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ACT [幻奏黒夢館 / yomitim] 楽園魔城リピュアリア / RePure Aria Paradise (RJ102967)

Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

This was a really great game. :) i notice in some of the screen shots people showed have more then 3 girls on there bar, how do you get more slots?

They are hidden items located throughout the game. I can't remember which ones gives you additional slots but if you're hunting for 100% completion of the maps you should run into them.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Collection/Upgrades Info:
Coins are in almost every map, usually in breakable boxes somewhere on it. (I have every coin up to the current maps I've been in except that high room) If you haven't found it, it's probably in a hidden passage somewhere.

A good method of finding them is to use Devil/Fatale form with the Lamia contract because it increases the missiles she shoots out of her back while running or jumping, then just jump all over the place and listen for the sound of boxes being hit or watch if some of them pass through walls. If you pay attention to the map, you can usually tell where a passage will be. There's very few wasted spots in this game so look for big chunks of open room. Though some passages seem to lead to absolutely nothing as a tease.

"Deck Upgrade" I believe is what gives you extra character slots to equip more than just the 3 main personalities at once. I've only found one so far in the Water Tower Ryu (Where you're forced to drown to continue to the Mermaid earlier), you'll need water breathing contracts and/or the snorkel item (Hilariously only found above the water in the drowning area where you'd need it the most (Water Tower Ryu again)) to get to most the upgrades on this map but there's a few here.

Gold Apple I believe is the sperm upgrade, you'll find em all over the place. I think someone said the max is 550 or something? I'm still missing some of these and only have 460.

Health upgrade I forget what it looks like but it has been one of the easier upgrades for me to find throughout the game (I've had 13/14 of them before even the Harpy Boss, but only 7-8/14 of the mana upgrades at the same point. Though now I have 9.)

Magic Upgrade is a green potion I believe, and seems to be one of the hardest of the main upgrades to find among Golden Apples and Health upgrades. They may be located more at the end game content maps than the rest of the upgrades. I only have about half of these if what I've read about there being 14 hp and 14 mp max is correct.

I actually have a list of where I've found most of these, but if you don't have translations of the map names using AGTH or something, it will be difficult to use the information I've recorded.

Upgrade/Collection Guide:

For reference: Pure Love is the first and main girl and her second form is Priestess, Devil/Chaos/Fatale is the 2nd girl (The red dress loli) and her second form is Moon White. Bouncey, ice/bomb using girl is Innocence and her second form is Snow Queen in this guide.

Items in this guide: Coins, Mana Up (Green potion), Health up (Red potion?), Sperm up (Golden Apple), Character slot upgrade (Deck Upgrade), Honey (Alignment gains and losses x2), My Room upgrade (Allows you to view sex scenes and more), Snorkel (Huge underwater breath bonus), Golden Hammer (Allows you to change into male at any time.)

There are a lot of special items not mentioned. There is a card you can buy that gives you bonus attacks for a while and consumes SP? and never expires (What you use to transform) that is buyable later game from a shop I believe. There's also special attacks that you obtain naturally through progression (Triggered with R? I haven't played in a week so I forget) that can occasionally be given by contracts (Succubi gives the male a restore sperm special for example).

Shopping District of night:

Gold Apple: After you get the pink key to open those doors and get Innocence form back, head back near the exit of the Slime Girl's house you passed earlier and you'll find it in a secret passage here.

Spider Mine:

Magic Up: There are two entrances, on the very bottom level near the save point (No spider girls), jump up the wall while attacking the right side (Devil form's jump back attack is good for this) and listen for blocks breaking, you should see them crumble. This secret area is large but the only thing that seems the be here is the Magic Up, go as far right as you can and jump up the right side of the wall while attacking with Devil form and you'll break another wall. v

Fort District Construction Area:

Coin: Very top left of the map, you need to use Innocence jump spam or Chaos/Devil slide to enter into a rectangle with a breakable box at the top of the inside of it. You may need Devil's 2nd form's strawberry bombs to open it since it's wedged in between blocks.

Contact path of Azure and Indigo:

Coin: You need the strawberry bombs from Chaos/Devil's 2nd form. You probably passed this spot earlier and noticed all the boxes above you stuck behind an electric fence...Well now you can open it.

Village of Pilgrims:

Coin: Top of the map in the middle in breakable boxes. You have to jump on the big breasted girls to make it up here.
Mana Up: Very top left of the map past the shop you reach by jumping up the big breasted girls on the right side of the map, you'll fall in a hole and can move a bit to the right to get it. You can also jump to the ledge from the left of the map if you're good at jumping.
Mana Up: Very bottom left of the map, you need to go through a maze in the Infinite Pantry/Meat Wall area (When you get to the room with three options and healing/save crystals, take the bottom left door) until you come to a ghost and two jumping girls, there's a Chaos door that requires 70 rep to open (Have sex with Succubi A LOT)
One of these could be a mistake, I don't know why there'd be two mana potions here. I'll have to re-check this later

Infinite Pantry:

Coin: Top Left of the map again under 6 breakable boxes, just follow the torn wall doors to it.
Green haired girl scene: From the top right where there's a healing station and three options of doors in a meat room, take the top left one then the only other option, you'll get stuck in the meat wall and get this scene.

Valley Cemetery:

Coin: Top Left again, just start wall jumping up the left wall of the map that you start near and you'll jump through a hidden passage to the breakable box.

Hangout of Wind:

Coin: Bottom left, follow some stairs down and walk through an invisible door on the left, it's a bit below the door you unlocked and entered through.

Theater district:

Gold Apple: As usual, go through a maze of doors on the left side of the map.
Coin:Go east of the Inn you pass as you enter, jump up the side of the wall to find the lone box.

Bridge Center of the sky:

Coin: Right of the lowest door you come across is a ledge, jump on that to go through a wall to it.

Unknown Dome:

Corridor scene: Pass a 30 rep gate at the top right of the map. You'll see an Alarune on a box, go left of there, down a floor and take the door, you'll see it as a blue room.
Some Upgrade: Drop down from the Corridor room until you find another 30 rep door, enter through that. Take the stairs furthest left and follow along until you find it (I picked it up without seeing what it was but I think it was mana upgrade)

Ten Virtual Library Atrium:

Mana Up: Just drop all the way to the bottom of the map and take the doors on the right past the Succubi.
My Room: Keep taking those stairs up until you reach the top, then jump out onto the platform.
Coin: Very bottom left, above the West exit in a breakable box.

Ten Virtual Library Depths:

Coin: Left of the most top left door in the room there's a hidden block you need to break (Possibly only capable with Priestess form's Down + Z attack) and then you slide in with Chaos/Devilish form to get it.

Ten Virtual Library Entrance:

Health Up: In the middle height wise of the map on the right side, left of one of the locked library doors. It may not be available until after the Mermaid boss because I don't know how I missed it my first times through here.
Coin: Top Left near the save point is a visible breakable box on a wooden box.

West Cemetery:

Coin: You need Priestess form for her float ability while firing, climb all the way up the left wall and glide across to the first platform, then the next and a lone box will be there.

Room of Stone and Electricity:

Coin: Just right of the shop in 4 breakable boxes.

Water Tower:

Coin: After hitting about half a dozen switches and floating up, near the top right exit (Just under the save point). You have to be quick or you can drown.

Water Tower Ryu:

Deck upgrade: Read below (The area you were forced to drown in to continue)
Health up: Come back here after you have either of the breath contracts and the move speed upgrade in water for the boy (The area you were forced to drown in to continue)
Coin: In a few breakable boxes behind a lightning ward, just break them before you pass it.
Snorkel: In the shop here, kind of pointless at this point in the game but it gives you more breath.

Water Tank (Yes, there seems to be two with the same name, sorry):

Coin: At the top left of the map near the save point, you'll see a box that's trapped by invisible walls until you collide with them. It's a trick, jump on the ledge to the left of the box and jump up into the hidden passage.

Water Tower/StandPipe (Has Pearl-tan and Pearl-san's along both sides of the walls and is before the Mermaid Boss):
Gold Apple: After beating the Mermaid boss, enter back into the room and take the door to the left that was locked and underwater before.
Gold Hammer: After the mermaid boss, locked doors will open in here and allow you to get this now.
Coin: In the top right alcolve with an enemy, you may also need to open the switch from the other side as well to get this like the other upgrades here.

Re-filtration tank:

Coin: In the bottom portion of this area (There's another level seperated by a roof.) you'll see a big block of breakable boxes in the bottom right corner. Having the Snorkle and/or breathing contracts to break all these in time is recommended, use Ice Queen Innocence for good underwater damage.

Large Water Tank (Boss battle):

Coin: Take the locked door to the right and before the mana refresher spot, jump up and to the right.

Clock Tower:

Health Up: Go a bit right of the save point when you first enter and start climbing the left wall before the spinning cogs until you find a bunch of wall boxes.
Coin: In the bottom portion of the level, you need to jump on the gear on the right side and wall jump left. It's recommended you use Priestess form for her float ability but you can also just barely make it with other forms except for Innocence.

Old Town:

Coin: Heading East from where you first enter, the lone mana restoration (Green) under a bunch of boxes, seemingly incased in blocks. The hidden entrance to them is the right block on the bottom side that you have to jump through..

Central Avenue:

Coin: Top Right of the map past a Bike Doll and there's some breakable crates
Honey: In the shop, you need to first exit this area via the west entrance (Where you talk to the Half Oak girl) then head down the stairs on that same floor, go east past the restaurant.

Administrative District:

Coin: Follow the directions to the shop that sells honey, once there go through the hallway of breakable boxes on the bottom of the level to a water filled tunnel. Go through that using the boy and his speedy water upgrade and breath contracts. You'll find it along the path in breakable boxes after the water and pink doors you pass.
Pure Love Scene and masturbation: This is where the inn is located, you just jump up from the water earlier than for the coin directions.

Tower Observatory:

Egg of Dream and Phantasm: A tricky bitch, you'll see it as you climb the tower but it is covered on both sides by invisible walls as you'll soon find out. Of course that means the entrance is from below. There are breakable boxes blocking you from jumping into the room but using the strawberry bombs from Moon White form or if you're crazy enough to use the Cupid contract and try to edge the arrows into the small hole, you can get through it.

I did this when I only had Innocence form available so I thought of trying to open it with the Cupid contract that arcs arrows around in a circle when you attack.
To break the first box, you need to stand under the breakable boxes facing right and hold down attack, now it may shoot the arrow too high or too low, you can alter its trajectory by tapping/hold down or jumping. The second box you need to break requires you to keep jumping into the open hole facing left while spamming attack.

Masturbations (Has been posted a few times but might as well):

Devil/Fatale: Supposedly gained from viewing enough of her scenes. You should get 2 in bathhouses (One where she's just sudsy with bubbles on her, the next where Succubi enter the room mid bath and cause you to flee, and eventually pee yourself) and then there's one that starts in an Inn that still takes place in the bath, this final scene triggered for me when I entered the inn in Old Town (Complete to the east side of the total map, it has a lot of citizens and is pretty mazey. It's after the water levels and before the Harpy boss in terms of progression) with her twice in a row to sleep.

I also entered most the inn's and bathhouses with her throughout the game so I can't say exactly what triggers it but double entering the inn in Old Town if you've already got the pee scene with her is a good start.

Pure Love: In the Administrative District. This is potentially easy to miss though as it's somewhat hidden from normal play. The best explanation is a couple rooms advancing through new maps past Old Town, you'll come to a Half Oak girl (Swim suit girl) who is injured and will explain to you about the bridge being blocked and some kind of fight that took place. Head west of her to a door that takes you down a level and head east past the pink Succubi citizen and restaurant.

You'll come to a shop that sells the honey item, take the door left of it and if you have 50 Pure Love Rep, that door will immediately lead to it. If not, head down to where all those breakable blocks are past all those annoying fake walls and invisible blocks and smash through them. Head through the water (Preferably using the boy for his quick water movement) until you get to the first opening and walla. Enter this inn with Pure Love for the scene.

Innocence: You automatically get it as you advance through the story (Past the Harpy Boss)

Nude costumes just masturbate with the girl enough, they take less time with Pure Love (20 times) and Innocence (5 times) than with Fatale (50 I think I had but it could have been sooner) I believe.

It's missing some of the starter areas before I started recording data but they are the easiest maps to find items in anyways. I also haven't completed the game yet so it makes sense that I'm still missing certain things :p

There are also a couple of areas I don't yet know how to enter, mainly areas where you have a small passage (The kind you'd normally have to slide with Devil form or spam jump through with Innocence) filled with water where those moves aren't allowed. There's one of these in Administrative District and in Junk Town.

Hmm I feel like I should have Devil form back by now
(I've been advancing through the Devil Tower by glitching through small openings that should probably only be for Devil Form's sliding ability but I know a trick with Innocence to pass them (Jump into the opening and when spamming jump over isn't enough, try turning yourself around and you'll start squeezing forward instead of back out like you're suppose to)...I wonder where Devil form is. I've already seen about half a dozen clips of Pure Love talking to her teacher.
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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Collection/Upgrades Info:
Coins are in almost every map, usually in breakable boxes somewhere on it. (I have every coin up to the current maps I've been in except that high room) If you haven't found it, it's probably in a hidden passage somewhere.

A good method of finding them is to use Devil/Fatale form with the Lamia contract because it increases the missiles she shoots out of her back while running or jumping, then just jump all over the place and listen for the sound of boxes being hit or watch if some of them pass through walls. If you pay attention to the map, you can usually tell where a passage will be. There's very few wasted spots in this game so look for big chunks of open room. Though some passages seem to lead to absolutely nothing as a tease.

"Deck Upgrade" I believe is what gives you extra character slots to equip more than just the 3 main personalities at once. I've only found one so far in the Water Tower Ryu (Where you're forced to drown to continue to the Mermaid earlier), you'll need water breathing contracts and/or the snorkel item (Hilariously only found above the water in the drowning area where you'd need it the most (Water Tower Ryu again)) to get to most the upgrades on this map but there's a few here.

Gold Apple I believe is the sperm upgrade, you'll find em all over the place. I think someone said the max is 550 or something? I'm still missing some of these and only have 460.

Health upgrade I forget what it looks like but it has been one of the easier upgrades for me to find throughout the game (I've had 13/14 of them before even the Harpy Boss, but only 7-8/14 of the mana upgrades at the same point. Though now I have 9.)

Magic Upgrade is a green potion I believe, and seems to be one of the hardest of the main upgrades to find among Golden Apples and Health upgrades. They may be located more at the end game content maps than the rest of the upgrades. I only have about half of these if what I've read about there being 14 hp and 14 mp max is correct.

I actually have a list of where I've found most of these, but if you don't have translations of the map names using AGTH or something, it will be difficult to use the information I've recorded.

Upgrade/Collection Guide:

For reference: Pure Love is the first and main girl and her second form is Priestess, Devil/Chaos/Fatale is the 2nd girl (The red dress loli) and her second form is Moon White. Bouncey, ice/bomb using girl is Innocence and her second form is Snow Queen in this guide.

Shopping District of night:

Gold Apple: After you get the pink key to open those doors and get Innocence form back, head back near the exit of the Slime Girl's house you passed earlier and you'll find it in a secret passage here.

Spider Mine:

Magic Up: There are two entrances, on the very bottom level near the save point (No spider girls), jump up the wall while attacking the right side (Devil form's jump back attack is good for this) and listen for blocks breaking, you should see them crumble. This secret area is large but the only thing that seems the be here is the Magic Up, go as far right as you can and jump up the right side of the wall while attacking with Devil form and you'll break another wall. v

Fort District Construction Area:

Coin: Very top left of the map, you need to use Innocence jump spam or Chaos/Devil slide to enter into a rectangle with a breakable box at the top of the inside of it. You may need Devil's 2nd form's strawberry bombs to open it since it's wedged in between blocks.

Contact path of Azure and Indigo:

Coin: You need the strawberry bombs from Chaos/Devil's 2nd form. You probably passed this spot earlier and noticed all the boxes above you stuck behind an electric fence...Well now you can open it.

Village of Pilgrims:

Coin: Top of the map in the middle in breakable boxes. You have to jump on the big breasted girls to make it up here.
Mana Up: Very top left of the map past the shop you reach by jumping up the big breasted girls on the right side of the map, you'll fall in a hole and can move a bit to the right to get it. You can also jump to the ledge from the left of the map if you're good at jumping.
Mana Up: Very bottom left of the map, you need to go through a maze in the Infinite Pantry/Meat Wall area (When you get to the room with three options and healing/save crystals, take the bottom left door) until you come to a ghost and two jumping girls, there's a Chaos door that requires 70 rep to open (Have sex with Succubi A LOT)
One of these could be a mistake, I don't know why there'd be two mana potions here. I'll have to re-check this later

Infinite Pantry:

Coin: Top Left of the map again under 6 breakable boxes, just follow the torn wall doors to it.
Green haired girl scene: From the top right where there's a healing station and three options of doors in a meat room, take the top left one then the only other option, you'll get stuck in the meat wall and get this scene.

Valley Cemetery:

Coin: Top Left again, just start wall jumping up the left wall of the map that you start near and you'll jump through a hidden passage to the breakable box.

Hangout of Wind:

Coin: Bottom left, follow some stairs down and walk through an invisible door on the left, it's a bit below the door you unlocked and entered through.

Theater district:

Gold Apple: As usual, go through a maze of doors on the left side of the map.
Coin:Go east of the Inn you pass as you enter, jump up the side of the wall to find the lone box.

Bridge Center of the sky:

Coin: Right of the lowest door you come across is a ledge, jump on that to go through a wall to it.

Unknown Dome:

Corridor scene: Pass a 30 rep gate at the top right of the map. You'll see an Alarune on a box, go left of there, down a floor and take the door, you'll see it as a blue room.
Some Upgrade: Drop down from the Corridor room until you find another 30 rep door, enter through that. Take the stairs furthest left and follow along until you find it (I picked it up without seeing what it was but I think it was mana upgrade)

Ten Virtual Library Atrium:

Mana Up: Just drop all the way to the bottom of the map and take the doors on the right past the Succubi.
My Room: Keep taking those stairs up until you reach the top, then jump out onto the platform.
Coin: Very bottom left, above the West exit in a breakable box.

Ten Virtual Library Depths:

Coin: Left of the most top left door in the room there's a hidden block you need to break (Possibly only capable with Priestess form's Down + Z attack) and then you slide in with Chaos/Devilish form to get it.

Ten Virtual Library Entrance:

Health Up: In the middle height wise of the map on the right side, left of one of the locked library doors. It may not be available until after the Mermaid boss because I don't know how I missed it my first times through here.
Coin: Top Left near the save point is a visible breakable box on a wooden box.

West Cemetery:

Coin: You need Priestess form for her float ability while firing, climb all the way up the left wall and glide across to the first platform, then the next and a lone box will be there.

Room of Stone and Electricity:

Coin: Just right of the shop in 4 breakable boxes.

Water Tower:

Coin: After hitting about half a dozen switches and floating up, near the top right exit (Just under the save point). You have to be quick or you can drown.

Water Tower Ryu:

Deck upgrade: Read below (The area you were forced to drown in to continue)
Health up: Come back here after you have either of the breath contracts and the move speed upgrade in water for the boy (The area you were forced to drown in to continue)
Coin: In a few breakable boxes behind a lightning ward, just break them before you pass it.
Snorkel: In the shop here, kind of pointless at this point in the game but it gives you more breath.

Water Tank (Yes, there seems to be two with the same name, sorry):

Coin: At the top left of the map near the save point, you'll see a box that's trapped by invisible walls until you collide with them. It's a trick, jump on the ledge to the left of the box and jump up into the hidden passage.

Water Tower/StandPipe (Has Pearl-tan and Pearl-san's along both sides of the walls and is before the Mermaid Boss):
Gold Apple: After beating the Mermaid boss, enter back into the room and take the door to the left that was locked and underwater before.
Gold Hammer: After the mermaid boss, locked doors will open in here and allow you to get this now.
Coin: In the top right alcolve with an enemy, you may also need to open the switch from the other side as well to get this like the other upgrades here.

Re-filtration tank:

Coin: In the bottom portion of this area (There's another level seperated by a roof.) you'll see a big block of breakable boxes in the bottom right corner. Having the Snorkle and/or breathing contracts to break all these in time is recommended, use Ice Queen Innocence for good underwater damage.

Large Water Tank (Boss battle):

Coin: Take the locked door to the right and before the mana refresher spot, jump up and to the right.

Clock Tower:

Health Up: Go a bit right of the save point when you first enter and start climbing the left wall before the spinning cogs until you find a bunch of wall boxes.
Coin: In the bottom portion of the level, you need to jump on the gear on the right side and wall jump left. It's recommended you use Priestess form for her float ability but you can also just barely make it with other forms except for Innocence.

Old Town:

Coin: Heading East from where you first enter, the lone mana restoration (Green) under a bunch of boxes, seemingly incased in blocks. The hidden entrance to them is the right block on the bottom side that you have to jump through..

Central Avenue:

Coin: Top Right of the map past a Bike Doll and there's some breakable crates
Honey: In the shop, you need to first exit this area via the west entrance (Where you talk to the Half Oak girl) then head down the stairs on that same floor, go east past the restaurant.

Administrative District:

Coin: Follow the directions to the shop that sells honey, once there go through the hallway of breakable boxes on the bottom of the level to a water filled tunnel. Go through that using the boy and his speedy water upgrade and breath contracts. You'll find it along the path in breakable boxes after the water and pink doors you pass.
Pure Love Scene and masturbation: This is where the inn is located, you just jump up from the water earlier than for the coin directions.

Tower Observatory:

Egg of Dream and Phantasm: A tricky bitch, you'll see it as you climb the tower but it is covered on both sides by invisible walls as you'll soon find out. Of course that means the entrance is from below. There are breakable boxes blocking you from jumping into the room but using the strawberry bombs from Moon White form or if you're crazy enough to use the Cupid contract and try to edge the arrows into the small hole, you can get through it.

I did this when I only had Innocence form available so I thought of trying to open it with the Cupid contract that arcs arrows around in a circle when you attack.
To break the first box, you need to stand under the breakable boxes facing right and hold down attack, now it may shoot the arrow too high or too low, you can alter its trajectory by tapping/hold down or jumping. The second box you need to break requires you to keep jumping into the open hole facing left while spamming attack.

Masturbations (Has been posted a few times but might as well):

Devil/Fatale: Supposedly gained from viewing enough of her scenes. You should get 2 in bathhouses (One where she's just sudsy with bubbles on her, the next where Succubi enter the room mid bath and cause you to flee, and eventually pee yourself) and then there's one that starts in an Inn that still takes place in the bath, this final scene triggered for me when I entered the inn in Old Town (Complete to the east side of the total map, it has a lot of citizens and is pretty mazey. It's after the water levels and before the Harpy boss in terms of progression) with her twice in a row to sleep.

I also entered most the inn's and bathhouses with her throughout the game so I can't say exactly what triggers it but double entering the inn in Old Town if you've already got the pee scene with her is a good start.

Pure Love: In the Administrative District. This is potentially easy to miss though as it's somewhat hidden from normal play. The best explanation is a couple rooms advancing through new maps past Old Town, you'll come to a Half Oak girl (Swim suit girl) who is injured and will explain to you about the bridge being blocked and some kind of fight that took place. Head west of her to a door that takes you down a level and head east past the pink Succubi citizen and restaurant.

You'll come to a shop that sells the honey item, take the door left of it and if you have 50 Pure Love Rep, that door will immediately lead to it. If not, head down to where all those breakable blocks are past all those annoying fake walls and invisible blocks and smash through them. Head through the water (Preferably using the boy for his quick water movement) until you get to the first opening and walla. Enter this inn with Pure Love for the scene.

Innocence: You automatically get it as you advance through the story (Past the Harpy Boss)

Nude costumes just masturbate with the girl enough, they take less time with Pure Love (20 times) and Innocence (5 times) than with Fatale (50 I think I had but it could have been sooner) I believe.

It's missing some of the starter areas before I started recording data but they are the easiest maps to find items in anyways. I also haven't completed the game yet so it makes sense that I'm still missing certain things :p

There are also a couple of areas I don't yet know how to enter, mainly areas where you have a small passage (The kind you'd normally have to slide with Devil form or spam jump through with Innocence) filled with water where those moves aren't allowed. There's one of these in Administrative District and in Junk Town.

Hmm I feel like I should have Devil form back by now
(I've been advancing through the Devil Tower by glitching through small openings that should probably only be for Devil Form's sliding ability but I know a trick with Innocence to pass them (Jump into the opening and when spamming jump over isn't enough, try turning yourself around and you'll start squeezing forward instead of back out like you're suppose to)...I wonder where Devil form is. I've already seen about half a dozen clips of Pure Love talking to her teacher.

hi kannse try to erinern because of you away for the Devil / Fatale masturbation because I felt that even with
Succubi and bath please
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

hi kannse try to erinern because of you away for the Devil / Fatale masturbation because I felt that even with
Succubi and bath please


Even with my decoding skills, I'm not quite sure what you're asking.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

It's a weird mix of German and English.

He probably wants to know where the succubi form gets the masturbation ability. In which bath i guess.

Just an educated guess though.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

There is another item that you can buy in the map below the Harpy's Nest which doubles alignment gains. It looks like honey and should make your life easier.

iirc I bought that one in the shop to the right of the hall of mirrors inn. It might be offered elsewhere, but that's where I got it...so that would mean it's only accessible after the water area.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise


Even with my decoding skills, I'm not quite sure what you're asking.

sorry for my bad english
I'm from germany
I actually Wolte know where to get the final two events ago and who it goes away a description


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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

sorry for my bad english
I'm from germany
I actually Wolte know where to get the final two events ago and who it goes away a description

lol the problem wasn't really the mixed in language or bad english, it was more like you forgot to continue what you were saying so it felt incomplete. But enough of that.

I'm not sure the exact locations, but if you're playing before you lose the 3 girls take Chaos and browse around the different Onsen (bath house). You'll eventually find the right ones that give you the scenes. The final one you can find by reading FruitSmoothie little guide.

P.S. In the scene with the succubus, you won't actually SEE her. It's just in the text.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

lol the problem wasn't really the mixed in language or bad english, it was more like you forgot to continue what you were saying so it felt incomplete. But enough of that.

I'm not sure the exact locations, but if you're playing before you lose the 3 girls take Chaos and browse around the different Onsen (bath house). You'll eventually find the right ones that give you the scenes. The final one you can find by reading FruitSmoothie little guide.

P.S. In the scene with the succubus, you won't actually SEE her. It's just in the text.

I did so but nothing happened thanks anyway
something different or are there more sin all the monster girls


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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

I did so but nothing happened thanks anyway
something different or are there more sin all the monster girls

Yup, that's everyone. There's a lot of blank spots, my guest is that they are place holders for if the maker chooses to create more girls.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Yup, that's everyone. There's a lot of blank spots, my guest is that they are place holders for if the maker chooses to create more girls.

Yeah anytime there are "-----" in these options or something, it's a placeholder. The stuff that you missed is "?????" - a bunch of question marks.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

I pray that soon more to come
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Hi, can anybody explain me, what does the blue crystal after the last boss (the one with two switches) do?
And the red one? That puts me at the beginning (is this the "New game +"? If yes, what's different?), and what all those entries there (14) mean?
Thank you
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Hi, can anybody explain me, what does the blue crystal after the last boss (the one with two switches) do?
And the red one? That puts me at the beginning (is this the "New game +"? If yes, what's different?), and what all those entries there (14) mean?
Thank you

Hi*the*blue*crystal*on*the*+ game*on*the*map*icons*on and off*and the red*is*+ game
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Hello,can anybody explain me what am I suppose to do after I lost ability to transform?I have not mana bar.
I can not post screenshot because new user limit.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Hello,can anybody explain me what am I suppose to do after I lost ability to transform?I have not mana bar.
I can not post screenshot because new user limit.

Go to where you found Innocence (Ice/Bomb girl) as the boy. It tells you in the dialogue with the winged slime girls if you're using a translator.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

patch 1.15 out now (this is getting old):(.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

This game is super fabulous, it caters to everything I like! I wish I knew how the hell to muck around in a game's files, because I would be willing to put serious time into translating at least names and item descriptions and stuff like that. Hopefully someone smarter than me picks it up!
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Collection/Upgrades Info:

It's missing some of the starter areas before I started recording data but they are the easiest maps to find items in anyways. I also haven't completed the game yet so it makes sense that I'm still missing certain things :p

There are also a couple of areas I don't yet know how to enter, mainly areas where you have a small passage (The kind you'd normally have to slide with Devil form or spam jump through with Innocence) filled with water where those moves aren't allowed. There's one of these in Administrative District and in Junk Town.

Hmm I feel like I should have Devil form back by now
(I've been advancing through the Devil Tower by glitching through small openings that should probably only be for Devil Form's sliding ability but I know a trick with Innocence to pass them (Jump into the opening and when spamming jump over isn't enough, try turning yourself around and you'll start squeezing forward instead of back out like you're suppose to)...I wonder where Devil form is. I've already seen about half a dozen clips of Pure Love talking to her teacher.

I actually updated my map a couple pages back with a bunch of item locations, including the locations of all the Deck Expansions or whatever the hourglass things actually are. Since the latest patch though I've been driving myself nutty trying to find all the items it says I'm missing (and haven't really had the time even for that.)
Should get time to finish item locations by the weekend though, and then I can start on making the map be easier to follow.
Also, if you think a wall looks suspicious I've personally found that Priestess+Two witches will positively drench a wall in bullets if you use her attack to glide down while facing it. She tends to be my go-to explorer for that very reason.

Also, the underwater areas that are too small to pass through are accessed with a contract you get access to once you get the girls back, so you should be able to go back to all of those once you reach the top of the tower.

Hi, can anybody explain me, what does the blue crystal after the last boss (the one with two switches) do?
And the red one? That puts me at the beginning (is this the "New game +"? If yes, what's different?), and what all those entries there (14) mean?
Thank you

One of the options from the blue crystal shows which items you have and haven't gotten from each map, I don't remember what the other one does though. Also, the options on the red crystal were translated a few pages back...they're basically just options of things you want to carry over in New Game+
For instance, you can start a new game with all your old contracts and nothing else, or you could start one with all your map uncovered and coins found in the last game, etc. If you turn them all off you're basically just doing a new game, whereas if you leave them all on you're starting a true new game+ with everything from the old game.

I wish I knew how the hell to muck around in a game's files, because I would be willing to put serious time into translating at least names and item descriptions and stuff like that.
I can't remember if there was a better .dxa unpacker out there...I looked around and apparently we could unpack it no problem if we had the password it was packed with, but I don't really have the know-how to get it.
That being said, I think what most of us having been using was Crass, which can unpack a limited amount of stuff (which may or may not have already been translated). Of course, if you could get a text hooker working well I imagine that'd give you plenty to translate and we'd all be the happier for it instead of the machine translation we have now. Trouble is, no real way to repack it.

Also, the patch notes look pretty exciting to me. The map.dxa's been modified in the last 3 patches, and patch 1.13 explicitly mentions that it was fixed so you could get to new places. New places means new powerups and all sorts of new stuff, and maybe even new monsters?
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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

there should be a on the right hand bottom corner in game when you push the menu button that should open alot of options*sorry if i am spelling some of my words wrong-.-* push z once then change the bottom numbers to 800 by 600 it should give you full screen*if you have not found out all ready i hope this helped*X3

Sadly, this hasn't helped. :(

I see the numbers, but no matter how I change them the window stays the same size.