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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

After thinking about it I'm with Gear47demon here: Keep the XP we earn from adventures and encounters, but make it give extra HP and Mana "as a sign of Jane's increasing power and hardiness". Items and events (and occasionally certain decisions) grant extra skills and abilities.

Another thing you can do with XP: When she has earned enough XP Jane can teach other people, either for money or in exchange for a favor. I admit this is actually an idea I'm going to use in a RPG Maker game, so I'm not sure how well it'll work in a CYOA like this.

Overall I like the idea.

i like the sound of this
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B - Jane casts a cantrip to understand what they’re saying, but steps out from her hiding spot, attempting to parley with the pair.

Anyway, I vote B: Cast the cantrip and then step out of her hiding spot.

Understanding what the men are saying will at the very least grant a warning if either man suggests attacking the women. Also, as long as she remains alone Maria is guaranteed to look like an easy target, while having someone else beside her might discourage the men from attacking. Besides, if Jane is to cast any spell on the men she needs to see them, and if she just looks from behind the rock without going the men might see it either as a sign of hostility (i.e. she's planning to attack them) or as a sign of cowardice (i.e. she's hiding because she's scared of them).

but I will add that if the crossbowmen has any bolts and starts to load his crossbow, then all bets are off.

Other than that try to be as non-threatening as possible in the situation, Jane doing her best to smile... and for the love of all that is do try and speak in Jane's language just to see if they understand her. No need to kill each other if they can understand each other and work things out civilly. Heck, ask if they want to have a drink together, and if they can't understand Jane then gesture towards the keg and make a gesture for drinking. Nothing like alcohol to settle any ill will and mistrust. Maybe Jane can get them drunk off their asses and have them pass out?

Going with this, but also adding that Jane maybe could try to act sexy and unbutton a few more buttons? If they're hostile, it could add make them hesitate attacking Jane and Maria right away if they're interested in Jane's body. At worst it could buy a moment or two.

As far as the XP and skills thing goes, I’m glad you approve – I’ll have XP more towards HP/Mana and what I mentioned work towards skills, stats, and traits.. I may have to think about how to work these “teaching sessions” in, but I can work with it nonetheless.

Jane knew that their chances of dealing with this two, whether through diplomacy or by force, was much greater if she knew what they were saying. She also decided it was best to reveal herself – Maria needs help, and she couldn’t just hide while her friend was being interrogated by those she couldn’t even understand.

Jane closed her eyes and started to feel a light flutter in her chest as she began using the small trick of a spell. She could hear the men talking back and forth, unknown phrases bouncing back and forth. She listened close to the words and the sounds, wondering where the language was from; it sounded as though it was from across the ocean, the accent unfamiliar to her. Just a few seconds and she would be able to understand it fully.

As the spell began to work, Jane once again brought her hands to her blouse, unbuttoning another two buttons. She hoped it could give her the edge she needed to convince the two gentlemen to let them go free, or at the very least, make them hesitate to attack. If someone were to look at her now, they would just barely be able to make out the sight of black silk among the “V” of her blouse.

She had just finished the second button when unknown words began to shift within her ears. The human’s words warped, with the orc’s following soon thereafter. A ringing in her ears. She opened her eyes and heard them clear.

“She’s just a girl. She has a bow, yeah, but just… let her be. No need to-”

“No, she must’ve been sneakin’ to get this close without us seein’.”

Jane could tell it was the human who was hesitant to attack them, the orc sounding more aggressive. “Of course…” Jane thought.

Still, at least she knew there was a chance they could parley with the two. Jane stuck her hand out from her cover, revealing her position before slowly standing up, hands up as she tried to seem as non-threatening as possible.

She could now see the situation clearly, noticing the orc was a scant mere fifteen feet from them, sword drawn as he stood next to the barrel from before. The human with the crossbowman was still back in the middle of the camp, another ten feet back. He was now standing, but the crossbow was still unloaded and its string still not cocked. Maria’s expression became noticeably less worried with Jane by her side now, not having to face the two men “alone” anymore.

The orc was exactly as one would expect an orc to look: tall, muscular, tusks protruding from his lower jaw. His shirt had a great many rips and tears in it, it was a wonder the thing still managed to stay intact. He wore sandals and baggy pants, and was almost hairless, save for the rugged patches that littered the sides of his jaw. He stared at Jane, gripping a curved sword, it's length covered in nicks and scratches.

The human looked much more approachable, although, not by much: The man sported a small patch of hair on his chin and a blue bandana, giving him a “rogue-ish” quality. His shirt was sleeveless, fibers from the cloth still sticking out from where they had been ripped off. His embroidered pants, while out of place, seemed to be in relatively sound shape however. He looked at the orc, Jane, and Maria with an expression of concern and alarm.

“Another one?!” the orc blurted out incredulously.

While the orc was quick to speak up, the human behind him just stared for a moment, his gaze alternating between Jane’s legs and chest.

“See? They was sneakin’ about – They were eavesdropping on us!”

The other one seemed to snap out of his stupor.

“What? The long-haired one doesn’t even seem to understand us, I doubt this other one here does.”

The orc turns back to the two girls, his jaw twisting and eyes narrowing with skepticism.

“Yeah? Well… I say we simply tear off their clothes and just rape ‘em! Shut ‘em up that way.” The orc yelled, pointing at them.

Jane tried her best to remain unfazed, keeping up the illusion that the two of them were truly ignorant of their conversation, simply acting scared as the two men yelled at each in some strange language. She suspects the orc’s words a trick to see if she understands them, but still… a pang of fear hung in her chest at how much truth may be behind his words, hoping she didn’t show any of it in her reaction. As the other man spoke however, some of those fears were put to rest:

“See? They don’t understand us and they weren’t spying on us, so no point in tryin’ to scare them. I mean, lookit the clothes: two city-nips who don’t know a damn thing just strolling down the beach.”

The orc turns to his partner and then back to the Jane and Maria. His face is dubious to say the least, but at least he has lowered his weapon.

“I mean, come on: We’ve been here a few hours now – least we can do is try and have some fun?”

Seeing the orc backing down a bit, Jane seizes the moment to try and speak, making sure to smile and seem friendly as she plays into the man’s story from earlier.

“H- Hello? We were simply walking down the beach and we didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Jane… and this is Maria…”

She motions to each of them in turn.

“Do you understand them?” the orc asks, turning to his friend.

“A bit… I know how to order a whore this side, as well as a couple of other phrases, but we’ll see…”

The man with the crossbow lowers the weapon, setting it down to lean against one of the logs situated around the fire pit. He holds his hands up in a welcoming, yet calming gesture and starts to walk up so that he’s even with the orc.

“Jane? Maria?” He says, pointing to each of the two girls, cocking his head to the side.

Jane makes sure to smile as she puts a hand to her chest and nods, Maria following suit soon after. The other man smiles as well, then pointing to himself and his orc companion.

“Riordan. Ulmag.”

Jane nods in understanding again, still making sure to smile, in turn making “Riordan’s” smile even larger.

“What are you doing giving them my name?” the orc asks, sounding rather annoyed.

“Hey, relax alright – I know you’re as bored as I’ve been sitting out here.”

He then turns and extends an arm back towards the camp. “Come. Food. Drink. Uh… Cards! Dice!”

Even through his broken words Jane could understand that he wanted Maria and her to join them in drinking and gambling. “Ulmag” seems to simply have a content expression at the moment, no longer on the defensive, and even sheathing his sword, but not quite taking his hand off of it. Jane turns towards Maria to see what her reaction is to all of this, finding the girl shrugging

“Well, we need to… well… but I don’t know about…” she says, her eyes motioning to the cave and then to the two men.

Maria makes a few more nervous motions, but eventually extends a hand out to Jane, apparently ready to follow her lead.

Jane didn't know what to think of the pair, finding it a bit conspicuous how their camp is right here. Still, Jane could join them, if only temporarily, perhaps abating any fears they may have, but her and Maria will still need to eventually enter the cave that’s behind their camp if they're to continue on to the temple.

Primary Vote: What does Jane do?

A) Jane agrees to sit down with the men...
1) but refuses to partake of any drinks.
2) has one or two drinks, but nothing more.
3) enjoys drinking with the gentlemen, hoping to liquor them up enough that Maria and her can leave the two men on good terms.

B) Jane declines to join the men, as she tries to convey to them that they must enter the cave behind them.
C) Jane declines to join the men, the two girls temporarily retreating to reassess the situation.
D) Jane takes the opportunity to attack, mistrustful of the two men and not wanting to take any risks.

X) Other

Z) Minor Action

Secondary Vote: If the men were to invite the girls to gamble, how would they react? Favorably? Hesitant? Fearful? Interested?

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 10/10
Cantrip Charges: 4/5
Corruption: 2/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 15/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions for scrolls can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse. Unbuttoned to reveal cleavage.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Black silk.

Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 7/7
Cantrip Charges: 6

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient(Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”

Head: Striped Scarf around neck.
Chest: Teal dress.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.

Dice Report:
Intelligence Check – Orc’s Threat.
Wisdom: d10 + 3
Rolled: 10
Total: 13 vs. 6 = Success.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A2 I don't know how much liquor Jane and Maria can handle, but I'd wager that it's considerably less than the two men. Drink enough until Jane and Maria get a little buzz, which by that time the men would have hopefully imbibed as much or a little more and are feeling tipsy, and at the very least acting friendlier. Try to communicate with the men about the cave, and about you and Maria coming to explore it. Also, try to apologize for sneaking - try to convey that you and Maria aren't used to getting out much and seeing two people outside the city was alarming to you both. In short, try to act the part of damsels (though in Maria's case it might be true :p) so as to not seem threatening.

Z As a show of good faith ask Maria to use Mending on Ulmag's (the orc's) shirt since the thing is in tatters. This might awe the two and hopefully keep Ulmag from being overly hostile, not to mention it shows that at least Maria knows magic, which can be dangerous to them.

Z As a bonus try and calm Maria down, keeping her close by since she seems the apprehensive type. The closer she is to Jane the better, which would make it easier for her to follow Jane's lead.

Again, if at any point the two start getting more belligerent, especially Ulmag, then have Maria Disintegrate Object his sword if he's close while having Jane use Wave of Force... in fact, if they're close enough and things start to go south in general then use Wave of Force and focus on Ulmag with bow and dagger.

Secondary Vote: Have Jane and Maria be interested, and possibly learn about gambling, and playing dice and cards since I doubt they have much exposure to it. If they are rogues, or pirates, or gamblers, or [insert occupation/hobby here] then they might have some valuable insight on reading people. Act interested and try to communicate them teaching you how to play, and possibly how to better read others and see if they're bluffing or not.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Kinda followin' Gear's but just with A1 instead of A2.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B. And gauge their reaction. If it's hostile back up akin to what C would've created. If it's semi-friendly at least, offer a trade of sorts, e.g. fixing the orc's shirt in exchange for information about the cave.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Kinda followin' Gear's but just with A1 instead of A2.

Mirroring this one, though if they absolutely have to drink to abate suspicion or whatever, than they should. Make sure that the fact Jane could understand them keeps hidden.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path


as for secondary vote, that's dependant on each individual, but most likely they would get hesitant or fearful when they don't even know people, who are asking them to join
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Mirroring this one, though if they absolutely have to drink to abate suspicion or whatever, than they should. Make sure that the fact Jane could understand them keeps hidden.

Same. Though, I'd vote "hesitant" for the secondary.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Something seems to be missing from the orc's description. It ends with "He stared at Jane, gripping a" and nothing more.

As for voting, I'll go with Gear47demon for the most part, but A1 instead of A2 (who knows what they might put in the drinks? No need to take chances).

Mirroring this one, though if they absolutely have to drink to abate suspicion or whatever, than they should. Make sure that the fact Jane could understand them keeps hidden.
+1 to this addition, but if they absolutely must drink, then drink as little as possible.

Learning about gambling might come in handy later, so definitely interested.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I don't know how much liquor Jane and Maria can handle, but I'd wager that it's considerably less than the two men. Drink enough until Jane and Maria get a little buzz, which by that time the men would have hopefully imbibed as much or a little more and are feeling tipsy, and at the very least acting friendlier. Try to communicate with the men about the cave, and about you and Maria coming to explore it. Also, try to apologize for sneaking - try to convey that you and Maria aren't used to getting out much and seeing two people outside the city was alarming to you both. In short, try to act the part of damsels (though in Maria's case it might be true :p) so as to not seem threatening.

Z As a show of good faith ask Maria to use Mending on Ulmag's (the orc's) shirt since the thing is in tatters. This might awe the two and hopefully keep Ulmag from being overly hostile, not to mention it shows that at least Maria knows magic, which can be dangerous to them.

Z As a bonus try and calm Maria down, keeping her close by since she seems the apprehensive type. The closer she is to Jane the better, which would make it easier for her to follow Jane's lead.

Again, if at any point the two start getting more belligerent, especially Ulmag, then have Maria Disintegrate Object his sword if he's close while having Jane use Wave of Force... in fact, if they're close enough and things start to go south in general then use Wave of Force and focus on Ulmag with bow and dagger.

Secondary Vote: Have Jane and Maria be interested, and possibly learn about gambling, and playing dice and cards since I doubt they have much exposure to it. If they are rogues, or pirates, or gamblers, or [insert occupation/hobby here] then they might have some valuable insight on reading people. Act interested and try to communicate them teaching you how to play, and possibly how to better read others and see if they're bluffing or not.

Let's go with this. Seriously, don't decline drinks from rough looking people as this. Their not in town. Declining drinks is tantamount to showing cageyness and little trust. They need to earn a bit of trust right now.

Z Minor Action: Look for seats to sit down on that will not interfere with throwing oneself from them and are close to one another. (Simple right?)
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A2 does seem to be best bet. Accept some but dont overdo it.

I dont know about repairing the shirt. An Orc may like his clothing torn. Battle scars and such.

Gambling sounds alright but what do we have to gamble with? I dont think we have any gold anymore.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Gambling sounds alright but what do we have to gamble with? I dont think we have any gold anymore.

I did notice that Jane didn't have any money on her. Jane should keep on her toes if Riordan and/or Ulmag offer them to gamble. In fact I would add that instead of gambling for items/money, try to gamble for knowledge and information if there has to be an exchange rather than just harmless sport.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A1/2 – with 4 votes for each, Jane will try and avoid consuming anything, but will take sips and drink when prompted or she feels she needs to in order to not anger them or rouse suspicion.

A2Try to communicate with the men about the cave, and about you and Maria coming to explore it. Also, try to apologize for sneaking - try to convey that you and Maria aren't used to getting out much and seeing two people outside the city was alarming to you both. In short, try to act the part of damsels (though in Maria's case it might be true :p) so as to not seem threatening.

Z As a show of good faith ask Maria to use Mending on Ulmag's (the orc's) shirt since the thing is in tatters. This might awe the two and hopefully keep Ulmag from being overly hostile, not to mention it shows that at least Maria knows magic, which can be dangerous to them.

Z As a bonus try and calm Maria down, keeping her close by since she seems the apprehensive type. The closer she is to Jane the better, which would make it easier for her to follow Jane's lead.

Z Minor Action: Look for seats to sit down on that will not interfere with throwing oneself from them and are close to one another. (Simple right?)

Secondary Vote – Gambling: Somewhat interested, but a bit hesitant.

Jane was hesitant to sit with them, but still she agreed, figuring the two gentlemen set up their camp in front of this particular cave for a reason; she figured her chances of getting in without angering them might be better if they were to converse with them for a while.

Jane smiled and nodded towards Riordan, letting them know the two girls would join them. She then turned back to Maria, but found her giving a confused and quite concerned look.

“It will be alright I promise.” Jane comforted her.

“Alright...” Maria says as she nods hesitantly, eyes still a little wide as she stepped towards Jane, taking her hand.

Riordan smiled and gave a quick bow as he dashed back over towards the fire, wiping away at the logs and shifting a few items around the camp as though her were setting a table a costly restaurant. The two girls then walked to the camp, Maria clinging to Jane’s side while also trying to put up a strong front.

“It’s okay, I can understand them for a short time,” Jane whispered under her breath to Maria. “If you ever feel threatened, just disintegrate their weapon and I’ll take care of the rest. For now, we’ll humor them, as I think they may have settled in front of the cave on purpose.”

Maria gave a quick nod before trying her best to smile and exude a sense of comfort. Jane gave her arm a squeeze, reassuring her.

“I’ll be strong, I promise.” Maria replied, squeezing Jane’s hand in turn.

They walked into the circle of logs that were situated around the campfire – six in all. Jane didn’t exactly want to sit down next to them, trying to wait until the other two sat down so Maria and her could sit where they please. Riordan noticed their hesitation, but interpreted it in such a way that he simply bowed again, motioning towards the logs yet again. Jane could sense Ulmag behind them, simply waiting as well. It seemed as though she didn’t have much of a choice, Jane eventually, yet reluctantly, accepting the man’s hospitality. She stepped around the tent and the barrel to sit down at the nearest log, Maria following suit and settling down beside her. Jane noticed that the odor emanating from the barrel was strong – definitely alcohol of some kind.

Riordan made his way over to a chest Jane had not spotted before and opened it up, retrieving a few additional tankards. She could also hear the large orc moving behind them as he took his seat. Jane hoped it would have been anywhere else, but Ulmag decide to sit next to Maria, plopping down on the log to her right. Jane felt Maria inch close to her, away from the him as he sat. She didn’t know what expression she gave him, but as she turned back to Jane, she saw a pained smile that pleaded a mix of “Thanks a lot…” and “Help me…” Unfortunately, there was little she could do, giving the frightened girl another reassuring squeeze of her hand.

Riordan returned, tankards in hand, and made his way over to the barrel behind them. A few quick motions and twists of the spigot in its side and he had four large containers of strong alcohol ready for the group. He handed them out as he sat back down on Jane’s left. He gave each of them a glance before speaking up.

“Women.” He said nodding a few times. “Traders? Princess? … Whores?” He said the last word quickly, his head bobbing forward as his eyes moved between Jane and Maria. He laughed, shaking his head back and forth, apparently throwing the last one out as a joke.

Retroactive Vote:Implemented.

"Students." Jane says before following up with other, similar words.

"Academics... um... Scholars...?"

"Ah! Scholiari! Smart girls! Yes?" he says in an understandable tongue, tapping his temple as he does so.

“To good times!” he then shouts in his own language, raising his drink.

While it would have sounded like gibberish before, Jane understood the man perfectly. She raised her cup as well, with Maria soon following suit along with the orc. She didn’t want to become intoxicated – the last thing they needed was to become inebriated while around two strangers. Still, refusing the drink may do even more harm. Jane put the edge of the tankard to her lips and sipped at the frothy liquid. It burned.

She wasn’t that experienced with alcohol, but even so, she knew the beverage was strong, much stronger than the wine she was used to drinking. She didn’t know enough to pin down what it was: Ale, grog, rum, or something else, she wasn’t sure. Once it hit her palette however, she didn’t care anymore, simply struggling to swallow her first and only gulp before needing to cough.

She lunged forward, careful not to spill the drink she was given, her body reacting violently to the harsh beverage. She actually tried to exaggerate her coughing, hoping they may understand if she refuses to drink anymore. She threw herself behind each cough, finding she didn’t actually need to put up much of an act.

She continued on for a few seconds, eventually calming down as she recovered. The sounds of the pirates laughing could be heard, although they were cut short, as though something had caught their attention. Jane looked up at Riordan, then quickly followed his gaze. What she saw, surprised her too.

Instead of the sight she expected, of Maria coughing and hacking on the drink not unlike what Jane had just done, she saw Maria was actually drinking the tankard. Not just drinking, but taking gulp after gulp of the liquid. Her eyes were shut tight, her face scrunching as she quaffed the beverage. Eventually she let the tankard fall from her lips, the girl giving an exhausted breath of relief as she stopped. Her eyes opened wide before closing tight and then opening wide once more, the girl handling the drink much better than Jane ever could have.

She shook her head back and forth before finally opening her eyes again and looking back up to Jane with a bit of a smile on her face.

“Ah… ha… Strong.” She spoke, ragged breaths still escaping from her.

Jane was in shock: she looked at the tankard to see that only a small fraction of the beverage had been quaffed, but she was still stunned, if somewhat impressed, at the girl’s fortitude.

Both of the girls were then startled by a loud, roar of a laugh: Ulmag, with a hand coming down on his knee, was convulsing with a mighty din of boisterous gut-laughter. Riordan simply stared at his friend, having a look on his face that matched Jane's Surprise. He continued for a while, Maria a bit confused by the display. With a shaking head, Ulmag finally recomposed himself, managing to speak:

“Oh, ho ho…. This one… this one I like! Haha…” Ulmag managed to finally speak, pointing at Maria.

Jane noticed that as Ulmag was apparently quick to go on the defensive, so too was he easy to entertain, requiring little provocation in both regards. He also apparently found Maria’s ability to drink quite entertaining. Perhaps it was simply the fact that an orc was impressed by a small, human girl’s ability to drink what he did, or maybe Ulmag couldn’t help but find the humor in the difference between Jane’s reaction and Maria’s. Either way, it appeared he respected Maria at least a little bit now.

Maria chuckled before turning back towards Jane with a smile. She didn’t understand Ulmag's statement, but she still took his laughter as a good sign.

“Well… Strong!” the young mage said again, trying not to cough as she giggled.

Jane almost couldn’t believe it. Still, she wouldn’t question it too much, realizing what Maria had accomplished. Even so, throughout all the time they spent together, Jane was still surprised out how resilient Maria, this girl who was usually enthralled by books and quick to avoid social gatherings, could actually be. Sure, the times in which she was able to witness Maria under pressure were few and far between, but her constant struggle to earn what magic she has now, and attempts to learn beyond that, has hardened the young mage to a certain extent.

“See? I told you this would be entertaining.” Riordan chuckled to Ulmag.

Jane realized now may be the perfect time to try and win them over some more: Turning to Maria, she whispered a suggestion into her ear. Maria whispered back to her for a second, their voices low. The two men immediately became a bit suspicious, curious at what exchange the two girls were having.

Maria then turned to Ulmag a bit hesitantly, her open palms held out in front of her.

“Here, allow me...” She said, the words probably lost on the pair.

She tried to move forward a bit more but found the orc moved back a bit at her approach.

“W- what are ye… What’s she doin’?” He asked Maria before redirecting his question towards his friend.

Aw, what? Afraid of a lil’ girl now, are ye?” Riordan quipped, laughing a bit as he took another drink from his tankard.

“No, It’s just- she’s just acting awfully friendly…”

“It’s alright,” Jane assured Maria, hoping she was reading the orc well enough to understand that he wasn’t going to react aggressively.

Maria continued, placing her hands on the orc’s chest, eliciting a short, inappropriate phrase from Riordan. She closed her eyes as she focused, a faint light now emanating from her hands. The orc, fortunately, didn’t pull back any more, instead simply taking on a confused expression, his eyes going wide from both surprise and the light in front of him. Riordan was now arching forward, apparently interested to know what Maria was doing.

Magic made its way from Maria’s hands to the tattered shirt the orc wore, fibers cinching together before all their eyes. The holes wove shut as the light continued to shine from her palms, the cantrip mending the shirt that had been ripped and torn in many fights. It took a little under a minute, but eventually the shirt was completely repaired, fitting the orc perfectly as the day he had first put it on.

Maria pulled her hands back from his chest, her eyes glancing to the side slightly, slightly embarrassed at where she had touched him. Ulmag looked down at his new shirt, pulling and poking at different sections as he inspected it. He eventually gave his arms a small flex as he stretched, seeing how it fit. He then looked to Maria, a frown on his face, although one that spoke “Not bad” instead of disapproval.

Maria smiled at him, giving a slight bow before turning back to Jane.

The two girls spent the next few minutes simply being in the company of the two men. They continued to drink, including Maria, although Jane tried to keep her consumption to a minimum, managing to only take small sips whenever the group drank. Given the language barrier, it was mostly an exchange of tricks, Riordan showing off a few sleight of hand tricks with a deck of cards, Ulmag lifting one of the logs with just one arm, and the two men racing each other to the bottom of a tankard. The two girls applauded at Ulmag’s victory, Riordan coughing violently, knocking over his deck of cards and a few die as he leaned over and away from the group. The two groups actually started to enjoy each other’s company after a bit, Jane almost aghast when she noticed Maria sitting sideways on the orc’s lap, apparently comfortable with the situation – maybe she had a little too much to drink. Still, it seemed their past “offense” of sneaking up on them was all but forgotten. Jane wasn’t sure if they were truly that bored earlier or if they were truly enjoying their company that much. Either way, anyone witnessing the group now would say they were the best of friends. Although, Jane was keenly aware of Riordan’s gaze constantly falling upon her cleavage and her legs.

Before long, Jane and Maria had almost forgotten that they were putting on this show to simply gain entrance to the cave. Given how well things were going however, Jane decided it may be time to try and convey to them that they wanted to enter.

Jane caught Riordan’s attention before entering into a series of gestures and simple words, trying to carry the message that they wanted into the cave across the language barrier. Riordan’s cheer fell from his face as he eventually understood what she wanted, a look of concern now in its place. He turned back towards Ulmag and said a phrase in their native tongue again before Ulmag responded as well, their meanings unknown to Jane

Jane cursed internally, just realizing the cantrip’s effect had worn off, it's effect only lasting a scant five minutes: she would need to cast it again if she was going to understand them fully. As Ulmag and Riordan began to converse again, that uneasy feeling began to creep back, although she noticed that they still seemed to be rather civil. Riordan then spoke up, trying to speak to the two girls with his broken words.

“Friends.” He said, pointing to the cave.
“Guards.” He then spoke, pointing to himself and Ulmag.
“Girls, no.” he finished, pointing to the two girls and then to the cave.

Ulmag gave a forceful nod and a simple grunt to Riordan’s words. Although, he also added a slow shrug with an expression that said “Sorry, wish I could help.”

Fortunately, Riordan had stopped speaking in his native tongue, Jane’s need for a cantrip set aside for the moment. Unfortunately, it seemed these two were part of a group, the two of them stationed as “guards” to stop anyone else from entering as they went into the cave – it seems as though Maria might not be the only one to have had the same train of thought concerning the temple. Maria’s expression was a little less cheerful than it had been a minute ago, the young mage coming to the same conclusion Jane did.

Jane considered casting another cantrip, wondering if she may need it – if she did, it would be her second one today. Although, she may be able to get by without it. Whatever the case - or the situation with the temple - they needed to get into the cave. The question was how were they going to convince them or otherwise, strike a deal with them, to be permitted entry into the cave?

Primary Vote: Does Jane use another cantrip: Comprehend Language?

Yes? or No?

Secondary Vote: How does Jane convince/strike a deal with the two men to let her and Maria into the cave? No multiple choice - provide an explanation of how Jane should go about itand hope your writer has the imagination and creative potential to not only write it but do it justice! Rolls may be involved depending on the course of action.

Z) Minor Action

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 10/10
Cantrip Charges: 4/5
Corruption: 2/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 15/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.
Intoxication: Alcohol – Very Minor.

Sexual Experience: None
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Necklace of Invisibility: Allows Jane to become invisible for a minute. Touch and focus to use.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions for scrolls can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse. Unbuttoned to reveal cleavage.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Black silk.
Jewelry: Necklace of invisibility - small silver pendant.

Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 7/7
Cantrip Charges: 6
Pleasure: ?/20

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient (Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.
Intoxication: Alcohol – Tipsy/Cheerful.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”

Head: Striped Scarf around neck.
Chest: Teal dress.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.

Dice Report:
Luck – Where do the men sit down?
Rolled: ? = Close.

Also, while I hate to say it, these next three days may be a bit heavy work/job-wise: the next post may be delayed until Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I apologize, but I have a deadline to meet. If I have time, I'll try and make an update before then
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Respond to Riordan's Question: Scholars/students/academics would be the best answer to give, in my opinion. You're here for a reason and that reason is knowledge.

Primary Vote: Yes, cast another cantrip

Secondary Vote: It's time to gamble. Drink just a little bit for Jane's sake and then ask Riordan to show Jane how to gamble. Convey this by pointing at the cards and dice, then point at Jane and have her shrug to show she doesn't understand. Learn from Riordan and watch him show Jane how he plays... and most importantly listen to him and Ulmag. They believe there's a language barrier, and perhaps they may let things slip - things about the cave and things about how they personally play, and any tricks they may voice that Jane can use to her advantage. After the lesson challenge Riordan to a game, and try to convey that if Jane wins then they will let the girls inside.

Since there's no money involved (Jane should really keep some gold on her from now on whenever she leaves!) then suggest a game... involving stripping articles of clothing. If Jane wins then they let the girls pass and get to see Riordan naked, if Riordan wins then they get to see Jane naked and keep her underwear.

And make this game unfair for them, not only with the cantrip to comprehend language to gain an advantage, but also with material shift should it come to a game of dice, making some of the die used lighter/weaker and others heavier/stronger, but only slightly to throw off the balance of the game, maybe even destroying a few die if they're thrown too hard.

Hopefully Jane's intelligence also extends to learning quickly, and use some of her dexterity to cheat using sleight of hand to hide cards and dice if possible.

Keep Maria and Ulmag out of this, but try to keep Maria from drinking too much.

Z Have Jane absently spread her legs just slightly enough for Riordan to notice and let his guard down to get him to agree, and continue to do so, having Jane shift her legs every so often, bringing a hand into her shirt and absently adjusting her brassiere or scratching her skin just to keep him/them distracted as she plays. Have Jane's eyes wander across his body, sometimes holding Jane's gaze at Riordan's groin for a second or two and biting her lip before refocusing. Every dirty trick in the book shall be used!

Should Jane win, then huzzah! Should Jane lose...

Jane and Riordan will strip during the course of the game, and if Jane needs to be nude then Jane needs to be nude, but no touching and no sex! If they start to get grabby then resort to plan B.

Plan B: Toast them. Murder them. Go loud and deadly. If Jane loses and they still deny access or if they still deny access if Jane wins, if they start to get rapey or Jane thinks they are going to get rapey then they need to die.

Jane uses Wave of Force, Maria Blind's Ulmag, Jane uses Fireball on Ulmag and Riordan (focusing on Ulmag the orc), Maria uses Daze on Riordan. Afterwards, bow and dagger Ulmag since he's clearly the tougher of the two, then focus on Riordan doing the same.

Plan B is a bit destructive and might alert whoever the "friends" are (should inquire about them now that I think about it... so inquire), but Jane and Maria aren't exactly battle-hardened nor do they have the best melee stats, so they need to be as destructive as possible with the element of surprise on their side.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

+1 to Gear47demon's suggestion.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Respond to Riordan's Question: Scholars/students/academics would be the best answer to give, in my opinion. You're here for a reason and that reason is knowledge.

Primary Vote: Yes, cast another cantrip

Secondary Vote: It's time to gamble. Drink just a little bit for Jane's sake and then ask Riordan to show Jane how to gamble. Convey this by pointing at the cards and dice, then point at Jane and have her shrug to show she doesn't understand. Learn from Riordan and watch him show Jane how he plays... and most importantly listen to him and Ulmag. They believe there's a language barrier, and perhaps they may let things slip - things about the cave and things about how they personally play, and any tricks they may voice that Jane can use to her advantage. After the lesson challenge Riordan to a game, and try to convey that if Jane wins then they will let the girls inside.

Since there's no money involved (Jane should really keep some gold on her from now on whenever she leaves!) then suggest a game... involving stripping articles of clothing. If Jane wins then they let the girls pass and get to see Riordan naked, if Riordan wins then they get to see Jane naked and keep her underwear.

And make this game unfair for them, not only with the cantrip to comprehend language to gain an advantage, but also with material shift should it come to a game of dice, making some of the die used lighter/weaker and others heavier/stronger, but only slightly to throw off the balance of the game, maybe even destroying a few die if they're thrown too hard.

Hopefully Jane's intelligence also extends to learning quickly, and use some of her dexterity to cheat using sleight of hand to hide cards and dice if possible.

Keep Maria and Ulmag out of this, but try to keep Maria from drinking too much.

Z Have Jane absently spread her legs just slightly enough for Riordan to notice and let his guard down to get him to agree, and continue to do so, having Jane shift her legs every so often, bringing a hand into her shirt and absently adjusting her brassiere or scratching her skin just to keep him/them distracted as she plays. Have Jane's eyes wander across his body, sometimes holding Jane's gaze at Riordan's groin for a second or two and biting her lip before refocusing. Every dirty trick in the book shall be used!

Should Jane win, then huzzah! Should Jane lose...

Jane and Riordan will strip during the course of the game, and if Jane needs to be nude then Jane needs to be nude, but no touching and no sex! If they start to get grabby then resort to plan B.

Plan B: Toast them. Murder them. Go loud and deadly. If Jane loses and they still deny access or if they still deny access if Jane wins, if they start to get rapey or Jane thinks they are going to get rapey then they need to die.

Jane uses Wave of Force, Maria Blind's Ulmag, Jane uses Fireball on Ulmag and Riordan (focusing on Ulmag the orc), Maria uses Daze on Riordan. Afterwards, bow and dagger Ulmag since he's clearly the tougher of the two, then focus on Riordan doing the same.

Plan B is a bit destructive and might alert whoever the "friends" are (should inquire about them now that I think about it... so inquire), but Jane and Maria aren't exactly battle-hardened nor do they have the best melee stats, so they need to be as destructive as possible with the element of surprise on their side.

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path



And, only because I don't want this fun time to have gone to waste, I suppose we should try to be diplomatic first. Instead of gambling, suggest a log-throwing contest with the orc. Using Material Shift, of course. Let Ulmag go first, while Maria distracts Riordan long enough for us to channel the cantrip. Terms can be the same as Gear's, but this removes "chance" from the equation.
Also, we don't want to win by a landslide. It should be light enough for us to easily out-toss him, but not light enough that it's immediately obvious.

In the unlikely scenario that they see through our ruse - or Ulmag is seriously butt-hurt - have Maria blind the two of them while we use wave of force to knock whoever is closest back. This will give us time to run to the cave and for Maria to put up a barrier so they can't follow. This way, we don't kill them (or cause any serious injury), and can perhaps maintain non-hostile relations afterwards.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Gear's Vote.

Fluff Nudge: Exasperation poked inside of Jane's mind at Maria's touch, her friend's ink stain fingers staining her top once more. Well at least she came prepared, now how to get the ink remover out of her bag without causing an incident. . . Later, after their away, yes that is the way to go.

Z: At that amazing quaff that Maria had done, Jane knew she had to ask the question on where and how, in fact, the words bubbled past her lips far too quickly for her to even notice that she is thinking about asking. . . "Maria. . . when? How. . . What?" Her words disjointed, confused, and shocked!
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

After thinking about it I'd like to propose a small addition to Gear47demon's suggestion:
Offer to give them 2 or 3 or Maria's arrows. They can show these arrows to their boss(es) as evidence that someone attacked them but they chased him away. Jane and Maria "just happened" to sneak inside while the two guards were busy with the (non-existent) bowman.