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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

As Anya made for the door, the wolf girls hot on her heels, and likely only a few feet behind her, she tried the latch, and found it was unlocked thankfully. Yanking the door open as she glanced back, she saw the wolf girls came to a stop behind her and stared intently at her. Glancing back through the door, Anya took a step in as she did and she went face first into a large pair of black breasts that were in a loincloth, similar to the other wolf girls, though this pair was much larger, as was the wolf girl they belonged to.

The larger wolf girl stood at least a good foot or two taller than Anya, and grinned down at her, before growling almost playfully. She reached down and grabbed Anya's left wrist, gripping it hard with one hand, while her other hand brushed up Anya's waist, tickling her slightly as the larger wolf girl's tail wagged about. "Mmm, new mate. Can smell your scent. Smell good," the larger wolf girl said, demanding Anya drop to her knees, and trying to make her do so Anya's grabbed wrist was pulled downward.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya knew something was up as soon as the wolf girls stopped chasing her at the door. Which was quickly proven true when she opened the door and ran head first into an airbag of fuzzy cleavage. The evidently wolf woman leader was imposingly tall at least, and as Anya tried to pull back she found herself grabbed around the wrist.

"Hey! Let me go! I am not anyones mate! I'm Anya, and I will be the strongest adventurer eventually!" Anya said as she struggled, trying to pull away from the woman so that she could potentially even try to swing her weapon.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"You want free? You beat me then. Or, you be my mate, and please me, then maybe I let you go, if I'm thoroughly pleased," the wolf girl alpha said, grinning as she spun with Anya's wrist still firmly grabbed, where she shoved her into the room.

The door shut behind Anya, as the other wolf girls all came in, crouching around her, while their alpha stood there, baring her teeth and growling deeply, before starting towards Anya, who had enough time to get her axe up to get ready to fight. The alpha slashed her claws out at Anya, scratching her across the waist and leaving 4 slash marks across her belly, though they weren't too deep thankfully, but they still stung. Anya then tried to retaliate and swing her axe, and managed to get a good blow on her foe, adding another cut that would likely become a scar later on to add to the multiple other scars the alpha had.

The pair traded blows a bit after that, but neither was successful in really making much headway for the moment, after their first blows.

Anya - FP: 4/5, AP: 1/10

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 6/7, AP: 0/10


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well, that is a challenge I'll take then!" Anya said as they set up, and she struck out at the alpha wolf, scoring a line across her just as she was scratched as well. It hurt, but it wouldn't be anything to stop her. Remembering the words from before she made sure to use the blunt side of her axe as she struck again, hoping to sweep the large womans leg's out from under her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The alpha wolf girl slashed her claws out at Anya again, and just barely missed her rather large chest, Anya's breasts wobbling in their confines as she leaned back just enough to avoid the incoming blow. Her axe swung back around, catching the alpha wolf girl across the side of the head, causing her to stagger back a bit. "Mmm, you strong. Will be a strong mate for me," the alpha said, grinning even though her lip was bleeding ever so slightly from the previous blow.

The alpha came at Anya again, swinging her claws again and scratching Anya's left leg a bit. However, that wasn't the worst part of it, as the alpha had lunged forward as she swung, and grabbed Anya, and was trying to trip her down, using her larger mass to do so, holding Anya's wrists with both hands to keep her from swinging her axe. Anya wasn't able to break free, but neither was she forced down just yet, the two caught in an epic struggle to see if Anya would get pushed down, or break free.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 1/10, grappled by the Wolf Girl Alpha, takes -1 to all rolls

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 5/7, AP: 0/10, currently grappling Anya


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was just a little bit surprised that she was still upright if she had to be honest. Though with her hands locked in the woman's grip it really was a question about how much longer that would be. Trying to force her way out of the alpha's grip she'd use everything she could to manage it. Not just relying on force but including such things as kicking at the wolf girl's shins and feet, and twisting and turning to get some extra speed and force in her movements.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

As Anya struggled as mightily as she could manage against the alpha, her opponent struggled to maintain her hold in the meantime. It was a close thing at first, but Anya was just able to get out of the alpha's grip, though the alpha reached out again to grab her wrists once more. As Anya pulled her leg back to kick at the alpha's shins, she was surprised as the alpha lunged forward and kissed her on the lips, while hooking her right leg around Anya's and tripping her to the ground on her back, her axe clattering down right next to her.

"Ha, got you now, new mate," the alpha said, chuckling a bit as she did so.

The kiss from before had caused Anya to blush, and the heating up in her loins to start back up again, but it was manageable for the moment and she was able to ignore it. Anya was struggling, but the alpha held firm and before Anya could stop her, the alpha leaned down and nipped at her neck, almost playfully, rather than to cause her pain, the love bite leaving a hickey on her neck, and the heat building a bit more between her legs. "Mmm, I can smell your scent again, my mate. It's... pleasant, makes me feel a tingling," the alpha cooed softly, now pinning Anya down by her wrists, and looking like she was about to lean in again to nip her once more.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 3/10, pinned by the Wolf Girl Alpha, takes -1 to all rolls

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 4/7, AP: 1/10, currently grappling Anya


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya almost thought she had gotten away from the alpha, breaking free from the wolf woman's grip for just long enough to kick her but not long enough to get her hands on her axe. Instead she was grabbed again and her eyes widened in shock when she was kissed. Her body betrayed her and she felt her petals starting to warm again and it wasn't helped when she was pinned down completely and given what she was sure was a love bite. Trying to pull her legs up and under the alpha's stomach she said. "G-Get off of me you perverted hound!" Before pushing with her legs annd trying to force the woman off her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Pulling her legs up, Anya managed to get them up under the alpha's stomach, to give her a bit of leverage with which to push her off. However, this in turn actually put her into a worse position, as the alpha grinned and hooked her knees down to hold Anya's legs pinned between them, and preventing her from pushing any. "Hmhm, already submitting, my mate? You're pulling your legs up like you want to," the alpha chuckled softly at Anya.

Then, the alpha pulled Anya's hands together above her head, and and pulled her right hand down to tug Anya's top open just enough for her breasts to bounce free, pulling any bra she might have had on off too. "And I'm no hound, little beta bitch. I'm a proud wolf kin," the alpha then said before forcefully kissing Anya again, who felt something poking against her thighs from beneath the alpha's skirt.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 6/10, in submission hold by the Wolf Girl Alpha, takes -2 to all rolls, and can't attack, only attempt to break free

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 4/7, AP: 3/10, currently grappling Anya in a submission hold


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"I'm no beta bitch dammit! I'm a warrior! And you are a pervert still! And what the hell is that poking me!" Anya said as she continued to try to kick the woman off as hard as she could, fueled by her embarrassed rage at her top being broken open, showing her G cup tits to the world. It was all she could more or less do at this point.
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"You can be both, my beta bitch, and a warrior. I never said you couldn't," the alpha said softly, nipping at Anya's ear playfully. "And you'll find out soon enough, my beta, hmhm," she then chuckled.

Anya, desperate to break free of the alpha's grip, frantically pushed with her legs. She felt the alpha's weight lifting, amazingly, her desperation an a surge of adrenaline giving her the needed strength in that last moment to push the alpha up and off of her... barely. Anya was able to raise up to a sitting position, just as the alpha had scrambled to her feet, her loincloth torn away by Anya's foot in her struggle, and in Anya's face, mere inches from it, was a rather large cock... a large, red, knotted, doggy dick. It had to be at least a foot in length, and the musky scent that came from it was enough to make her head get a bit fuzzy for a split second, before she was able to shake it clear.

"Hmhm, you like what you see, beta?" the alpha asked with a grin when Anya's head went a bit fuzzy for a second.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 7/10

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 4/7, AP: 4/10


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya nearly cheered when she managed to get the alpha off. Said cheer was stopped for a few reasons though, first off was because she was in the middle of a fight and cheering wasn't warranted, and second off was that she had a large, red...knotted....thick....cock...right in her face.

The alpha would see two things crossing through the girl's face. The first was something akin to a bit of lust at the sight, and the second was unbridled anger. Either at herself being distracted by the cock or at the alpha woman it wasn't exactly sure."N-No! I d-don't! I very much do not like what I see!" Hands reaching her axe she'd try to once again sweep the wolf alpha's legs out from under her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Oh please, I could see the look in your eyes, it was one of desire," the alpha said back with a smirk.

Anya took her opponent by surprise as she swept her axe around, tripping her up and knocking her legs out from under her. Just as Anya might have smirked or jumped for joy at her small victory there, she felt her own legs falling out from under her as the alpha kicked her knees and made her fall forward, landing on top of the alpha, her breasts pressing against the alpha's, their perked up nipples rubbing hard against one another, as Anya felt the alpha's cock grind up against her folds through her near soaked panties, a spike of pleasure shooting through her body.

The alpha was also taken aback by the pleasure, seeming to have not expected it. As Anya undoubtedly began to struggle to her feet, before the alpha grabbed her, she felt a hand grab her ass firmly, while another pushed her axe out of her hand while the alpha kissed her again, this time on the neck, where she bit down a bit harder, leaving a hickey. Anya wasn't done just yet though, and managed to start pushing away, with the alpha reaching out and grabbing hold of... Anya's panties of all things. She tugged hard on them, tearing them off of Anya, and baring her virgin folds to the alpha, even as she tripped again and fell back, her ass falling straight towards the alpha's huge cock.

Then, Anya landed, her pussy unluckily landing smack on the tip of the alpha's cock, where that huge thing sank into her, popping her cherry right then and there in the most bizarre way possible, perhaps. Anya sank about halfway down the foot long doggy cock, before the alpha's hands darted up fast to catch her, an actual look of concern on her face as the pain of losing her first caught up with Anya. "Goodness, beta. You didn't need to throw yourself onto it before you were properly ready, you know," the alpha cooed softly, gently raising up and then standing, with Anya still in her arms, where she carried her over to another nest, similar to the other ones she'd seen before, though this one was larger and neater, with Anya's virginal blood dripping down onto the floor as she was carried, her strength sapped from the shock of losing her virginity.

Anya - FP: 2/5, AP: 4/10*, Being fucked by the wolf girl alpha, and taking -3 to all rolls. (the * next to AP total = orgasm count)

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 4/7, AP: 7/10, currently fucking Anya


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The flurry of events that followed her attempt to knock the alpha's legs out from under her would never be something that Anya would be able to totally sort out. Somehow she had ended up bumbling onto the alpha, and then when she tried to pull away she ended up getting her panties torn and of all things, falling straight onto the wolf woman's cock. The massive rod tearing her hymen in an instant and leaving her halfway impaled on the foot long member, her eyes going wide and her body shaking with pain and pleasure as her already wound up body climaxed near instantly, her cry more filled with the former then the latter emotion.

Then she found herself lifted into the air, the wolf woman not even giving the courtesy of pulling out of her as she did. The human still tried to struggle, but at this point the movements were weak, her voice was weak too, or more specifically, was coming out just as a garble of sounds with no meaning. The loss of her virginity had short circuited her brain rather thoroughly and even if part of her was raging against what was happening, it was overwhelmed by the new sensation for the moment.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

As Anya feebly struggled against the alpha's impressive grip on her body, she found it to be almost a futile struggle for the moment. After laying Anya down, the alpha pulled Anya's legs up and over her shoulders, making it difficult for Anya to get any leverage with them, and leaving her folds completely defenseless. Then, the alpha lifted her hips up and slowly thrust back inside of Anya, after pulling out until only the tip of her cock was inside of the young human warrior. The other wolf girls all came over too now, seeing that Anya was at least partially pacified, and one of them ran her tongue across Anya's folds as they were spread wide around the intruding member, her tongue teasing Anya's clit in the process.

"Shh shh, it's alright my beta, relax your body, the pain will ease away," the alpha cooed softly to Anya, the other two wolf girls starting to kiss and lick her large breasts, their lips wrapping around her nipples and suckling hard.

As the one wolf girl licking her folds around the alpha's huge cock began moving down, her tongue drifting across Anya's tight little pucker as it circled it, the young human did feel her pain lessening, and quickly replaced with pleasure, and lust. The alpha began moving a bit faster at that point, and Anya felt her pleasure increasing little by little, her strength slowly sapped away by the pleasure and lust burning brighter in her loins with every thrust. The alpha was also probing her deeper and deeper, until Anya felt the alpha's cock bumping against another wall deep inside of her, but she kept thumping against it, time and again, until she felt her cervix slowly giving way and gently spreading around the intruding cock.

"Oh goddess yes, my new beta bitch is so tight, and so lovely. I'm so happy to have found you," the alpha moaned to Anya as her thrusts began to pick up in pace and intensity even more, her large fat balls slapping noisily against her ass, which had been left along by the other wolf girl, who moved up to Anya's head to kiss her on the lips, her tongue swirling around with Anya's.

Anya then felt the alpha slam into her one good time, hilting inside of her, the knot at her base spreading Anya a bit wider down there, as the crown of her cock kissed the entrance of her very core, her womb. The heat in her pussy was getting to be too much for Anya to handle now, and her head was all fuzzy from the pleasure, but she was still coherent enough to feel another climax coming, and fast. This literally was her last chance, if she wanted to try and escape, she knew, but her pussy was on fire, and aching for that finish which the alpha could bring her, and the pulsing of the alpha's hot hard cock inside of her was driving her crazy, and she felt the knot slowly swelling too.

Anya - FP: 2/5, AP: 8/10*, Being fucked by the wolf girl alpha, and taking -3 to all rolls, and about to cum again.

Wolf Girl Alpha - FP: 4/7, AP: 9/10, currently fucking Anya, about to cum


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya wanted to fight back, to get away, but she couldn't and she knew it. Between the lack of leverage, the fact that all the wolf girls were now crowding around her and pushing her down, and the feeling of the Alpha's cock pushing so deep it was pretty much straight into her womb were all too much for her and her body betrayed her. When her mind said to push away from the Alpha instead her legs seemed to grip onto the wolf woman's shoulders a bit tighter, and when she tried to move her hands they just twitched a bit.

She was just trying to come up with anything that could help her escape when the mounting pleasure she was feeling finally took full control and her body relaxed under the Alpha's thrusts. Accepting the large cock inside her even as she started to rapidly tighten even further around the wolf girl's cock. She even started to respond to the kiss, with absolutely no skill but with some passion at least.

Come whenever the rest of her mind booted back up there would probably be hell to pay, but for now at least the human seemed to have accepted her fate and was trying to get some enjoyment out of the new sensations.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Feeling Anya responding to her kisses, the wolf girl at her mouth slipped her tongue in and swirled it around in Anya's mouth for a few moments. After that though, Anya felt her pull away, and after a few seconds Anya's face was buried in the wolf girl's pussy, her mouth right on it, and the wolf girl's juices already beginning to flood into Anya's mouth, the sweet taste of the wolf girl along with everything else, making Anya start forgetting about trying to break free, and embrace the pleasure.

"Yes, my beta. Embrace it, love it... you'll feel so much better afterward," the alpha panted to Anya, who couldn't help but moan as the alpha pounded into her more roughly now, going faster and a bit harder.

Anya felt her nipples being bit down on a bit and tugged with the teeth of the wolf girls suckling on them, and as Anya's legs pulled the alpha in further as best they could, she felt the alpha's knot finally slip fully into her, spreading her even further than before, with every thrust now. Soon enough, the pulsing of the alpha's cock grew to be too much for her, and she picked up her pace, hilting with every thrust and slamming into Anya as fast as she could, until finally, after what felt like several minutes, she hilted one final time. Anya felt that knot swell almost instantly, locking them together, where the alpha exploded inside of Anya, the head of her cock kissing Anya's womb when she started spurting her huge load deep into Anya's womb. Anya's own orgasm was triggered by this, a magnificent one, more powerful than any she'd ever gotten from mere masturbation before.

The alpha, as she came oh so hard, howled into the air, while her other betas kept teasing Anya further, driving her orgasm on and on, the two suckling her breasts teasing her asshole and clit with their fingers. Finally, the alpha stopped cumming, but only after Anya could feel her belly had swollen quite a bit with the sheer amount of cum that had been poured into her womb. Anya felt the alpha's knot only start to shrink after about 5 minutes had passed, with her still recovering from her previous climax. Before she could even try and get loose though, the alpha leaned over her, while the other wolf girls got out of her way, and she kissed Anya on the lips again, before nipping her neck with another love bit, leaving a hickey to mark her for all to see.

The alpha rolled Anya over onto her hands and knees, and raised her ass high into the air, still inside of Anya the entire time, and began plowing her again, this time from behind. Still incredibly sensitive from before, Anya wouldn't be able to keep from squealing, as the pleasure already began coursing through her. The alpha took Anya like that for a good ten minutes, slowing down a bit to keep from cumming herself, but giving Anya more than enough to cum three times in the meantime. While the alpha plowed Anya, the other wolf girls took the rest of Anya's clothes off and tossed them over next to her axe, leaving her fully nude at this point.

When the alpha finally started coming down the home stretch, she knotted Anya again, this time the damned knot being slightly bigger than before, as she exploded once more into Anya. Anya's belly swelled further, to the point she looked 9 months pregnant and her belly was gently brushing across the bedding, and she came a fourth time during that rather rough fucking as the alpha came inside of her for a second time. The alpha howled yet again as she came, before leaning over Anya and nipping at her ear playfully.

"Mmm, I can control my knot, my beta. It's not going to shrink this time for quite a while. To ensure that you have my strong little offspring in that belly of yours. Did you enjoy yourself too, my cute new little bitch beta, hmhm?" the alpha whispered in Anya's ear before gently sitting back, pulling Anya into her lap, still impaled on her huge thick knotted cock. "Girls, clean our new beta up now okay, that's it, make her feel nice and relaxed too," she then added, snapping her fingers at the other wolf girls, who immediately started licking Anya's body all over, cleaning her of all the sweat, juices, and cum that drenched her body all over, one targeting her clit and licking and suckling on it vigorously while the other two did the rest of her, ending with her nipples, which they licked and suckled on as well, leaving Anya in a pretty euphoric state after they were done, while the alpha kept kissing and licking her neck, and kissing her cheeks and lips in the meantime.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

With the rational side of her mind in hiding, Anya wasted no time getting into the hard fucking she was getting from the Alpha. She even made inexperienced efforts to make the wolfgirl that shifted to plant her pussy in her face feel good. Her tongue darting out for a few licks as she tasted the non-human.

Her moans would pick up in pace and volume as the Alpha's movements grew harder and she felt the hermaphrodic woman starting to swell further and further. Until the knot locked them together, and a few moments later a tidal wave of cum sent Anya to another orgasm just on the cum alone. It was so warm, there was so much. She could feel her virgin womb bloating until she was already looking pregnant and it hadn't even been a day. The livewire that was her body only having just calmed down by the time the Alpha's knot started to shrink and she even responded to the nip on her neck with an oddly daring small bite on the tip of the alpha's ear, nibbling on it a bit unless she was stopped.

Then she was rolled over and her boots, stocking and bow were taken off and thrown over the the rest of her clothes, though they were a fair bit more intact then the damaged top and panties that were there too. The new position she ended up in, mixed with how weak her sensitivity was making her, that by the time of the third climax her arms had buckled and her face ended up pressed against the ground a bit.

The next of the Alpha's climaxes really sent the girl over the edge. She was so full that she was fairly sure she wouldn't be able to walk until she had a thorough chance to drain out, and given she was now stuck sitting in the Alpha's lap with her knot still sealing them together, that wasn't going to happen for a while.

"Ooooooooh" Was her attempt at a response to the Alpha's question. Supported by a very tired nod. The human woman letting herself be cleaned off by the wolfgirls as she relaxed into the Alpha's grip, and even tried to hold the smaller wolf girls to her breasts to please herself a bit more.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The alpha looked and sounded pleased with Anya's nip at her ear, and responded with one little one of her own. After they had finished up and Anya nodded to her new alpha, she got a love bit on her neck again while the other wolf girls nipped playfully, and almost lovingly at her breasts. "These will have so much milk soon for the little ones, hmhm," the alpha said, hefting both of Anya's huge breasts up and squeezing them possessively as she giggled.

She gently rocked Anya a bit to stimulate her even more, making her pussy pulse with ecstasy as a minigasm rocked through her while she was pleasured and toyed with. After she was thoroughly cleaned by the other betas, Anya was gently laid down on the nest with her new alpha still inside, on her right side, and was allowed to rest now and start catching her breath. "Rest now my beta. The little ones will come quick. I wonder how many you'll have, hmhm," she giggled softly in Anya's ear, before sleep blissfully took Anya finally.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Well, Anya would definitely end up getting used to the Alpha's cock. If only because the Alpha didn't seem intent on removing herself from Anya at any time in the near future. Instead the barely conscious girl let her breasts be played with, until she was rested down and actually snuggled back against the taller girl, before promptly falling asleep. Her rational side would likely be fully awake again come morning.