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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 24 vs. 12 R, Hit!
R 12 vs. 11 M, Hit!

M 17 vs. 16 R, Hit!
R 9 vs. 27 M, Counter!

M 18 vs. 10 R, Hit!
R 10 vs. 11 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien's charge was quite effective despite a stab she took to the gut from a spear that appeared in Rosa's hands, as she landed a quick one-two punch to the shifter's face and then swept her legs out from under her and kicking her hard in the side when she was down. Rosa rolled away quickly after that, hopping up and preparing a defensive stance.

4/8 HP

6/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Even if it was a somewhat haphazard charge, there was little setbacks in the rush as Mei's trained fists did their work, bashing into Rosa's face quite efficiently. While she did get poked to the gut, the attack combo carried on into another pair of hits, which the shifter rolled out from with precision. Seeing the opposition go into defense, the demoness changed her tactics into grappling accordingly.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 24 vs. 6 R, Critical Grapple!?
R 19 vs. 28 M, Miss!

M 21 vs. 22 R, Resist Grapple!
M 25 vs. 18 R, Hit!
R 8 vs. 28 M, Counter!

M 22 vs. 7 R, Critical Grapple!

Mei-Lien charged forward again, though this time with a bit of a feint, and when Rosa stabbed at her she jumped into the air over it and knocked the shifter onto the ground with her lower body, getting her into a headlock with her long and powerful legs while keeping her arms at bay with her hands. Rosa squirmed under her, trying to use her free legs to kick at Mei-Lien, but it didn't work very well, the demon simply shrugging off the blows and stabbing the shifter in the chest with her sharp tail, all the while increasing the pressure on the headlock. It wasn't long until she was squeezing Rosa's neck hard enough to block off all air and make resistance impossible; she could either choke the shifter out to end the fight, or simply get up and get ready for the next match.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

It was indeed a good option to go for the grapple. The determined wrestling overpowered Rosa fast, practically ignoring her attempts at resisting the incoming deadlock. Soon enough, the grapple escalated and the demoness sealed the deal, getting the shifter into a helpless position. While she knew that the other one enjoyed her pain, she didn't bother to go and smother her, opting to just let her go after a while. "Alright, round two I imagine?" she asked, getting ready to enter another round with a similar start as the last one.

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Rosa got up carefully after being released, gasping for breath as her wounds healed, and the stab to Mei-Lien's stomach healed up as well. "Yeah, another round. We'll probably get in two or three more before dinner and call it a day" she replied, as the demon saw a pop-up.

You have gained Grapple Expertise Level 3 (+3 to rolls while grappling, subdue enemies in 3 successful grapples or 1 critical grapple, can make two attacks on a grappled enemy as a free action per turn.

Once she had dealt with that, the shifter got into position to fight, this time with a long two-handed sword she was hefting easily with one hand. This time it seemed she was going to go a lot closer to all-out than she normally did.

M 20 vs. 18 R, Hit!
R 12 vs. 25 M, Miss!

M 18 vs. 16 R, Hit!
R 10 vs. 25 M, Counter!

M 23 vs. 25 R, Miss!
R 20 vs. 18 M, Hit!

The demon charged once more, with much the same result. A powerful blow to Rosa's jaw set up another punch to the gut, and she then dodged a sword-swipe by ducking under it and then managing a graceful backwards handspring away, her feet catching the shifter on the chin. It didn't slow her down enough, though, and as she charged back Mei-Lien barely got out of the way of a surely lethal blow, instead only getting a relatively shallow cut to her stomach in return, though Rosa was still coming at her...

7/10 HP

6/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

For once, it looked as if Rosa was going to go full power at the demoness. It was a somewhat refreshing thing, for the intentional holding back was somewhat discouraging, especially in a case when Mei lost. It still looked as if the redhead held the upper hand, though it might have been only a lucky series of attacks with only one cut hitting her form in exchange. There was no reason to exchange strategies, so she kept on throwing kicks and punches as appropriate to the situation. Grappling might not be as smart here.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 17 vs. 24 R, Miss!
R 21 vs. 10 M, Hit!

M 15 vs. 13 R, Hit!
R 19 vs. 22 M, Miss!

M 23 vs. 24 R, Miss!
R 25 vs. 9 M, Critical Hit!

Mei-Lien stopped backpedaling, punching at the charging Rosa with as much force as she could muster, but it didn't work out very well. The shifter simply ducked a little and swung her large blade around at the demon's legs, putting a cut in one of them that nearly caused quite a bit of damage. Still, Mei-Lien recovered from it nicely, using the other leg to kick at the shapeshifter's face, smashing her nose as blood began to run down her face. This only seemed to motivate her to fight harder, as she rolled away again out of the range of the next kick and then lunged forward, swiping with the longsword and making a deep, painful cut in the redhead's stomach. Any deeper and Mei-Lien's intestines would probably have spilled out onto the ground. She could tell that Rosa was getting quite serious about this fight, and that winning would be very difficult.

6/10 HP

3/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The second round was not as succesful as the previous, most attacks failing against the shifter's sturdy defense. While Mei did manage a good kick to the face, it was of little conscience when faced with the amount of hurt she got in reply from Rosa. "Finally getting serious..." the demoness commented as she pushed the attack again.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 14 vs. 19 R, Miss!
R 20 vs. 8 M, Hit!

M 24 vs. 26 R, Miss!
R 18 vs. 25 M, Miss!

M 20 vs. 24 R, Miss!
R 19 vs. 18 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien collected herself for a moment and attacked, as Rosa replied "well, you're almost ready to handle it" with an arrogant tone of voice as she deflected the demon's kick with her long blade and then spun it around, slicing into her thigh. Mei-Lien had to pull back a little, defending herself more carefully from an offensive on the part of the shifter and managing to stop a powerful blow with her gauntlets, the heavy sword cutting nearly all the way through the thick metal. She couldn't manage to defend against a flurry of slashes that came after it, backing up constantly as Rosa put cut after cut into her flesh, only barely keeping on her toes enough to prevent a blow that would put her out of the fight. Covered in wounds of various sizes, the redhead could feel her body respond slower and slower, and only with great difficulty could she keep up her pace. All the while a cold grin covered her opponent's face; when she was truly serious, Rosa was a force to be reckoned with, and surely most any soldier would find it terrifying.

6/10 HP

1/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

There was no success this time around, the efforts that Mei pushed onto the combat merely going to waste against the steady defense of Rosa. There was only a bare minimum change that she could win against the other now, being all beaten up that she was, but that did not dissuade her in any way. She might not manage, but there would be a next round so it didn't matter too much. The fighter had no intention to change her tactics at this point, not that it would have helped her much.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 19 vs. 11 R, Hit!
R 18 vs. 25 M, Miss!

M 18 vs. 22 R, Miss!
R 18 vs. 13 M, Hit!

As Mei-Lien backed up and blocked several blows she managed to unleash a swinging kick with her less damaged leg, smashing into one of Rosa's. The shifter stumbled, but only just enough that her next swipe missed completely. The demon's next attempt was significantly less successful; as she lashed out with a leg Rosa swept it up and to the side with her blade, knocking Mei-Lien off balance on her tired and damaged legs. As the redhead fell to the ground the shifter twirled her blade about gracefully in order to impale the succubus through the gut, the long sword stabbing into the ground as well. Rosa took her hand off the sword and knelt down straddling Mei-Lien, beginning to talk as the demon's many wounds slowly started to heal. "You're not bad, really. But you haven't been training for multiple centuries, so you're at a bit of a disadvantage when I'm serious. Still, you did quite well. I took out something like twenty soldiers at once during that last battle on this level, and you did a fair amount of damage just on your own" she said, seemingly waiting for something. Once all of Mei-Lien's wounds had healed besides the stab in her stomach the shifter began to slowly pull the blade out, the demon's body healing up behind it. "Sorry, didn't want to do it all at once. Would have been more unpleasant than necessary" she said, backing off again and holding the large sword off to the side. "Want to try again, or take it down a notch to something more manageable?" she asked, a curious look on her face.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As expected, it was of no use, and soon the demoness found herself down on the floor with a sword through the gut. And if that was not enough, Rosa seemed to want some talking as well. "Just makes me wonder more why you intend to have me lead your monsters, it's not like I'm that much stronger than some of them." she commented back, eventually getting back up after the wound had healed and the sword removed.

When the question was presented, the redhead shrugged at it. "Do as you want, though going back to a watered-down version feels pretty redundant at this point." she remarked, going along with the shifter no matter what she decided.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"The point is that you are stronger than them. I would have defeated maybe 30 slimes before they put a scratch on me like that" Rosa replied, shrugging. At Mei-Lien's response to her she shrugged, raising her sword again. "Suit yourself. Try hard and you might be able to beat me, though I wouldn't expect it."

M 23 vs. 23 R, Hit!
R 15 vs. 20 M, Miss!

M 6 vs. 10 R, Miss!
R 27 vs. 24 M, Hit!

M 20 vs. 15 R, Hit!
R 15 vs. 23 M, Miss!

Rosa made the charge this time, swinging her blade in a way that the demon managed to duck easily enough to punch her hard in the gut. The shifter didn't come away from the exchange empty handed, making a slashing cut to Mei-Lien's side just under her armpit. It wasn't deep enough to dissuade the redhead from delivering a kick to the side of Rosa's knee before bouncing back and out of her reach. It was a promising start, though this had happened last time as well.

8/10 HP

6/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

It looked as the shifter was as nonchalant about the reply as Mei was, leading the two of them into a repeat of the same combat. Even if Rosa was superior, there would be little to gain in not trying to overcome challenges. The initial exchanges between them went in a somewhat even manner, the redhead managing two for one hits against her sparring partner. If luck went her way, the following rounds might give her similar success.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 25 vs. 12 R, Hit!
R 23 vs. 20 M, Hit!

M 23 vs. 13 R, Hit!
R 26 vs. 9 M, Critical Hit!

M 6 vs. 16 R, Miss!
R 10 vs. 20 M, Miss!

Rosa pressed the assault, rushing at Mei-Lien and slashing into her stomach again, though the demon managed to get off a quick one-two punch to the shifter's face again. As her fists kept flying, Rosa made her pay for it, twirling the large sword up and cutting heavily into Mei-Lien's arm, nearly severing it. Mei-Lien could still fight, but she'd be at a disadvantage now even more than before.

6/10 HP

3/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

But of course, luck was not really on Mei's side is they went about the combat. While she did manage another pair of hits, Rosa managed even better, quite heavily wounding her arm with a well-placed cut. But even with her disadvantage, there was no giving up in the redhead's mind, the thought pushing her into another attack.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 15 vs. 23 R, Miss!
R 21 vs. 9 M, Hit!

M 6 vs. 24 R, Counter!
R 11 vs. 21 M, Miss!

M 18 vs. 24 R, Miss!
R 20 vs. 9 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien tried to defend herself against Rosa's constant assault, but having only one useful arm made it even more difficult. The shifter sliced into her chest with another powerful blow, blocking a kick with her blade and tearing up the demon's foot before finishing the fight with a slash into her waist that Rosa stopped just before it sliced through the redhead's spine, the shifter apparently not wanting to cut her in half. As she slumped over she saw a popup

You have gained a mastery level in fighting against weapons

it said, though she didn't necessarily feel like she had mastered fighting against weapons as she laid on the ground and bled. She could feel herself come as close to dying as she had in the shifter's mindscape before her healing factor and the properties of the place began to patch her up. "One more before dinner, or should we head there and wait for a while?" Rosa asked, her sword held loosely at her side.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The rest of the bout went as good as expected, and soon Mei was once again dying in an almost cut-up state. Even more a punch to the gut than all the sword hits was the following pop-up, with it's message of supposed mastery against weapons. "You got to be shitting me..." she thought, starting to heal after some time spent in suffering. Not before long, she was back on her feet again, the ceaseless questions starting to hit her again. "I don't know... ain't we here to train?" the redhead asked, punting the question back at the other. No matter what Rosa opted for, she would go along with. Deciding things endlessly was beginning to wear on her.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Well, you don't have to get snippy about it" Rosa replied, hefting her sword onto her shoulder. "Let's do one more. I have a feeling you'll do better this time" she said, giving Mei-Lien a few moments to recover before rushing at her, sword held high.

M 20 vs. 11 R, Hit!
R 17 vs. 9 M, Hit!

M 16 vs. 16 R, Hit!
R 25 vs. 17 M, Hit!

M 24 vs. 26 R, Miss!
R 21 vs. 23 M, Miss!

The redhead responded with a punch to the shifter's face and a kick to her side, though she received cuts to her stomach and arm, though they were a little more shallow than in previous bouts. Still, she would need to step up her game if she wanted to win the fight.

8/10 HP

5/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Getting an answer from the other battler, Mei soon found herself in another training bout not any different from the previous two. While they managed to score against each other with a neat two for two exchange, the redhead knew that she was at a disadvantage in the battle of vitalities. Luck had not been on her side, but she still tried to win with that alone, not having any real weapon to use against the sparring partner.