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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

do i get 546 Yen back on my amazon account or what?
Yes, it's a refund for an item for your order. I'm guessing they ran out of stock of something when they went to process other items in that order? Refunds should appear on your bank account or credit card statement at a certain point.

You received a single code for all of the units. Gretel is only going to appear in your unit box after June 2nd's maintenance. I wrote this in the post in my signature.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I've only received the code for the time witch. Is there supposed to be a separate email for the puppet user and the new plat unit?

According to Himeuta user , the rest of unit codes will be send on June 2'nd
Don't quote Me on this , since that user is also not sure


So I tried several time to input the 2 extra codes
And I got this


So it seems 1 Email 1 code
Or Maybe I should have input the 3 same Email.....
Either way It's fail~



And when I put it on the Email I registered , it works

1080 JPY for 2 Sapphire and 1 Platinum that have premium stats quite worth I think~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well i used amazon gift card as payment. and i think those 546Yen were this deposit fee.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They're removing all of the displayed chance-up units (e.g. Aisha) after next week's maintenance.

They claimed earlier that you will have an easier time acquiring these characters, but also said in the banner and news report that the rarity percentages are the same (i.e. you still need a 3% for a black).

They didn't bother to describe if they really did increase the slice Aisha, Kikyou, and Matsuri occupy, so I don't feel particularly inclined to trust that they're high enough to prevent spending hundreds of thousands of yen on premium and not acquire them.

If you do summon a character, they'll come at LV40.

I'm kind of upset, since they're removing Ur, so now is probably the only time I would have any chance to acquire her, except she's squeezed in with Sabine. Someone spent 100,000~ jpy on trying to acquire Inari, and kept summoning Anelia—the other plat chance-up unit—instead.

When you say "removing" as in, removing permanently? Or are they just going to start cycling the old PS units with each maintenance?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally finished rough translations for the entire event and majin advent mission. Please click the image in my signature to read them.

Took a while to finish this because the Gold Rush messed with my schedule enough to make me too exhausted to write properly earlier...

Chrono Demon should merge with the Prince, so he can become half man, half demon, and half pig. I'm sure there's a Prince that wishes he could travel back in time to murder himself before he rolled premium to create a paradox.


Rino: "Rino was scared after taking just one look, and ran out of there as fast as Rino could... That thing... definitely doesn't belong in this world..."​

Moritan (Sorano and Cornelia's illustrator; ) has all of the enemy data for the Majin Advent map. The only thing that scales is enemy HP, and physical damage for Aamon and its followers. Everyone else's stats stays the same between levels.

Majin Advent Enemy Data (LV1~10):

I find Moritan super useful for information these days; the wikis are spread out and none of them are consistently up-to-date. GCWiki used to be well-maintained when Taian was playing, but now it's only useful for specific kinds of information that certain other individuals contribute to it.

They'll be removed like the old premium units. The only way you can get them would be with Base, Base SP, Plat Tickets, and Revival Premium. There's also a very rare case where one of them might be in the regular premium for just one week as a chance-up unit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They'll be removed like the old premium units. The only way you can get them would be with Base, Base SP, Plat Tickets, and Revival Premium. There's also a very rare case where one of them might be in the regular premium for just one week as a chance-up unit.

Oh. So they will go into the revival Premium like Nanaly, Despia, etc. I'm ok with that, since that's really the only PS I roll monthly anyway. Thanks for clarifying it for me.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Which Challenge map is best for black or platinum fairies?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No no, not dailies. I mean the challenge maps, the one that only costs stamina.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No no, not dailies. I mean the challenge maps, the one that only costs stamina.
This information should still be linked in the OP.

These two maps are exceptional in that no other challenge quest maps come close to their drop rates per stamina:
ファランクス2 (Phalanx 2): Plat Fairies
小人と巨人 (Tines Versus Giants): Black Fairies (the final middle giant monster drops the fairy)

Because these two drop plat and gold, and black and gold, your only option if you want a map that drops both plat and black fairies is to move ahead and choose one of later maps, some of whom have the same drop rate, so which one you do is based on which is the least tedious.

EDIT: Just as an important point, Phalanx 2 only has the same plat fairy drop rate per stamina as the mid-tier Spirit Rescue map. Mathematically, the high-tier daily maps aren't as good as doing the appropriate challenge quest and story mission maps for fairies, affection items, and gold. But the reason to do the dailies was for the unique rainbow fairy, plat armour, and magic crystal drops (rubbish from the sky remains rubbish from the sky). I'm not sure how the god-tier maps hold out mathematically to this, especially now that the unique drops have been buffed.

Japanese players recommend:
猛毒の霧 (Deadly Poison Mist): Plat and Black Fairies

Silverhunt sent me screenshots of Lv.10 of the Majin Advent clear having dialogue... I'll translate that later. I'm still thinking about my team strategy for the harder maps, since I have Parhelia at AW85 and Skill AW. With Charles, she can defeat Aamon Lv.10 easily within 25 seconds, since she's more than 30% stronger than Sophie is with her AW skill against demons. With B. Iris, I can make it so both AW Prince and Parhelia gain a defence up so that neither Aamon's physical form, nor the Greater Demon can dent either of them, but to get this to work will require proper positioning and timing on my part.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh right forgot about that. Thanks Petite
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finished rough translations for the Lv.10 Clear Event Scene. Please click the image in my signature to read it~.

Lv.10 3-Star Clear by Nega (AW Event Units + Berna):

Berna is completely unnecessary, and is just there because she's cute, and has 50% evasion. Skill AW Plat Monk Ling would function exactly the same dps and evasion-wise. The character that is necessary for this to work is Plat Rear Tactician Leona because of her luck-based nullification skill. Anya, Liana, Spica, and Liselotte haven't been Skill AWed, and Spica is the only one not at skill max.

Bagua Formation (八卦の陣): (10s; all ally 75% attack nullification; skill expires: all ally HP recovery; AS: ; WT: 27; CT: 55)
Bagua Formation Gates of Death (八卦の陣・死門): (10s; all ally 75% attack nullification; self: attack speed quickened; AS: ; WT: 32; CT: 65)

Lv.10 3-Star Clear by 5cm/s (AW Event Units):

Less luck involved, but players need to exploit the strength of Skill AW Reanbell, and time things correctly for AW Prince. Lesia merely exists as a ganking unit (any other Brynhildr will suffice).

Skill AW: Xiao, Reanbell, Chloe, Miruno, Sorano, Liana; S10: Lesia, Pippin, Eterna; S5: Hana, Leona, Anya; S4: Liselotte

Also, a previous post about a certain sailor has been updated (17362)...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Las night I got a unit froma class I don't know, using the green cystals .D
I can read the class as enchanter/high enchanter and seems she have a token.
So is there something special about this class?
/Edit I already found the basic data that Petite posts
Just wanted to know any special note about it, or how it's best used.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Enchanters behave similarly to witches. They have slightly better stats but cannot slow, and their cost is substantially higher.

Their main characteristic is the ability to channel an aura around them for a short duration that turns all physical damage into magical damage. This aura also stuns golems for a time. This is best used with units that can deal lots of DPS against enemies with low MR. Like dancers the strongest synergy is with units that have multi-hit skills or extremely fast attacks(vampire hunters, ninjas, rearguard tacticians, Bashira, Nanaly, Leone, etc.) to avoid damage reduction from defense. If you look around on nico or youtube there's videos showing Leone taking down a mithril golem in mere seconds with this sort of concentrated fire setup.

Their secondary characteristic is the ability to summon a golem token upon AW. This token is extremely expensive and has very low attack speed, but has very high stats. It also blocks multiple enemies. Like all tokens it can't be healed so it's not a permanent solution to anything, but it can be used in emergency situations as a temporary fix.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This information should still be linked in the OP.

These two maps are exceptional in that no other challenge quest maps come close to their drop rates per stamina:
ファランクス2 (Phalanx 2): Plat Fairies
小人と巨人 (Tines Versus Giants): Black Fairies (the final middle giant monster drops the fairy)

Because these two drop plat and gold, and black and gold, your only option if you want a map that drops both plat and black fairies is to move ahead and choose one of later maps, some of whom have the same drop rate, so which one you do is based on which is the least tedious.

EDIT: Just as an important point, Phalanx 2 only has the same plat fairy drop rate per stamina as the mid-tier Spirit Rescue map. Mathematically, the high-tier daily maps aren't as good as doing the appropriate challenge quest and story mission maps for fairies, affection items, and gold. But the reason to do the dailies was for the unique rainbow fairy, plat armour, and magic crystal drops (rubbish from the sky remains rubbish from the sky). I'm not sure how the god-tier maps hold out mathematically to this, especially now that the unique drops have been buffed.

Japanese players recommend:
猛毒の霧 (Deadly Poison Mist): Plat and Black Fairies

Which map do you guys recommand for silver fairies? surprisingly they are the ones i find most frustrating to get. you need a lot of them (for awakening unless im doing that wrong)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Which map do you guys recommend for silver fairies? surprisingly they are the ones i find most frustrating to get. you need a lot of them (for awakening unless im doing that wrong)
Again that information should be linked in the OP.

低コストバトル (Low Cost Battle): Silver Fairies and Affection (2nd*).
巨大な敵 (Giant Enemy): Gold Fairies
*Phalanx 2 is the best for affection, but not by much; it's only noticeable in the extended long run.

Low Cost Battle is especially good because you can just dump Gold Pirate Maurette and Gold Rogue Betty, and afk farm all of the drops with up to 1k gold as a result from their 'Gold Get!' ability.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi everyone. I've been lurking a while, but now I'd like to get some help. I started on DMM halfway through Sukuha's event (so I guess it's been around two months). I'm about to hit rank 130. I started playing the English version a few months prior to that, but my JP team has almost caught up with them now (it's tough doing events when my team's so low level here, but it's a great game and the original version is so much better).

I've been following the team-building guide that's posted in a few places (including the English wiki) so I have most of a basic team already, but JP Aigis throws so many more event units at you, and has so many classes the English version doesn't have, that I'm unsure who's best to use or not. Especially Duelists. I feel like I have a ton of them. I see people here love Miruno, though mine's only CR-1 and Skill 4/10. I have a bunch of units like her who may or may not be viable because of their Cost/Skill, plus shrine summons.

So if I post my team/barracks here, could I get some advice on who to develop? Or would somewhere else be better? I've been reading about characters' skills/abilities on a JP wiki (I know a bit of Japanese), but it'd be good to actually talk to someone about it right now.

Finally, thank you very much for all the resources, Petite. They've helped a lot.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You can totally post it here. I know I did when I wanted help :p No one's going to chew your head off or anything for doing it either.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi everyone. I've been lurking a while, but now I'd like to get some help. I started on DMM halfway through Sukuha's event (so I guess it's been around two months). I'm about to hit rank 130. I started playing the English version a few months prior to that, but my JP team has almost caught up with them now (it's tough doing events when my team's so low level here, but it's a great game and the original version is so much better).

I've been following the team-building guide that's posted in a few places (including the English wiki) so I have most of a basic team already, but JP Aigis throws so many more event units at you, and has so many classes the English version doesn't have, that I'm unsure who's best to use or not. Especially Duelists. I feel like I have a ton of them. I see people here love Miruno, though mine's only CR-1 and Skill 4/10. I have a bunch of units like her who may or may not be viable because of their Cost/Skill, plus shrine summons.

So if I post my team/barracks here, could I get some advice on who to develop? Or would somewhere else be better? I've been reading about characters' skills/abilities on a JP wiki (I know a bit of Japanese), but it'd be good to actually talk to someone about it right now.

Finally, thank you very much for all the resources, Petite. They've helped a lot.

unfortunately, iirc you need 5 posts to be able to start posting links and images, but you can ask here for advice whenever you need to. also, I'd say most event units are usable even at full cost (lol @ -1 cc1 lieselotte being more useful than a cc50 -2 phyllis. poor silver soldiers). Miruno cost can be lowered with copies in the future and her skill raised with rainbow fairies, so you can level and use her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks. I haven't seen many newer users around here yet. XP It's 15 posts, but I've managed to post them by pruning the links a bit:


I stopped developing the Duelists/Anti-Rush (other than Thetis) as I started to get more options for them. Sukuha's only in there because she was the first Duelist I got; she's just Skill 2/10, so I'm probably better off with someone else. I know Thetis is good, though. I got put off developing Cypria when I saw people saying Betty's better (for Gold Get!), though I don't have Betty here. Not sure if I should still level Cypria now, or someone else.

I only got one Lizelotte during the GR. I thought maybe she'd be too expensive for using, but maybe not? I also have Jerome, but it looks like they're good for different things.

I'm good for Tanks/Assist because I chose Palffy as my starting shrine summon. I wasn't patient enough to keep going for a Black, but Palffy's been really useful to me. From looking at the wiki, she seems to stack up against Jessica fine. I haven't had Gellius so long, but the two of them together are working well as Tanks.

Spica will replace Bashira as main Archer as soon as her attack passes Bashira's (almost there). I don't know if I want them both on my team at this stage because of cost, though. And at this stage, I'm not sure I need more than three Archers levelled.

For Witches, I know Cloris isn't considered good in the English version, but that's partly due to the lack of dupes. So I'm not sure who I should use mainly out of her/Nenya/Ryuryu. Ryuryu's abilities don't look bad, though.

I was so glad the GR had Mages, I really wanted a Gold+ Mage. I think levelling Mehlis is best. Odette's cost will probably still be too high, and I don't know how useful her skills/ability are. It looks like she isn't so useful in the English version, but it might be different here.

Healers are mostly good, but I need a fourth one for Immortal Beast (maybe other stuff too), and I've been wondering how useful/situational Krile would be. Otherwise, I'd just raise Alyssa.

That's pretty much it. It got long, but I've been giving the whole thing a lot of thought.
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