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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Tesla shook his head in amusement.

"I didn't know they'd steal the source blood or use Ashley, but yes I've known for some time they might make a play for power over abnormals. As for why no one has tried to stop them ... even a vampire has their limits. I'd never have been able to take down an entire organization like that alone. I was in the process of coming up with a plan but someone ha to go and stop me from creating an army that could do something. No other vampires I get told just before a fist to the heart, gee that isn't looking like a bad idea to have that army, is it now?"

Chris took the radio from Mikki and rapidly fired off the warning to Henry. With that finished he turned back to Sarah and Mikki to reply.

"The Lazarus virus has been what's causing other abnormals to go berserk and start killing people or each other. Nasty stuff, and as for us ... Well we established because I was created by the source blood like Helen and John that I'm immune. The two of you though ... I honestly have no idea. Gonna have to run tests to be sure neither of you are infected with it."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah gave a small, annoyed snort. "Trust me, if my crap does trigger there's a good chance it'd override any virus I have anyway. It usually heals half the shit I got into during recovery anyway, and I doubt a virus would stick around once rigor kicks in anyway," Sarah muttered, if only for something to try and push the conversation. Even still, she stayed tense, just in case something happened to further grow issues.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul replied with an angry growl, but it seemed that Tesla's explanation was acceptable to him. Przemek took a look around, taking in the damage around him once more, before turning his attention back to Tesla. This time, however, his expression was less hostile and more... Inqusitive. "That's one option out of the window, true... But there are others, no?" He stared directly into the vampire's eyes. "I don't think you're the type to stop by just to engage in some small talk. You're here because you've got some ideas, and you need some help from the Sanctuary to put them in motion. Or is there a different purpose to your visit?" The ghoul knew little about Tesla, but from what he had managed to gather, this man never wasted time on needless things.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki listened, looking crestfallen that she may have the same sickness that make the big guy go crazy. She slumped down to sit where she was, wrapping her arms around her knees while her tail swished idly behind her, thankfully into an open space where it couldn't hit anything. "I... I sshould go to the 'ase-ment roo'ss then, yess? 'Ith the lokked doorss?" She asked sadly. She didn't like it down there...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Tesla seemed amused.

"Perceptive. I may have some ideas given time to work on them that could help us against the Cabal, but at the moment the pressing concern is using what little supply of the source blood we have left to derive a cure for the Lazarus virus. We can't very well fight back if that virus is running rampant and causing half our potential allies to either die or become bat shit hostile."

He seemed about to say more, but they were interrupted as Henry came flying in.

"Yeah uh ... we have a problem. Chris just radioed from one of the large halls. He thinks the big guy is infected with the Lazarus Virus."

Chris shook his head.

"Not yet. We don't know if you can contract it or not, and if it turns out you have it, we can't just waltz you freely through the corridors. At the moment, we all stay right here til Henry gets here with Magnus and a portable lab to test you both. And to be honest, you really want to chance biggie waking up mid walk?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek raised his eyebrow, looking rather curious about Tesla's plans. The part about curing Lazarus seemed to get his attention in particular, but before he managed to ask any questions, Henry came with his message. At that point, the ghoul did a double-take before turning around and walking away. "Alright, Tesla's gonna cover that, I'm gonna see if anyone needs me right now." It was an excuse, and a transparent, poorly thought out one at that, but anyone who knew about the ghoul's problem with the Big Guy wouldn't be suprised that he had no intention of going anywhere near the yeti, especially in his current state.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry and Tesla got things together, but Magnus put an arm on the ghoul to stop him.

"I understand your ... not wanting to be present for this. However, can I ask you to check in on Miranda please? She's in med bay three right now with Will."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki thought about that as she sat there, eventually giving a shrug. She didn't like the rooms down there, so she wasn't about to start arguing with him when he said she could stay here. Looking over to the Big Guy still passed out on the couch, she sighed then nodded. "Okay Kriss, I sstay."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek glanced at the doctor, trying not to look too relieved. "Alright, I'll go see how she's doing. Later, doc." The ghoul turned around and set off to the medbay, trying to shake off the tension he felt. He wondered how the medusa was doing - that shot she took was particularly nasty.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

An exasperated sigh came from Sarah, but she didn't leave, nor did she lower the stun pistol just in case. "Allright than, I guess we got no choice but to stick here..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris shrugged.

"Call it paranoia, call it caution, but if either of you are infected as well then this is airborne. As far as we know, that's how Lazarus spreads once symptoms begin to show in a host. Prior to that it CAN be spread by touch, however he hasn't come into contact with you Sarah, and Mikki when was the last time you saw him?"

It didn't take long for the ghoul to reach the med bay, though when he did he could hear something going on in there. It sounded like Will yelling, and snakes hissing.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Lasst time I saw 'Igguy, 'efore now? Uhh... Dunno, 'efore 'e all 'ent to ffind Asshley...?" Mikki responded slowly, the ball she had wound herself into curling a bit tighter as she looked over to the unconscious abnormal and frowned.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris thought a moment.

"Hmm, based on what Przemek told me, that's long enough that Biggie couldn't have been infected prior to that mission. Which means it happened after, which means the virus was transmitted to him sometime between you last seeing him and now. That ... isn't good."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek slowed down as he heard the commotion. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he smelled no blood thus far, so perhaps it wasn't a fight. Still, if Miranda's snakes were this agitated... The ghoul silently crept up to the door, entering as quietly as he could. He didn't want to be noticed immediately - that way, he could learn what was going on inside by himself.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah sighed, her body slouching a little. "Great, so that leaves us here with the big guy, who may or may not be infecting us as we speak with a horrible virus that makes people go crazy? As if this situation wasn't fucked up as is..." she mutters, idly holding the stun pistol still.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"You sstay o'er there, 'aybe you 'e ffine.." Mikki said quietly. She unfolded a bit to move over closer to the Big Guy and further from the other pair. She had been the closest to him so far, maybe if they kept seperated Sarah would be safe...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Are ya kidding? Ya heard me before, most I'll be if I get infected is a spread risk, mixing viruses don't has much effect on me," Sarah said, blanching a bit. "Look, if ya need a hand taking the guy to quarantine I'm willing to help out. Not the first bullshit virus I've had to deal withs..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Once the ghoul entered, he saw the problem immediately.

Miranda was on her feet, looking very pale and shaky. She also seemed to be ... struggling against herself. Will was semi in a corner, as Miranda's snakes kept randomly lashing out towards him without being provoked. Miranda herself was slowly moving backward towards a wall, but she seemed to be having some kind of internal struggle with herself, as if she wasn't completely in control of her own body. As she stepped back, the ghoul could hear her repeatedly apologizing to Will, appearing very distraught by everything. Now that he was closer, he could hear her say something else, something that might make his blood go 'cold'.

As she took another shaky step backwards, she got out through clenched teeth, "Please Will ... When my back is against the wall, PLEASE get out. Lock me in here and don't let me out, I ... I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't know how much longer I can fight this."

Will opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by Miranda again. This time when she spoke, the ghoul could hear a trace of saddness in her voice, something that told him she was losing her struggle slowly, and that she was on the verge of tears.

"Please ... just do it. We both know ... why I'm ... acting like this."[color]

This time, a few tears did streak down her cheek as she added in what the ghoul might already have begun to suspect.

[color]"God Will ... I'm infected with Lazarus, we both know it. I ... WON'T ... I WON'T let myself become ... a monster who hurts ... others, especially you and the others ... you've been so ..."

At that point weakness from her previous injury, and what the virus was doing to her internally caught up to her, and she let out a scream of pain, collapsing to the floor. She was still awake, but given the obvious double agony she was in, it might have been better for her had she passed out. She had curled into a ball, leaving an opening for Will to move if he chose to, however the ghoul could see he didn't seem willing to just abandon her and let her suffer, yet he wasn't quite sure how, or even IF he could help her. And then it suddenly dawned upon the ghoul, that if Miranda was infected and it hadn't been detected ....

Will had said when he debriefed him that Miranda's surgery had been done at least in part by the big guy. Which meant that if Miranda was infected, the sudden rash behavior of the yeti probably meant he too was infected.

Chris shrugged.

"If you're mixing viruses into your own blood then it's POSSIBLE it might make you immune to the effects. However, you could still theoretically carry it long enough to spread it. We'll be able to check for that. Ah, there's Henry and Magnus."

He blinked slightly when a third person showed up, his eye raising slightly.

"And Nikola. What a ... surprise. I thought you were dead."

Nikola just glared at him, but chose not to say anything. Henry pulled out several scanning devices, and began to work his way through to scan Sarah and Mikki, as well as the Big Guy. They already knew what was wrong with him, however it seemed perhaps they could tell how severe the damage was with this as well, and how far the disease had progressed.

Magnus looked at them, and asked "I need to know exactly what you have seen with him, and how long he's been acting strangely, and how long he's been out like this."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek watched the situation with some confusion, which was quickly replaced with serious worries once he learned what was going on. Lazarus. Somehow, they've managed to infect Miranda... But how? Was it the bullet she had been hit with? It sounded entirely like something Cabal would do - such a method was ruthless, cruel, and frighteningly effective. Another reason to kill them without any mercy. But first, he had to get Will out of the room and seal the medusa inside. But right before he managed to move and grab Will, he realized why the Big Guy sounded so angry. And that knowledge made him fear genuine terror. "Oh fuck." The ghoul swore out loud, not bothering to hide his presence anymore. "Will, get the HELL out of here! We've already got a yeti on a rampage, we don't need to have you or Miranda running around too! Just get out and shut the damn door!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will shot a look at him.

"What?!? You have to ... ah shit."

Seemingly torn, the human finally moved outside, waiting for the ghoul to follow him before shutting the room and sealing it.

"That won't hold her forever if she regains enough strength to really become violent. Strange though, you said the big guy was acting infected too? How long ago did that start?"
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