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Egg Interest Get!

Re: Egg Interest Get!

If anything, my problem is that I have never run a game with a definite 'game over for you, sucka!' so I tend to try to work in ways to get around things. :p I don't think you'll have too much of a problem with escaping, though I'll try not to draw things out forevar.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I guess it also depends on the dice rolls, I mean if you are REALLY unlucky... lol

All seriousness, I like what you proposed though thetwo
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I'm also going to have her get selective amnesia once she's in the scenario. She's not going to spend the whole time hating on Alice for making her do this, or thinking "this is just a game, I can keep fighting back until I die and I'll wake up perfectly healthy."

Or especially "woah, that tentacle sex felt good. Lets do it again! It's not like it could actually kidnap me or hurt me for more then a few hours until my time is up..."

Instead, she'll remember some semi-realistic way of ending up where she ends up and while she may think 'is this a dream?' (or have vague recollections of a dislike for people named A-something) she'll mostly act and even think like this is really happening to her.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Okay, I'm totally going to poof for the night. XD I'm pooped, sorry guys!
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Haha, go ahead and poof, wp, you did a lot good posting ;)
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Interest expressed... But character to come later. I lack creativity fluids at this point.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Name: Ryu
Gender: Male
Species: Anthro wolf
Physical Age: 20
Surface Scan: 6'3", 186lbs. He's a bit heavy for his kind, but it's mostly muscle, Ryu being the co-star of his track team. While much of his muscle is in his legs, resulting in great speed and agility, he isn't exactly weak in his upper body either, but nowhere near bodybuilder levels. His fur is dark gray with areas of blue, most notable his muzzle. His eyes are yellow. He has a standard canine cock, including a sheathe and knot. The cock itself in 7"x1.5".
Resonance Scan: Ryu is kind and loyal. He is initially trusting to everything he meets, until they do something to make him revoke said trust. He tends to go out of his way to help people, sometimes not getting his own things done as a result. Rather social, he has a good number of friends, a few enemies(mostly people jealous of him for some reason), and tends to get along with most sorts. Intellectually, he's slightly above average, his GPA a solid 2.9. He knows of mating and has engaged in it quite a few times, mostly with friends who were in heat, and he enjoys such activities. Just not to the point where he'll drop whatever he's going and actively seek it should the urge arise.

Regions of Consent

Situations of Non-Consent: Yup
Situations of Violence: Occasionally. After all, a world needs conflict sometimes.
Situations of Violence during Sex: Some pain and bleeding is ok, just not to the guro level please.
Offensive or Defensive Gameplay: Being chased
Transformations: Species changes: Ok. Gender: No
Genre: Anything that isn't technology/future/space based

Yes please.
Non-Humanoid: Sure
Bosses: Bring um on

As long as they aren't involved in the typical RPG fetch quest, sure.
Single Larger Goal or Series of Smaller Goals: Larger goal!
Game End: IDk yet. Would probably depend on setting.
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Re: Egg Interest Get!

Keep in mind that this thread is currently just for the games that I'd be running. ^_^ You'll need to poke Silth if you would prefer one of his games. *nod*

Also, I'm not Raptor Jesus, so I'm probably going to be fairly slow at times. :X
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Just a thought btw... Might wanna make this a sticky to it's always on top?
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Well, I'll ask Silth, but I'm not a mod for the forum. XD I'm assuming that since anyone can run a game (and I hope they do, at least for me~! *wibbly eyes at the board*) the 'sign up!' threads can be more fluid.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I'm interested and reserving this spot for my profile...
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Silth brought up and idea and you're turning it into a monster you can't control :p

Re: Egg Interest Get!

I plan to sign up for both Silith's games AND your game ;P, after I figure out what Silith is ok with and what he's not.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Wallpaper, you may want to set a cap on how many players you'll GM for. Otherwise you'll end up overwhelmed.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

This game need more GM so, who will sign in to be a GM. (I cant im bad in grammar)
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I'd be willing to give it a try but I have to problems:

1) I get online at erratic times (i.e. it might take a while to respond some times).
2) My writing is not the very best in the world.

If you don't have a problem with either of those, I don't mind GMing 3 or 4.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

Character sheet finished(on page 1) and awaiting approval, Wally. Unless you're swamped already, in which case I'll happily wait my turn.
Re: Egg Interest Get!

(Wally wally woxen free~!)

XD Yeah, I'm not really going to be able to GM for this many people very fast or very far. How do you feel about taking turns in the same threads? (I don't have any solid ideas for where things are going, you see!)
Re: Egg Interest Get!

I'm not really going to be able to GM for this many people very fast or very far.

Fair enough. I was kinda wondering that you agreed to this many people in the first place. :p

How do you feel about taking turns in the same threads?

What, you mean letting other people play our characters? >.>

I'm going to have to go with a big "no" on that one. I'd rather wait my turn and possibly even make efforts to shorten the game a bit.

(I don't have any solid ideas for where things are going, you see!)

Not sure what this is referring to (dealing with the number of players? New scenarios? The direction of existing scenarios?)

Also, I think I'll consider doing a game as GM myself, after I see a little more of the "example" one that includes die-rolls and all stats. Don't count on it for a couple days at the least.