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RPG [atack12] Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE RPGMaker

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Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

someone can tell me the name of the program used for the models? I need some program for make the models (3d custom girl no thanks)

I also want to know this, as well as the program for the scenes.
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

Hi Folks,

The most lame question of all... how can you finish the day?! I've got the nun, and the nurse, got back home and??? Jump into the bed, or?!

Update: I've got it.... I thought I have to "avoid" the Aunt line...
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Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

So I've got the current version of Milf Control but I'm not sure if I've hit the end of what's currently available. I'm on Day 6 and just finished the party scene but I don't know how to get the dad drunk/to go to bed. I've checked the store, Church and went back to the party but so far nothing. Can anyone help me out?
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

So I've got the current version of Milf Control but I'm not sure if I've hit the end of what's currently available. I'm on Day 6 and just finished the party scene but I don't know how to get the dad drunk/to go to bed. I've checked the store, Church and went back to the party but so far nothing. Can anyone help me out?

Hummm, I'm not sure what you mean, by the time the protag asks his dad if he's tired and then experiences the scene of the mom with tight short jeans on the kitchen, the protag mentions that he should do something about his father.
From this point on, you'll have the "Mommy at kitchen" quest. Go check the quest and you'll find out what to do. At least I cleared it without a problem and I have the latest version as well. I'm already at day 7.

If you're still having trouble let me know.

Edit* Haaaa yes, love the plot twist at day 7 XD
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Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

I'm kinda stick at day 3 after having sex with the policewoman, help?

edit: oh and I did win the kid who standing at the "Weird Store". Now what should I do next?

edit 2: nvm I figured it out
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Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

So apparently version 1.0c is out for Milf Control, does anyone know if that's the final/complete version of the game or is there still more coming?
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

So apparently version 1.0c is out for Milf Control, does anyone know if that's the final/complete version of the game or is there still more coming?

On his Patreon site Milf Control is not listed under finished.
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

So apparently version 1.0c is out for Milf Control, does anyone know if that's the final/complete version of the game or is there still more coming?

On his patreon page iy says there´s a "0.6 animated edition" so i suppose it´s not end yet!(i always check that page just to be sure!)
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

I don't think this guy has any consistent numbering with any of his games. It feels like a total "yolo" attention to detail. Unless by some chance his games themselves are getting better? They were always extremely generic in the versions I tried? Anybody have some other input because apparently he's making 10 grand a month from supporters?
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

So apparently version 1.0c is out for Milf Control, does anyone know if that's the final/complete version of the game or is there still more coming?

1.0c is complete with 2 different endings. Though both endings are open-ended for more content in a sequel, like how Incest Story ended.
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

Well, it's quite a good game. i played incest story before, and when i played the demo i expected this game to be more detail in stuffs than incest story but it's still same imo. I think it would be better to expand every characters (including the protag) standing poses that appear on conversations; from wearing casual clothes, underwear, naked (and some face expresion).
Re: Milf's Control English V0.1 - DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE

I don't think this guy has any consistent numbering with any of his games. It feels like a total "yolo" attention to detail. Unless by some chance his games themselves are getting better? They were always extremely generic in the versions I tried? Anybody have some other input because apparently he's making 10 grand a month from supporters?

I tried one of the earlier versions of Incest story and hated it, which is sad since Incest is one of my favorite kinks. Keep in mind this was a while ago but from what I remember the combat mechanic in the game was horrible (not to mention made no sense storywise), boring and repetitive with no real classes or interesting abilities not to mention a distinct lack of bosses.

I could forgive the combat if the story was more interesting but it wasn't, the PC (Playable character) came across as WAAAAAAY to much of a rapist a-hole for my liking. A guy who cares little for the feelings of others. There was also little buildup to the sex scenes (with the exception being the mother) with most of them happening because the PC found a way to blackmail that person. This, in turn, made almost every major sex scene feel like a rape scene which is fine if that's the kink you're into but if you're more of a seducer like me you'll definitely feel disappointed.

Then there's the plot, or should I say lack of a plot, things just happen and PC just does stuff. No choice, on coherent or interesting overall narrative, hell other than wanting to sleep with his mother everything might as well not be connected. Finally, the characters are all stupid, or don't react to incest in a way that I find satisfying or think make logical sense.

Incest quest was so bad that for the longest time I didn't even give Icstor games a second look. It wasn't until I found a copy of Milf-Control lying around that I decided to give it a shot and HOLY COW was I blown away by the difference in quality. For starters, the combat mechanic has been completely replacing by a card style battle. I hear it's based on Witcher 3's card game but since I never played Witcher I won't know, what I do know is that the game is not hard to learn and requires actual strategy and effort to make work. Overall being ten times more enjoyable then many RPG's regular battle systems.

Second, the PC is actually likable, unlike Incest Quest, you really get the sense here that this is a guy who was suddenly given incredible power and could become corrupted by it depending upon your choices. Oh yea, there's actual choices in this game. So if you want to play the A-hole rapist, you can and if you don't want to, you don't have to. Not only that but there's proper buildup to sex scenes with important characters, the mom, girlfriend, sister etc. all feel slow and steady with great payoff in just half a game! Not to mention you actually feel like PC genuinely likes and cares for these people, how he comforts his sister after she's rejected at the party is really sweet and something you would expect from siblings.

Third, the character's reactions (for the most part), make sense given how we see mind control work in this game. The only exception being the PC and villain who are surprisingly unimaginative with how he can solve problems with his power (seriously, why not just hypnotize the mom into thinking that's normal behavior for her kids? Why didn't the villain just take over the PC's mind with the power rather than humor him with a card battle?).

Fourth, there's actual freaking plot! The PC learning about his powers, battling the other girl for control of them, it actually gives the game a sense of purpose and excitement.

Now with all of that being said I did notice some warning signs towards the end of .5. First, less choices started to appear and the PC sorta just defaulted to A-hole mode rather then giving me a choice, resulting in him being a lot meaner towards characters then I would have liked. So I'm a little worried about the ending but otherwise hopeful.
Re: Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE

Thank you Alexander for filling me in on the game flow. That's really very close to how I felt on most versions of his games. I might poke at this game a little more though and see if it's worth a shot.

Edit: Upon playing a newer version of this game, I can safely say his writing hasn't improved any. The plot is nonsensical garbage, there's not really a cohesive thought behind any of it. Like for example, there's no reason at all pointing to go see the nun after the scene with the aunt. Also, it makes no sense to be forced into card battles at the start of the game that award $5 when I had over $75 just from grabbing stuff off shelves. Next, the game is buggy as hell. For example, I'm stuck trying to do the nun scene, it says I need a lockpick or key, great, I got a lockpick from battling the guy at the docks. The door says "I don't have anything which could I open this door". Not only is that broken English, I have the lockpick in my key items list! I think it's safe to say that this dev STILL hasn't learned how to program or playtest properly. Not to mention the map is basically way too large and pretty much jumbled up too which is exceptionally bad because for some reason your character moves slower in this game than any other game on the planet. Even while running, movement speed seems slower than any other game I've tried. And the reward for suffering through all of this? Some early generation 3d models? NO thanks, I'll pass.

With all that said, I really don't understand why his works get $10,000 per month, the quality doesn't reflect nearly what's being paid in. With that kind of money, he could hire somebody who speaks fluent English to proofread his text for him, he could either hire an artist to do ultra high quality CGs, or he could at the very least invest in some updated 3d models.
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Re: Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE

Does anyone have save for full version?
Re: Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE

I'm stuck trying to do the nun scene, it says I need a lockpick or key, great, I got a lockpick from battling the guy at the docks.

There is two doors and you need 1 key AND 1 lockpick. The key is for the first door and it is not far away around the church.

Anyway, there is something to pick in the second room, but we can't take it the first time and it's impossible to go back in this room after that...

Ho, and all those rules you see at the start of the card game? Forget about it, only "same rules" will be used and it's not very usefull, it rarely change the result of a match.

The story is... meh. Feel unfinished.

It's a good game but it deserved to be worked more. The author should focus on one game only to deliver a more complete game.
Re: Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE

So is this game now considered complete? Will there be any further updates to it? It seems close to content complete but could use a lot of polish. So many of the card game rules are still not in use.
Re: Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE

So after finally playing the complete game I would now like to revise my original review of up.

Sadly Milf Control does not live up to the hype I originally had for it. For starters, the .5 version I played was more like a .75 and that's being generous. When I played the .5 version I thought the game was only halfway completed or to put another way, I thought that the 1.0 version would have double the content. It doesn't. You only get one more day in-game to play before it's finished, also I hope you didn't like the twins, police officer, nun, nurse, slave/enemy or girlfriend characters because they get zero new scenes so F-you. Also, NO OFFICAL lesbian scenes with the mom and daughter or even the mom and aunt! And no I don't count the freaking bonus scenes, hell if anything they just make it worse since if you just add text to it you could have made them work in the actual game itself.

Then there are the chooses, and as I feared it ultimately doesn't matter in the end which is stupid since the game does have more than one ending! However, you just pick which ending you want based on the game's final choice (just before the end). The endings themselves are kinda stupid and disappointing. Stupid we can get more into when I talk about the story and characters but just disappointing in their size. Both endings, not counting the sex scene that leads up to them (although you probably should since it doesn't appear in the sex scene gallery) are incredibly short. Just a single sex scene and not even a long one at that.

One ending has you end up with the sister, but it's just a quick fuck scene with her, hell despite their being bonus images of you marrying her that doesn't actually make it into the ending, you just continue to date her as before..........*Sigh* while it's certainly not the worse ending it just felt small in comparison with the rest of the game and left me wanting more or something more. Hell at least give me a longer more extended sex scene or if you're going to make it so bloody short why not just make the freaking wedding bonus images into the actual ending, hell that would have been more impactful than just "oh mom caught us fucking, hypno her we're good now let's go back to fucking".

I probably wouldn't be so hard on this ending if we got to choose who we ended up with, the twins, girlfriend, and mom is all given roughly the same amount of screen time and character development so an ending for each of them doesn't seem far fetch but the game is under the impression that apparently the relationship with the sister is special and that clearly she's the "True" end girl. I'm being heavily sarcastic when I say that. Speaking as someone who's favorite character is the sister and is happy that she got the ending even I know that this is complete bull. But we'll get more into that later.

The second ending is the "mind control" ending which is even more of a disappointment. Ok to give you a comparison I recently played a Japanese game called 催眠貴族 which is really similar in concept, you play a guy who gains mind control powers which he uses on people throughout the town and his own mother and sister. In that game not only does the sister and mother have their own separate endings but in the mind control ending the main character completely takes over the town, fucking every pretty girl in sight. Hell, that ending is like ten minutes long, showing off what happen to the sister and mother, the all female knight squad you now command, how you treat the townspeople and a bunch of other shit.

So what about Milf Control, what happens in its "mind Control" ending? You get a blowjob. I'm not kidding, not even fucking, you just get a blowjob from your mom and sister (at the same time) and they don't even fucking react/kiss each other. Can you not see why I'm disappointed with this ending! When you say "Mind Control" ending I was expecting a full on harem ending where you bang/have your way with every girl that's appeared in the game but instead all we got is ONE short ass blowjob!

These endings are freaking shit and feel half ass! The ending is one of the most important parts of any story, it's what everything in your game is leading up to and yet these feel like Icstor either ran out of time to complete the game or just said "F it." Most solid games can't recover if their ending is crap and Milf Control is no solid game.

In my previous post I mention that one of the negatives I had with the game is how stupid or uncreative the hero and villain got with the ring. Well with the villain defeated it's now time for the hero to be TWICE as stupid to make up lost ground. I'm not kidding people, "I now have the unlimited/restricted power to control people's minds, hmmmm, how do I stop my father from finding out about me fucking the mom and sister. Oh I know, I'll have him stay late at work rather than just tell him to be ok with me fucking the mom and sister because I'm an idiot." I mean seriously, it's almost as if the main character has some sort of deeply rooted psychological issue with being direct with people. Oh and let's not forget his brilliant idea of letting his slave, the person who has made it very clear to him that she would like to destroy him, the MAYOR of the freaking city. I'm sure there's nooooooo way she could use that position of power to get around his orders to get the ring back (facepalm).

Both those are minor stupidities when it comes to the plot itself. So the beginning of the game/story the focus was on the mother, fucking her was the main character and player's main goal which we sought to achieve whereas the sister comes in later and was a simple side character. She was given NO more attention or buildup then the girlfriend, twins, Aunt, or teacher. Well now the focus has completely shifted onto the sister character for some reason and the mom has become a minor character (so if you liked the mom F you). The cliff-hanging of .5 was that the sister had put on the necklace that blocks the rings power but when you finally return back home it appears that not all of her memories have returned which brings us to the first big problem of this end game.

1. How does the ring affect people? While this was present in the first half of the game it becomes even more noticeable in the second. At certain times the ring will turn the person into just a mindless zombie you can order around, or at other times (when the main character is feeling sadistic) it will make them perfectly aware of what's going on but they can't control themselves. So why is it that the sister can't remember that the main character used the ring on her and even raped her (if you selected that choice)? It's just waaaaaaaaay to convenient that the sister can only remember the broad things that have happened to her but not the details. Which brings us to the next big issue.

2. The main character's inconsistent logic and reasoning. So the main character takes advantage of his confused sister and tricks her into thinking her feelings towards him are real......and yet he thinks they are? While this could be my imagination I feel that even the game itself tries to convince you that it's true, hell him deciding that he no longer wants to use his ring on his sister because he thinks her feelings are genuine (and that he didn't need to do it in the first place) becomes a freaking major plot point! But this reasoning is clearly BULLshit and insane.

Ok if we go with the idea that his sister always loved him as a man, in no way did the game ever previously hint at or establish that idea! Hell if anything the game always made her come across as the annoying sister and it was only at the party where we got to see a sweeter version of her, and even THEN she does reject her brother at the party when his chances of success were highest. There's no question in my opinion that in order to sleep with her the main character HAD to use the ring. It's like if a person goes to see a hypnotist to stop smoking and the hypnotist implants the idea that cigarettes taste AWFUL . If the person leaves the office, even if they're not CURRENTLY under hypnosis, if they choose not to have a cigarette because they think it tastes awful, that's not because they always thought cigarettes tasted awful, it's because of the implanted suggestion.

It's the same idea here! The sister isn't feeling love towards her brother because she's always had those feelings, it's because he implanted those feelings in her and even if she's not CURRENTLY under hypnosis/the ring's control, those feelings and the association to happiness and pleasure they created, are still there and not real. So this line of logical is BULL.

Ok so maybe instead this is to show that the main character is unraveling. All of this power is going to his head and he can't tell real from unreal anymore. Well if that was true the game does nothing with it and in no way backs up this conclusion. If anything with how the story is set up it goes out of its way to show you, no, her feelings are real.

I wouldn't make such a big deal out of this except the game makes it the main story which brings me to the third big problems.

3. The story, or rather lack of a story. Remember how in my previous post I praise the inclusion of an actual story in this game rather than just having the main character do shit for whatever reason? Welp the story basically just ends after the main character gets the second ring. Why did the statue react solely to him? What's the connection between the main character and the guy in his dreams? Why did said guy seal the ring? All questions that never come up or are answered in the second half of the game and if you were interested in that then F-you. The only hints of a story we get are that the main characters eyes start to glow when he talks with the teacher and its sorta hinted/implied that they're doing a Lelouch, as in the character is starting to lose control of his power and using it even when he doesn't mean too.

However, as I said this goes nowhere and is immediately drop. As I also mention the game makes the jarring jump from focusing on the mom to focusing on the sister which in no way flows well with the overall game and feels very random. Now to be fair I played from an old save file from the .5 version of the game so Icstor could have gone back to fix these issues and make the story flow better but I'm guessing they didn't.

Keeping on the track of ruining things I liked about the .5 build brings me to my last big issue.

4. The card combat system. I liked the card combat system, that was one of the surprising and favorite elements of the game. But when you force me to play the damn thing 9 times in a row to unlock all of the bonus scenes I'm going to end up freaking hating it! Yea that's the new hell in the game and furthers the idea that the last half was rushed to completion. Remember how in .5 there were a few bonus scene viewers and you had to go look around for the switches to unlock them or the password or occasionally beat the machine at cards.

Well, the only thing that's double in the 1.0 version is the freaking bonus scenes, hell it freaking feels like there are even MORE bonus scenes crammed into that single day than in the previous 7 days combine, and ALL OF THEM force you to play cards against them if you want to unlock them. So yea after the sixth card battle, which in no way changes throughout the game, I was getting very tired of it. So thank you game and F you.

*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* What to say in summary. I don't regret playing it, there ARE good ideas here and genuinely hot scenes but my god does the second half (more like final act) really destroy it. A great example of a game that just drops the ball on all fronts. In the end I'm left very disappointed.
Re: Milf's Control English - COMPLETE - DEMO AVAILABLE

I agree with your conclusion the game's progress been good until after the last version.
I just don't quite agree with the ending. The sister should've been just the secondary focus below the milfs. Sister just doesn't fall in the category of milf. And those who fall in the category of milf 'emselves play a really small part in the game except mom maybe. But maybe just maybe this game still 'unfinish'; just finished for now so the dev can continue other games. And since i'm not a patreon myself so perhaps i don't have the right to say this.
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