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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

This game really needs a save. The checkpoint doesn't retain after the game ends. I find it frustrating enough I'll just skip it otherwise.

Sorry you feel that way. Like HereticKitsune said, a save system will be implemented eventually, but the game is far too rough and incomplete for it right now. The odds of save files being incompatible with future versions is just too high, and development effort is better spent elsewhere right now. You're more than welcome to wait until the game is complete/almost finished to play, though, if the lack of saving ruins it that much for you.

@Slam Sector - You'd be right about its role in combat. It's there to keep you stationary while other enemies mess you up. It's pretty harmless for now, but picture that guy along with the tentacles or the flies. Suddenly not so endearing, is it? :p
As for the libido gauge, the speed it empties is by no means final. Once I actually HAVE a purpose for the libido gauge, I'll figure out a good speed for it to fill/empty with. Aside from that I'm not going into detail about the gameplay implications yet, that'll be in the future!

@rab135 - No worries, asking a question is never stupid. The double jump isn't officially in the game yet though, you don't need it for anything. You'll get the double jump once you collect the Health Upgrade at the end of the demo, as part of the debug cheats.
If you're having trouble finding out where to go, feel free to send me a PM with a screenshot or description of the area you're in and I can help you figure it out :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Sorry you feel that way. Like HereticKitsune said, a save system will be implemented eventually, but the game is far too rough and incomplete for it right now. The odds of save files being incompatible with future versions is just too high, and development effort is better spent elsewhere right now. You're more than welcome to wait until the game is complete/almost finished to play, though, if the lack of saving ruins it that much for you.

:D As a programmer myself, what you're saying makes perfect sense. Thanks for responding! I'll look forward to the save functionality.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Sorry you feel that way. Like HereticKitsune said, a save system will be implemented eventually, but the game is far too rough and incomplete for it right now. The odds of save files being incompatible with future versions is just too high, and development effort is better spent elsewhere right now.

Out of curiosity, how are you handling saving? My saves are just a text file with a list of numbers, and specific variables get written to it upon saving the game. So as long as you only "add" variables to a save script instead of changing them, saves will always be 100% compatible with future versions, because even in the event of a save-file lacking a variable, you can set it to a default value, which would just be the same as it would be when starting a new game.

If you're going to implement a save system, you may as well do it sooner, rather than later, and add to the list of saved variables as you go. Especially given how much it may effect the player's experience with the game.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Out of curiosity, how are you handling saving? My saves are just a text file with a list of numbers, and specific variables get written to it upon saving the game. So as long as you only "add" variables to a save script instead of changing them, saves will always be 100% compatible with future versions. Even in the event of a save-file lacking a variable, you can set it to a default value, which would just be the same as it would be when starting a new game.

If you're going to implement a save system, you may as well do it sooner, rather than later, and add to the list of saved variables as you go. Especially given how much it may effect the player's experience with the game.

You've also got a ton of different formats that are designed to be easily extendible.

Obviously, there's the big mother-fucker called XML. Or another "fat" solution would be SQLite. Lighter-formats would be JSON or CSV files, which can be extended pretty easily. All of these should be more than sufficient for your tasks.

XML does have that are readily available (and if MSXML is too complex, Microsoft also provides which is a fair bit easier to use). Both MSXML and XMLite are supported on all Windows Vista, Win7, Win8 and above OSes. WinXP SP3 is supported as well. There are also libraries in virtually all "serious" programming languages. So despite the fact that XML is so "fat", its actually one of the most well supported formats out there...

I prefer something lighter weight, that won't rely on another library that I download. So I use fields. If in the future, a field is unused, you can just ignore the "type". (Read the type. If no longer supported, read the length and skip "length" bytes.)

Even then, Kyrieru's simple methodology will work in a number of cases.

In any case, getting the save technology right is a major priority, and may require some thinking from a map-perspective. (Labeling save points, whether or not save points are activated automatically, etc. etc.) Of course, this is your project, but my instinct is that its something that you shouldn't put off too long.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Out of curiosity, how are you handling saving? My saves are just a text file with a list of numbers, and specific variables get written to it upon saving the game. So as long as you only "add" variables to a save script instead of changing them, saves will always be 100% compatible with future versions, because even in the event of a save-file lacking a variable, you can set it to a default value, which would just be the same as it would be when starting a new game.

If you're going to implement a save system, you may as well do it sooner, rather than later, and add to the list of saved variables as you go. Especially given how much it may effect the player's experience with the game.

The save system I have in mind is essentially the same as yours. The problem with doing it now isn't as much that it would literally not be compatible so much as the development of the game isn't done in a 100% linear fashion. Because of the monthly beta updates, rooms that were previously available might get reworked, or a boss fight will be added to an old room that used to be empty, and the ways that a save system could interfere with the player experience due to that are innumerable. They could end up skipping a brand new boss entirely because their old save is past that point, or they could have an upgrade earlier than they're supposed to (example being the Spread Shot I recently added. It was available at the end of the latest two demos, but you aren't actually supposed to obtain it in-game until a bit later.)

There are certainly things I could do to try and get around it, but it's effort that I could be spending elsewhere in development, which is the main reason I decided on the checkpoint system. It was an easy way to work in a 'save' system that's only applicable to that specific run of the game. I mean, yeah, I could just wipe saves on startup, but I doubt anybody would be any happier about that lol.

@stashar - I appreciate the advice. It's definitely something I have in my thoughts, I just don't want to implement it yet, for the reasons mentioned above. I'm not completely ignoring the idea though, don't you worry :p
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Because of the monthly beta updates, rooms that were previously available might get reworked, or a boss fight will be added to an old room that used to be empty, and the ways that a save system could interfere with the player experience due to that are innumerable. They could end up skipping a brand new boss entirely because their old save is past that point, or they could have an upgrade earlier than they're supposed to (example being the Spread Shot I recently added. It was available at the end of the latest two demos, but you aren't actually supposed to obtain it in-game until a bit later.)

I guess that's the disadvantage of doing a Patreon and alpha/beta tests -___-
That said, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably implement a save system, but leave it up to the discretion of the player. Chances are if there's content they're looking for, they'll start over on their own.

Personally, though, I remember replaying the first stages of Unholy sanctuary every time there was an update. After a while, I got pretty sick of replaying the first stages, because sometimes the saves weren't compatible. Didn't take long before people just started posting saves set before the new content. (Which, you could probably do yourself, if you wanted to.)

If you don't think a save system is going to work for you at this point I won't argue with you, though. You know far more about your project than I do.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Love then new fly cumming animation, especially the inflation. I'd love to see an after sex animation where the cum drips out. :) Keep up the good work! The game looks and plays great so far :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

I guess that's the disadvantage of doing a Patreon and alpha/beta tests -___-
That said, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably implement a save system, but leave it up to the discretion of the player. Chances are if there's content they're looking for, they'll start over on their own.

Personally, though, I remember replaying the first stages of Unholy sanctuary every time there was an update. After a while, I got pretty sick of replaying the first stages, because sometimes the saves weren't compatible. Didn't take long before people just started posting saves set before the new content. (Which, you could probably do yourself, if you wanted to.)

If you don't think a save system is going to work for you at this point I won't argue with you, though. You know far more about your project than I do.

Thanks for the suggestions, I do appreciate it! I'm still not sure how I feel about a save system right now, since cross-version compatibility isn't something I can really test thoroughly (without putting a ton of effort into it), but I do have some ideas for how I can streamline the player experience in beta. There's not enough time for me to get anything in for the next update, but I'll look into it more going forward.

@Darkrick - Thanks! I have plans for the fly's post-sex animation, though I'm not sharing them at the moment. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

A save system isn't what you need.

You need a debug menu so that players can skip the parts they've already gone through.

Then sell it as an extra feature of the game when you finish. Bada-bing, bada-boom. If its sufficiently hidden (Konami Code on the menu, or something), then it'd be a bonus feature many gamers will ignore. But those who have completed the game (and know about it) will enjoy the benefits.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

I don't think the boss should constantly drop health pots it makes it way too easy.

I also think the flies are way too difficult. I like the idea of a swarming enemy but these things are by far the most difficult enemy to hit and they also attack in the greatest numbers. If these things are going to spawn constantly at least don't make them also dodge my attacks.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

The flies aren't too bad if you make Alicia into a poor man's spread gun. By which I mean: jump a lot as you fire. The flies will often, in tracking Alicia, fly into your shots.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

A save system isn't what you need.

You need a debug menu so that players can skip the parts they've already gone through.

Then sell it as an extra feature of the game when you finish. Bada-bing, bada-boom. If its sufficiently hidden (Konami Code on the menu, or something), then it'd be a bonus feature many gamers will ignore. But those who have completed the game (and know about it) will enjoy the benefits.

I'm actually planning on doing something pretty similar to that, although it's not really a debug thing, so it won't make its way into the final version. The demo is getting decently lengthy though, so it's understandable that people want a way to skip old content. I don't have enough time to add that in for the next update (which is going live on Patreon in a few days), but for v.11 I'll be sure to implement it!

@mrface5355 - Thanks for the suggestions. I agree that the boss is too easy, but I'm also the developer - the whole game is easier for me by default. A lot of people seem satisfied with how the boss is right now, so I don't think I'm going to change it unless I get a lot more feedback to the contrary. As for the flies, there are many ways to take them on, such as using the Force Shot, which can hit them much easier, or by destroying their nest so that it can't spawn any more of them. Kvier also has a decent strategy for taking them on, if you want a blaster-only strategy. The flies are designed to inspire you to make use of the Force Shot, though, so I don't think I'll be changing them.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

The flies absolutely do a great job of incentivizing usage of the Force Shot (which needs a better name, imo), but I'd agree that they should just be like 10% bigger or slower or something. They're too persistent to ALSO be difficult to kill; that just encourages players to try to ignore them, which leads to frustrating gameplay.

Also, I think the flies should grab you while you're standing instead of attacking you (at least some of the time). It's weird to get knocked down, then stand back up when the fly decides that it's Business Time
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

The flies absolutely do a great job of incentivizing usage of the Force Shot (which needs a better name, imo), but I'd agree that they should just be like 10% bigger or slower or something. They're too persistent to ALSO be difficult to kill; that just encourages players to try to ignore them, which leads to frustrating gameplay.

Also, I think the flies should grab you while you're standing instead of attacking you (at least some of the time). It's weird to get knocked down, then stand back up when the fly decides that it's Business Time

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

The flies absolutely do a great job of incentivizing usage of the Force Shot (which needs a better name, imo), but I'd agree that they should just be like 10% bigger or slower or something. They're too persistent to ALSO be difficult to kill; that just encourages players to try to ignore them, which leads to frustrating gameplay.

Also, I think the flies should grab you while you're standing instead of attacking you (at least some of the time). It's weird to get knocked down, then stand back up when the fly decides that it's Business Time

They get a LOT easier to hit once you get the powerup that widens your shots. I found it easier to just run away until I get that, resorting to bomb shots if they pursue.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

How'd you get any further then where you first encounter the flies?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

How'd you get any further then where you first encounter the flies?

You need to jump onto the pillar. Glad I'm not the only one who couldn't figure that out instantly.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Apologies if it's been mentioned before, but in the room after your first Force Shot (after the boss), if you accidentally jump back up while crouching you spawn somewhere below the map area, and get stuck. Since F12 doesn't trigger unless you're at 0 health, you have no option but to close and restart. :(

With the new checkpoint system having the F12 button always active (if you're concerned about accidental wiping, it could be "reset on hold" or something) would be nice for dealing with similar issues in the future
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Played through the new demo and gotta say it's good so far. There's plenty of stuff to do and I'd be lost all the time if there wasn't a minimap.

The flies are kind of annoying since it feels like they're glued to the screen once they prepare to attack, and even clip inside walls but atleast they die quickly.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Are the fly enemies before or after the Boss fight?