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Re: Unpacking

From the position of the sun, it was late, possibly around 7 PM... And as if it was no coincidence, Ashley could smell delicious food being cooked off in the distance...
Re: Unpacking

Ashley goes to find something to eat, and if there's a line she gets into it. Once she has some food, she'd go looking for someplace to sit, keeping her eyes open for anyone familiar.
Re: Unpacking

As Ashley gets into the long line, she sees Regina further up in the line. And when Regina, out of boredom, looks around as well, she sees her. Regina gives Ashley a wave, and decides to go back in line, to meet up with her, forsaking her spot just to see her.

"Hey, Ashley!" Regina says warmly as she reaches her, "Say... How'd ya enjoy the gym? Did the uh..." she trailed off for a second, "Did anyone bother you in the shower?"
Re: Unpacking

Ashleys face brightens as she sees Regina, and waves back to her. She gives the redhead a hug as she comes back in line; "Hey Regina! I'm doing pretty good, ran into my mom a little while ago, everything's going fine so far. The gym was great, Imma get me some muscles!"

Her expression doesn't change when Regina mentions the shower, but her voice becomes a little bit less jovial; "Yeah, Daisy came to talk to me, for all of four seconds. Then she ran off, saying it wasn't fair. She wasn't threatening or anything, just... weird." Ashley says, and then gets closer to Regina, and whispers so that only she can hear; "I told her what we did. That's not going to cause either of us any problems is it?"
Re: Unpacking

Regina sighs, and shakes her head, "Well... She might pay you a visit sometime... Out of jealousy, mostly. So be careful about leaving your cell open..." she then shakes her head, and decides to change the topic, "Well, good news is, we at least got the power working in the kitchen! So we can enjoy good food, just like the old days. All that's left now is all of the areas you guys stay in..." she huffs a laugh, and looks at Ashley out of the corner of her eye, "You know... You look good in that," she points out to Ashley's bra and panties, showing off most of her body.
Re: Unpacking

(I wonder how long it's gonna be before mom gets a girlfriend?)

"Jealousy? She doesn't even know me!" Ashley says, but keeps her voice low. When Regina changes the subject, she just shrugs and accepts it, keeping her advice in mind. She didn't want to get raped again, least of all by someone who looked and acted like a little kid. She'd never be able to live it down. When Regina mentions food, Ashleys stomach growls in protest, and she asks; "Sweet! What are they serving today? I could eat damn near anything right now."

Ashley blushes at Reginas last comment, but rolls her eyes and says, jokingly; "Yeah, bet they'd look good on your floor too!" and gives her a sly wink, indicating that she'd be up for a repeat of earlier that day later. Ashley knew her mother didn't like the idea of her sleeping with someone like Regina, but it was her decision, and Regina hadn't been anything but kind to her. "You're not hard on the eyes yourself you know."
Re: Unpacking

(Phil from the cartoon, Hercules says, "Three words, kid! Once she gets drunk!" Remember that!)

Regina blushed at Ashley's compliment, and adjusted her hair, and bra a little, giggling, "Hmm... Flattery will get you everywhere..."

As they finally reach their own turn, the line moving at a moderate pace, Regina gestures to the large selection, "Take you pick, there's enough varieties of food to meet everyone's tastes," she said to Ashley, while she moves off to get some chicken wings, and various other meats, which were all likely the result of her large breasts...
Re: Unpacking


Ashley giggled right along with Regina, giving her another wink. When they reach the food, Ashley just starts grabbing things, going for some beef and assorted vegetables. She filled her plate before moving out of line with Regina, looking for someplace to sit down with her.
Re: Unpacking

When Regina and Ashley sat down, it wasn't long before an assortment of women started to set next to them, all acting as if they knew Regina in some way, saying hi to her, calling her by her name, and engaging in idle chat with her. However, among all the women that sat down, a certain trouble maker that Ashley had met a while ago walked over, and sat down some distance down the table, and was staring at Ashley, with hidden intentions...

Regina broke away from her conversation with all her friends long enough, to talk to her new one, Ashley, "So, Ashley, what did you do before all this happened, and the city went to hell?" she asked, wanting to include her apparent new lover in the conversation.
Re: Unpacking

Ashley doesn't spare Daisy more than a glance, intent on dealing with her later. She eats while Regina talks to her friends, adding a comment here or there. When Regina asks her a question, she swallows what she has in her mouth before saying; "I just finished college, and got my nurses certification. I was going to work at the hospital until I could pay off my loans and go back for my doctorate. My mom drove me here after I got the job, and was going to leave in the morning before all this happened. How about you? What did you do before you were here?"
Re: Unpacking

Regina looked away from Ashley, almost as if she'd been asked a question she didn't want to answer, "T-that's..." she then looked back to the woman she had made love to, and put an arm on her back, "I'll tell you some other time... It's rather... Personal... Maybe tonight, alright?" she asked Ashley.
Re: Unpacking

Ashley nods; "Okay, I understand. Sounds like a plan to me." And puts her own arm around Regina as well. Whatever she didn't want to say in public, Ashley could wait to find out. She quickly finished her meal; "I've got to go take care of something real quick, but it won't take long. Do you mind waiting here for me? If not, I can just go to your room later." She said, smiling warmly the entire time.
Re: Unpacking

Regina nodded, finishing her own meal as well, "Yeah, I've got some things to do to, so if you want to see me, I should be in my room later tonight," she told Ashley, and when she did, Daisy, who hardly seemed to have touched her food, flinched a little.
Re: Unpacking

(Bingo. Trying to avoid a problem before it gets out of hand.)

"Okay, I'll see you later then!" Ashley says, smiling, as she picks up her plate, and turns to go clean it off or leave it to be cleaned, whichever was the case. She makes sure to walk past Daisy as she does, and very quietly whispers; "Walk with me." to her, being very careful to ensure that no one but Daisy hears her. She doesn't make any movement to indicate that she did, nor does she stop or anything like that. She keeps walking, whether Daisy heard follows her or not, and takes care of her dishes.
Re: Unpacking

As Ashley walks, Daisy doesn't take more than a second to get up, leave her food, and follow, but as she does, Regina looked back at her, seeming to have been paying attention to her the whole time, "Daisy..." she said her name in warning.

"I'm not gonna do anything!" she said in protest, before going after Ashley.

As soon as Ashley left her dish at the counter with the others, and turned around to any degree, she'd see Daisy standing right behind her, looking up at her in silence, with a slight frown on her face... A very weird, small woman...
Re: Unpacking

(Let the attempted intimidation of the small angry futa begin!)

Ashley turns around and looks at Daisy with a flat expression for a moment, looking down into the girls eyes. She leans against a wall, and keeps her voice even and low; "You and I need to talk. Firstly, I don't know what your problem with me is, and I don't honestly care. You might be a little stronger than me because of what you are, but I'm a lot bigger and a lot heavier than you, so if you try to rape me, don't doubt for a second who's going to win that fight, even if you manage to catch me when I'm alone. Secondly, I'm not sure how old you are, but... grow up. I get that you guys need to feed on normal women or you get antsy, and that you in particular probably have a hard time getting anything to eat because you look so young, but your attitude and the way you act aren't helping. And thirdly, I don't have any problem with you personally. We might be friends even. But I'm with Regina. Deal with it. Any questions?"
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Re: Unpacking

Daisy folded her arms, and glared right back at Ashley, "Look, lady, if I wanted to, I would have fucked you right in those showers," she told Ashley firmly, "And you're so stupid, you don't even know that a lot of us are angry at people like you, who just fawn over Regina's good looks," she threw her finger back at all the women talking, and laughing with Regina at the moment, "Did you think that those were women like me? Wrong! For all I know, Regina's fucked every single one of them, including you! When people like Morrigan and me are dieing!" she growled at Ashley, "And Emilia actually had to ask Regina to agree to bend over for us, so at least that way, we wouldn't go on a raping spree, or worse, die!"

Daisy slammed her foot on the ground, and as if not enough people were listening to her tantrum, everyone was now with her foot slamming down, and sending echoes through the hall, "That's why I'm angry, you fucking jerk!"

With that, Daisy took off running, away from Ashley, and Regina immediately got out of her chair, and tried to chase after the fast little woman, "D-Daisy! Wait!" she shouted as she chased after the distraught, blond little woman.
Re: Unpacking

(That was better than I thought it would be.)

Ashley doesn't say anything as Daisy speaks, listening. She starts slightly when the girl slams her foot, but doesn't blink as the girl finishes. She hadn't thought all those women had had the extra equipment, but she hadn't thought that Regina had probably had sex with all of them. She wasn't all that surprised by the idea, Regina acted a lot like a lot of boyfriends she'd had. She understood Daisies problems, but she wasn't exactly in a position to do anything about it, so she just watched as Daisy left and Regina took off after her. She shook her head, and then followed after them.
Re: Unpacking

After following the trail of heavy footsteps and the red haired woman, Ashley eventually found Regina standing in the middle of the courtyard, looking all around her, at some of the people walking by, and peaking around some of the columns that held awnings that people would use to hide from the rain, looking for Daisy as if she had lost her, "Daisy!" she shouted, "Daisy! Where are you!?! Please don't be mad! There IS a special girl for you, but for heaven's sake..." she trailed off, certain that Daisy would not come out, "Damn it," she whispered, which Ashley could hear after getting closer, "Daisy... I don't do it for Emilia... I do it because I know how much pain you're in, and how much you need someone to be there for you..."

Regina's head was lowered, looking to the ground, appearing very upset...
Re: Unpacking

(Wow, Ashley's kind of an insensitive bitch sometimes.)

Ashley, not having any better alternative since she can't find Daisy either, approaches Regina; "Lost her?" She says, very quietly. Ashley kept her expression stoic. She didn't like that she'd hurt Daisies feelings, but she'd known that it had to be done. She couldn't have had the girl barging into her room trying to rape her while her mom was around, whether or not her boast at being able to beat her was true.