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Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Wha.... What? No... That's not right.... What? No! Don't cry!" The boy, previously lethargic following his orgasm, began to panic as Seta began to cry beneath him. As he processes her words, however, he pauses and his big brown eyes widen, "our.... Our babies!?" He gulps audibly, and then says; "I... I guess I could.... But... I can't just leave! Is where you live far from here?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

"It's n-not that far... but are you planning on coming with me just to lure me into a false sense of secuity and then run away to leave me all by myself. I can't take care of our babies by myself. And I'll be to bloated to gather more food for me AND my babies so we'll starve to death."

Setia starts crying loudly and uncontrollably.

"It's not fair! You sick bastard! Why won't you take responsibility!"

Setia then attemps to pull off of the boy and run out crying.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

The boy shook his head rapidly at Setia's accusation, "N... No! Of course not! I wouldn't do that! I just... Hey!" Setia wasn't the most physically powerful creature in the forest by any means, and the boy had at least fifty pounds of weight on her, most of which was muscle. As such, her flailing at first produced no real results except to get the two of them entangled further, but as the boy recognized the sharp claws on her feet and the danger that they posed her panicked, pulling out and off of her.

As a result, Setia was able to flee the closet and start heading for the door, semen dripping from between her legs, before her partner had even managed to get back on his feet. "Wait! Setia, wait!" he hissed after her, moving to follow as she tore through the door. He was moving to follow her, and he seemed athletic enough that he might be able to outpace her too, but the option to run out into the oncoming night was still open to Setia.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia kept running into the forest, just running fast enough so the boy can keep up if not slower. She wanted to get away, but also wanted him to catch her at the same time. And perhaps she could use this to lure the boy her dwelling...?
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant, Grappled

Attack: Hit.
Setia has been grappled.

As Setia sprinted across the field, she passed by the doghouse she had seen earlier, the great big burly hound raising its head and watching her pass with a curious look. "Rhex! Catch her, but don't hurt her!" The boy shouted, and the dog sprung immediately into action, catching up to Setia in only a few short bounds before slowing, waiting for an opportunity to tackle her without hurting her. It found one a moment later, the beast's massive weight striking her in the back and causing her to tumble face first into a patch of soft dirt. It then promptly sat on top of her, pinning her to the ground beneath its bulky frame, while the boy ran up beside them.

He wasn't even breathing hard as he reached her side, and hastily said; "Are you crazy? Running off into the dark like that! What if a bear caught you or something!? It's too dark out! Look, I'll go with you... But I have to say goodbye to my parents first! I'm not going to just up and leave them without saying anything! Pa's been telling me I need to start looking to move out anyway. You can stay here until the morning, alright Setia?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia panicked once she heard the boy sic the dog on her and starts to run faster. At the rate the dog was catching up with her, she knew it was hopeless, and slowed down, alllowing the dog to catch her. A frown forms on her face as she glares slightly at the dog and then at the boy. It is important to note that there is an important criteria for a cockatrice to find her mate. Her mate would be a male who is able to catch her while running full speed herself. But being caught like this, by a dog has in a way left Setia feeling cheated. She grumbles as the boy lectured her, tuning him out most of the time. When the boy finished speaking, she just sighed and nodded her head.
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Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

The boy, having no idea what Setia was, much less the obscure mating customs of her race, sighed and said; "Alright Rhex, let her up." The massive dog complied, gently lifting itself off of Setia and padding a couple of feet away and taking a seat on its hind legs. "C'mon, lets get back to the house," the boy said, and then turned around and started heading back across the field toward his house.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia grumbled as she got up and followed the boy back to the house. She still felt agitated and upset about the boy unfairly catching her.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

After dropping the dog back off at his makeshift hut, Setia was led back to the house. This time, however, the kitchen was not empty, as an older man holding a double barreled shotgun and an older woman were both waiting in it when she was led in. "Gavin! What the hell happened? And what the hell is that!?" The man said, gesturing at Setia with his shotgun, and the boy blushed slightly as he glanced at her. "She's, uhh..... She's Setia! Setia, say hello to my parents."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Upon entering the house, Setia panicked at the sight of the shotgun pointed at her. She froze and quickly complied with what her mate asked her to do.

"H-hi... M-my n-name is Setia..."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

The two seemed extremely surprised when Setia spoke, but the old man lowered his shotgun and angled it away from her. Still eying her, particularly her nudity and the fluids still around her crotch, with a degree of suspicion, he then said; "Alright then, Setia. What in the hell are you doing in my house at this hour?" Gavin opened his mouth to speak, but a glare from his father caused him to immediately close it again, and he glanced at her.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia let out a soft sigh of relief when the man lowered his gun. Upon being asked why she was in the house earlier, Setia's relief faded and was put in an awkward position.

"Well, to be honest, I came here to borrow some food to help me survive through winter because I was far behind on my food collection. But, I was going to bring you lots of food back in return in the spring to replace the food that I borrowed. I'm sorry I did this without your permission. And then... and then..."

Setia turned to face Gavin with an embarrassed look on her face. She knew no matter what she said or did, she wasn't going to make a good impression on these people, and for some reason, she didn't want Gavin to get in trouble with his own parents for him getting her pregnant. In this case, it was probably best to tell a lie.

"...And then I... took advantage of your son..."

Setia's face blushed bright red and tears welled up in her eyes. Setia closed her eyes and braced herself for whatever was about to happen.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

The man raised an eyebrow, "Took advantage of? You mean he let you get away? Then why are you still here?" Gavin cleared his throat, a bright blush upon his face, but before he could speak his mother groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers. Unperturbed, Gavin said; "We, uhhh..... Kind of.... Uhm..." Realization came over the older man before Gavin could finish, and he groaned to and adopted a pose similar to the one his wife maintained. "...Why!? What in the hell drove you to do that with... With that!?"

Gavin scowled darkly as his father referred to Setia in such a manner, but he seemed to consider the question for a moment before answering; "I don't know... I heard her in the cupboard, but when I got close there was this... This smell, and then... I don't really remember it very well."

His father groaned again, but his mother turned and promptly walked out of the room, tears streaming down her cheeks. The old man looked up at Gavin and scowled for a moment before saying; "Go to bed, we'll talk about this in the morning. All four of us!" He then grabbed his gun and headed for the door as well. Once he was gone, Gavin let out a tense sigh and then turned to Setia, a weary smile on his face. "Well, that could certainly have gone worse...."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia stood there, feeling like a fifth wheel as Gavin was scolded. After Gavin's parents left the room, Setia turned to Gavin.

"The four of us? Th-they want me t-to stay? Where am I going to sleep?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"I don't know.... I guess you can stay in my room tonight, since they didn't say anything. Just try to be quiet, c'mon." Gavin turned and followed after his parents when he finished, and if Setia followed she was led to a small room down a short hallway, containing a small straw bed and an assortment of personal effects. "Uhhh... You can take the bed if you want to Setia," Gavin said very quietly, indicating toward it.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia smiles as she's given the offer to sleep on the bed. She lays down on it, easily getting comfortable on the matress made of straw. She then looks up a Gavin with her soft, feathery wing spread wide open invitingly.

"I...I'm so unfamiliar with this place, and I'm k-kinda afraid to sleep by myself... C-could you keep me company?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Uhhh.... Sure. I guess it couldn't hurt much," Gavin replied hesitantly, and then turned out the lantern and slowly lowered himself into her warm, feathery embrace.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia slipped into a deep sleep, her lover snuggly wrapped in her soft, feathery embrace.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Setia slept comfortably, something that Gavin apparently did as well, as he was still sound asleep when there was a loud pounding on the door to their room, something that woke Setia up instantly. "Gavin! Get out here!" The voice of her lover's father called through the door, but Gavin continued to sleep within Setia's embrace unperturbed, letting out only a light mumble before snuggling harder against her chest.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia flinches as she wakes up startled by Gavin's father. Setia looks to Gavin and smiles as he snuggles he soft bust. She then wraps her feathery soft wings around Gavin, drifting off to sleep again with him.