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Egg Interest Get!

Re: Egg Interest Get!

Phwhut? I'll beat some sense into that fella if it's the last thing I do...

Okay, well, I'll update when I get the chance and the inspiration then. XD To be honest, I find the random dice system to be a little too erratic for me. >_> I'm pulling most of the random monsters out of my bu--er, nose, anyways, and nobody has stats. XD I may just base the results on how people are writing, if that's okay. Will still keep the random encounters unless you seem to be having a good time with the current line of the game and want to seek to continue it!
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Will I be starting up or no? I completely understand if you're already swamped or something. ^^;
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I don't think for a while? >_>" I think I've got more than I can easily handle on the go already, which is unfortunate but I don't want to drop anyone or anything. XD If I work out a 'game over' system that I'm comfortable with, I'll let you know when a spot opens?
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Works for me. I still enjoy reading. Keep up the good work! ^_^
Re: Egg Interest Get!

G'aw, thank you. ^_^" I'll try!
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Ah, reading back through the different threads and I came across the reason for the name discussion thing from earlier. Thetwo, it almost certainly isn't name stealing if the person takes a name that is similar to yours, but different, if you decide to use a common name like Jennifer. If I had used the same first and last name, that might be different, but if you use John Doe in one game and then someone uses a character called John Doe in another, well, the name is far too common for you to say you had much of a claim on it. That's why, if you have a character you want to be unique, don't use common everyday names.

For example, I have a small set I like to use that aren't common names:

Pheonix -> generic male
Quetz -> generic female
Granth -> male caster, some mental problems included
Rashar -> male theif, mental problems included

I'll occasionally also use Jen or Jill depending with Jen typically being a bit easily scared and Jill being an equivalent of myself (Jillian was one of the names my parents were considering for me when they were thinking of baby names and even though it didn't get used, I still use it for some of my characters.).
Re: Egg Interest Get!

That's why I always give the rp characters that I like and keep last names.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Actually as an amendment to my statement: Pheonix has recently become more unisex.

Also, all but Rashar have last names (Rashar tends to be an orphan, so...)
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Well yea, but it's easier to come up with a generic name. >.>
Re: Egg Interest Get!

*Poke* Does this still live?
Re: Egg Interest Get!

wallpaper hasn't been on for a long time now.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

...rats. I JUST noticed this too ;^;
Re: Egg Interest Get!

She prolly started school. She mentioned that come September, she'd practically cease to exist on the world of the internet.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

*Sniffs around, then sneezes from the dust* This needs to be brought back to life.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Between the year's-worth of deadness, Wallpaper being AWOL, and SilentSilth tied up with The Colony (which you're part of, I might add)... I don't think it's coming back.

Unless you want to GM, and torment players with your inventive sex scenarios.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Aww, DeMatt! You whored out The Colony for me! How nice.

And actually, I asked Nunu to bring this back so The Colony could be placed in this section. It does, after all, use the same ruleset.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

>Read Phoenix's charsheet
>Somehow think "I should play this and set it in one of those "
>Thought evolves to Japanese gameshows in general
>Completely, utterly ridiculous.
>RPG is set in a virtual reality gamey thing.
>Fuck yes!
>August 2009

Re: Egg Interest Get!

Am I necroing? Have I become a necromancer? I really kind of liked the convept of the whole egg thing and thought it was neat. I'm pretty sure it's mostly dead, but is it bad form to take an idea someone else started and be willing to dm for it?

If not...I'd like a chance at trying to run this for others.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Well.. That's kinda why I came up with the Egg. o.o Make a system that's easy to use, can be applied to pretty much any sort of scenario, and anyone can DM it.

If you have any questions on how to run it or need any ideas, shoot me a PM. I'd be glad to help out.