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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Anyway, any kind of update for ch.1?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

better come back in a month, given the track record and empty promises from the dev. Well atleast he doesn't run monthly pledges like that other "all talk-no action" dev.

I believe a translation was released last week and updated yesterday. Should be completed either this week or next, and should be finalized in a week or two.

I believe a prologue was released in December 2014. A working battle system was released in August 2015.

I don't know that this is "all talk, no action." I'd agree with you on the many empty promises. Still, it is a free, fucking game. So, there's that.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I can't wait to play your game Yummi, that's for sure. However I don't think giving release windows and later push them back again and again is a smart thing to do. You can learn from Akabur. That guy never gave a release window, but informed his fans once in a while about the current state of the game. Out of the blue he released a polished and good game.
Sometimes you sound like you are looking for excuses for the lack of time you were able to put in your games. I mean nobody is going to point the finger at you when your family needs help, but every month or so you come out with a new excuse. The translation you released is apparently a buggy and rushed mess, not even fully translated. This shows a lot about your work ethic.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I believe a translation was released last week and updated yesterday. Should be completed either this week or next, and should be finalized in a week or two.

I believe a prologue was released in December 2014. A working battle system was released in August 2015.

I don't know that this is "all talk, no action." I'd agree with you on the many empty promises. Still, it is a free, fucking game. So, there's that.

I belive you do everything what is possible from your free time and energy for us. A later release is better then a buggy or poor drawn game/stuff. Also, as you said: It will be free.

I'm not a supporter, but I think your patreon base grown this big for a reason...

(PS: English still not my national language)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I can't wait to play your game Yummi, that's for sure. However I don't think giving release windows and later push them back again and again is a smart thing to do. You can learn from Akabur. That guy never gave a release window, but informed his fans once in a while about the current state of the game. Out of the blue he released a polished and good game.
Sometimes you sound like you are looking for excuses for the lack of time you were able to put in your games. I mean nobody is going to point the finger at you when your family needs help, but every month or so you come out with a new excuse. The translation you released is apparently a buggy and rushed mess, not even fully translated. This shows a lot about your work ethic.

It's funny how you replied to his comment without actually addressing what he was saying in the comment. YT's point is that while Chapter 1 has taken it's time, people haven't paid for a single thing up until last month, when we did see the translation released. I'm assuming you aren't a patron or else you would actually know how much is already available of the translation. His work ethic is perfectionism and focusing on the product, which he conveys very well by taking pledges only for game updates. In that case even if we have to wait another month, we haven't paid anything more.

So you decide to compare that to, of all people, Akabur? The system you are saying Yummytiger should follow of his is exactly the reason people were so frustrated by Akabur's patreon - it charges them monthly. How is it possibly better when you're getting charged every month to have him randomly pop by with a progress report and then dump the game just whenever it's finished? I don't think your argument has any credibility if you're going to tell Yummytiger to follow his model, because he seems like exactly the "all talk no action" dev you want to complain about.

On that note, patrons have another step in the translation released today.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

better come back in a month, given the track record and empty promises from the dev. Well atleast he doesn't run monthly pledges like that other "all talk-no action" dev.


We've JUST finished the last "Yummy's not sticking to deadlines blah blah blah" discussion, let's not start another fucking one.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Don't worry, I'm sure to call our kind moderator and this thread will be purified once again. But now the only thing to do is to wait.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Eh, the thread was only "purified" once, and that was at my request because I'd spoken with Angmir and the thread didn't need 2+ pages of people rushing to my defense. It was non-game related, and unnecessary.

This is the same, so I won't belabor the point. I just wanted to point out that I have in fact released a few things, so the "all talk no action" comment is not necessarily true.

@Kerlon: I just have one comment, don't pledge to my Patreon. There, problem solved. In fact, you can even ignore this thread and never see it. Again, problem solved.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It's not a money/pledge problem, but one giving release windows he never succeded to hit. Hell, I'm also of the opinion you better delay a game to make it better, but the half-assed translation to Hunter's Quest did neither hit his release window of may, nor was it completed. So look back at Akabur, with all the fire he got under his ass (people even death threaded him per e-mail), he never gave a release window or estimation. Eventually he released PT:G when nobody expected it and it was a good game, polished with little bugs. Now you can ask yourself if the amount of money he got is justified or not, but in the end he delivered a finished product, without missing any release windows.
Look I have a lot of admiration for Yummi, he is creating an ambitious game. It sure is a challenging task creating all the art, world, gameplay, story all alone. I really liked the little teaser he gave us with the prologue.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It's not a money/pledge problem, but one giving release windows he never succeded to hit. Hell, I'm also of the opinion you better delay a game to make it better, but the half-assed translation to Hunter's Quest did neither hit his release window of may, nor was it completed. So look back at Akabur, with all the fire he got under his ass (people even death threaded him per e-mail), he never gave a release window or estimation. Eventually he released PT:G when nobody expected it and it was a good game, polished with little bugs. Now you can ask yourself if the amount of money he got is justified or not, but in the end he delivered a finished product, without missing any release windows.
Look I have a lot of admiration for Yummi, he is creating an ambitious game. It sure is a challenging task creating all the art, world, gameplay, story all alone. I really liked the little teaser he gave us with the prologue.

So what you're saying is that devs should just never give release windows or estimations, ever, right? I mean, I get that, that's why I stopped doing that for the most part, but just making sure I'm understanding you.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

So what you're saying is that devs should just never give release windows or estimations, ever, right? I mean, I get that, that's why I stopped doing that for the most part, but just making sure I'm understanding you.

if it's your first project and you have little to no experience, then yes, 100%.
But this is not only related to game development, you can expand this for every job in the world.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The thing about the Hunters Quest release date was fine. It was all working and going to be released according to plan but then when he updated something it unexpectedly fucked up somewhere so delays happened. I personally don't mind it being delayed as he's polishing it and making it better, but that's just my two cents.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

if it's your first project and you have little to no experience, then yes, 100%.
But this is not only related to game development, you can expand this for every job in the world.

I think you are starting more flames for no reason, even with the faults.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

What a waste that i dont have credit card... ;c I'd love to support you through monay but i m so fucking unlucky. So i just wish you to do your best with releases dates and finishing game!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It's not a money/pledge problem, but one giving release windows he never succeded to hit. Hell, I'm also of the opinion you better delay a game to make it better, but the half-assed translation to Hunter's Quest did neither hit his release window of may, nor was it completed. So look back at Akabur, with all the fire he got under his ass (people even death threaded him per e-mail), he never gave a release window or estimation. Eventually he released PT:G when nobody expected it and it was a good game, polished with little bugs. Now you can ask yourself if the amount of money he got is justified or not, but in the end he delivered a finished product, without missing any release windows.
Look I have a lot of admiration for Yummi, he is creating an ambitious game. It sure is a challenging task creating all the art, world, gameplay, story all alone. I really liked the little teaser he gave us with the prologue.


You've made your point. I have no work ethic, I shouldn't give release dates, I get it. Now, go post in a thread with a game you like. I'm not forcing you to play my game. If you pledged, give me you username and I'll refund it. End of story, go somewhere else.

Hunter's Quest was done, it is done, things got screwed up. I gave it to two different scripters to try and solve, and neither could do it in a reasonable amount of time. You try to figure out Japanese scripting, and then maybe you'll understand. I've released a prologue that has a completely custom RPG Maker system, a custom battle system, parallaxed maps that exceed most Steam RPG Maker games, custom item portraits, custom sprites, custom face art, 7 CGs in the first 45 minutes (shit, there are complete Japanese games with less than 7 base CGs). So yes, the God damn Hunter's Quest translation that people wanted me to release early should be the ONLY measuring stick for my work ethic. Let's ignore the year and a half I've spent on Aylia's Story without running a single pledged update.

I say again, Patreon is VOLUNTARY. Don't pledge if you don't trust me. I'm okay with that. Hell, don't even play the game, I'm fine with that too. Thanks.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I say again, Patreon is VOLUNTARY. Don't pledge if you don't trust me. I'm okay with that. Hell, don't even play the game, I'm fine with that too. Thanks.

I saw that coming. these fuckin kids need to go jerkoff in a corner if they don't have the patience to wait for a great game.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!


You've made your point. I have no work ethic, I shouldn't give release dates, I get it. Now, go post in a thread with a game you like. I'm not forcing you to play my game. If you pledged, give me you username and I'll refund it. End of story, go somewhere else.

Hunter's Quest was done, it is done, things got screwed up. I gave it to two different scripters to try and solve, and neither could do it in a reasonable amount of time. You try to figure out Japanese scripting, and then maybe you'll understand. I've released a prologue that has a completely custom RPG Maker system, a custom battle system, parallaxed maps that exceed most Steam RPG Maker games, custom item portraits, custom sprites, custom face art, 7 CGs in the first 45 minutes (shit, there are complete Japanese games with less than 7 base CGs). So yes, the God damn Hunter's Quest translation that people wanted me to release early should be the ONLY measuring stick for my work ethic. Let's ignore the year and a half I've spent on Aylia's Story without running a single pledged update.

I say again, Patreon is VOLUNTARY. Don't pledge if you don't trust me. I'm okay with that. Hell, don't even play the game, I'm fine with that too. Thanks.

I see that he might get on your nerves but, To be honest I think you should Men up, and just Ignore them, I feel like you are just giving the Troll more fuel for his stupid comments. I mean you are one of the only patreons of this website who dont Make it an obligation to pledge, and even more you dont even receive the monthly take from patreon, so all those who come here to bash on you, dont really have nothing relevent to say. I just hope you dont pay to much attetion to this type of people and focus yourself elsewhere I mean there's alot more people here who support you, those are the ones who you should be answering and I dont know about the rest of the people here But not answering to these type of people isn't a sign of weakness or anything, its just ignoring the troll like in anyother website.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I see that he might get on your nerves but, To be honest I think you should Men up, and just Ignore them, I feel like you are just giving the Troll more fuel for his stupid comments. I mean you are one of the only patreons of this website who dont Make it an obligation to pledge, and even more you dont even receive the monthly take from patreon, so all those who come here to bash on you, dont really have nothing relevent to say. I just hope you dont pay to much attetion to this type of people and focus yourself elsewhere I mean there's alot more people here who support you, those are the ones who you should be answering and I dont know about the rest of the people here But not answering to these type of people isn't a sign of weakness or anything, its just ignoring the troll like in anyother website.

I've said my piece, I've gotten to rant a bit to ease my frustrations. I won't beat the horse to death, that is my last response to him. I did want to stress though that he should seek a refund if he pledged. I've been a bit belligerent of late. Hell, I went to 4chan for God's sake. So, yes, I can take it, I just like to reply from time to time ;)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Speaking of CG's, how many CG's can we expect in chapter 1? And in the whole game? I assume that if we got 7 in the first 45 minutes, the amount should be fairly high no? :3