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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For most of the subjugation 500 clears, they're using Seraphim Miruno right?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For most of the subjugation 500 clears, they're using Seraphim Miruno right?

i used aw90 miruno just fine

miruno got the shaft on aw2 only gaining 48 atk over aw 90 but gets 300 something def
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sorry to break it to you but... Wendy is better. She is literally a one man army, she: Deals true damage at range (up to 3 enemies at s.aw) heals herself (and revives after being killed) and of course the little thing about she not being inmune to negative status. Honestly your main got better luck than alt.

Dick reason , dick reason...
lol >.<

Thanks for the info anyway XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dick reason , dick reason...
lol >.<

Thanks for the info anyway XD

Well you might be right, the hearts wants what the heart wants xD
But you gotta admit getting black by the end of the month is quite the acomplishment, feel proud.

PS: what i wrote before i post it at 12am or something, it was bound to have a lot of mistakes.... I need to sleep more often :3
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

KT -> Misha -> Phyllis -> Mortimer
Retreat everything once you can reach 99
Then just summon Aigis
strategy by laplace

story summarized:
aigis possessed dan
who ran away to the toilet because he was afraid of all dem majins
and then after the fight, aigis gave them the option of choosing to use her power to revive dan or keep her powers against keraunos or something like that
and prince chose dan without hesitation
and aigis was like, 'as expected of the human i chose'
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The April Fool mission was fun

How I did it
Valk top left, katie top center, valk2 top left, mortimer top right, phyllis center right. Retreat mortimer after defeating the black armor. You'd have about 8-9 seconds before the ogres reach Katie. Ended with 103 points. I used strategy by the aura demon, finished with 147 hp.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Battle of Goddesses

Dan: Fuuaaahh... So much free time. Guard duty is too boring, I bet Prince is fighting with some strong monsters right now.
Leanna: Don't say such stupid things, we are entrusted with guarding Aigis Shrine while Prince is away, this is matter of utmost importance!
Dan: Yah, even if you say so, there's still too much time, my skills are getting rusty... Isn't there some ridiculously powerful enemy somewhere nearby?
Soldier: --- Urgent news, Dan-san. Large flock of monsters is pushing towards the shrine. And almost all of them are impossibly strong!
Dan: W-w-w-what?! Hey, h-hey, Prince is away now! Shit, are you saying we have to handle it on our own?
Soldier: Haha, just kidding. Dan-san, you were looking too bored, so I've pulled a prank on you.
Dan: Good nerve tricking me like that.
Soma: Dan-san, its not good to get angry like that. Because today is April Fools day, suitable day to say some lies.
Keranos: Fuahaha, now that Prince is away, its a good time to attack Aigis Shrine. I've brought lots of strong monsters specially for this day. Everyone, go kill and destroy mercilessly as much as you want!
Soldier: R-r-reporting! Enemy attack! Goddess whatever she were... Keru..Kere...Keranos appeared near Shrine! Majins and Oni are also there!
Dan: Yeah, yeah, got it. Go tell Mortimer such dump jok... Holy shit, its real! What to do?!
Daniella: Seems like she aimed for Prince's absence... But even if Prince would be there, fighting Goddess, Majins and Shuten Doji at same time is hopeless.
Ricardo: But if Shrine is destroyed, it will mean loss of Aigis' blessing. In this case, humans will lose a way to fight monsters! We should believe in miracle and hold off on our own!
Keranos: Believe in miracle? Ahahahaha, fuahahaa... Well, so be it, go die in ugly ways while hoping for someting from my powerless sister.
Valery: Everyone, don't lose your hope! We still got a way to win, we can summon Aigis!
Alissa: Summoning Aigis-sama?!.. But where will we get human to become her avatar? And there's no guarantee that it will even work...
Valery: Well, that's true, but... Nah, forget it. For human to become her avatar it means to lose his life. Lets do as Ricado says and just make it somehow on our own.
Dan: (If there's avatar, we can summon Aigis-sama... Well, so be it, either way it became this way because I wished for strong enemies to appear)
Dan: Sorry, everyone, start without me, I need to take a piss.
Katie: What? What are you saying at such time! Oh well, no time for Dan, everyone, get ready!
Katie: Majins and other strong enemies don't seem to move yet, but when they do, we can't hold them back. Is it really pointless fight from the very start?
Goddess Aigis: Don't give up, humans. For now, I, Goddess Aigis, will lend you my power.
Alissa: A-Aigis-sama manifested in real world? Awesome... Did miracle really happen? But didn't Aigis lose her physical body?..
Goddess Aigis: I'll explain later, now we should focus on winning.
Katie: Power of revived Aigis-sama is enormous, now we should be able to deal with Majins and Shuten Doji.
Katie: ...but with great power comes great unit cost. Everyone, we must focus on storing up enough unit points to put Aigis on the field!
Keranos: I-impossible! Something like summoning Aigis!! However, this is a win only with a human sacrifice. So, Aigis, do you like the taste of power gained via human sacrifices?
Katie: Keranos retreat confirmed! Thank you, Aigis.
Leanna: But what's with this physical body? I've heard its impossible to perform summon unless someone volunteers his body.
Mortimer: Who cares about minor things now that she returned to physical world... Anyway, Dan is slow, does emptying one's bladder take so much time?
Dan (Goddess Aigis): I'm right here.
Mortimer: Wha... Why I'm hearing Dan's voice from Aigis?
Valery: Ah, that's what happened... Dan, you sacrificed yourself to summon Aigis.
Katie: Why did he... Dan, person who becomes Goddess' avatar loses his life.
Dan (Goddess Aigis): I know that very well. Aigis got revived at cost of something like my life. Besides, is there even better way to spend one's life?
Mortimer: You idiot, taking up everything on yourself... Noone wished for such victory.
Dan (Goddess Aigis): Mortimer... And everyone... Crying for someone like me, thank you very much. It was fun to be with you, see ya.
Soma: Dan, please don't go... (Sobbing)... Please, someone say that this is joke...
Goddess Aigis: Humans... Do you truly wish for salvation of Dan, who became my avatar?
Mortimer: Of course! If you save Dan, I'll give you all treasures I've accumulated so far!
Goddess Aigis: Understood... Then I'll teach you how to save Dan.
Katie: Really?! And what's is the way to do it?
Goddess Aigis: To use revival power stored up in my body... I left it aside for the final battle, as its required for my revival.
Goddess Aigis: I don't have enough power to revive gods, but if I use up it completely, it should be enough for one human.
Goddess Aigis: Well now, humans, you have to choose.
Katie: To use up all power stored for final battle... Dan's life vs fate of the world, for us to have choose which is more important...
Prince: ...
Katie: --Prince?! You came back... A-a-actually...
Anna: ...Dan-san?! Who would have thought that such thing would happen... Prince, we don't have time, please make decision.
Prince: ...
Anna: That's right. No need to falter. Aigis-sama, we wish for Dan's revival.
Goddess Aigis: Understood. This is your decision. Well then.... Haaa--
Dan: Nnn. Uhh.
Soma: Dan? I'm glad, Dan revived!
Goddess Aigis: And I'm going back to shrine.
Dan: Ugh... My head hurts... And I can't move my body.
Mortimer: You were dead just now. Bear with this.
Dan: I've got it, stop clinging to me, Mortimer! That aside, Prince, why did you do this? Should've ignored someone like me.
Anna: What are you saying, Dan. You are our dear comrade, we can't just cast you aside, isn't it, Prince?
Prince: ... (Nodding)
Goddess Aigis: ...
Goddess Aigis: (Nevertheless, without even second of hesistation to choose his comrade...)
Goddess Aigis: (Fuhaha, this is the strength of humans I've believed in... This is the pure heart I wanted to protect... Prince, I entrust the future of the world to you)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Booyah. The plat ticket gave me Minerva and the plat summon from the trading post gave me Kibahime. It doesn't entirely make up with the 180 SCs I wasted last month, but it's still really, really neat. :D

Minerva not so much (I am already up to my neck with ranged DPS units), but Kibahime was a unit I wanted ever since she was introduced. She is not Lapis, but she is still cool.

Edit: Aaaaand I did three pulls to try and get everyone's favorite Glasses Bandit, and I got Dorothea instead. So yeah, that's three blacks one day. My luck is clumpy as usual.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How come no one is talking about Verdinat's SAW? It makes her a weaker (but free) B.Iris!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Platinum Jerome and dupe Mia from both tickets. Do Mia's aw gold bonus stack? ;_;
I have Leora so Jerome's auto isn't as useful now.

I have a few blacks that's still level 1 so it's not like I want any more blacks for their artworks, or h-scenes and usefulness. :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone know what the benefit is for 3 starring the special Aigis map?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1 sc otherwise nothing.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

garania and the plat alchemist not amazing but they both have exchange quests so 6 sc at some point and are both mysterious somethings strange
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I got Victoria from my first ticket. She's at least new, but having gotten Rachel and Ashera recently, she's not so useful now. Then for the second one, I finally got my first Black from a ticket... but it was Ashera. Well, I was wanting to CR her...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I got Nanaly from my ticket, which is really great =) Was stuggling back then whether I should take Cornelia or Nanaly with my black ticket
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I get this fire elementalist and plat curse user for the tickets, Certainly gonna sell the later, since curse user didn't show any good performance so far.


Question : Is the fire elementalist (who her name anyway) good unit?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I get this fire elementalist and plat curse user for the tickets, Certainly gonna sell the later, since curse user didn't show any good performance so far.

Question : Is the fire elementalist (who her name anyway) good unit?

As far as I can tell, Loretta right now is a decent unit, though her real worth will be decided by her awakening. She is cheap, her elementals are decent (at LV70 with prince bonus we are talking about 800+ ranged magic attack per elemental), she has very good synergy with buffs (since the tokens receive her buffed stats as well) and she should work relatively well as a counter-rush unit or for token-spamming stalling tactics.

Overall I would say she is a tricky unit to use, but not bad at all.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Notice for Aigis unit transformation stoppage.
The team is giving notification they have stopped making a goddess unit because Dan's life was chosen. They apologize for the confusion, everyone who logs in from 1st to 6th will receive 5sc and Dan after maintenance.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

this 4 days of gold farm is real nice