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Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I don't mind storyline. Can provide the lewds myself if need be.

Heh, that and, Dasyra has kinda been fed enough lewds for a day or two, one would hope after the wedding night. ^^
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I'll try to make a response by the end of today.

In the meantime, can someone tell me hat the red thing next to my name is? Why am I infamous?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

That's the reputation system which was re-enabled recently. Click User CP up at the top left to see why you were down repped.

It's pointless and dumb, really.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Wow. I got bad rep because "I was trolling". GG bad repper.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Yup. Anyways we have a different thread for that stuff but now you know.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Anyway, will try to make a post in a few hours. I got work stuffs.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I don't have a reply tonight but I do have a silly meme in its place.

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion


I hated to sort've join the dogpile. Dasyra is appreciative of what Kaila did with the wedding, but the way Kaila said that bit about being undead and losing connections came across the way I'd imagine a white person advising an indigenous/native person on a reservation about holding on to what's important. It just smacked of "who are you to tell me about being undead? I just upended my whole life here to try to save this woman from herself. I've obviously thought about what's important, and did I have my doubts, of course I did. Etc..." So, I was thinking long about it, but decided that yeah, that would be a nerve to touch with this new Dasyra.

Maybe Kaila has extensive experience with the undead, but if so, she hasn't unpacked that information yet. Hopefully Dasyra can get the chance to explain why she was so touchy, but Kaila does seem to have this imperious habit about her that can set people off.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Eh, It's fine. Though admittedly it amuses me that Dasyra says she already views her life as kinda distant, and then starts considering the same things Kaila was warning Dasyra about right after chewing her out for warning her about it.

But it's not like Kaila is a good person or anything. So it's not like anyones gonna mourn or regret her being punished or what not. It's just justice for all the horrible things she's done and probably will do.

Though, she's not good at handling discouragement or failure and falls back on what she knows when in doubt. Which among other things means she's going to enjoy her daily devotion with a lot of gusto in the morning.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I'm not saying that Dasyra isn't being hypocritical to some extent. But sometimes people aren't in the mood to be told how they should be feeling, even if the insight is accurate, or semi-accurate.

That being said, Dasyra *has* been thinking heavily on the need to end the blade's hold over Ventus. It's the entire reason she made her extremely binding oath to Evening Glory. Dasyra, for all her external sluttiness, is still a person who sacrifices to get things done. She is aware that there's a sacrifice to be made for the knowledge she wants. Her reaction at being reminded of this thing that she would have been pondering already was to lash out.

It's inevitable that she would think about something you reminded her of. But just because I didn't write it out explicitly in my last post, doesn't mean that it hasn't been considered.

Why did Kaila mention it in the first place anyway? What was her motivation in doing so?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Wait, isn't it impossible for outsiders to be turned undead? Or is this another GM ruling?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Wait, isn't it impossible for outsiders to be turned undead? Or is this another GM ruling?

You're not an outsider. Well, to be precise, keyword is 'native'. Even so, some outsiders can be undeaded in rare circumstances.

p.s. Did a short check up just to be sure, and really, all outsiders can be undeaded, though I'd find that a bit questionable.. you'd need some planar binding, or Orcus to get creative there.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Yes, i'm native. But I follow the same rules as an outsider, besides eating/sleeping, right?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Yes, i'm native. But I follow the same rules as an outsider, besides eating/sleeping, right?

Heres how outsiders do. Your normal humans body is evenly distributed good evil, fire water, etc. Some argue dwarfs have a touch of earth, elfs a touch of pixie dust, etc, but thats hypotheticals.

So a devils body is made out of pure evil and law. A Guardianal is made out of pure goodness, doesn't explain why devils are devilish and guardianals are all furries, but thats the way it is. Perhaps this is how evil and law mixed together looks, perhaps mortal souls shape them, yaba dub dub.

Now that means a lot of things don't affect you, namely spells that primarly target humanoids, because you're not a humanoid... your planar blood turns you just 5% moar towards the evil/chaotic planes, etc. The big reason you don't see a lot of undead fiends around is that they don't usually enter the prime material plane in their real body.. but as summons, or posessions/Avatars depending on their strength, they don't have actual matter, just energy clad around them, borrowed elements, like a suit of well fitting clothes, basically. You kill them, you actually send 'em back to their native plane.. ON that plane you can slay them properly and could also use the remains to create undead.. if they don't get om nom nommed by the plane quickly.

Doesn't mean you wont rise as an undead, because you still provide a corpse. Infact, you provide a higher quality corpse for some necromancy.

To simplify things, here, look at this list:

Anything that says 'humanoid' you'd be immune to being turned into, barring an actual undeads abilities. Anything that just requires a corpse.. well, you still make one of those.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Kaila's motivation was concern. With Dasyra acting suddenly different from how she did before and her comments earlier about her disassociation and that Dasyra wanted to find something out in the plane that eats memories, she figured it'd be a good idea to warn Dasyra.

Despite being evil, Kaila is still a person and she still wants what people want, possibly more so. Her evil is along the lines of her willingness to use violence to get her way, and a general lack of empathy to those she doesn't know. If she and Dasyra just met at random, there was a good real chance Kaila wouldn't be so nice. Or not. It's really hard to say, there's just as much chance she'd try taking Dasyra under her wing in such a case since a lost surface worlder in evil central is probably screwed and it's a chance for mutual benefit while slowly working to corrupt her.

Sure there's other aspects. She'd rather have an ally against Lior and Asheroth, and having friends high up is nice too. And it might give her some protection from Ventus in the long run and such. But she's starting to figure none of that's gonna happen. Still, without outright punishment for her mistep there she's probably gonna be a bit slower to go full paranoia. Though she is a fair bit paranoid given she now feels threatened by half the party.

Huh. That version of animate evidently has a duration and it's undead can't make spawn. Weird. Though I guess it is lower level. I guess it's based on the summon spells or something.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Huh. That version of animate evidently has a duration and it's undead can't make spawn. Weird. Though I guess it is lower level. I guess it's based on the summon spells or something.

On Ventus punishments: Ventus is harsh but very just, as long as you don't do another unacceptable thing..

As for the list.. yeah its a necromancer alternate, but it nicely shows the difference between 'humanoid corpse' and 'corpse only'

Simply said, if it can die, it can be undead. Even gods, though I'm not crazy/evil enough to try and spawn something like that:
A 30-foot-radius spread negative energy aura spreads from each atropal. All undead in the field (including the atropal) are treated as if having turn resistance +20 and a negative energy version of fast healing 20. Living creatures in the aura are treated as having ten negative levels unless they have some sort of negative energy protection or protection from evil. Creatures with 10 or fewer HD or levels perish (and, at the atropal’s option, rise as spectres under the atropal’s command 1 minute later).
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Also, what does Ventus mean by saying you're wearing an amethyst, color of Venus. What amethyst do I have?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Also, what does Ventus mean by saying you're wearing an amethyst, color of Venus. What amethyst do I have?

You should rp out some of your questions, its ok to have a character be confused about things too. :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Well, I didn't even know it was directed at me at first, since she doesn't have an amethyst. But since there's a reason for it, I'll bite.