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Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I'm glad someone finally had the balls to post the damn game's demo. this is cool but still nowhere near worth the amount of ass-kissing you're giving the guy or $30, so you guys are seriously tripping about that. If the dude who made the game actually gave a damn about you guys he'd give you your money's worth which is way more than this.

Actually, the initial release was the demo. What every other version has been is a paid beta, which (unless I missed something) gets you the final version of the game, helps ensure that the game will be finished, and helps encourage the dev to make more games in the future.

You are an impatient jerk who is insulting the people who paid for the game, and chose not to share it. Which is their right, since they actually supported the dev.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I'm glad someone finally had the balls to post the damn game's demo. this is cool but still nowhere near worth the amount of ass-kissing you're giving the guy or $30, so you guys are seriously tripping about that. If the dude who made the game actually gave a damn about you guys he'd give you your money's worth which is way more than this.

If it wasn't worth it, then why did you want the demo so badly in the first place? It's easy, if you don't think the game is worth the money, then DON'T play the game.

Also, you do realize this is a beta demo correct? Meaning, it is not the final game, and therefore, no it is not the $30 product the author intends. Perhaps you are having trouble understanding this.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I'm glad someone finally had the balls to post the damn game's demo. this is cool but still nowhere near worth the amount of ass-kissing you're giving the guy or $30, so you guys are seriously tripping about that. If the dude who made the game actually gave a damn about you guys he'd give you your money's worth which is way more than this.

This is why we can't have nice things, the guy who posted up the link owes you nothing, and is actually doing you a favor and instead of thanking him you go on and shit on him. If you do not like this game, then by all means, please leave. There is the back button and the ULMF link at the top.

On a side note, Thanks karel5587 for posting up this game!
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

If you do not like this game, then by all means, please leave. There is the back button and the ULMF link at the top.

you can suggest going and click on the "you are the 10000000 visitor" in every porn site... or even better yet, delete system32 since it makes brain cells work

and about the demo: it is good, even if it does not have the full content it still has a LOT more already than other full games that you get in rpgmaker though there are still some bugs switching days and underwear but they are easilly fixable

EDIT:what an asshole that guy was XD and then they complain when one doesnt give them leaked versions
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

While the game is still in development and hasn't yet earned this guy a decent amount of coin please don't share.

I find this statement completely illogical. He has already made half the money of his best seller which is survivor sara, and the game is still in development and has even hit store shelves yet. 30$ is a donation and for the impatient, but if the final game cost 30$ then yea I say go ahead and pirate the shit outta this game. It probably cost him (I assume he is doing this by himself with no paid staff) nothing to make the the game except time.

Objectively this game aint worth 30$ when you compare it to other eroge rpg maker games such as ROBFU or Ariadyne. rpg gameplay is subpar (somehow panty pull does like 40 hp shame dmg while Student does like 3 actual hp Physical dmg), doesn't even attempt at animations or animation like stuff, 3D graphics is okay(I can make better looking 3d characters in skyrim for free, have free awesome sex mods, and I bought legendary edition for like 15 bucks on steam sales), story so far is not very compelling, and the game still uses rpgmaker xp which is like 10 years old (seriously survivor sarah made like 15000$, and he cant even upgrade software. Yesterday on 12/23/2014, RPGmakervxace, 14$, on steam was cheaper then this indie game). I can't come up with any more off the top of my head feel free to come up with your own stuff. But its in native English so that magically makes it worth more. Compare English dlsite sales to Japanese dlsite sales. Its like 2:1.

You are actually hurting his game sales data on dlsite if you donate and instead of officially buying from dlsite( if this was on steam early access then go for it). This guy's dream is to make a living making games like this. I mean if you really support this guy you would donate crap tons of money to meet his goal on patreon so he can quit work, or you buy officially from dlsite (maybe somebody would notice this guy and hire him you know). I dunno maybe I'm stupid. Feel free to point on bad grammar, and I'll pm you when I need you to revise my essays for school. oh and thanks karel5587 for the share of demos.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

What can i say? I find this guy games are Ok, not amaizing but i enjoy them a couple of days and thats more than enough (I hate the scat scenes though) i'm not paying him but i'm aganist people releasing his links is like when we whait for a couple of sales of a game before releasing a link, if he wanted to make a demo he would, don't release the links, and when the game is released and he sell enough we will enjoy the complete game and coment if the price is worth not now i find unfair for him since it stops donations and such and he wants to live of the game making
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

the problem is this.

"About Donation And Support for Agent Alona:
The price is $30. $10 will be considered as donation and support for the development of Agent Alona while the other $20 is to receive the monthly updates(at least 5 events added) and final game(uncensored) once it is finished."

It is no longer a donation. It is a purchase of goods. People own the game now in whatever form it takes. People are free to do whatever they want with it. Do not pressure people to not share. Do not pressure people to share. His patreon account and dlsite purchases is the best way to show support. Dlsite for recognition and money. Patreon for actual donations(unless he is giving out copies to those who donate 30$ or more.)

That is the problem people are having. Of course, I'm an idiot, and I have no idea what I am talking about.
Now I don't know what the official number of set purchases a game needs in order to be okay-ed for sharing, but Graciel sets a the only precedent I know of at 200. 247 "Donations" is past that precedent. So don't try and shame people who share it and give thanks to people who do share.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

He has been good about updating his development progress. So many games end up taking much longer than anticipated from other makers because they lose interest. While the guy is still in the middle of development I'd rather honor his wish of not mass distributing what he is developing. He didnt mind if it was shared with friends, just not large public sharing. If the one thing he asks can't even be followed then he may lose interest in future development.

This isn't quite a finished game nor is it a demo so I don't see this as an appropriate time to share this. And I don't want to hear "I don't even like his games" or "$30 isn't worth it". If that's the case then please don't come around after the final version is released.

There's quite a few games that I've had shared with me. If its a game that I wouldn't normally go for or not available on dlenglish but never one thats more than halfway through development. Give the guy a chance to release it before the mooching starts.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

you guys need to stop kissing the dude's ass for no reason and just post the download link to his latest updates. I dont care how frickin polished the updates are, paying $30 for an incomplete game and its updates is stupid.

Post the download links, or don't bother posting.

I don't think you understand but you have already payd in advance for the game if you pay now 30$.You get updates and see how the game is progressing and you also get uncensured version when it will be fully released and I can say that the dev made nice games and this one with agent alona I know it will be even more awesome then survivor sara and green shadow rachel.I can tell you for sure that when this game will be complete paying 30$ will seem cheap.

I'm glad someone finally had the balls to post the damn game's demo. this is cool but still nowhere near worth the amount of ass-kissing you're giving the guy or $30, so you guys are seriously tripping about that. If the dude who made the game actually gave a damn about you guys he'd give you your money's worth which is way more than this.

Stop saying bad stuff about a demo.Wait until its finished and then if you have still have some problems with the game and still are unsatisfied with it then you can make complains but until then keep quiet and wait paciently for the game to be finished.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

You should consider this, in many country when you open an activity you need to pay for example 1500 EU year = 1900$ year .
Now in many country you can pay from 20% to 40% in tax for what you gain.
So if the consumer pay 30 $ in the wrostcase you gain 30-12 = 18$ .

Now to pay just the year tax you should sell 105 copy of the game at 30$.

You should consider that you must pay electeic power, in some country the cost can arrive to 150 EU month 183 $ approx , in one year is 2196 $ .
So he should sell 122 copy of the game.

To just pay the electic power and the basic tax he should sell 227 at 30$ .

Now we are not calculating his work, his food, the assets to pay (and the external work) and a prossibile license cost, probably the worker should also eat food to survive ......

Obviously more is famous the brand , and more chance to sell you have, so the cost of the product decreases.

The real problem here is that if you had the security to sell a number of copy like cod or a bf theoretically the price could reach $ 2 (but in the big company come the desire to earn above).
But considering that a product hentai can sell up 1000 to 2000 copies you get just right to survive with a big risk .

Teorically to survive making this game he should sell 3500 copy at 30$ (gain 18$) to make 63000 $ year (to pay hardware , work , food , assets exluding TAX and energy).
The problem arises when the production of the game can last several years, 2 years of work can duplicate the number of copy he need to sell to 7000 at 30$.

Obviously we should also consider the accountant and other expenses.....

Now I'm not against those who pirate, because if a man can not buy a game, he just can not do it.
I think it is useless to try block a man to make piracy, because he will never have the possibility to buy the game and still will not pay in the future.
But say that 30$ is too, seems to me absurd, he can barely survive doing also another job.
If he do it, is because he like to do it and I think that considering how many copies he sold the price is right.
For the price everything depends on the number of copies that can sell the product .

A large and rich company not only has the ability to place his business where paying less taxes (with escamotasce), have already funds and a large advertising (already a large number of copies sold of course, regardless of the quality of the product).
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Give the guy a chance to release it before the mooching starts.

Game already has 247 known preorders at 30$ a pop for preorder bonus. 15$ on release(hopefully). now apply that business model to say Call of Duty and think about how much that would game tank(or maybe it wouldn't?).

I can tell you for sure that when this game will be complete paying 30$ will seem cheap.

or you could buy Skyrim for 10$ (20$ normal price) during the Christmas sale on steam. have a fully realized and awesome open world rpg game. Install all the amazing sex mods for free. They have animations, sounds, butt physics, breast physics, dick physics, and all sorts of other shit for your sex fantasy needs. Sex in skyrim also uncensored too. All this done before Agent Alona gets made and for 10$. do not talk about cheap or good deals. Do not say it is a good deal because it is a terrible deal. People don't hate the game people hate the business model, and how these people can blindly defend this model. This shit is anti consumer.

I dunno man I really like this guy, but I really hate his business model. This guy defeats the purpose of donations by turning them into preorders. Also I think he should stop giving beta copies at .5. The purpose of a beta is to give a taste of whats to come in other words a demo. If he is scared that people wont buy it, even though he already made around 8000$ from preorders; then he should just take the money and run....welcome to the world of Phil Fish. Although even ULMF has standards...fuck Ill buy it even if its 60 dollars and give out drop box and google drive links so can get free cloud space (well maybe). This guy doesn't need to be scared he already has a good fan base here. Done ranting have a nice day.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Game already has 247 known preorders at 30$ a pop for preorder bonus. 15$ on release(hopefully). now apply that business model to say Call of Duty and think about how much that would game tank(or maybe it wouldn't?).

or you could buy Skyrim for 10$ (20$ normal price) during the Christmas sale on steam. have a fully realized and awesome open world rpg game. Install all the amazing sex mods for free. They have animations, sounds, butt physics, breast physics, dick physics, and all sorts of other shit for your sex fantasy needs. Sex in skyrim also uncensored too. All this done before Agent Alona gets made and for 10$. do not talk about cheap or good deals. Do not say it is a good deal because it is a terrible deal. People don't hate the game people hate the business model, and how these people can blindly defend this model. This shit is anti consumer.

I dunno man I really like this guy, but I really hate his business model. This guy defeats the purpose of donations by turning them into preorders. Also I think he should stop giving beta copies at .5. The purpose of a beta is to give a taste of whats to come in other words a demo. If he is scared that people wont buy it, even though he already made around 8000$ from preorders; then he should just take the money and run....welcome to the world of Phil Fish. Although even ULMF has standards...fuck Ill buy it even if its 60 dollars and give out drop box and google drive links so can get free cloud space (well maybe). This guy doesn't need to be scared he already has a good fan base here. Done ranting have a nice day.

I do not think it's a matter of real fear. When a private person endangers his life and his savings in a project he teorically can also lose is house. The state is not good when it comes to paying taxes. He do not care if you have good or bad intentions.
Sooner or later we will come to an utopian world where those who work even if he does not win will receive a small reward.
But the world as it is today is just the opposite, they have more chances to win the bad than good.

Definitely should have less fear of people who follow him.

However, about skyrim , you already knew that it would have sold millions of copies (so the price is not a problem), for the mod you must consider that different people had worked on different mod
and just to say every time I put a new mod the game crashes (to put them all it takes a lot of work).
Then consider that if you do not take the legendary edition each DLC costs as much as the full game.

Obviously I was a bit catastrophic but this is applied to all indie (have a cost which must be recovered thanking donors/buyers).
And in general I do not think that the leaked version may have an impact on sales, but I believe that they can increase the sales, there are many games have become famous thanks to these one.
In general my point of view is in favor of those who produce, but without too much blame users.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

and true, the skyrim mods look better behave better are animated and whatever, but if you want good looking porn you can go and find it anywhere, however, the scenes you get in the game are made according to an scenario...

a girl and the gate guard have a lot of passionate sex and then the guard whispers in the girl's ears

-"i was an adventurer like you, and then i took an arrow to the knee"
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I do not think it's a matter of real fear. When a private person endangers his life and his savings in a project he teorically can also lose is house. The state is not good when it comes to paying taxes. He do not care if you have good or bad intentions.
Sooner or later we will come to an utopian world where those who work even if he does not win will receive a small reward.
But the world as it is today is just the opposite, they have more chances to win the bad than good.

Definitely should have less fear of people who follow him.

However, about skyrim , you already knew that it would have sold millions of copies (so the price is not a problem), for the mod you must consider that different people had worked on different mod
and just to say every time I put a new mod the game crashes (to put them all it takes a lot of work).
Then consider that if you do not take the legendary edition each DLC costs as much as the full game.

Right cause financial status of an individual should increases the cost of a game. Like i said, if this guy cannot handle making agent alona then he should stop, get his life together, and finish it later. But he cant now because he already took money from people and started making promises. Nobody is demanding him to finish it now. Well at least not to my knowledge. It was his own bad decisions that put him in whatever situation he is in. Stop treating him like he is something special like some kinda victim. It was his decision to give out beta copies as preorder bonuses and now he complains about it. It was his decision to turn donations into preorders and now he complains about maybe no one will buy the release copy. It was his decision to make the preorder 30$ for a indie hrpg game. Now he is trying to shame people. Nothing shameful about sharing stuff you own. What's shameful is how he is punishing people who didn't share like he is entitled to something. I mean I don't see a copyright on the game.
I quote "I am really upset now that i need to stop the development for a while. It is like the worst christmas present given to me. And i am wondering should i just end the game after the story at school is finished. I will observe if AA is doing ok in the next release and decide. But i don't expect it will go well especially it is uncertain whether the development will continue. So, i think AA is basically doomed."
This is exactly people are skeptical of early access games and crowd funded games. This is a reason why this game gets bashed. This is the reason why people who preordered are scared. taking money and making promises before the game is even finished. bad decisions; don't defend them, don't try and make him look like a victim. He needs to take his time and not make promises. That money is to fund the game not fund his life. Its weird that he would asked for funding for this game but not for the other two. All he needs is time to fund this game. Take the money and run...this guy's mentor must be Phil Fish.

And about skyrim I was talking about deals not number of sales. and those people who make the awesome mods do it as a hobby in their free time. they work just as hard and put just as much detail as this guy and they demand only recognition (mostly)

youtube.com /watch?v=9GhlLVSuX4g

youtube.com /watch?v=CyGbbIB5eaM

I am shameless although i still want this guy to make the game.

ok official rant over
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Give the guy a chance to release it before the mooching starts.

Have you ever heard of Cortex Command?

It's an indie game that costs 20 dollars on Steam.

The problem with Cortex Command is that its first builds were released ten years ago and it's still not completely finished.

I love Cortex Command. I still occasionally play it sometimes. But what it has given me is an understanding that you cannot trust indie developers to 100% commit to their promises. Back in 2008 I was actually seeing the same complaints about moochers about Cortex Command that I'm seeing in this thread. "Ahhhhh you're hurting him, he's going to lose motivation now that you shared the game-"


Completed games cost less than that, especially now that it's the Steam holiday sale. Admittedly, no fappability exists on Steam. So I suppose that's a minus. But games like Street Fight 4 Ultra are going for $17.49 right now, a game by a professional studio with tenure, reputation, and many an IP under its belt. Hell, without the sale it costs 29.99, one cent(!!!) less than what you people paid for this game.

This guy is not a saint. If he's throwing a tantrum with people sharing a beta of the game, then whatever. So it goes. He'll just join a long list of indie developers that have done the same. So be it.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

30$ is a donation and for the impatient, but if the final game cost 30$ then yea I say go ahead and pirate the shit outta this game. It probably cost him (I assume he is doing this by himself with no paid staff) nothing to make the the game except time.

What? Time IS money. Your comment leads me to believe you are younger than 16 years of age and do not understand how employment works. People get PAID for their time. So, if someone creates a game and spends hundreds of hours doing so, you are paying for that time.

What is the most ridiculous part is that for all the bashing, every last one of you will be trying to download and play the game. If it is as terrible as you say, then why are you rushing to download it and play it? Obviously, you are interested in the game. THIS is exactly why the donation/beta model is the only feasible model to develop an H-game. Why wait until it's released, everybody will simply pirate the game. Make sure some people pay as you develop.

Finally, one last point. If it is so easy, then why are YOU not creating a game? I mean, apparently it only costs "time," right? It should be easy money.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Completed games cost less than that, especially now that it's the Steam holiday sale. Admittedly, no fappability exists on Steam. So I suppose that's a minus. But games like Street Fight 4 Ultra are going for $17.49 right now, a game by a professional studio with tenure, reputation, and many an IP under its belt. Hell, without the sale it costs 29.99, one cent(!!!) less than what you people paid for this game.

I'm sick of this shitty NEET logic: do you know the most part of the income of a game derive from the initial sales when it is at his full price? The (steam) sales are only an extra profit form the software house when nobody is willing to pay it full price.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I'm sick of this shitty NEET logic

First off, you might want to not be an uneducated cunt and realize what a

Second off, it doesn't fucking matter where the game makes most of its profit. My point is that this guy crying about a 30 dollar game getting shared in its beta state is nothing special, and that if he chooses to stop developing nobody will cry for him.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

And about skyrim I was talking about deals not number of sales. and those people who make the awesome mods do it as a hobby in their free time. they work just as hard and put just as much detail as this guy and they demand only recognition (mostly)

Wait I'm also a modder, I created mod for L4D2 , L4D1 , HL2 , Minecraft but there is a big difference creating a game and a mod....

They can be both tiring things but in a case still parts of a basic structure, in the other case you have to plan everything.
And anyway, the mod will not ever occupy the most basic aspects of the game whatever its depth (the maximum is a total conversion that usually are then sold as a complete game if really good).

Have you ever heard of Cortex Command?

I have Cortex Command and I was also disappointed , also for Rust (it's a nice game but it's stuck now).
For this thing I like much more Patreon system than pay a game directly. Here indeed is played all on trust, but he has already done two games .....
And this last one has already many conent.
But I can talk about Sim City online, is not an indie game, I payed it 60 EU but next never worked (the most buged game in the history), now I don't know if they have fixed it but I will never play again a sim city game.

But games like Street Fight 4 Ultra are going for $17.49 right now, a game by a professional studio with tenure, reputation, and many an IP under its belt. Hell, without the sale it costs 29.99, one cent(!!!) less than what you people paid for this game.

You're right, but consider that a game porn / hentai will not ever be sold on steam, it will never make so much money.
The games of this type for now do not have the ability to have big market, especially in europe and america.
There are many more opportunities to make money with games like farmville style.

My point is that this guy crying about a 30 dollar game getting shared in its beta state is nothing special, and that if he chooses to stop developing nobody will cry for him.

Wait, the fact that a beta is shared effectively should not cause too much damage in my opinion (I agree), can do only advertising, but the fact that there is no one interest is wrong ...
I think, he do quality works and frankly I see a few products like his.

Now of course this is just a discussion in which we exchange ideas and there are points that I agree but some do not.
When you think about a argument you have to put always first on the side of the consumer next the side of the producer to see things in the right way.

If a person is born in a mine can never aspire to become a banker, the maximum is to have luck or that experiences a miracle.
Consider that most of the games AAA today are sold at price like 40-60 Euros (preorder and first month), pretty much I'm not buying anything when they come out, and I have played hundreds games (I always waited for discounts or I tried them by friends).
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Can someone put a link up or send me a version already
and than everyone who doesnt want to get it like that pay the $ 30 and dont download it from here simple as that.
for me im just a student and that is a lot of money for a hentai game no matter how good(or bad) it is.
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