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ACT Unknown/Hiatus [Zicare] Unforbidden

Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I hit every buttons on keyboard except ESC....was a shame.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I would think you'd at least need DirectX since it does use 3D modelling.

Otherwise try buttons like Space, Enter, Escape, or others on the left side (A S D Z X C). If all else fails, use your mouse to click things.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

He released the horse animations as a belated Christmas gift for everyone!

He doesn't want to risk giving another expected release date.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

This guy is take a while to release stuff but damn his work is really good. Some clipping issues but meh...they are minimal and don't really bother me at all. Can't wait til the release!
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

how much content is in the demo available? is it worthy to play as it is now (a la hounds of the blade) or should i wait till the author finishes the game , im patient, i brought my tent.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

how much content is in the demo available? is it worthy to play as it is now (a la hounds of the blade) or should i wait till the author finishes the game , im patient, i brought my tent.

There is a platforming section through half the game with no enemies. There are facehugger type enemies on some of the platforms but they're just for show so far. The animations are superb and flow pretty well.

There are two actual enemies so far; a wolf and a boar. Her texted dialog starts off very resistant and slowly drifts towards ahegao. Once again, the animations are superb and extremely realistic in the way that they move. There are some clipping issues but they don't bother me a bit really. The only thing that bothers me is sometimes the front left leg likes to disjoint and fly around in circles for a second.

But yeah, in short...you'd be doing yourself a big disservice by not downloading it and checking it out. It's a very slowly progressing game...probably just as bad, if not worse than HotB, but I think it has more promise than even HotB.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

thank you for the insight, ill definetely give it a try, what got me interested in your preview, was the spinning leg thing, its my favorite fetish so its a must play right now... hopefully it gets finished sometime (nanocrisis never forget)
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Eh, I think he's doing himself a disservice by releasing a video of the animation (though I am obviously downloading it right now, lol). It's way better to encounter it yourself in the game's setting.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Agreed...but it is something at least =\
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Agreed...but it is something at least =\

Yeah, I watched it once, and it did nothing for me. I'm just gonna keep waiting, I guess.

I don't know how 99% of game makers make the same mistake. They come up with an idea, see it through, and end up with 1 or 2 levels of good quality work. Then they say that they're going to introduce 8 new playable characters, 17 different weapons, a three-dimensional hat interface, and a custom-built neural processing Cyberdyne system that will take six weeks to render... Then they come back three months later saying they gave up, or have no motivation left to go on.

To me, it's the same thing as the kids who would time out on tests because they got stuck on question 3. I don't understand why people allow bad work habits like that to fester. Fucking finish it first, then go back and tweak things. Time effectiveness is LITERALLY the most valuable skill you can teach someone... if that's not incentive enough, what is?
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Yeah, I watched it once, and it did nothing for me. I'm just gonna keep waiting, I guess.

I don't know how 99% of game makers make the same mistake. They come up with an idea, see it through, and end up with 1 or 2 levels of good quality work. Then they say that they're going to introduce 8 new playable characters, 17 different weapons, a three-dimensional hat interface, and a custom-built neural processing Cyberdyne system that will take six weeks to render... Then they come back three months later saying they gave up, or have no motivation left to go on.

To me, it's the same thing as the kids who would time out on tests because they got stuck on question 3. I don't understand why people allow bad work habits like that to fester. Fucking finish it first, then go back and tweak things. Time effectiveness is LITERALLY the most valuable skill you can teach someone... if that's not incentive enough, what is?

I was just thinking about this. The problem is just not knowing how to finish things. You can look it up and find out that it usually stems from not having a good mentor/parent figure or whatever to teach you how to finish something after you hit a road block. Most people don't understand how to pass that wall (Myself included, but I'm working on it).

It's hard to accept that to make something great, you have to fail, a lot, and keep trying. You have to work on a project even when you don't want to or hate it, that's just how things are. I don't think there's anybody who always loves/wants to work on their project, but the people who are great in their field are the ones that can force themselves passed those walls.

Consistency with putting in work on it is key and understanding that you have to fail a lot to make something good. You can't get discouraged from "failures", it's just a natural step of the process. If you think about it with something like painting, a painting usually looks like absolute garbage until it's almost done. It's why people have so much trouble sticking with it. Most things are like that though. You just have to start finishing paintings to realize that it will always eventually get better if you stick with it.

That's why it should be game developer/artists goals just to finish things, not necessarily make them amazing. Finishing a project with only like 80% of the amazingness that you planned vs completeing 30% of your game and quitting, well, you can see which is better, lol.

SO, let's hope he finishes this, I'd love to see more content.
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Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Yeah, I watched it once, and it did nothing for me. I'm just gonna keep waiting, I guess.

I don't know how 99% of game makers make the same mistake. They come up with an idea, see it through, and end up with 1 or 2 levels of good quality work. Then they say that they're going to introduce 8 new playable characters, 17 different weapons, a three-dimensional hat interface, and a custom-built neural processing Cyberdyne system that will take six weeks to render... Then they come back three months later saying they gave up, or have no motivation left to go on.

To me, it's the same thing as the kids who would time out on tests because they got stuck on question 3. I don't understand why people allow bad work habits like that to fester. Fucking finish it first, then go back and tweak things. Time effectiveness is LITERALLY the most valuable skill you can teach someone... if that's not incentive enough, what is?

wel.. i had the same problem into game making (with game maker). Even if you have the skills to make everything, coding and debugging are the most frustrating parts (and you even know how to do it).

You know that your game is good but you even know how much time of your RL is needed to fix everything.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Create a 3D game alone is always complicated and long.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Create a 3D game alone is always complicated and long.

True, but there's a difference between doing what you're able to with the engine, and just adding on so many things you swamp yourself. I have a lot of faith in Zikare so far, and he's been really nice to communicate with, but I feel as though he's just attempting to throw too many things into the game at once.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I think he should seek help as did Uriel to advance on his game, developed on Unity 3D is rather complicated especially since it takes care of everything on his game. Especially it is very ambitious about the content of his game.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Well....I guess it is probably safe to assume this project is dead. Not even a status update in 5 months.

Such a freaking shame...game had so much potential. :(:(:(

Anybody know if the creator by chance switched sites or something?
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

While "Zikare" hasn't updated the blog for... a long time, the most recent update to the game (according to website) was on April 17th. It means he's working on it.

...He's probably not.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I remember he said something about getting a job, maybe thats been taking up all of his time.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

hrmm really hope he's still going with this.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

One single timeline update in the the past one and a half months. I don't think there has ever been a break this long.

I honestly don't believe the game will ever get completed, not at the speed it's been progressing in the past year. All we can hope for now is that Zikare releases the next version at some point