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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Is everyone getting the translation when he releases it or just Patreons? Then it goes public in another few days? Or is everyone getting it.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Is everyone getting the translation when he releases it or just Patreons? Then it goes public in another few days? Or is everyone getting it.

Patreons get to beta test it for like a week something then released to everyone.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Patreons get to beta test it for like a week something then released to everyone.

Actually Yummy didn't mention a beta for translation of HQ, so I think he'll release it for everyone as soon as it'll be ready. Should have been done last week so I'm a little bit worried, but he's Yummy. Not that good at release date :rolleyes: (sorry Yummy, had to do it)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Actually Yummy didn't mention a beta for translation of HQ, so I think he'll release it for everyone as soon as it'll be ready. Should have been done last week so I'm a little bit worried, but he's Yummy. Not that good at release date :rolleyes: (sorry Yummy, had to do it)

It should be done this month, not last week. Yes, I post last Monday with a teaser and said I was working to hopefully get it ready for the weekend (Satuday/Sunday), but people jump on that as though it is an official release date. It's not. Now, the "Mid-May" thing was more of an official release date, which I missed (along with many others), but let's not take every single time I post any type of estimation as an official release date. Otherwise, I'll simply stop posting any estimates at all.

I'll be working on the game today and tomorrow. I had an idea I liked and decided to run with it as a last minute addition. Yes, there are plenty of people who feel I should stop adding stuff and just release it, but I'll be honest, I'm not going to cave in to those complaints most of the time. If I decide that I'd like to add something last minute, I'll probably do it.

As for the release, patron-only first. It'll beta for 1-3 days, depending on bugs found, and then go public. Aylia's Story releases will have two short beta periods, translations/side projects will only have 1. I'm guessing I'll post it late tomorrow and it'll go public Wednesday night or Thursday at some point. I have every day this week to work (fucking awesome), so I'll be able to squash bugs and also bust my ass on some Aylia Story development.

Should be a fun week.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

At least that clears it up. As I'm not a patreon guess it's another few days wait. Dammit :( Wish I could donate and get it early LOL
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yes, there are plenty of people who feel I should stop adding stuff and just release it, but I'll be honest, I'm not going to cave in to those complaints most of the time. If I decide that I'd like to add something last minute, I'll probably do it.

I can't decide if I should hate you or love you because of this. Sure, I'd love to see as much content as possible, but you need to know when to say "that's enough for this chapter". It's your game, I get it, you can do what you want. I'm just reminding you that it's only one out of five chapters.

I'm not saying you should release it right now, but try to set a limit for this. A point where you just say "ok, no more new stuff, unless it's something very important that will break the game/saves if I'll add it in later chapters".
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I agree with the last sentiment.
Please don't succumb to the feature creep.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I can't decide if I should hate you or love you because of this. Sure, I'd love to see as much content as possible, but you need to know when to say "that's enough for this chapter". It's your game, I get it, you can do what you want. I'm just reminding you that it's only one out of five chapters.

I'm not saying you should release it right now, but try to set a limit for this. A point where you just say "ok, no more new stuff, unless it's something very important that will break the game/saves if I'll add it in later chapters".

This was not an addition to Aylia's Story. That beast is big enough already. This was something with Hunter's Quest. I was finishing it up and playing through to check for errors when I thought of something. I loved it so much I decided I had to include it. It was just an additional scene, but one that is meant for YT Gaming people.

As for Aylia's Story, I concur. It is one of five chapters and enough is enough. I let feature creep go a bit further than I probably should have, but I am fairly cautious with adding new features. Those are pretty much locked down at this point. I do like to add a scene or mini event often. I'll play and think, "Hmm, been awhile since I've seen ass and titties, need to add something here... so, I do." But, art is a pretty big timesink, so when I succumb to adding scenes, it adds about 8-10 hours of work.

Just to reiterate, even though this is in the Aylia's Story thread, I'm referring to the Hunter's Quest translation in discussing tomorrow's release. We'll be back on the Aylia's Story train this week.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well, ok then, seems I got confused there. I'm glad that we agree.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

"YT Gaming people", eh? Heh, I'll see if I can figure out which scene is the one in question.

Anyway, I thought as someone who hasn't thrown in their two cents, I just wanted to applaud you for communicating as much as you have been and for the work you're doing. While some may still not think it enough, I've been in similar situations and can definitely understand where one might be a bit averse to constantly conversing with, not only the impatient individuals, but even the more forgiving ones.

Know that the majority of us understand that despite whatever issues or burdens hinder development (or sudden episodes of inspiration take hold), that everything will come in time.

Thank you and good luck... with this, and everything else.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!


1) Gimme Hunter's Quest, I need to fap! :D

2) In all seriousness, I want to thank you for always being so transparent and communicating with us about everything, good or bad. It shows that you're responsible and considerate and makes me very comfortable pledging to support you. It's the little things like that that you do that provide a strong foundation to construct your career as a game developer on.

-dongs.exe on Patreon
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Oh, one question guys!
It was already a very long time (i think?) when i first downloaded the demo, and as i can see YummyTiger has updated the demo of the prologue to the very recent version, my question is, compared to the very first demo, are there any difference in content? I know that i can easily get my answer by downloading and playing the final prologue demo, but i already decided to start over with the Chapter 1 version.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

is the translation out yet?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

is the translation out yet?

My advice would be to check the thread that is dedicated to the translation. It is located in the "translations" sub-forum. Crazy, I know :p

It is in bug-testing, and it needed it. Right now, you can get about 40-50% through the game and it crashes. About 40% still needs me to copy the translation back in, as I ran into a show-stopping script issue earlier this week that essentially fubar'd my current version of the game.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hey, YT - just clarifying since this thread's been idle for a couple days, is the plan still to wrap up the Hunter's Quest script kerfuffle before putting the polish on AS?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

He's working on both of them: AS during the day and HQ during the evening.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hey, YT - just clarifying since this thread's been idle for a couple days, is the plan still to wrap up the Hunter's Quest script kerfuffle before putting the polish on AS?

He posted that he'll be releasing v0.95 of the translation tomorrow followed by v1.0 sometime later, but he's switched main focus back to Aylia's Story