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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was panting happily, turning to proclaim her victory before eeping loudly as the werecat pounced her... and... started being unusually affectionate. A little too stunned to react to the odd behavior, Kylie just chuckled and tickled Miu's sides.

Hey now, I'm just human, I have to compete with all you guys somehow! Kylie said, laughing as she flopped back up and endured a dusting from the neko, who's appearance was returning to normal quickly. And yes, a dip sounds nice, besides, I can't do anything until Maria is done in there since I came to train with her, my swordsmanship and hand to hand needs a lot of work. Kylie added as they walked, the assassin making sure her bow and her arrows hadn't been damaged in the tumble.

Glad that everything was in order, though she did have to bend down to pick up a stray arrow, Kylie grinned as she saw the three occupants in the hot spring, currently ignorant to their presence. Reaching out to touch Miu's shoulder, Kylie held up her finger to her lips, signalling for silence and grinning. Ducking around the corner, Kylie discarded her clothing and weapons and tucked them into a neat bundle, being excessively careful not to make a sound while she did so.

Now naked, and with nothing to jangle or clack to give her away, Kylie slid around the corner on light feet in a low crouch as she began to sneak towards the relaxing trio, before greeting Maria in her customary fashion, with an incredibly loud BOOO~! from just behind her, before glomping the piercing adorned warrior into the water and laughing as she bounced back to the surface of the hot water with a big shit eating grin on her face. Hello~!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's bow and arrows were all undamaged, and Miu apologized for knocking the stray arrow out of her quiver as she leaned down to pick it up, where they went on up to the spring itself. Once there, Miu grinned as Kylie tapped her shoulder and motioned for silence, nodding her head and following Kylie to the side and doing the same as she was, undressing as silently as possible and putting her clothing and weapon aside with Kylie's. She then followed Kylie back out with cat like stealth and cannonballing into the water as Kylie glomped Maria. The results of their combined assault on the three was a yelp from all three of them, Hazel, Amara, and Maria all, though Hazel a bit less so than the other two. Maria yelped and jumped as Kylie began to glomp her, causing Kylie's hands to latch right onto Maria's breasts, which were very soft and giving to Kylie's grip, the young vryloka's pierced nipples getting almost instantly hard in Kylie's grip.

Miu hopped right up into Hazel's lap and kissed her on the cheek, apparently liking the succubus as she laid her head down right into the valley of Hazel's breasts and closed her eyes. "Ah nice soft pillows to rest on," Miu sighed as she lay her head there.

"Hmhm, oh alright, good kitty, go ahead and rest okay," Hazel said with that slightly annoying giggle of her's, raising a hand up to Miu's head where she began gently scratching the neko behind her ears, which caused her tail to swish around happily behind her and her ears to twitch cutely as she nuzzled further into Hazel's breasts, purring the whole time and looking more and more relaxed as Hazel went.

"Oh gods Kylie, why do you insist on scaring the life out of me? My heart feels like it's about to jump out of my throat now," Maria said as she sat there in the hotspring, with Kylie behind her, the young assassin's hands on Maria's breasts as she resurfaced. Amara for her part recovered quick and went back to relaxing in her spot, laying her head back and letting her wings go limp again and down into the water.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, accidentally, and then rather intentionally groping Maria's nice breasts, her fingers toying with the piercings a little as she purred into her ear Because I like hearing your voice like that, it's absolutely adorable. Besides! If I can make your heart beat like that every time I show up, then i'm flattered! Kylie said, giggling impishly and letting Maria go as she watched Miu's antics.

That and I had to do something special! I apparently am the first one to beat Miu in a foot race! Granted we're both dirty dirty cheaters, but it was a blast and I'm all excited now! Kylie added, bubbling around in the hot water before leaning against the wall of the spring and sighing happily.

Glancing over at everyone, Kylie again returned her attention to just Maria, though she was certain Hazel, Amara, and Miu... well, Maybe not Miu... were all listening. I actually came here to brush up on my sword, because it's pretty piss poor compared to everything else. I was going to bother Yuki for some unarmed training, but she's busy with chores. So I came to find, and scare, you! Kylie finished, smiling brightly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria didn't try to stop Kylie, yet she whimpered pitifully as Kylie fingered her piercings, her voice sounding so cute in Kylie's ears. "O-Oh Kylie, p-please don't do that... m-my nipples are so sensitive already because of them," Maria whimpered to Kylie, blushing quite a bit as she uttered what she did about her nipples being so sensitive thanks to her piercings and shamefully looking away.

"Oh so you beat our little Miu here at her own game huh. Well don't be discouraged little kitty, you can't always win," Hazel said and pet Miu's head some more, causing her cat ears to twitch some more as she buried her face deeper into Hazel's breasts, her face no longer in sight thanks to the succubus' massive mammaries, though she could still be heard purring quite a bit.

The heat and steam was perfect for relaxing her as Kylie bubbled around and laid back, just sitting there in the hot water was enough to relax her muscles, which was obviously good for her, since she rarely did anything in the past to relax in any way really. "I um... I can teach you how to use a sword better, but I'm not really a teacher myself to be honest. But if you're willing to listen and learn, then I don't mind helping you out some," Maria said, placing her hands over her nipples and rubbing them a little bit after Kylie let them go.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded happily, her eyes closed. I am, I use my own style for fighting anyway, but I could never quite get the basics of a longer blade with my old teacher Gestalt, so he had me focus on precise strikes and my archery and poisons. Technically speaking, unarmed fighting will probably be the most useful, but I need to be more well rounded or I wont be able to properly react like I should. Running a hundred yards away to shoot someone doesn't work as well as it sounds... Kylie said, ceasing all teasing of Maria for the moment, she'd save that for later, a naughty little idea already forming in her mind, before she remembered something hazel had said.

Actually Hazel! Remember that little trick you used with the rope? Before I became a plaything for everyone? You said you could teach me that! That would be fun... a lot of fun... Almost... Too much fun... Kylie said, thinking about how much trouble she already got into with rope on her own...

Shaking off her gutter minded thoughts for the moment, Kylie opened her eyes and glanced at Amara. I'm actually planning a trip here to the north soon, figured it would all be helpful if I ran into any trouble... I can't exactly go around plying my old trade without drawing too much attention. Anyone who's seen my work would know it pretty quickly, the arrows I use are a little too unique and I can't always reclaim them all. So I need new ways to handle things...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yes it does sound as if that would be troublesome in battle I suppose. And your old teacher Gestalt sounds like he really knew his stuff for the most part, but he should have taught you short blades instead, like a short sword maybe if you couldn't get the hang of a heavy blade I mean, but a short sword is easy enough to learn, just like the spear, but hard to master it to its fullest potential," Maria said after a few moments, before Kylie turned to Hazel to ask about the rope magic she did.

"Hmhm, yes I remember it, and yes I can teach you how to do it Kylie, it's really not all that hard to be honest, but for someone that's never really been trained in the arcane arts like yourself it then it could be a little difficult to figure it out at first, but shouldn't be too tough. I'll let you sort out your training schedule first before I teach you though so you aren't overworked or anything," Hazel replied to Kylie, letting Miu get up after she stopped petting the neko, where Miu then raised up and laid back in the water and began floating around.

"Ah if you are going to the Tear Cove Kylie then you can head up there when the other priestesses get back the day after tomorrow, or at least they should be getting back by then, you can use the extra day or two to train some with Maria here and Yuki. There's something that I'm sending some of them to pick up for the temple here that we're supposed to be expecting and should be ready up there by now. I ordered a new statuette for the shrines of Sehanine, Pelor, and Bahamut, as the older ones are just plain stone ones. A solid gold one of Pelor and a solid silver one of Sehanine, though platinum coated one of Bahamut, as that much platinum would be a waste for just a statuette like that," Amara said to Kylie, giving her a good time estimate of when she could leave to head up to Tear Cove.

"Aye that sounds like a splendid idea to me. Is Giselle going to be going with you Kylie? Well it doesn't really matter I guess if she is honestly. When you get there though Kylie, you can pick up some cards at the arcane shop, just tell them that you're looking to learn a few minor cantrips and they'll show you the cards, new up and coming wizards use them to help get the feel of the magic flow through them for certain cantrips before they're able to learn them in full, so pick up a few and try them out and by the time you get back it'll be a lot easier for me to teach you that little cantrip I used the other day. For now though let us just relax and gossip," Hazel said with a wink, seeming to like the fact that Kylie was wanting to head up to Tear Cove.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It was always the problem of how to move my way while handling something that long. A bow is easier to do that with because you hold it along the center of it's weight, and realistically, you're rarely actually holding it in a close up situation unless something's gone wrong. He tried to teach me how to use a short sword, but we wound up using heavy daggers instead because they were shorter. As for Tear Cove, I'm sure we could work that out, though I have no idea about Giselle, and yes Hazel, there will most certainly be a shopping spree of some kind, as well as other engagements to take care of up there. Kylie answered, poking the floating Miu in the ribs as she drifted by.

Kylie now properly relaxed, started thinking about the northern cities and her vast list of projects and problems to deal with, bubbling around in the water again while she was thinking everything over.

I wish there was a way I could take everything I wanted to learn and just sponge it into my brain.... so much time saved, but, as far as I'm aware, that's not possible, so I'm going to be one busy lady so as far as schedules go... whoever is available when I come to bother you all once a day!.... or less... not sure. Little Hope is going to need a lot of care as well, speaking of which, I need to go see her today as well... Kylie chuckled, remembering her favorite little sprout, and indeed, all the children there

Actually, while we're talking, how many priestesses actually live here? I've seen Hazel, Amara, Miu, Yuki, Maya, and Maria... So that's 6... Who's left? Kylie suddenly said, raising her eyebrow.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie poked at Miu's side as she drifted past her while she spoke, the neko meowed softly and giggled ticklishly, squirming around a little bit and trying to get away from Kylie to drift around elsewhere in the spring. "I see, well heavy daggers are one way to go, but I personally think that you would be well suited to a short sword myself, because you're very balanced and whatnot. When we get out of here, I can begin teaching you some forms that I use for swords if you'd like, probably not something you're used to with daggers of course but maybe my forms would suit you better than those you were taught before. However... hmm... maybe you could use kukris or something like that, or... wait a drow long knife. They might be perfect for you Kylie," Maria said to Kylie about the sword talk they were having, suggesting a new type of blade that she thought may work for Kylie.

"Don't worry about it all Kylie, just take it one step at a time and I'm sure that you'll manage okay. Don't try and train with several different people at different times of the day and just stick to one for a few days before moving on to another, it'd probably be easier on you that way. But it's your decision sweetie, from now on you should make your own decisions about things... because I know what it's like to have that ability taken away from you, being able to make up your own mind about something and it being laid out for you or you being forced to do this or that whether you want to or not. But I'll still suggest things to you of course, any time you need some help about making up your mind on something or about anything really, just come and talk to me or any of us, we'll do what we can to help in any way we can," Hazel said to Kylie about learning everything she was wanting to learn and her schedule being a very busy one indeed soon.

"Ah yes, I imagined that you would ask me that Kylie. Other than the ones you've met so far, there are three others all told to make a total of eight priestesses for our temple, the three of them are over near the lamia village to the west doing some work for them, but they should be back in a day or two at most. Auntie Hazel here though isn't a priestess of this temple, she's just here right now keeping an eye on you and all, and we're letting her use the temple since it has a teleportation circle that she can use to go back and forth to Crimea when she needs to," Amara said, answering Kylie's question of the other priestesses. "Aya is our newest priestess, and is more in training to be a full priestess really at the moment, which is why she does a lot of the cleaning in the temple itself, because all of the other priestesses are capable of fighting in some fashion or another," Amara added.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie thought over everything that had been said for a few minutes, bubbling around again, only her eyes above the steaming water as she pondered things and glanced around at the assorted relaxers...

Floating back up and sliding up and out of the water, Kylie shook herself off like a dog, and then started to wring her hair out, grinning. Well, Maria, that's probably a good idea. When I seriously fight, I use poisoned weapons, so something exceedingly sharp and light would suit perfectly. Single strikes and killing blows are also highly emphasized. So a very heavy, piercing blade would also work. Gestalt was incredibly thorough even if I didn't show much promise, So I'll try anything you'd like and we'll go from there. Kylie said, sitting on the edge of one of the stones and smiling, kicking her legs slowly in the water.

Standing and starting to stretch out, sighing happily, once again simply joyous she had her freedom of motion back now that she was no longer carrying Bob's brood, Kylie got herself completely relaxed, and dry, before heading out to retrieve her things, her clothing and her weapons quickly donned as she waited for Maria to finish as well. Pulling up a chair nearby, Kylie grinned at Amara. So, If they're over by the Lamia village, I should head there right now, and ambush them!? That's what you said right? That's an amazing Idea! Kylie said with mock excitement, grinning widely.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah then a drow long knife may be perfect for you if that's the kind of way you fight, because they have grooves in the blades made specifically for poisons, or you can get them made like that anyway at least. They are about the size of a shortsword, just a bit longer, but more slender. They're about three quarters the length of a longsword, but the tip is an outwards curved hook. They call it a drow long knife because they were the ones that made it. But they have two different variants of it, one meant for poisons and another not meant for them. It's perfectly balanced though which is something I figure you're looking for in a blade," Maria said to Kylie, the blade in question maybe sounding perfect to her, though the kukri may sound good instead, she'd probably have to see them both to decide.

When Kylie got out of the spring, Hazel exited with her, the voluptuous succubus' huge breasts swaying back and forth as she walked, though they didn't seem a hindrance to her in the least bit really. Hazel grabbed the towel she'd been using to lay her head back on and used it to dry herself off, not a drop of shame in her as she did so, letting Kylie know that Hazel didn't mind at all if anybody saw her naked really. When Kylie went to sit down, she would see the only things to sit on were some benches set around the spring, which Hazel helped her to pull one over next to the springs to sit on, the succubus joining her as she sat there, though Hazel didn't get dressed herself even though Kylie did. But Kylie could see Hazel did have a set of clothes sitting next to her on the bench to put on when she got ready to put them on. Maria meanwhile pulled herself up out of the water to sit on the side of the hotspring, not seeming to be through just quite yet herself. Amara wasn't looking to be eager to move anytime soon though, and neither was Miu who had stopped her floating about and sat down where Hazel had been next to Amara, where she sunk down into the water so only her nose and up was still above the water.

"Hmhm, no no Kylie that's not what I'm saying in the least, because the lamia village is at least a day away from here, and that's by flight from an angel or succubus, or anything else that has wings like some of the other devils. And besides, I doubt you could ambush all three of them successfully by yourself anyway, but you never know," Amara said with a grin, giggling a little at Kylie's words, but seeming a little unsure if she could actually manage an ambush of these other three priestesses.

As they sat there, Kylie would see that Hazel looked deep in thought about something and that she had a slightly sad look on her face as she stared off into the distance towards the west. Hazel was also fiddling with a pendant necklace that she was wearing that looked suspiciously like a locket in the shape of a heart as she stared off into the distance.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled at Amara's grin, instead of properly answering her question, and then pointed to Hazel. Ask Auntie Hazel what I could probably do. I sank an entire Galleon to get to one man and an artifact, you'd be amazed what I can manage with 24 hours of prep time and a location. kylie said, grinning with an only barely concealed hunger.

It was devastatingly true. Once Kylie had mastered to subtler arts of stealth and poisoning, ambushes, and designated combat targets had been next, and they'd come second nature to her. It was an entirely accepted method to cause mass chaos to get to a single man or woman and rule anything that happened as collateral. Though it was wiser, and often safer to find the perfect opening, as every target had one, it was even more often that the former option was far more expedient because it forced the opening to appear, though it was considerably less subtle.

3 targets, traveling alone, with 24 hours to prepare for their arrival, and knowing exactly where they would be going? Kylie was dead certain she could accomplish that through some carefully placed traps along the mid route and some poisoned arrows at night. Although she was a little lost in her mental exercise, and indeed, it set her mind at ease knowing she could still plan such things out so quickly, Kylie shook herself from it and made an effort to calm her bloodlust.

I still maintain that I could, but you're right, it wouldn't be wise, nor would it make me any friends, even if it was all just a prank, and such things can always go wrong. Better that I stick to training and wait to meet them, then risk getting off on the wrong foot so early. Kylie said, smiling genuinely and happily as she splashed her feet some more and hummed an old children's tale she remembered.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Indeed Kylie can do what she says Amara, don't doubt it for a second. To be honest I'm rather proud of her for sinking that ship, although it did setback out plans somewhat... well more just kind of scared the hell out of us more than anything really, because I'd expected her at Tear Cove about two days from when I first met her here in town," Hazel said with a nod of her head, sounding surprisingly proud of Kylie's actions, even if she didn't necessarily like the fact that she'd done what she had.

"Oh auntie Hazel, I don't mean that I didn't think she could manage it at all, just that it might not work because it'd be three on one, plus they know the terrain better and what to look for in an ambush in this type of land more so than Kylie knows how to prepare an ambush in jungle terrain," Amara said, splashing gently out into the spring a bit where she dunked her head underneath the water, her golden blonde hair disappearing underneath the surface along with her wings, which she'd tucked in against her.

Amara stayed under water for a good minute or so, while Maria decided to get up and out of the spring herself, seeming to be done for now as she stepped out, her quite large breasts swaying back and forth much like Hazel's had done, just not so dangerously as the succubus' huge breasts, but Maria seemed too carry the burden of her quite large chest just as well as Hazel did her own, apparently having strong muscles with which to do so. As Maria wrapped a towel around herself and sat down on the bench between Kylie and Hazel where she began drying herself, Amara resurfaced, looking like a beautiful woman from a fairy tale or something popping out of the water.

"So... would you like to start your training when we head back down Kylie? Or were you wanting to go and check on this Hope girl you and miss Hazel were talking about?" Maria asked Kylie as she finished drying off, her piercings shining in the sunlight that shone down upon them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked at Maria when she was done staring at Amara popping out of the water, and seemed lost for a few moments. Ooo! we should get the training done now, sorry to impose, but! You can come along and meet Hope for yourself when we're through Kylie said, smiling at the idea of the little Alraune having more people to torment.

They were like a little cuddly swarm of adorable mischief, and Kylie loved them all, but Hope... Looking off and remembering for a moment, Kylie felt a pull in her chest for the little one, but knew it was just nerves.

Shaking off the moment, Kylie hopped up and waved at everyone, before bouncing out of the springs and waiting outside. When she was joined by Maria, and anyone else, Kylie would poke her in the shoulder lightly. So? How do I look now that I'm not so round! Also, what is this Long Knife you were talking about, I'm curious about it now...
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Eh sure why not, be nice to see some little alraune, haven't seen any in a while," Maria said, shrugging her shoulders at coming with Kylie later to see Hope, sounding as if she had nothing better to do after training.

When questioned about her looks as well as the long knife mentioned by Maria before, the vryloka girl glanced back at Kylie. "You look much better to me, and the long knives are... well made for people that don't want a full sword. They've got about a two foot long blade, a six inch hilt, a perfect curve at the end of the blade like those on Hazel's hips, and grooves made on some specifically for coating the thing with poisons of whatever kind you like, though thicker substances work best on them so it doesn't wipe off after a single stab. The drow have been using them for centuries now, but assassins have started using them for their versatility and lightness, since they are only like two or three pounds and all, but still strong enough to stand up to a longsword in battle," Maria said, explaining the long knife as best she could while everyone save Miu and Amara went on back down the hill to the temple, with Hazel flapping her wings lazily to throw the water off of them, some of which hit Kylie in the side of the face where Hazel giggled a bit, smirking at Kylie if she glanced over at her.

"One of my daughters uses a pair of them in battle, and one of my granddaughters does too," Hazel said.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie walked with the others, and was silent while they talked, considering the weapon, and the tactics involved, and even the more prominent use. Shaken out of her musings by water from Hazel's wings, Kylie nodded before launching into as clear an explanation as she could muster.

Well, just, remember something about my trade. Being an assassin, more then anything else, is about being versatile in everything. You need to be able to change things up on the fly even if you've planned months in advance and thought of everything that could possibly go wrong. The bow is a great weapon for this, I can design and carry several different tactics in a quiver and only a single weapon so such changes are easy. An armored target for instant, would be met with very heavy piercing arrows, or arrowheads filled with acid or gaseous poison. It's another reason poisons are useful, it's another way to vary the same weapon. This longknife is great for the same reasons as far as I can tell, but say... Say the target was something where a light blade would be near useless? Undead for instance? We had warriors in the Rose specifically for this who used short but very heavy blades to cleave limbs, since bleeding and poisons were near to useless. Or guns, they served the same purpose. The problem I'm hitting now? I can handle people, living targets, but it seems so many of the coming threats are going to be more supernatural in nature. Things that a simple wound wont handle. The succubi myself and the siren sisters handled for Giselle's sake were a clear message to me on that count. Kylie said, thinking back to that fight.

I struck one what would have been a truly mortal wound in any human, a deep wound to the inner thigh that would have caused anyone to simply bleed out in moments. But she didn't stop, she didn't even treat it as a concern so great was her bloodlust and I nearly died because of it. She simply waved off the wound as something she'd handle after I was dead. No lightheadedness, no loss in judgement due to bloodloss. In fact, it seemed her wound clotted incredibly quickly and I almost lost everything on that choice in strategy, which SHOULD have worked on any normal opponent! And now... I hate to say it, but an atropal? I can't find an effective poison for that... I can't hit it with an arrow in the perfect spot. I saw it in visions, how brutal it's execution had to be to finally stop it, how many of my fellows it killed on it's rampage... And in retrospect, how many normal people, guards and torturers and finally my target I went through like paper with just a stolen dagger and my malice... I'm still ashamed of that night, and I know I should be... but the difference is there, between a man or woman, and a monster... So I came to you all for help, one weapon, one set of tactics wont be enough... Kylie finished, looking down at the ground.

Continuing down towards the temple proper, Kylie was still thinking on her past, of different enemies and targets, and how they'd all had a method, whether it was a new arrow just for that day, or if she needed help from the more close combat oriented of her fellows. She had always had a reputation for doing things alone after Reggie had been killed, and her killings had only become more brazen, and more brutal, until she'd come to terms with everything. Even afterwards, she stayed a solo contractor.

I've always worked alone, after my brother was killed and it was simple logic that led me to keep that choice after his death. Coming after my loved ones, after my teammates, isn't wise if I'm dangerous all on my own. I have no team to exploit. Attack my family is simply a sure way to make my shitlist. Hurting my friends is the same as signing a death warrant and painting a target on your chest, and that's because everyone eventually makes a hard, and possibly devastatingly painful choice. Will I allow myself to be manipulated in such a way... If you answer No, then you have to be prepared to watch everything around you burn in order to protect yourself. Kylie whispered, honest fear in her voice, but true conviction...

I'm sorry to put this on your shoulders, but I need your help, I need to reach that pinnacle again, to be that moving force. If I don't, Giselle, Hope... the other priestesses, no one will be safe around me. I'm prepared to give everything to keep you all safe...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Listening to Kylie as they headed back down to the temple,taking the winding path after passing the shrines and whatnot, Hazel and Maria let Kylie finish before either of them spoke again. Which by the time she was finished they were about halfway back down the hill now. "Well Kylie, I'm just going to say that you shouldn't worry about us, we priestesses can take care of ourselves, have done so for years now before you even came around, so I'm sure that we can manage. But we priestesses fight side by side always, in trios or more when we can, which is why we all only focus on a couple of different styles of fighting, like I focus on sword styles, Miu focuses on spear styles, Yuki on hand to hand combat... you get the idea. I mean it's good to know many styles of combat and tactics to go with them, but you can't always do something alone, sometimes you'll have to have help to win," Maria said, sounding confident that she and the others would be just fine whether Kylie was helping or not.

"Yes and those succubi were most likely using magics to help them keep from bleeding out so quickly, because despite us being devils, we're pretty much as vulnerable to a weapon as a human, maybe slightly less so because we're naturally more powerful. Poisons... maybe a bit more resistant than a human, fire definitely more resistant. Anyway I digress, and I understand where you're coming from, but Maria is right when she says you can't always fight alone. You say that you're prepared to give everything to keep us all safe, but we're just as prepared to do the same for you Kylie, because that's what friends and family do for one another, and we all consider you a friend, while Giselle and her sisters and I'm sure little Hope as well consider you family. You aren't alone Kylie, and I'm sure that Maria and others will help you along the way, you need only ask it of us and we'll do it if we can," Hazel said after Maria was through talking, wrapping an arm around Kylie's neck and pulling her over where she squished her right cheek against her large breasts. "But while you're here Kylie, you may as well go ahead and learn other weapon styles than the long knife and short swords and stuff like that. Go all the way and learn the spear from Miu and stuff like that too, that way you can improvise with whatever is laying around at the time," Hazel added, suggesting to Kylie to learn several weapons instead of just one or two.

Soon after they made their way into the temple itself where Yuki and Aya were both lazing about, resting after their chores were done and sipping on a mug of tea each. As soon as Kylie, Hazel, and Maria were inside Aya jumped up and poured them all a glass of tea as well. "We're heading on up there here in a minute or two, as soon as we're done with our tea that is," Aya said as the three sat down with them at the low sitting Japanese style table.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with teamwork, me and Giselle work very well together. It's just the usual assassin way to do things alone for the above reasons. If an assassin allows themselves to be manipulated, then they become a risk to everyone around them. Hazel knows this as well as anyone, Cosimo never shuts up about it to the younger initiates. I'll rely on your support for combat, sure, just don't expect to be invited on any actual jobs in my field. Besides, I don't think killing in cold blood is something most of you could stomach. The mindset of a trained killer is one of phyrric victory, which if you're unfamiliar with the term, simply means that although they are victorious the cost is devastating. In terms of armies this is incredibly foolish, but when brought to the scale of 1 being versus many, it becomes far more meaningful. If I were to die killing my target, but in doing so, I killed the target, his supporters, his foundation, and ensured that no remnant of him or his evil was ever allowed to flourish again, that would be acceptable. It can be taken to even more painful extremes, but how would you react to a person who wanted you all dead so badly, that they'd throw themselves on your blade for a chance to slip poison into your veins, and die happy knowing you'd all quickly follow him. This is not an uncommon practice among some of the more zealous of the Rose, and particularly of the Amaranthine. In fact, it's a tactic I've used myself quite often, where all consideration to my own safety is considered unimportant and I'm allowed to fight to my absolute fullest. It's devastating when it's done right. Once again, the Coral Seeker is an example. It's situations like this in particular, where being able to use a variable skillset becomes even more important if you want to survive it. Kylie explained, still nervous about many things, and almost eager to prove her point by successfully ambushing the returning priestesses so the others had a real idea of what they were actually up against.

here's the bargain, and yes, I think it's important. We'll schedule some games. In exchange for the training, I will return the favor and see about showing you exactly what can be expected from enemy assassins by putting you all on the wrong end of myself. All very safe of course, no real danger... but to be honest... you're all too... carefree.... for me to think anything else would be wise. You're all very very confident you can handle what could be coming, and just looking, I can tell that you're not. What victory would you achieve if the entire island was laid waste around you, because you were put on the defensive? The answer, is None. Kylie finished, nearing their destination, and taking a deliberate, and deep breath.

enough of such heavy matter though for now I think, lets get some good old work in, and enjoy the day. she finally said, her usual smile slipping onto her features.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Listening to Kylie's explanation about things, Maria and Hazel again waited until she was done before talking again, with Maria looking deep in thought while Hazel meanwhile just nodded to Kylie. "Yes I know what a phyrric victory is as well as how assassin's fight Kylie, in fact I helped to train some of the original members of the Steel Rose. And I've fought in war too, so I know what killing in cold blood is like because I've done it before. But still the same, you shouldn't throw your life away needlessly just for victory Kylie, because then you wouldn't be able to play with little Hope or any of the others and they'd be really sad. Because like it or not that little alraune is attached to you now and Giselle is too, though I'm sure that Giselle wouldn't demand you hang up your daggers and whatnot," Hazel said to Kylie, looking lost in thought for a moment as soon a she was through talking where she then smiled and chuckled a little. "I didn't ask Elise to quit being an assassin like she used to be after we got married and had Mari, or to not go out and adventure and fight, or anything she loved doing that I might not have liked or wanted her to do, because I love her. So I'm positive that Giselle would be equally as understanding to you Kylie, but don't be surprised if she tries to follow you at times when you might ask her not to," Hazel added with a confident nod, speaking from experience on the matter as she gave a wink to Kylie that she was sure Giselle would understand and not push to have Kylie quit her assassin ways.

"Well looks can be deceiving, because we aren't as carefree as you might think really Kylie, at least not when it counts. Acting carefree when we're not fighting to protect our home here is our way of coping with the constant dangers we face. And we've dealt with people and things trying to stir up trouble around here before, not just around Feynrial but all over the island, it's kind of why we're here actually and why the temple has so many priestesses around, and we aren't the only temple here nor the only guardians of the island either, there's soldiers stationed in Tear Cove, an entire regiment of five hundred men and women, and there's another temple to the east for the eastern town, though slightly smaller than ours here, but they have about a dozen strong priests and priestesses that can help to safeguard the towns along with the regular guards of the towns. And we're all trained to be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to safeguard the people here, which kind of goes back to my wording yesterday when I said that I would give my life to defend you. I meant every word of it. But I agree that some training of this sort may be good for us as well as you and that we should focus on other things for the time being," Maria said, looking and sounding a little disappointed that Kylie thought that way about them all, but she wouldn't say anything more on the matter unless Kylie did.

As they all sat there sipping their tea, Aya and Yuki soon set off up the hill to the hotspring, where just as Kylie and Maria were finishing with their first glass's of tea, Amara and Miu returned, with Miu bounding in and pouncing on Kylie, a playful smile on her face as her ears twitched. "Alright, you were talking about training before at the hotspring, but I was just too warm and relaxed to bother with anything up there. So who do ya wanna train with? Me or Maria? Or both of us? Oooh that would be fun, a three way sparring match between us all, to see who's the best," Miu said as she straddled Kylie, leaning down and giving a playful nip on Kylie's cheek, though nothing that would leave a mark really.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Gah, I'm really bad at speaking, or getting my actual point across it seems. You'll see, I'll see, and then we'll rejudge eachother from there. We can talk about it all day but until we actually see what we all know, the talk is useless. Kylie said, sighing and patting Maria on the shoulder. And I know Hazel, I just hope you applied that to the training the priestesses here get. And you're the wife of Elise huh? Scary lady, Elise. Kylie finished, sitting down for tea and letting the matter drop entirely.

As Maria and Kylie were finishing their Tea, Miu charged on in and pounced Kylie, causing her to giggle and lick her nose after Miu nibbled on her. Just me and Maria for now, you can watch though. And don't worry, they'll be plenty of time for us to play, both alone and together. Kylie said, tickling Miu's sides to get her off of her and rolling to her feet.

Besides Miu, "Training" isn't what you're interested in, I can tell when people are ogling me Kylie added, winking and sticking out her tongue as she offered her hand to Maria. Actually! Miu, go ahead and tell Hazel to meet me at the house when we're done here if she can. We can talk about things more appropriately over dinner and I'm sure the others would love to have dinner with her. Tell her to round up everyone, Kagome and Shaela and the rest.

Now focused on Maria, Kylie smiled. Already, shall we get started? we'll make the most of this time we have I think, we'll see what I remember from before, and how much I can learn. she said, in a good mood and excited to be moving around again, eager to be along.

Following Maria wherever the vryloka may lead, Kylie was bouncing around like a spazz, though realistically it was her way of limbering up, getting light on her feet as she darted around and did a few twirls, making sure her balance was centered. If this blade was as light and balanced as the other claimed, then it could very well be a effective tool for her. If it was prepared to receive poisons, even better. Still, she hoped she'd be able to at least hold her own against Maria.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I'm one of Elise's wives, she's got a lot of us, and Elise isn't that scary unless she wants to be really. In the hands of a succubus she's pretty much putty, same in the hands of drow women, because of that women are dominant thing they have. And also yes the majority of priestesses here on the island have been trained to some degree or another on how to fend off virtually anything that comes at them, be it monsters or assassins, to abominations and demons, and to always be confident that they'll succeed, because the way I see it is if you go into battle unsure if you're going to win or not then you most likely won't win," Hazel replied, getting a dreamy eyed look when talking about Elise, her tail curling around her and tickling or scratching under her chin in a thoughtful manner.

"Aww... alright then, but you two better make it worthwhile to watch," Miu said, looking a little let down, her tail just not swishing around happily anymore like it had been when she pounced playfully onto Kylie. Maria took Kylie's offered hand to get up and stood on up with her, grabbing her katana and fixing it onto her robes as she and Kylie prepared to go out into the backyard behind the temple.

"And she doesn't need to tell me Kylie, I didn't leave or anything just yet and I may be old but my hearing is still quite intact. And I'd like to see just how far you've come too since arriving here," Hazel said with a giggle from where she sat, starting on her second glass of tea which she decided to bring with her as she got up, followed by Amara and Miu both as they came with them, grabbing a glass of tea as well.

When they got to the backyard they could still see Yuki and Aya heading up the hill, the pair just now passing the fourth bend before the shrines. As soon as they got out there, Maria pointed Kylie to a place about 10 feet in front of her, where she then did a few stretched herself, squatting and bending her legs about a little and then rolling her arms around some to limber them up. Maria then walked over to a small shed about 20 feet or so behind her and opened the door on it, where she produced a pair of wooden swords, one about two to three feet long and the other as long as her katana. She pulled her real katana out and tossed it over to Miu who snatched it out of mid air. "Alright Kylie, that is a wooden copy of a drow long knife, unless you'd like to use something else instead then you can use it for our match here, and I don't mind going again after this if you'd like to use a different weapon to try out, but I know shortswords as well so I can show you forms afterwards, but first I want to see what you've got, so we can work from there. Is that acceptable?" Maria said as she tossed Kylie the wooden long knife.

Maria then dropped into a perfect fighting stance meant to keep Kylie at a distance, obviously intending to use her extended reach with her longer weapon to keep Kylie back from her. Kylie would see Maria kick her sandals she was wearing off, opting to go barefoot for some reason, though she did still have her thigh high stockings on and didn't seem to want to take them off just yet. Maria then narrowed her eyes as she waited for Kylie to get ready, not moving until Kylie started to do so, at which point she would begin to sidestep around to her left a little before stopping and going back the other way, circling Kylie like a wolf, looking as if she was ambidextrous when it came to wielding her weapon.