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[DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Oh shit I spawned one. I'm not sure I even have enough high level friends to kill it x.X *Desperately tries to add random high level players* lol. Sorry if I removed anybody from here, I was just taking off the lowest people to try to add high level randoms quickly. I don't think it was any of you unless you had jap names and were like level 10-15.

Keima fucked it up haha. Happy I finally spawned one.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, some of my friends' bosses die so fast it's too risky to wait for a recharge. Best to use a restore item before it's too late.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Glad I just got a bunch for rewards.

Also glad I'm online right now, everybody started spawning mega bosses out of nowhere. It'd be nice if there was a little check mark placed next to current fights if you've already attacked that boss once.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I just spawned one with 3m hp but sadly looks like it will disappear in 14 mins. Id is 12502301 if anyone wants.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I just spawned one with 3m hp but sadly looks like it will disappear in 14 mins. Id is 12502301 if anyone wants.

already I send you the request :)
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Dang, how did some of you get 300 kills already? I'm only at 28!

Also, where does everyone get candy from? Do I just have bad luck? Nothing but coins it seems like. Ugh
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Yeah, just luck from a lot of boss kills.

Although ultra bosses drop candy in bunches of 3, 5, 7, and 10 rather than 1, 3, and 5, so if you haven't gotten all you needed yet you'll get them in short order.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

I actually have some hope I can make 300 in time now. I got the R event girl and have like 33 into the SR girl. It'll be close. I could use some more high level friends spawning em. I thought I'd be far off, now I'll probably be just short of it. That'd suck to just miss her.

Oh snap, somebody said you need 300 candies but it's only 200 for the SR girl? Or is there a secret 100 afterwards? I could actually make 200 I think o.o It better not troll me.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

300 is number of ultra boss kills you need for the succubus card, the 200-candy SR is the last candy reward.
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

300 is number of ultra boss kills you need for the succubus card, the 200-candy SR is the last candy reward.

Yeah I knew the first part, I don't think I can get the succubus card, I don't have enough friends spawning them because of my level. It woulda been really nice if I had a shot at her. 64 assists atm. Somebody said you need 300 candies for the final event candy girl. Happy day, I should make it in time if it's only 200. Thanks for confirming it.

Missing limited stuff sucks, but I didn't even think I'd get the 100 candy girl at the start of this event, so getting her and maybe even the SR one is pretty cool.

Kroset is like the king of assists.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Nbody on my friends list is spawning anything anymore D:

Anyone here spawning alot of Ultra's? I'd be glad to help out.

My ID is 11856021

also could someone tell me what this says? I cant copy paste it to google translate.

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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

What dictates your total damage? Is it how many cards you have level'd, not just the 5 on display? Does your lv also count toward damage?
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

What dictates your total damage? Is it how many cards you have level'd, not just the 5 on display? Does your lv also count toward damage?

It's all your girls, you'll see the total in your yellow card icon menu. There are also modifiers for your damage with this event. The girls gained from the event (Halloween themed) multiply your damage against the Succubi bosses. Leveling those cards raises how much they modify your damage by as well. You can see that total when you're in the event attack menu during a succubus fight.

I know the Reaper girl from Gacha raises it, the event candy girls might as well, and I know for a fact that the rest of the real money Halloween/costume (Werewolf, vampire, etc) girls raise it. So raise their levels if you get them.

Man this event is evil. I feel like the second I leave my game I'm going to miss a ton of mega bosses. Sleep time...Goodluck everybody.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Hmm, I only got 37 cards. Only 8 are lv 100 D:

My damage total is only a measly 75k. 5 pinks, 2 silvers, and a gold 100. All pink status though now Im working for just getting the purples lv'd up

Took a gamble and bought 99 N cards for that Candy witch girl. I'm not really seeing a modifier, only increased my damage for 75l to 77k, both from that player list and in the boss room.

Guess its been good I;ve such up so much pero coins. Still have 251k left xD
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

The candy reward cards don't have the modifier. You can see the modifier cards on the bottom left image on the event screen.

I've passed the halfway point for the succubus card tonight, I hope my friends keep on killing and spawning bosses until I can finish this.

Today got me 105 ultra kills... maybe I can do this.
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

GG, had 35 N tickets, only saw the Grim Reaper twice, didn't get her on any of em :|
Re: Pero Pero Saimin

Read the message below on card chances :p
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Re: Pero Pero Saimin

No, not on flashes. Flashes mean there are R cards to pick. The more flashes you get, the more R cards there are. But SR cards are only up if you see some sort of CG on screen. And even then, it's not 100%.

I recommend just using pero coins and opening tickets. After some events, you'll get so many coins you'll be able to buy any amount of N Gacha tickets, so don't worry.