large bandage was on her right shoulder where the blow had landed but it seemed a left over to staunch the bleeding till proper magical healing had taken place. Who ever captured her wanted her in good condition at lest. Iron manacles bound her wrists behind her behind her back while simple ropes tied her feet and legs together. An unfamiliar metal sensation around her neck hinted to Rikke that she was also chained to the wall. A messy pile of straw lay in a corner with little else to hold off any chill that may enter down here. Worst of all she looked to be alone no jailer or other prisoners seemed present.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Whoever secured her made double sure she wouldn't just slip out of her bindings. The lack of any jailor meant Rikke couldn't even bargain for her freedom or manipulate anyone into atleast freeing he rup. She was stuck like this... still her wound didn't even ache, whoever had her took great care to make sure she was in good form. The thing is... why?

Nevertheless, Rikke lightly struggled against her bindings making sure one of them wasn't more loose than other or if there was even a hitn of possible escape. Otherwise she had to hope Willow and Jessica would be able to follow her scent. She was helpless.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wriggled and squirmed managing to free her legs and feet from the bindings. Looking down she saw these where hap hazard knots probably only meant to keep her legs from flopping around while she was carried where ever. Free to stand up and move around a little Rikke got the proper view of her surroundings. She indeed was in a cage but it looked like it was an addition to the room as 5 others she could now see from her position. Each was separated by fairly large area. Pondering a moment Rikke realized with a sudden sinking feeling in her gut that she was in a warehouse that used to deal with the slave trade. Her thoughts where interrupted however when a door at the far end from her location opened and a large cloaked figure lead a much smaller figure to the cell next to her. Roughly pushing the person in and locking the door the guard left ignoring any calls or insults that where flung his way by her or the new prisoner.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke squirmed a moment, vigorously working on the only bindings she could potentially remove - her leg bindings. After some effort it was indeed a successful affair, now atleast she could freely, but her hands remained cuffed making any advanced actions difficult to pull off. Still now aleast she could take a look around where the heck she was.

Rikke peeked out of her cell only to come to a chilling realisation - it was a slavers warehouse. She couldn't make out whether the other cells had any residents, but stil tried calling out to someone. However whatever response could've come was quickly interupted when two figures entered the warehouse.

She silently eyed the two figures, it was hard to make out any definitive features due to their cloaked appearances. Though soon it seemed Rikke would have company in her cell "T-thank you for healing me. Now could you please free me?" whoever it was, throwing insults will only get her deeper into this mess, better keep on whoever it was that kept her good side. Maybe they will be more relaxed around her... either way she was just left with likely the jailer absolutely ignoring her and leaving off a present in the next cell. The heroine remained silent as a mouse after that waiting till the jailor left. Chances were he/she/it just delivered another girl to a new cell.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hazarding a peek at the new arrival Rikke could make out a vague resemblance as if she had seen this person before. It was a woman with shiny black hair that was rather short almost in a men's cut. She had prominent DDs that rivaled Rikke's own and wore rather fine cloths. It looked as if the woman had been crying and Rikke could smell the odor of semen wafting off her. It smelled like she had been used recently.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That poor girl... "Psst... Hey... Hey~" Rikke called out to the woman in a as nice tone as she possibly could "Over here." the rogue gently hit her hand shackles against the cell "Hey, whats your name?"