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VN/TEXT NTR Loli Shota Ryona [Alice Soft] Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス

Re: Sengoku Rance

@Sponge: Aww.

And I remember when you seemed like you wanted to stop playing because Rance was a dick. Look'it whose all growed up.

Ehhhh..... no Rance is still a dick. He's the only one I don't care for. Everytime it seems like he's starting to grow a heart it turns out to be some dirty nasty trick for his own selfish gain. He could die for all I care, but then I get game over.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Just started playing this game. Wish i had a sex addict boyfriend like Rance....;)
Re: Sengoku Rance

This is going well. I've taken out the Fish dude, the Hara house, the Gunsmiths, the Raccoon Dogs, the HannaHanna clay pots people (that was fun), the Tenshi Sect, and the Ninjas (extremely easy). I'd been at constant war, and have attacked around twice per turn. I've taken two reinforcements from Leazeus and gotten Maria, and upgraded the other foot soldier commander to get his metal Wig.

I'm four turns into a war with the Miko Institute. Norito is as usual a very powerful spellcaster with tough defences. As usual, her Miko Storm 2 attack completely takes over the battle rating bar, so it's a chore to fight her without the luck of triple assassination. I've also captured Himiko, not that I have the nation power to hire her.

After taking the Miko Institue, the Amazons will declare war on me, and I will declare war on the Triforce nation so that Takeda doesn't conquer it. I'll use Rance to stalemate against Amazon counter attacks (with backup in case Uesugi Kenshin doesn't attack) while I slowly take apart the Triforce nation. I will have a fall back save in case I don't capture Ran in the first few turns, since I want to aquire Houjo Soun. I also want the War Goddess because shy warrior girls are super-hawt. My plan is take both nations out on turn 90, which is when the Monkey will break the fifth seal anyway.

After the temple incident, I will attack the Asai Asakura house and take it out in a couple of turns, so that I can get the old guy to pump my nation power up into the stratosphere, and rapidly increase every one's affection. Then I will blitz through the Mouri house and get a head start on reaching Battleship Nagato to trigger Ogawa Kentarou's transformation into a demon and abuse his levelling up gimmick.

I already have way more territories than in my first and second play through. Keeping a nation power buffer in case I break a troop cap is hard to balance with attacking an average of twice per turn, dungeoning and bonus acquisition. I still haven't busted 1k troops on anyone, though I don't have the battle permits yet, anyway.

Does Rance get to boink a princess if he conquers a province the Demon Army held that wasn't conquered before? What about getting the Nuhe girl if Mouri conquered that nation first?
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Re: Sengoku Rance

Princess no, however you can fuck the nuhe girl because that's a ??? event in that region.
Re: Sengoku Rance

OK, I just caught Nanjo Ran, who is needed to recruit Hojo Soun, who is needed to insta-gib Suzeke. It says I can't recruit her. WtF?

Edit-> Turns out Hojo has to disappear first...
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Re: Sengoku Rance

We need to make RolePlay forum for SengokuRance. Lol....
Re: Sengoku Rance

Progress so far

Re: Sengoku Rance

When you make a house surrender, you don't get a princess (no +3/+5 satisfaction), you don't capture any special commanders, and your max troop cap doesn't increase. You just get money. I can't remember if you can do construction work to increase nation power in a vassal nation, since I never bothered. I went ahead and conquered everything, since getting that satisfaction bonus is supper important. The troop cap, not so much, since winning a battle increase the amount of troops you can bring next time, and there's never enough money to cap out all 30 captains anyway.

On my end, I turned Kentarou into a demon, levelled him up a bit, recruited Hojo Soun, killed the Gay Apostle, declared war on the Youkai Kingdom, conquered the Youkai Kingdom, killed those four brothers fighting for the demon army, sealed the Soul Binder, rescued Princess Black and conquered every area.

Now I just need to know what I'm supposed to do to extend my game time. I don't see an action anywhere that will allow me to do something at Tenma Bridge that will extend my play time. All there is is the walk on Tenma Bridge which allows Rance to go to the continent (game over) or not, and the Battle of Tenma Bridge, which I did and finished the game. There are dungeons to clear and characters to delve into.

Is that option only available in the second play through?
Re: Sengoku Rance

No, it's available first game, but you need to conquer all of the province to unlock it.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Huh... it's not there...

*scratches head*

Well, I'm stumped. You've definitely still got Suzume, so it's not that...

Is there an event back in Owari you need to see first? :/ I vaguely remember a conversation with 3G and Suzume...
Re: Sengoku Rance

hello i got a problem someone who can help me? here is a screenshoot.


i mounted the iso and klicked R should i do something else? i tried on both my computers

Edit: nevermind problem solved :p
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Re: Sengoku Rance

Turns out you can only set the stone youkai back by one turn when he's one turn away from breaking the bridge. I still had two more...
Re: Sengoku Rance

That would explain it. I think by the time I'd taken all the houses, he was one turn away...
Re: Sengoku Rance

Am I the only one who had (is having) immense trouble with the Honnouji Temple event?
Re: Sengoku Rance

Try levelling up your guys. Clearing dungeons will do that for you.

Also, you could try raising their stats by interacting with them.
Re: Sengoku Rance

All right. I've beaten true story mode, and fooled around in a new game and my final save.

I wanted to try a game of Free for All, but some of the houses don't load. Demon Army, One Eye, Imagawa (hani haniho) and Teragawa are a few. I really want to play as the Hanny Army, and I left it loading for a whole day... do I have to do something to unlock it?
Re: Sengoku Rance

Try levelling up your guys. Clearing dungeons will do that for you.

Also, you could try raising their stats by interacting with them.

I've cleared every dungeon I have, searched every weapon, and I've done a lot of interacting. I'm still getting crushed, and barely make it through his apostle. Are there any items I can get that will heal commanders between battles?
Re: Sengoku Rance

so which commanders do you have, its hard to offer advice with so little to go on ;)

if you have any people in prison you might be able to recruit them for that little bit of extra damage, then dismiss them later if you're short on national power

just remember that when you fight xavier, its important that rance stays alive (you basically auto-lose if he dies) so put him in the back row if you dont have a miko to keep healing or some dude to guard-shikigami on rance (and even then its still safer to put rance in the back)

if you really need rance's damage, put him up front along with a foot soldier and make sure to keep guard up so xavier cant oneshot rance

another hint i can give you is that if you switch out a character in the back row, it will usually be sil who comes to replace them, who can heal rance for alot of hp every time and also restores one action point (allowing you to spam rance attack)

also, if you have any spare tacticians, put them in the field at the start (as they will buff random people at the start of battle, similiar to casting battle strategy) and swap them out with suzume (due to her speed she will usually not lose a turn after swapping)

personally, i did only 2 dungeons and used no special weapons, went in there with:

Rance (duh)
Sil (duh)
Suzume (again, duh)
Shibata katsui (or w/e his name is spelled)
Yamamoto isoroku
Uruza (important!)

these were all the people i needed, uruza will shoot xavier to scrapnel in a few hits, combined with rance and suzume attacking, ranmaru dealing a little damage on the side, sil healing rance and shibata guarding the front line (and once he got murdered senhime took over)

in addition to these guys you can simply use alot of trash commanders from your prison if you run into trouble (recruit anything you can before doing the event)

hope it helps!
Re: Sengoku Rance

im actually surprised that the wiki has no actual strategy guide or anything to give you an idea of how to start playing, the first time i went through the game i was downright awfull compared to my second playthrough, im thinking of compiling a list of simple gameplay tips to help new people along in the game, as there are some easy to use tricks that make things so much more manegable (though i'd still recommend doing your first playthrough without any help)

one thing i'd recommend to everyone though, is on your first playthrough, attack kenshin immediately after finishing off the sect (order would be Hara->Ashikaga->tenshin sect/miko institute->uesugi)

and never... ever... make a house your vassal (biggest mistake i made was make half the map my vassals... ouch)