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A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hsienko fights furiously and desperately to try to take defeat the two non-charmed monsters, so she can take advantage of the giant's stunned state to Sharon and run, at least until the shadow using woman can get back to her senses and able to fight for herself or aid the others again. The naga continues to lead and order the two charmed creatures to attack one of the larger ones together, trying to deal the maximum amount of damage to it as possible; while She continues to swipe her fearsome claws at the other.

(Continue the attack until both large creatures are dead. Hsienko is ordering her thralls to attack the other large monster, while Hsienko deals with the other one.)
Re: Hisien-ko (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

HP = 56-52, PP = 47, EP = 5 , Status = fine

too much rolls, i will skip

Hisien-ko fight with all her spirit and body, giving potent attacks using her deadly claws. However the big monsters have a great endurace and easily they continue fighting even when the charm creatures fight hard to defend the corrupted naga. Sharon get up and join the fight even when her body remain in an arousal state.

The minutes passed and soon the charm monsters fall close a wounded Hisien-ko, she was close to be beaten and raped by the remain giant creature when Sharon use her reserve power and ended the fight. Just then they notice the place without any mist remain, certainly all the others had escaped leaving them alone with only the two girls who were sleeping in the broken tent.

Hisien-ko can take them to a safe place or find a safe place to pass the night, she can see than Sharon has used nearly all her power in this fight and her two charmed creatures are dead.

[10 exp]
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"........" Hsienko stood there breathing heavily, panting, and still barely running on simply adrenaline alone, she looked around to see the reamins of the large monsters, her thralls, and the gaint flying creature spread out along the ground and the nearly exhausted an passe out Sharon, she forced her self to calm down before slithering over to Sharon and nudging her friend, "Sharon.....? Are you alright? Can you stand? I think we have we driven off the majority of the invaders... for now... I know there are still two women left in the tent, but do you think there may be others left? Monsters or villagers? It looks like all others had fled. Do you think we should search through rest of village once we have rested enough?"
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Sharon looks to really need a rest and a shower, her slime covered body is only at her feet for her will to dont show any weakness to this foraign.

Indeed, we had ended our part, help me to wake them up and then we will look for the others. The shadow girl walk slowly toward the nearly broken tent, there the two girls are sleeping peacefully, however Sharon and Hisien-ko dont have the time to wait them to wake up. Soon Sharon get down and shake them until they recover the coinciest.

W...wait... give me 5 minutes more mom...

Im not your mom, now wake up or i will slap you until you have a pretty blush on your cheeks.

The girl suddenly remember the voice and fully awake. Sharon!? W...what happened?

The shadow woman dont have the time to talk the whole story and continue her work waking up the other girl until she awake, this time giving her a moderated slap, making her whimper and fully wake up


Ok both are fine, lets move and look for the others, as i cant see any other monster around this place.

Now with two girls close them, Hisien-ko must give her opinion about their chices, as they are still wake, but the others could need their help.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hsien-ko thought that maybe Sharon was being too rough with the sleeping women, but realized that they must make haste less more invaders make their way to the small village they had just been driven off from. "Are you two okay?" she asked, not wanting to come off as completely uncaring, "If so, I agree with Sharon. We must not waste any time, and look through what is left of the village to see if there any more survivors about. If so, we need to find any stragglers and make way to where all the others had fled to and do what we can to help them recover and if possible, restore any and all damage the aliens have done. Once all is done, me and Lily will make way elsewhere. We have caused you too much trouble as is. We thank you for your help though, truly." She finishes as she helps the other two women to their feet before heading out of the ruined tent to search the village for any others.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Both girls whimper before get up and follow them. W...what just happened, where is my family!? said the slaped one who Hisien-ko remember as the woman who had help them at the first battle, she looks to be completely amazed by the destruction of her little town and if not were for Sharon who stop her, she would be running everywhere trying to find her lover ones without know exactly the result of the battle.

Calm down, im sure than all are fine in a safe place. It take some moments to the woman to stop struggling and once all were fine, they started to look around for anyone else. The search was long and nearly when they were losing the hope, they finally notice someone waiting for them. The elf soldier who had tried to protect Hisien-ko rested in what looks to be the remains of the chief house, she looks to be wounded slighty and cleaning herself of the slime, as she see them, blushing and stoping to instintively caress her ample breasts, ashamed she turn to a side for a moment before take the remain of the blanket where the nearly mindless woman was resting.

Some feets away Lily remain uncouncious and the nearly broken woman stay over her licking the alien substances over and inside her like if were a bless. Soon the townwomen start to talk with the elf woman who sigh before answer. All the others had leave this town, they asked me to go with them and take these girls with us, but i decided than we cant stay with them, maybe we should just survive alone and find a best place to live until all this calm down, im sure than these creatures cant be worse than the demons... right?

Very well, im sure than i could talk with all and allow all of you to stay with us, but if you really want to leave then at least we should helpyou to guide you to a safe place. Ended Sharon before turn to Hisien-ko.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"I am so very sorry for all the trouble and pain that has come onto you people. It was never my intention to bring those monsters to your home. We just barely avoided the destruction of our home and were captured by them. All we wanted was to escape the fiends and find some new place to live in peace once more like we did before they attacked. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive Lily and me for what has happened here. I understand if you dont wish for us to be with you. If you can find some abandoned temple or cave or similar shelter where we can live happily and peaceful, we will leave you to rebuild somewhere by yourselves and where you will hopefully not have to worry about the aliens like you did with us again." Hsienko said sadly as she housted Lily up onto her shoulder and helped carry her Alurane friend out of the building awaiting to see what the others would do.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Sharon stay waitning until Hisien-ko ended to talk, giving a frown after she end and pressing her hand on the naga shoulder and pushing her slighty away.

Of course than it was not your intention, but it happened and yes maybe you will need to look for a better place yet... if you want you could try to visit us after a while when all get calmed She said a little angry but more likely pissed by how suddenly Hisien-ko start to talk of just give up and just hide forgeting her people and past, in some way making the same as then after being corrupted.

Lita stay resting a little more, as the elf still is very tired after the battle, Lily the alarune dont wake up as Hisien-ko lift her and the nearly broken winged girl just move away, pleading with her eyes for Hisien-ko tendrils as she lick her lips, the poor girl has lost a lot of her ownself, maybe she will never get recovered and her needs will be never sattled completely for any of the corrupted townspeople yet they could take care of her even when she really cant do more than pleasure them. Her fate was in the air and Hisien-ko could take her with her too, as Sharon dont looks to be interested in any of the four foraings to stay with them.

Far away is the river and you could take some of our tents, many are already damaged and we maybe will jsut live in a far place some months until decide where to live now, if you want someone could teleport you to other city, yet doubt than they could welcome some of you

I want to look for my family, but first we must looks for a safe place for hisien-ko and the others. Say Lita who maybe could have a normal ive even when the few corruptions on her.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

"I...... I just don't know..... I don't know what we should now.... Where.... Can we go? I dont know of many places thatd be too accepting to me and Lily now..... I think the only place that would be truly open to us would be Acheron. We would likely be chased or held off on the outskirts of most human settlements... I imagine the damned aliens have overtaken most of the major areas by now, even those open or accepting to mutants like myself. I just want to pick up the pieces and try to get what is left of my life back. I only managed to free lily and myself here last time.... I.... Honestly fear that any ofmy family or friends who didnt escape may have been corrupted or broken to the point of no return like the little one here," she said noddng to the winged girl who was still beggng for her tentacles, "Maybe...... If any Gods be willing..... Once I can find a place to settle down, I may be able to find some who can help me free my other friends and family from them... But now I just need to find a place to live.... Sharon, have any of your people been to Amazonia or the Hidden Village therein? If so, you can please just teleport me and Lily there; as well as any others you may not wish to take. I will try to build them back up as well repair mine and Lily's lives too. I hope your people can get their lives back and rebuild and put the pieces back together from this with as little trouble and pain as possible. And maybe with time and the Gods be willing, we will meet again under better conditions and circumstances.... Thank you. For everything." She said solemnly as she awaited for the shadow girl to speak and see what she did.
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Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

The village girls stay hearing to Hisien-ko, even the concerned young mother looks to be amused by the poor life than Hishien-ko expect to had and could have in the future, no one is ready to just lost her family and all what they know in just a night. Even then Sharon remain as usual and just noded when Hishien-ko asked for someone who could take her there.

We have someone, i guess than it will pass a long time before we see each other again, try to dont et in troubles again. The shadow girl invite them to follow them, they would need to walk for a while until they could find any of the survivors if there was anyone.

After some stressing minutes they find the last hideout, well preserved and hard to find, there was the elder and many of the villagers, the young wife start to look for her family but Hisien-ko never know if they were there, as Sharon only give her some minutes to say goodbye to the nearly strangers than she had meet before the attack. The elder dont looks to be wounded or angry, neither the dragon kind and the others than follow her in the battle. Even then the dragon kind take her hand and take her with the others three girls to the remains of the village in a shinning light than take him away of them once the girls were ready to start theirs life in the nearly lifeless land.


Lita stay with them for some days, helping them to build a place where they could live, more a hideout than anything more n the outsides of the town, they were unable to live in peace, many monsters started to surround the dead city looking for easy food or any woman to take at theirs dark hideouts, Hisien-ko face from time to time some aliens, fortunately Lily was with her always, no body could walk alone and slowly the winged girl return to recover her mind, yet the wound remain there inside her mind, half broken and without any memory of who was her before the invasion, learning new things was also hard for her and she only learned the basic to defend herself or make a short talk, but she was the most skilled to make than hisien-ko and lily reach an orgasm, out of that she only could make easy tasks like cleaning or paint, even fly was hard for her and clumsy fail countless of times before manage to fly.

The plant girl worked hard to stay sane, she has been raped nearly as the winged girl, yet she maintain her councies and even with her high libido grow stronger until be able to talk with the enviroment once again. Buth as the time passed all get worse and close when the girls were lossing theirs hope Lita return them and take them to a safer place where they could live peacefully. Without think too much Hisien-ko take her posesions and with her friends she leave her home, her life and her hopes to save her family.

Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hsienko took what clothes left she could, her naginata, a sleeping roll and cloak and looked back at the smoking rubble that used to be her beautiful kungle village home hidden from harm. She had tried to rebuild her home and life from what had been destroyed by the aliens. Lily had seemed to recover about as well as could be expected. She had regained her ability to comminicate and work iwth nature once again. She looked back to her friends before saying, "it is best for us to start for Acheron early. As we will have some ways to travel to the demon city. That way we will be not out alone in the dark, where things can attack us. Thank you for working so hard on the house Lita you have been a good and faithful friend to us from the start. Will the winged girl be good to travel? If so we should begin to head to the city. Hopefully we will be welcomed by the desidens of that place and possibly find someone who can help us look for my friends and family and fight the aliens." She said as the troupe began marching out of the jungle to what will hopefully be their new home.

Upon arrival, Hsienko is immediately taken aback by the numerous glittering and glowing signs spread throughout the large city. Being a simple country bumpkin before the alien attack that had destroyed her home and Sharons village, she is unused to such granduer and splendor. The streets were filled with hundreds of denizens of various types of demons and mutated beings. They were all rushing back and fourth proceeding with some sort of business or other. A pink tint would appear on her cheecks as she would spot sex parlors, whore houses, sex shops, and other establishments dedicated to debauchery. While many people in her village had been exposed to ifferent forms of sex, it was another thing to see it solicited for profit in such a way. The hustle and bustle and glamour and glow of the lights spread out through the city was most disorienting, dizzying and overwhelming for the country girl amd she soon found her self lost in all of the lights noise and activity.
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Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Once Lita return to where Hisien-ko and the others had tried to recover theirs lives, the three mutated girls decide to leave this dammed land and try to find help from Acheron, trying to sattle her debt Lita the elf decide to take them in a carabane to the place ruled by demons and the gold. It passed some days where they faced the wild nature and corrupted beasts until finally they reach the doors of the city. There all could see many different kinds of humanoids, Hisien-ko finally could not feel as the more terrorific or weird creature, even some of the heavily mutated creatures were with something a little more than rags, armored guards stop them and check them before leave them pass, of course than Hisien-ko's group was so easy to check with so few posesions, but even then it take some time, more of it used by the guards to see the luscious body of the corrompted naga and the others two monstergirls at her side. Heather has been mute from always, sumise and without caring of her clothes, the winged girl remain close Lili using only a skimpy two piece outfit and some leather boots, giving only a small gasp when the guards touched her big feather wings. Lili was just nude with only some vines working as a bikini or clothe rope, from all Hisien-ko was the most covered, she could see many persons looking them with lust eyes, thanks to the guards they were safe this moment, but who know how much time this will be.

Once inside the city they were just more than lost, there were a lot of people and they dont had too much money to spend to live here. Lita still stay with them yet she said than she will leave tomorrow at the morning.

Well look at it, the big Archeron city. I dont know too much of this city and we have a few hours before the night fall, we could look for an hotel or any other place to rest, but also we could look around, it could be hard but you could try to find a job. Lita said trying to find a suited job for the three

I dunno all these people act so weird, they are looking at us with bad throughts. What kind of jobs do you think than we could do here? answer Lily a little scared

There are a lot of bet houses, hotels, pubs, a guild, restaurants and bad places like well... i dont need to say it. Lita end to say looking at the naughty bussines in front of them. At least Heather looks happy to see all this freedom on the city
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

Hsienko tolerated the lewd looks and long inspection of the guards as vest she could. When they were finally clear and in the city she turned to other two women listening to what they had to say befire speaking, "The guards seemed to keep us from trouble with other people for now, but the smartest thing to do would be to find a work. If we are going to get by in here let alone find people to help us fight the aliens, we will need money. First we should find work to buy hotel room to live in and clothes to cover us better to keep bad people off us. I suggest a bethouse or guild if we can. If we cant get work there then we see about employment in a pub or restaraunt." She said waiting for the others reply before moving further in the city.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

The choices werent too much for Hisien-ko and her group, they dont know more than rumors of the city and even the blonde elf looks to just know only a little more than them.

Lily nooded still scared and maybe wishing to get out of the town before something naughty happen to them, the Winged girl who they neamed Heater remain just looking at them, her nearly broken mind that time has made her forget how to act in a city, she just remain like always, dont caring at all than she is in a nearly nude state, she looks to enjoy showing herself to the others, over all her shining feathers and luscious body, as this looks to make the citizens happy.

Lets go then, but dont get lost, this city is really dangerous. The elf then guide them toward a bethouse, there werent too much real work and the persons in charge were trying to make the girls try to play and bet something in an attempt to earn money, Lita push them away not really trusting on them.

The guild manager dont looks to be expecting too much of Hisien-ko, he nearly said with polite words than they already have enought women for that kind of jobs and if they wanted to join, they more likely will have smaller jobs, than maybe they will enjoy, maybe in some weeks they could have a real mission, but that was not sure.

Finally they went to a pub, where a sucubuss manage the place, she looks to accept them easily and maybe they could get enough money to even live there, but they must follow some rules than could blush them with just read them.

The restaurant close a motel, even gives them free food and a room to sleep, but this is a really indecent work and they would have naughty works at the nights where they will get money yet they must give a part to the owner.


Bethouse.- possible not work there, a chance to get a bunch of money or lost something if they lost

Guild.- Small and maybe lewd jobs at the start, small earning at the beggining, but they get a small cash to rent a small room there for the three or even rent a bigger room, but with the time they could get allies and best missions

Pub.- Work as a waitress, more likely they could be used in more than a way there. High chances of sex with strangers, but they will have a safe room and some food, as also meet many people yet not all will be fighters

Motel-Restaurant.- Even worse than the last, more sex, more money and even naughty sex at nights, they could even be forced to sex if the manager could get too much money for that. Easy way to make relashionships with unknown persons.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

After looking through all work places with the others, Hseinko hunkered down on a seat somewhere outside, holding her chin in her hand in deep thought before turning to Lita and Lily, "Hrmmm, all things considered, I feel like we should try for the guild over all the others. Though with what small jobs and pay we will be getting from there for the time being, we might want to consider a side job. I would say possibly the bet-house or the pub. I think we should stay clear of the motel though, unless we want to end up whores. What do you think Lita and Lily?" She asked as turned to her two friends.
Re: A Lost Home (TentanariX) GMed by plmnko

The young plant woman frown and blush by the idea of being whores in this far land. Ehm, well, i could a really good job in a garden and i also learned to clean really well when we were together, but i dont want to fight any creature, it still make me get scared.

Lita place her hand on the allarune shoulder and shake softly her head. You dont need to fight anything if you work at the guild, unless you choice that kind of jobs, unfortunately no matter what you choice, the sex is a really usual work at this city, even the guild could have some kind of jobs related at that.

The plant girl frown and whimper as she decide, meanwhile Heather the winged woman looks to be looking very focused at the Pub, charmed by something inside it.

Anyway, i would get away of the bet-house, in that place the money is more important than the persons and theirs lifes. Also, you could get a lot of info at the pub, yet maybe the people going there will be a little naughty for my like, once all had got the needed to live here, i will leave to find my partners than must be here.

Lita ended to say, she get ready to guide them to the Guild and the Pub, but Celine could still decide something more or ask anything.