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Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, then A if they refuse.

Litu stepped forward, between our heroes and the bandits. "Stop! If you surrender now, we will let you escape with your lives!"

The bandits looked at each other, then at the lamia and Sera, who both looked rather unhappy about Litu offering the bandits their lives. Then Bandit 2 dropped his knife, and Bandit 6 held his hands up. They began backing away, then turned and ran for the hills.
7 * 10*1/3 = 23 each
15 * 2/3 = 10 each
The heroes let out a breath. Not that they had been worried, just a little tired. Litu turned to Sera and ran her hand gently over the girl's shoulder, eliciting a yelp as her fingertips brushed against the swollen joint. "Hm. Dislocated. We need to get that back into place before I heal you. You, lamia. Give us a hand."

The lamia looked down at the sword that Sera had lent her, frowning slightly. She looked up when Litu called for her, and, after a moment of hesitation, approached the others. "What do you need?"

"You're stronger than I am. I need you to grab here and here, and push Sera's arm back in when I tell you to. Okay?"

"This is going to suck, isn't it?"

In response, Litu nodded at the lamia, who grunted slightly as she reset the dislocated shoulder, eliciting a slightly strangled scream from Sera. She collapsed to her knees, gasping, as Litu held her hands over the shoulder, muttering in her magical language. Sera shuddered slightly from the weird feeling as everything in her shoulder fixed itself. With the spell complete, Litu stumbled back, shuddering as the lust flowed into her body. Sera rotated her shoulder, which was still slightly sore, and looked up.

Into the point of her sword. The lamia stood over her, pointing the sword down with a suspicious expression. "Where did you get these swords?"

Sera blinked up at the lamia, then rolled back and drove her foot into the lamia's stomach. With a swift movement, Sera stood, caught the lamia's arm, and twisted it up behind her back, causing the sword to fall to the ground. "First, never point a weapon at me. Second, ESPECIALLY never point my weapon at me!" She snarled, throwing the lamia forward. The lamia sprawled on her stomach, then rolled over slowly, holding her hands up.

"Those swords bear markings from my clan. Where did you get them?"

"From a goblin's armory."

The lamia frowned, sitting up slowly. "Goblins? Why goblins?"

"They were slave traders. Sera and I escaped from them just yesterday."

"Were you two the only captives?"

"You're the first lamia I've ever seen, so there wasn't one there when I was there."

"I've seen a few pass through. Most of the time, the goblins kept them sedated, except when they were 'training' them...."

The lamia sighed, pressing her face into her hands. "So close. But goblins weren't the ones who...." She paused, looking up at the others. She slowly coiled her tail around, lifting up to sit on her coils. "... I suppose I should tell you why I'm here in the first place."

"Saves me the trouble of asking."

The lamia looked down. "About two months ago, my tribe was wiped out by forces unknown. I am the last one alive, as far as I know. I was fortunate enough to be out hunting when the attack happened. Whoever it was, they were thorough and methodical. They killed everyone, from the elders to the children. And the only bodies I found were those of my people. The bastards even managed to find the eggs and smash them. I am the last daughter of the Slatescale tribe, and I am here in the human lands searching for the ones who killed my tribe."

Sera and Litu shared a significant glance. Then Sera said, carefully, "We may have a common enemy, then. My village was wiped out, in a manner very similar to the way you just described. Everyone killed, from the eldest to the youngest. Even the babies in their cribs were shown no mercy. As far as I'm aware, I am the last daughter of the village of Crael."

The lamia looked at Sera, eyes shining slightly. "If that's the case.... Then, Sera, I would join your cause."

Sera smiled sadly, then reached out a hand to the lamia, who looked at it quizzically. "I guess lamia don't normally shake hands. Oh well. What's your name?"

"I am Miara Slatescale."

Sera nodded, looking over the lamia a bit more closely. From the top of her head to the tip of her tail, the girl was almost 15 feet long. Her eyes were yellow with vertical pupils, and they were always a little sharp, but with sadness behind them. Her hair was long (which Sera considered a liability for a swordwoman) and purple, which went well with her very dark red scales. The scales on her belly were a slightly lighter shade of red, almost rust colored. Down her back was a pattern of very dark green scales, almost black, which made a diamond pattern down her back. At the tip of her tail was a rattle, about six inches long. When Miara coiled herself, the rattle always stuck up next to her, and it was a good indicator of her mood. She had a few red scales on her cheekbones, and some more on her stomach. Her muscles were very well defined, and she had surprisingly large breasts, considering that she was technically a reptile. Her clothing consisted of a wrap that covered her breasts and was tied tightly behind her back, acting as both a bra and a shirt. There was also a simple loin cloth that covered where her crotch would be if she had legs. Sera and Litu both found themselves wondering idly if there was actually something under there. Her mouth usually looked like any other human mouth, though her teeth were a bit pointier, and she appeared to have no canines. When she prepared to bite somebody, though, her fangs extended, filling into the space left for them. After the bite, the fangs retracted and she looked normal again.

The lamia's most striking feature was the extensive tattoos over the entire human half of her body. There were swirls and angles, spots and lines, and fractal patterns all over her body. As she moved and fought, the patterns appeared to move along the surface of her body as well, like she was made of snakes all moving at once. The effect was bewildering and somewhat disorienting.

The trio continued down the road, introducing themselves but otherwise talking very little. Miara had given Sera back her sword and had taken her own weapon back from the bandit leader, a strange looking set of swords with handles about 6 inches long. The blades were wider near the end, and curved slightly. The rest of the bandits carried nothing of interest.

As the girls followed the road up into the mountains, they saw someone coming down the road toward them. As they drew closer, they saw that it was a merchant of some sort, who hailed them.

"Hello ladies! Where are three... interesting girls like you off to today?"

Litu smiled and stepped forward, as she was the most socially graceful of the trio. "Well met, sir merchant. We are on our way to the capital. And yourself?" Sera and Miara exchanged a glance that spoke volumes about their respective opinions about politeness.

"I'm on my way to Crael. Hoping to get some cured fish and lumber. Going to the capital, you say? You may want to wait on that. There's a rumor going around that there's a monster on the road between Daen and Illoundria. If you stay on the road, you have no choice but to take that path."

Sera frowned. "Hm. We'll have to figure out what to do, then. Oy, merchant. You should know, Crael was destroyed yesterday. There's nothing left."

The merchant frowned. "Well, drat. That's rather unfortunate. I guess I don't get to make a profit on this trip. Oh well. Do you girls have anything you want to buy or sell? I don't normally open up my wares to people on the road, but I'll make an exception, since you told me about Crael."
Merchant will buy:
Scrolls (Though you may not want to sell these.)
Venom Sacs
Merchant is selling:
A. Iron Great Sword: 2d12 damage, -5 to hit. 500 gold
B. Iron Great Axe: 2d12 damage, -5 to hit. More likely to break or sever limbs. 500 gold
C. Scroll of Fireball: Allows a mage to scribe the spell Fireball into their spellbook. 1000 gold
Fireball: Does 3d10 damage to up to 4 opponents. Ignores half DR, and deals 1d6 ongoing damage (save ends). Save for half damage.​
D. Iron Armor (100/100): Gives +10 to DR, but -5 to PD. Any defense controlled by speed has the speed bonus halved. 500 gold (Armor is not fitted, so its bonus is halved and its detriment is multiplied by 1.5. DR: 5, PD: -7)
E. Potion of Fire Resist: Gives +20 to DR versus fire attacks. Lasts for 1d10 turns. 100 gold
F. Potion of Healing: Heals the user by 2d6 + 5 HP. 500 gold
G. Boots of Speed: Gives the wearer a +5 bonus to their Speed stat. 5000 gold, can only be worn by someone with feet.
Scene continues from here assuming nothing was bought. If you do buy something, just assume they don't say the next line.

"No, thank you. We have everything we need."

The merchant nodded and continued along the trail. Sera looked at her companions. "Well... seems we have a few choices. We can stay on the road and try our luck. Or we can try to find a different path. I've heard there's a few cave systems that go all the way through the mountain. I doubt they'll be uninhabited, though. Alternatively, we can go through the Great Forest. There's no cultivated path, so it will be slow going. And I've heard some of the plant life there is very lively. Not to mention rumors that the Lords and Ladies live in the center of it."

"It's getting on toward midday. Maybe we should continue to Daen first? Get some food and some rest, then figure out what we're going to do?"

What to do?
FIRST! Include what, if anything, we buy and sell. As this is the first time around, I'll remind you that we have 5000 gold (Miara doesn't bring any in), and I'll let you know that the combined value of everything we have to sell minus the scrolls is 500 gold, and with the scrolls, the value is closer to 1000.
Format it like so:
For ease of reading.
A. Go to Daen first.
B. Continue on the road (The monster on the road is a lot stronger than our girls, but they may be able to defeat it with preparation and luck)
C. Go through the caves (The caves are a slightly bigger problem than the Forest. The girls would need to stop in Daen and get torches. Sera has two, and Miara brings us 4 more, but that's not enough. Also, the beasts within are slightly harder than the forest, but with fewer outliers. The caves are also a Corrupted Place, which will be explained later (sooner if you go to the caves.))
D. Go through the forest (The forest is the "easy" answer. There's less prizes for passing through it, but most encounters will be around level 2. Some rare encounters will be as low as level 1/2, and some rare encounters will be as high as level 5. There is also a Boss Encounter in the forest, if we get really unlucky. There's likely to be fewer combat encounters going this way, in any case. But we might meet some "Fun" creatures.))

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 10/10
Lust: 5/35
PD: 20
DR: 15
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 273/300
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
A belt(worn)
A makeshift bra and panties. (worn)
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped - currently has 1 sword, not 2)
2 unlit torches
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
5 scrolls
1 Elven Cloak (941/1000)(worn)
3 rubies (Mediocre Quality)
3 sapphires (Mediocre Quality)
5000 gold pieces
Strength: 12
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 25/70
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 259/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 25/25
SP: 40/40
LP: 5/20
PD: 35
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 133/300
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
I'll do a write up about dragonborn soon.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Try to sell the stuff besides the scrolls, then buy a great axe. It's essentially a trade.

Then A!
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Dragonborn are, as one would expect, a very proud warrior race. The Great Tribes have a strained relationship with the Human Kingdoms, due to the first contact between the races culminating in a great war. The war was ended by armistice, with neither side being that much better off than the other. While the dragonborn were unmatched in their martial prowess, and even though the strongest human was weaker than the average dragonborn, the humans had their powerful magi. This war (which happened about 500 years ago) was also the first time lust magi were fielded in a war since pre-cataclysm times. The resulting fallout made some in the Human Kingdoms call for illegalizing and eradicating lust magic, but that cause fell to the wayside. We'll talk more about lust magic, and why it is so dangerous, at a later time. For now, just consider lust magic to be the nuclear weapon of the magic world.

Dragonborn normally make their home on the great cliffs far to the north of the Human Kingdoms. Sometimes, they come as far south as the Elven lands, and as far East as the Lamia Tribal Lands. Sera and her long-dead parents are an oddity due to how far South they came. Of course, ever since the Draco-Human war ended, young dragonborn have often found employment as mercenaries and soldiers. Due to their martial strength and natural immortality, the best of the best mercenaries are universally dragonborn, and are often worth a small kingdom in gold. Because of the expense, and because dragonborn tend to be arrogant (not unjustified, mind you), jokes often get made about dragonborn being like their less anthropomorphized cousins, as far as sleeping on piles of gold goes. In actuality, outside of the Human Kingdoms, dragonborn have no need for gold, because they live for so long that any one dragonborn could easily horde enough gold to turn the economy completely upside down. That said, dragonborn do have a fascination with gold and gems, and can generally spot real gold and real gems from ten feet away. Some of the more powerful dragonborn, especially the Lords of the Great Tribes, have decorated their halls with golden statues and monuments to their own greatness. Dragonborn are similar to the extinct dwarfs in that they like to live in great mountain halls, with great vaulted ceilings and opulence all around. It is theorized that the dragonborn can carve out these halls so quickly through the use of their breath abilities. Most dragonborn over 2-3 hundred years old can essentially exert so much magical power over the world that they can bend it to their own will.

Dragonborn universally have the ability to "breath" the elements, but it's not clear how they do so. Mages insist that it is a magical ability, though they aren't certain of the source. While dragonborn do have a second stomach that converts food into an extremely flammable gas, their fires can get much hotter than those gases can normally burn. Further, it doesn't explain how some can breathe ice storms, or lightning, or spit an incredibly caustic acid. And it certainly doesn't explain why dragonborn never seem to burn or freeze themselves, except in cases of extreme lack of carefulness or accident. There are rumors about a magic experiment meant to demonstrate the magical nature of the dragonbreath. These experiments are not officially condoned by the Human Kingdoms, because their stated purpose is finding a way to keep dragonborn from being able to use their breath. The armistice which ended the draco-human war included a command that the governments would not fund weapons specifically for use against the other race.

Dragonborn are not superstitious by nature. Most don't believe in any sort of god, with most saying, when asked, that dragonborn once had a god, but they had killed him when he started getting too uppity. Theologians say that this particular myth suggests a cultural irreverence, and may be a reference to the Elornian creation myth, which says that Elorna's brother, Typherion, was torn apart by dragons when he defied Elorna's wishes and tried to bring civilization to the dragons. Devout Elornians believe that dragonborn are marked to never see the heavenly plains, which is why they live forever unless killed. Devout Elornians say that dragonborn, when they die, go to the Void. They also say that the only way to save a dragonborn is to free the human soul trapped within the dragon's body. They say that by cutting off the wings and tail, and pulling each scale out individually, one may release the human soul. A dragonborn subjected to this treatment invariably dies. Needless to say, Elornism is not popular in the Great Tribes.

The one superstition dragonborn do carry is based around the egg. Due to their rather odd life cycle, a dragonborn can sometimes remain in a laid egg for a century or more before hatching. As such, they treat the egg as a symbol of protection. When the young drakeling first exits his or her egg, the largest piece of the shell is taken by the mother and wrapped in leaves from a plant that grows only on the tallest peak. These plants have a strange red leaf, and they are called by humans "God's Blood," because it is believed that these plants started growing because the god Typherion was killed on those same peaks. Theologians say that this is the only reason why these plants can grow up there. Wizards and Magi tend to agree that something supernatural allows the plants to grow up there, but suggest that it has more to do with the pilgrimage every dragonborn is expected to make on their 100th, 500th, 1000th, and 5000th birthdays (and then again every millenium) to the peaks, to spill their blood upon the snow and call out to the mountain to make the plants grow. It is at this time that a new set of leaves is picked, with each of the Great Tribes having a large stock pile - enough to last 50 years or so. Because of this ritual, some call these plants "Dragon's Blood," which also happens to be the rough translation of the dragonborn word for the plants.

In any case, once the largest piece of shell is wrapped in these leaves, it is set aside on a stone shelf. Once the child no longer needs its mother's milk (interesting biological note: despite birthing children in eggs and having a very reptilian appearance, dragonborn are classified taxonomically as Mammals, because they have mammary glands. This is different from Lamia, who are considered reptiles. Despite generally having large breasts, no lamia has ever been found to lactate), its first meal contains a portion of its eggshell. For the first month after being weaned, an equal portion of eggshell is fed to the child every day. The largest piece remains securely wrapped until the child's coming of age ceremony, when they are given their first set of armor. Their eggshell is fitted into the armor somehow, and hardened with dragonblood and a few other ingredients. This armor is generally not used in battle - though those who do use it in battle generally swear that their eggshell stood up as well as, if not better than, the steel surrounding it. No dragonborn has ever allowed a mage to investigate their shell armor, insisting that such an act would be tantamount to allowing the mage to investigate something intimate and private.

((I am not a doctor, nor have I taken anatomy or any serious biology class. So this section is likely to be full of artistic license.))
Dragonborn anatomy is very interesting. For the most part, they are like humans, though generally with thicker muscle all around. Magi have had trouble understanding how they can fly, since they often weight about 50 pounds more than a human of similar build. The muscles that control their wings are long, and are generally very well developed, which is part of the reason why female dragonborn are so busty: the muscle pushes up on the breasts, like a pushup bra under the skin. Surprisingly, the flight muscles anchor to bone at three points: the shoulder blades, the hips, and the front of the pelvis. The tail is very strong compared to most creatures with tails. However, it is many times weaker than the tail of the lamia, and nowhere near as maneuverable. The muscles which anchor the tail and allow it to move are similar to the human lumbar muscles, but the actual musculature stretches far up the back, anchoring the muscles to the spine and hips. Dragonborn wings have very little muscle inside them, being mostly flexible, but hard scales and bone. A dragonborn generally doesn't have to worry about something piercing the skin of their wings, though the joints in the wing are more vulnerable. The largest muscle in the wings follows the top ridge of bone, which is the main anchor for the rest of the wing. Those muscles allow the dragon born to fold and maneuver the wings while in flight. Notably, Sera cannot do this. She hasn't trained those muscles properly, and mainly uses them to close her wings when they are in the way. This is due to her being raised among humans.

At age 8, the scales on the wings have hardened to the point that they are almost impossible to accidentally tear. As such, age 8 is also when a dragonborn child is expected to begin martial training. For the next year, they drill only on flying. A dragonborn in the air is a very graceful thing, with most of them able to do aerobatic tricks like 180 spins and rapid direction changes. While dragonborn tribes have not been at war with each other in over 5000 years, the training still includes drills to gain superiority over an airborne opponent. In the last 500 years or so, it has also included drills to drop on opponents on foot or horseback, striking quickly and retreating out of range of retaliation. Young dragonborn who distinguish themselves in flying ability go on to be skirmishers. Those who are less skilled learn more grounded fighting techniques, including grappling and something similar to Earth's Judo. To most soldiers of other races, dragonborn are considered elite because, even if they were equal in strength, most dragonborn have about 16 years of experience in various martial arts. Some human militaries have attempted to emulate the dragonborn training program. Washout rates approach 90%, but those who make it through are generally promoted into the royal guard, or guarding high priority installations.

At age 16, the dragonborn teenagers are broken into two groups: Infantry, and Leaders. Those who are clever and strong are pushed into the role of leader. Leadership training is incredibly grueling, even by dragonborn standards. From the moment the sun comes up, leaders are training, leading drills for the infantry, doing their own training, and studying history, mathematics, the sciences, magical theory, and more. Dragonborn are often stereotyped as being dumb brutes, but their culture is at least 20000 years older than the oldest human civilization. In that time, Dragonborn developed mathematics, writing systems, and sciences that human civilizations are only just starting to discover. The goal of the Leadership group is to make leaders who are not only martially powerful, but mentally as well. The next leg of training lasts until the dragonborn's 24th birthday, when they are given the choice to either go into the Great Tribal Military for the next 100 years, or to go into the civilian sector. While each civilian has gone through this same training, the civilian sector generally avoids fighting unless it becomes necessary, which it hasn't for over 3000 years. Instead, the civilian sector generally supports the military through industry, food production, and everything else necessary to keep the civilization running.

((I am not an astrophysicist. I make some claims about the size of Aulondria, but I didn't do the actual math because fuck that. If you find it jarring, just adjust numbers until what I said makes sense. Or ignore it. It's just a story.))
These days, the military acts more as a police force, due to the lack of wars. The sheer size of the dragonborn territory makes it necessary to have such a large police force. (For comparison, the continent that our story takes place on is roughly the size of all of Earth's continents put together. For more comparison, Aulondria has about 5 times the radius of the Earth, and has a gravitational force equal to 20g. Your average Aulondrian human could make Shaq look like a paraplegic with muscle degeneration when jumping on Earth. On Aulondria, Shaq would resemble a pancake. (Not really, but... it was a joke.)) With that comparison in mind, dragonborn territory covers as much area as Eurasia. The main reason for having such a large territory is that in their past, they were much more expansionist, and no race could field an army able to challenge the dragonborn to any significant degree. So they made concessions, and conceded territory.

Magic and dragonborn don't really get along. Most dragonborn are magically neutral - that is, they don't have any magic abilities (barring their breath attacks, assuming it isn't biological). The few dragonborn who are born able to tap into magical energies generally allow that ability to fall to the wayside. It wasn't until the past century that dragonborn began to realize it was necessary to train those who had magical ability, because even though the war against the humans had not been a loss for them, they had suffered more casualties in that one war than in any other war in their history. Because of this, learning how to deal with magic became more important to them, but the habits of a civilization many tens of thousands of years old die hard.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Try to sell the stuff besides the scrolls, then buy a great axe. It's essentially a trade.

Then A!

Seconding this so we can buy some torches and go spelunking.

Also has Litu seen the cursed lustbook? It's still just hanging out in our backpack and seems like it could be up her proverbial alley.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

The cursed lust book and the scrolls are going to get resolved, hopefully in Daen. Probably I'll have the journey take a long time, or have them decide to head out in the morning rather than in the evening. Might throw in a encounter or two, to pad things out in Aulondria time.

For reference, one Aulondrian day is about 48 hours on Earth. This is because it has 9 moons creating tidal drag on it, so it has slowed down significantly more than Earth has.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Sell: Everything but scrolls, unless theres some potential use for the venom sacs and such.

B. Iron Great Axe
E. Potion of Fire Resist for Litu
F. Potion of Healing for Sera

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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Sell all but scrolls
Buy: Great Axe, Fire Resist potion, Healing Potion.
This next part is the corrected buying/selling scene.
Sera dug through her pack, dumping the chitin, the venom sacs, and all her gemstones into the merchant's hands. He examined each piece thoroughly. "Hm... I'd say this is worth about 500 gold. Are you looking to purchase anything?"

"Give me that battle axe, and a healing potion. You girls want anything?"

Miara shook her head, but Litu stepped forward and pointed toward the fire resist potion. "One of those, please."

Money and items exchanged hands, and Sera and the girls waved as the merchant gathered his wares and continued down the road.

The girls continued along the mountain path, still being rather quiet. The sun moved behind some clouds, and Litu shivered slightly, glancing around like something was watching them. As they started to curve around the mountain, the path became narrower, with one side of the road a towering cliff, and the other a deep crevice. Miara paused, glancing around. Suddenly, a burst of webbing flew from the cliff above the girls!

Sera was the target of the webbing, and she was ensnared instantly. The heavy, sticky webbing made it difficult for her to move, and her wings fluttered uselessly as she attempted to pull them out of the webbing. She cursed and spat, trying to pull the webbing off. So she didn't see the spider drop off the cliff above her.

The spider landed heavily on Sera, bearing her to the ground, driving the air out of her and cracking her head on the ground. She lay there, dazed, as the spider pressed down against her, trying to crush the air out of her lungs. Sera struggled, pushing up against the spider as she gasped for breath, but she was unable to even shift its bulk.

Four other spiders crawled down the cliff, closing in on the girls. Miara drew her axes, readying herself for battle. Litu's spellbook appeared in her hand, and she was prepared as well.

INITIATIVE (The combat system is always evolving!)
1. Mountain Spider Queen
2. Miara
3. Mountain Spider 1
4. Mountain Spider 2
5. Litu
6. Mountain Spider 3
7. Mountain Spider 4
8. Sera (She got a Nat1 on her spot check, so she automatically gets put at the bottom of the initiative.)
A. Attack the spider that is pinning Sera.
B. Attack another spider
C. Try to knock a spider off the cliff.
D. Use a skill (Please specify)
A. Cast on the spider queen (Specify spell)
B. Cast on another spider (Again, specify)
C. Do something else?
Sera can only attempt to escape this round. If she manages to escape on the enemy turn, she will spend her turn winded, but be ready at the start of the next round.
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 10/10
Lust: 5/35
PD: 20
DR: 15
Status: Pinned: All defenses are cut in half.
Asphyxiating: Can't breathe currently. In constitution/2 turns, she will pass out. After half her time limit, strength bonus is reduced by half for any attack or action which uses strength as its controlling stat.
Webbed: Passive Defense is cut in half. Loses Wings bonus.
Dazed: Active defenses lose their stat bonuses.
Level: 3
EXP: 273/300
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
A belt(worn)
A makeshift bra and panties. (worn)
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
2 unlit torches
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
5 scrolls
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (941/1000)(worn)
4400 gold pieces
Strength: 12
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 25/70
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 259/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 25/25
SP: 40/40
LP: 5/20
PD: 35
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 133/300
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Mountain Spider Queen:
HP: 100/100
SP: 18/20
LP: 15/20
Status: Horny - Unpredictable effects on this type of creature.
AC: 20 (Reduced to 10 while she is pinning Sera)
DR: 10
Level: 5
Mountain Spider 1:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 2:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 3:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 4:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
For reference, the spiders we fought in the second update were about the size of Great Danes. These spiders are about the size of moose. The queen is even bigger than that.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A for Miara, B (Desertification) for Litu.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara: A
Litu: B (Desertification)

The spider queen raised its bulk slightly, allowing Sera to gasp for breath. One of the spider's front claws dropped down, the slightly sharp point poking Sera in the soft spot above her sternum. One swift move, and the claw had sliced through Sera's makeshift bra. She gasped and struggled, trying slightly harder to get out, but between the web and the size of the beast, she couldn't escape the beast. She struggled harder as the claw drew a line of blood down her body, to her makeshift panties. Another swift movement, and her sex was laid bare before the spider. It pressed down on her again, just enough to make struggling hard, and positioned it's ovipositor. "NO!" Sera screamed, bucking her hips and twisting as the spider plunged down. Instead of slipping into her, the ovipositor deflected off her hip, making the spider click its mandibles in irritation.

Miara heard Sera's scream, and turned, swinging her axe toward the spider! The axe barely managed to penetrate the spider's thick chitin, but it did knock it off balance, allowing Sera to slip out from under it before it could try doing something else to her. She coughed, still trying to catch her breath, and nodded her thanks to Miara. The spider queen whirled on the pair of them, emitting a high pitched shriek of anger.

Spider 1 lunged forward, attempting to get its mandibles into Sera. She barely managed to roll out of its way, her movements still restricted by the webs. The spider chattered in annoyance, poison dripping from its mandibles and bubbling slightly as it hit the ground. Sera watched the drips and decided that whatever that stuff was, she didn't want it anywhere near being injected into her.

Spider 2 turned halfway around, launching another wad of webbing at Sera, who couldn't dodge the attack due to her spinning head. The webs bore her down to the ground, and she struggled against them futilely, trying to at least free her arms. She was unable to do so, and found herself completely immobilized, which filled her with conflicting feelings. She whimpered slightly in panic, feeling quite literally like a fly trapped in the spider's web.

Litu raised her arms, blocking out her worry over what was happening to Sera and focusing on Spider 4. She chanted, focusing her energy, then reached out a hand and clenched it into a fist. The spider shrieked as its body dried out, and its legs shook as they tried to hold up its weight. Litu moaned slightly as the lust came back into her body.

Spider 3 turned toward Litu, and shot its own webbing. Litu twisted, flowing out of the way of the attack. She had no desire to end up wrapped up like Sera, thank you very much.

Spider 4 turned shakily toward Miara, and swung its claw at the lamia, who twisted gracefully and avoided the attack without any problem. The spider backed away quickly, before she could counter attack.

Sera struggled mightily, and barely managed to pull her arms free of the webbing. She writhed, managing to get herself rolled over onto her knees. She tore at the webs on her arms and wings viciously, trying to get it off of herself, and managed to get most of it off, allowing herself more freedom of movement, though she still couldn't fly anywhere.

A. Keep attacking the Spider Queen.
B. Attack something else.
C. Try to knock a spider off the cliff.
D. Use one of her other skills (specify)
A. Keep casting! (specify spell)
B. Do something else!
A. Attack with your swords.
B. Attack with your shiny new axe.
C. Burn everything.
D. Try to get your wings unwebbed, then take to the air.
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 10/10
Lust: 9/35
PD: 20
DR: 15
Status: Slightly Webbed: Passive Defense is cut by 1/4. Loses Wings bonus.
Level: 3
EXP: 273/300
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
A belt (forcibly removed)
A makeshift bra and panties. (forcibly removed)
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
2 unlit torches
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
5 scrolls
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (941/1000)(worn)
4400 gold pieces
Strength: 12
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 30/70
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 259/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 25/25
SP: 40/40
LP: 7/20
PD: 35
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 133/300
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Mountain Spider Queen:
HP: 88/100
SP: 18/20
LP: 16/20
Status: Horny - Unpredictable effects on this type of creature.
AC: 20
DR: 10
Level: 5
Mountain Spider 1:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 2:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 3:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 4:
HP: 25/37
SP: 5/5
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 7
DR: 5
Level: 4
Oh no. Poor Sera.

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara A. Axification
Litu A. Desertification
Sera C. Burnination!
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara: A
Litu: A
Sera: C

The Spider Queen hissed in irritation, then lunged forward, attempting to crush Sera with its bulk again. The spider reared over her and slammed its legs down, keeping Sera from being able to scramble forward, then pressed down, holding her in her current position. "Dammit! Get off of me!" Sera yelled, voice cracking slightly from panic. She writhed, but couldn't generate enough force to shove the thing off of her. The spider tapped its mandibles together, then dropped itself down and chomped on Sera's shoulder. Its fangs didn't pierce her cloak, but the cloak shifted and allowed them to press into her flesh, injecting Sera with whatever poison these spiders had. She cried out, then gasped as her body was filled with warmth. She shuddered, moaning slightly as the poison rushed to her loins. She struggled against the spider, but couldn't get herself free.

Miara lunged forward, using the full force of her tail to power the lunge. She swung her axes down onto the spider queen, while driving into it with her shoulder. The spider was sent sprawling, shrieking in pain as its viscera sprayed everywhere, and one of its legs fell, severed. Sera moaned slightly, then began pushing herself to her feet. Her face was flushed, and she dripped with sweat, and other things. She looked at Miara with slightly unfocused eyes, then shook her head and concentrated on the battle at hand.

Spider 1 turned slightly, and fired its webs at Miara. Miara twisted to avoid the attack, whirling to focus on the spider who had attacked her. The spider clicked its mandibles in frustration.

Spider 2 fired its webs at Sera again. The webbing hit her in the face, muffling her voice as she cursed up a blue streak about spiders and their damn webs. The spider clicked its mandibles together and began advancing on the inconvenienced dragon girl.

Litu targeted Spider 4 again. She waved her arms and chanted her spell, focusing her energies on the spider again. The spider writhed in agony, then its legs collapsed underneath it. It strained to push itself up, but due to its dryness, could not muster enough hydraulic power to do so. Litu moaned as lust poured through her body, bringing a blue flush to her cheeks.

Spider 3 blasted web at Litu again, this time being much more successful. The webbing struck the water spirit's hands and glued them to her chest. Her fluid form mixed with the web, making them more like a sticky paste than an actual web. In spite of this, she had no trouble escaping. A second pair of arms emerged from her body, and her old pair lost their shape and cohesion, and were absorbed back into her body. The web-stuff, unfortunately, did not get absorbed, and nor did it fall away. She was contaminated with a big white splotch, to her chagrin.

Spider 4 attempted once again to push itself to its feet, when there was a great cracking sound, and it shrieked drily. It collapsed, with one of its legs having cracked badly enough to fall off. The spider writhed for a moment, then lay still.

Sera tore at the webbing covering her face, trying to ignore the throbbing in her shoulder, and in more intimate places. She could still feel the venom coursing through her body, but it seemed to be fading a bit. Still, it had done its work already - her breasts were swollen slightly, and extremely sensitive, making her shiver every time her cloak brushed her nipples. Down below was even worse. She could feel her own juices running down her leg, and her entire lower body felt sensitive and hot. Though she struggled hard, she only managed to get the webbing off her eyes. She wanted to unleash her fires, but her intuition suggested that it would be a bad idea to do so with something right in front of her face. She clawed at the webbing over her mouth instead, ignoring the fact that her claws were leaving scratches on her own face.

Because she managed to fight it off in one round, I'll tell you about the poison here: It's a lust poison. Assuming the bitten doesn't resist right away, it does an instant +10 LP damage and gives the horny status. Every round after that, it does 1d8 additional lust damage, and if it pushed the target's LP over half, gives them the extremely horny status. If it manages to get over 3/4 of the targets LP, it causes the target to randomly attempt to initiate sex with a random monster until the saving throw is made. Saving throw is versus constitution.

A. Keep attacking the queen.
B. Take out the little shit that attacked you.
C. Do something else.
A. Cast on something (specify spell)
B. Do something else.
A. MMMFRRR! (Attack!)
B. MMMMM-GAAAH! FIRE! (Try to get the webs off your mouth, then unleash fire.)
C. MMMMAAAAA~(React to your horniness. I don't suggest this.)
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 10/10
Lust: 21/35
PD: 20
DR: 15
Status: Slightly Webbed: Passive Defense is cut by 1/4. Loses Wings bonus.
Horny: -5 to all rolls.
Mouth Covered: Cannot talk, or use any abilities that originate from the mouth (e.g., Dragon Breath)
Level: 3
EXP: 273/300
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
A belt (forcibly removed)
A makeshift bra and panties. (forcibly removed)
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
2 unlit torches
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
5 scrolls
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (941/1000)(worn)
4400 gold pieces
Strength: 12
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 35/70
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Horny: -5 to all rolls.
Level: 3
EXP: 259/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 25/25
SP: 40/40
LP: 7/20
PD: 35
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 133/300
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Mountain Spider Queen:
HP: 47/100
SP: 18/20
LP: 18/20
Status: Horny - Unpredictable effects on this type of creature.
AC: 20
DR: 10
Level: 5
Mountain Spider 1:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 2:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 3:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 4:
Status: Mummified
Level: 4
Spider 4 got a Nat1 on his attack, so he died. Only had 3 hp left, anyway.

Sera, Sera, Sera. What am I going to do with you and these rolls? It's like you want to be egged by spiders.

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara: B
Litu: A, desertification another spider.
Sera: B
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

'Lust for Battle' should be kicking in now right?

Sera should be ready to tear some shit up with physical attacks from that +6 strength and + 7 speed.
Last edited:
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Yeah I would say the same about Sera's physical attack and we don't have to worry much about failing because she fails to remove the web.
Could finish the queen if all three attack her. Also I'm not sure I didn't see the great axe in Sera's inventory. Was confused about that until I saw the choice.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara: B
Litu: A
Sera: B

The Spider Queen scrambled to its remaining feet, shrieking angrily. Its many eyes turned away from Sera, finally, and landed on the one who had injured it so severely. It lunged forward, moving much faster than anything its size had any right to. The force it pushed off with cracked the stones of the mountain, and some stones fell down into the crevice. The massive bulk slammed into Miara from behind, bearing her down onto the stone. The creature pressed down with its full weight, then raised itself and dropped its weight again, driving all air out of Miara's lungs. She squirmed underneath it, trying to find traction with her tail, but she could not do so. The spider leaned downward and bit Miara on the shoulder, drawing out a cry of pain from the lamia. Blood welled from the wound and Miara moaned as the poison began flowing through her body. She gathered herself and attempted once again to push the spider away. She grunted with the effort, but managed to lift the spider slightly so she could get her tail into her next push.

She pushed upwards with her full body's strength, and the spider lifted slightly. Then the spider lifted itself, making Miara surge upward and smash her face into the spider's chitinous underbelly. The spider dropped its full weight again, forcing Miara back to the ground, and forcing all the air out of her lungs once again. Miara gasped and struggled, her efforts helping to dissipate the poison flowing through her veins. Still, she was feeling very warm, especially as she rubbed against the spider, trying to get a good push. The spider leaned back slightly, then sprayed webs at Miara's hands, trying to bind them together. Miara managed to get her hands out of the way, but was unable to resist the spider dropping its weight back down on her.

Spider 1 turned away from the lamia its queen was currently fighting, focusing instead on the dragonborn. It sprayed more web at Sera, who twisted and avoided it, glaring daggers at the spider.

Spider 2 climbed up the cliff face rapidly, then jumped off, trying to land on Sera. Sera threw her hands up, catching the spider, then twisted and threw the spider into the cliff wall. The spider scrambled to its feet, watching Sera warily.

"You. You sprayed me with this sticky white stuff," Litu snarled, locking eyes with Spider 3. Somehow, she managed to not notice the innuendo in that statement, and instead focused on her casting. She clenched her hand into a fist, pulling it toward herself. The spider writhed and shrieked as she pulled water out of it. The spell pushed lust into Litu's body, and found pathways that had been used repeatedly. Litu cried out, almost collapsing to her knees as her body surged with twice as much lust as normal.

Spider 3 writhed for a moment, then moved sideways, putting the bulk of the spider queen between Litu and itself. It joined its fellows in spitting web at Sera, and it actually managed to hit her, its webbing hitting Sera's knees. For the second time in as many minutes, Sera found herself with her face in the dirt and her ass in the sky.

Sera snarled, and rolled backward, standing unsteadily on her bound legs. She glanced back at the precipice, then rolled forward from standing so that she wasn't so close with her wings like this. She reached up and tore the webbing from her mouth, screaming in rage as she did so. She really, really, really wanted to burn the spider queen, but with it so close to Miara, she risked setting the lamia on fire as well. So she went for unlucky number 1 instead. "YOU! Burn." The fire tore out of her throat, streaking for the spider.

Which skittered to the side, allowing the fire to pass by it harmlessly. Sera gaped slightly, eye twitching. "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU-"

A. Try to throw the damn spider off of yourself.
B. Just give in to the spider, and get it over with.
A. Keep casting!
B. Do something else.
A. "-UUUUUUCKING DIE!" (Attack axe or sword (specify))
B. "-UUUUUUUCKING BURN, I SAID!" (Throw good fireballs after bad.)
C. "-UUUUUUUUCKING FUCK!" (Do something else.)
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 10/10
Lust: 22/35
PD: 20
DR: 15
Status: Webbed: Loses Wings bonus.
Legs Bound: Loses Speed bonus to defense rolls, halves PD.
Horny: -5 to all rolls.
Level: 3
EXP: 273/300
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
A belt (forcibly removed)
A makeshift bra and panties. (forcibly removed)
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 6 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
2 unlit torches
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
5 scrolls
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (941/1000)(worn)
4400 gold pieces
Strength: 12
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 45/70
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Horny: -5 to all rolls.
Level: 3
EXP: 259/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 10/25
SP: 40/40
LP: 19/20
PD: 35
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 133/300
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Mountain Spider Queen:
HP: 47/100
SP: 18/20
LP: 19/20
Status: Horny - Unpredictable effects on this type of creature.
AC: 20
DR: 10
Level: 5
Mountain Spider 1:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 2:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 3:
HP: 75/75
SP: 10/10
LP: 3/10
Status: Normal
AC: 15
DR: 5
Level: 4
Mountain Spider 4:
Status: Mummified
Level: 4
Nobody can catch a break with these damn spiders, can they? Even Litu got webbed, though to be fair, it was an entirely pointless endeavor.

Because I imagine it's going to come up pretty soon, this is how LP works for our girls: Once they hit maximum, they are stunned, and will not resist any attempt to sex them. Each round of sexing does 1d20 points of Lust Damage. When they hit twice their maximum, they orgasm, gain the "Afterglow status" and go back to maximum lust. At any time, on either the rapist's turn or their own, they can attempt to regain control and fight their attacker off. This is a strength/intelligence roll (whichever is higher), but at a -10 disadvantage. If they succeed, their LP is reduced to 3/4 of maximum, but (If they haven't acted in the round) they lose their next turn. They also do not escape grapple or anything. So don't get there. Also, if Litu casts herself into an orgasm, she will suffer from corruption, which is going to be explained at a later time, I promise.

As for Lust Magic casting, here's how it's balanced in my head: It's very strong, but if they cast the same spell repeatedly, they take a larger and larger hit of lust each time. If a Lust Mage casts themselves into an orgasm, they suffer from corruption. (I swear, it will be explained. Hopefully in the next update after we defeat these FUCKING spiders.) Normal mages are weaker, but they don't have to worry about casting themselves into corruption. On the other hand, they do have to worry about casting themselves to death. And no, it's not really clear which is worse.

In less story news, yay Sera! You actually got to do something other than getting webbed, pinned, and almost raped!

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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Also, please note that Lust for Battle doesn't actually add to Sera's statistics while active. It just adds to, specifically her attack rolls and damage rolls. It won't help her with grappling or anything.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara: A
Litu: A, Acid splash
Sera: B

How does LP work on enemies?
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A, A, B. Does the queen spider get 5 actions per turn or something? Or is that just how you chose to fluff her melee and Miara's utter failure?

Edit: Damn, beaten to the punch. I'm leaving this for ye question.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A, A, B. Does the queen spider get 5 actions per turn or something? Or is that just how you chose to fluff her melee and Miara's utter failure?

The way grappling works: The grappler makes a grapple attempt. If they fail, the grapplee pushes them away or otherwise non-harmfully counters them. If they succeed, they get to attempt to pin or throw the person they have grappled. If they fail, the grapplee gets to attempt a counter. Assuming the grapplee fails, the round moves on. Grapplee's turn rolls around. They get to attempt to reverse or break the grapple/pin or whatever. If they fail their attempt, the grappler gets to counter attack.

Yes, it's a bit confusing.

Quartz: We already saw LP earlier on the goblin girl, but it works differently on spiders. Basically, each turn the spider queen will either attempt to injure, or attempt to rape. As her LP increases, she will attempt to rape more often, and has in fact been exclusively trying to rape Sera and Miara.

Post coming in about an hour or so.