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Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I mean if I didn't intend to win, becoming a void zombie would be pretty cool. Especially because Lior has a secret long demon tongue already from previous Xirce shenanigans.

So like... It'd be like a double long blue parasite tongue on a blue-grey skinned and extra heartless Lior. Pretty hot for an Evil!Lior Concept.

EDIT: This is not me saying I desire this for the character! Just musing! /Eyes Pervy/ :p

Well it could happen. Lior and Dasyra could have great hopefully non knotting (no real knot) tongue makeouts.

And then it turns out that Ventus' deepest darkest desire is to show off her collection of antique tea cups to someone else.

Tempting, but sadly I already wrote the naughty version out.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Teacups, eh?

Well, everyone needs a hobby.

Maybe Dasyra will invest in some living/unliving furniture when and if she gets slaves of her own.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I don't think Asheroth has the mindset to do anything too crazy at the moment. She's half succubus, so she certainly knows how to resist temptation.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Cus the bag has 10 minutes of oxygen in it and would need constant reopening. And if it;s punctured on the inside, all the contents are lost. That's why.

Bullshit, you can't pierce a pocket dimension by physical means. The boundaries of the space are never given any more definition than measurements, and as air isn't allowed to enter/exit through the walls of the space it simply cannot be a normal bag-like material. Not that the rust monster has any piercing attacks, or the intelligence to TRY.

Also, you need'nt keep opening the bag, just leave it slightly open all the time. Since there are no walls the rust monster can't crawl up them, and it's not large enough to reach out. (The measurements given in the new DMG don't match up to the bag's cubic volume given that it is describe as cylindrical in shape)
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Maybe Dasyra will invest in some living/unliving furniture when and if she gets slaves of her own.

Not quite my fetish but good to know I can go wild. :p

Bullshit, you can't pierce a pocket dimension by physical means. The boundaries of the space are never given any more definition than measurements, and as air isn't allowed to enter/exit through the walls of the space it simply cannot be a normal bag-like material. Not that the rust monster has any piercing attacks, or the intelligence to TRY.

Also, you need'nt keep opening the bag, just leave it slightly open all the time. Since there are no walls the rust monster can't crawl up them, and it's not large enough to reach out. (The measurements given in the new DMG don't match up to the bag's cubic volume given that it is describe as cylindrical in shape)

Or alternatively a bottle of endless air, decanter of endless water and.. a cornucopia or whatevs, finally a few spells to create a daylight/darkness cycle you can have a small house in the thing. Pick up bag of holding, try and drop stuff in, Family of gnomes comes out and praises the new great holder, lived in the bag for generations, considers the holder a deity, offers to craft and analyze items for free.. twist could be they are ever so slightly mad and evil depending on where you wanna go with it.

Coincidentially none of you checked out the Water-temple loot, its almost as if lewdities were more important to yer. *Adjusts loottable*
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

If a bag of holding is overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag immediately ruptures and is ruined, and all contents are lost forever. If a bag of holding is turned inside out, all of its contents spill out, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. If living creatures are placed within the bag, they can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time they suffocate.

Once you start adding 4000gp items in multiples to the insides to boot, you're better off buying Gauntlets of Rusting and doing it yourself. Or being a druid. It's not Impossible but the cost becomes prohibitive after awhile. And given it has a bite attack (Which does piercing, slashing and bludgeoning) it can pierce it and probably will as it tries to escape. It's an animal, it'll bite.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

It's an animal, it'll bite.

Oh yeah, thats why you see puppies biting the walls as soon as you leave them.

Or perhaps, thats why you need handle animal to calm it down and afterwards you simply keep it fed. Rustmonsters have literally no character motivation beyond noms.

you're better off buying Gauntlets of Rusting and doing it yourself

You just had a gal tentacle-fucked, what is it with your imagination dropping to 0 as soon as numbers and rules are involved. Seriously, have you tried playing a systemless game where rp alone determines how things go from time to time? I prefer it with a system to make things matter more and investment and all that, but its certainly an interesting lesson on its own.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Of course I have. I also know that the game also includes numbers. And you're spending way more effort to do something another can do better and easier and more efficiently. And they do if the walls seem like they can be dug through. Like say... Fabric.

You're just imagining well I can do this, and not the problems about why not everyone is doing it. The answer being, that. Now a portable hole could do it but you're looking at other problems and huge expenses for a one trick to throw a cr 3 at a problem. Creative? Sure. Effective? Maybe if there's nothing to fight it. Cost effective? Heck no.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

You've ignored what I went to great expense to explain. THERE ARE NO WALLS IN THE BAG OF HOLDING.

And if there were they could not be made of cloth. Otherwise air would exchange at a nominal rate even with the opening closed assuming your pocket dimension is a part of another dimension that has air, because? Cloth doesn't stop air. Or if your pocket dimension is inside a dimension that's a vacuum the air would instantly evacuate upon entry to the bag.

Honestly when I started this I looked around quite a bit to study up on my BOH knowledge and at this point I've managed to convince myself of what I'm saying (that they didn't put enough effort into fleshing out the mechanics of this item so it COULDN'T be abused) but I really have no clue how they intended it to work. Did they honestly want you to not be able to throw anything sharp in your bag at all? Seems a little too cunty to me. "Sure you can throw all the armor, maces, staffs, bows, crossbows and firearms you like in there but no swords, axes, arrows, spears, knives, or javelins that's just too much"

Also, not everyone plays in a setting where you can just walk up to magic item vendor xyz and purchase anything you like.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Alright, enough of this now, not that I care as long as you're discussing semi-civilized but the problem is theres no right answer here.

The piercing the bag rule is one of many dickish DM rules necessary to counter even more dickish player tricks, for example if you were to fill your bag of holding with daggers, levitate, turn around, roll 100d4 for damage and lolz on anything without Dr. And, no, no I know you want to go rules lawyering this point too, no Zilrax, it ain't that easy, the rules don't solve all issues.

Thats why its undefined, a lot of things in D&D are poorly defined and don't read this poor as a qualitative measurement, they are poorly defined so that the DM can interprete the rules, my rule is 'don't fuck with me I wont fuck with you.. unless you like it' and outside of OOC theory crafting, which I can understand and just shows you care about the setting, I never had to discuss anything related to it at length.

That said, the Bag of holding discusison is literally not related to anything happening in character and I don't want the OOC taken up by arguments all the time, other players have expressed discomfort about it.
At this point I have a feeling this is more about wanting to be right in an argument and, more power to ya, this ain't the place to do it at though.

Now if anyone has -questions- about how I will view and treat bags of holding in my campaign because they may wanna use one, go right ahead.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

If there are no walls, then there cannot be a volume. Far as I can tell, the bag simply is larger on the inside than the outside. And there's no air inside the extradimensional space but it still has fabric walls. It simply leads out into an airless void, because when the bag is pierced, everythings lost forever.

And if there's no magic purchasing, and you have no druid, then you probably also don't have a bottle of air and other assorted things too to do it. And you can probably make it yourself unless the whole party is playing a fighter.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Wait, wait, wait. If there are no walls in a bag of holding, that'd mean it'd have an infinite amount of space. In fact, it wouldn't even have a bottom, so whatever you drop in it will fall... forever, making it completely useless as a storage container.

Pervy, you're the DM. What are the rules on the Bag of Holding?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

What are the rules on the Bag of Holding?

The confusion here, I think, stems from there being more than one type of a bag of holding, limitless and unlimited. Unlimited bags have obvious issues related to them so unless stated otherwise the ones you deal with are limited.

Think of a limited one as a portable hole, ruleswise, with varying loads (hehe) it can handle, if you overstuff it, things spill out. If you force it or damage it, a task which may well not be as easy as grabbing a pair of scissors as you are dealing with a magically created trans dimensional boundary (best way to describe it even if you don't want to rp doctor who in pathfinder. :p), basically, a small bag thats bigger inside than outside and weights as a small bag would even if you put iron ingots in it.

If someone puts you in a bag of holding you can escape by for example cutting it and no, the contents are not lost, else you could bag an artifact, poke a hole, be done with it.
The contents instead spill out, which, considering the change in space-volume can still create a lot of issues for everyone about, depending on just what you put in it.

Further details are rp dependant.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

The bag specifically says the contents are lost. Probably onto the Astral plane, given its behaviour alongside the portable hole. But they don't spill onto the ground at least if damaged.

And yeah, evidently you can lose an artifact this way. Course, to where, who knows? That's my best guess as to where it ends up though. Unless you mean in your game. Then sure, fine by me.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I'm pretty sure lore wise, the contents are spilled out into the Astral plane. However, Perv has said otherwise for this campaign.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

The bag specifically says the contents are lost. Probably onto the Astral plane, given its behaviour alongside the portable hole. But they don't spill onto the ground at least if damaged.

And yeah, evidently you can lose an artifact this way. Course, to where, who knows? That's my best guess as to where it ends up though. Unless you mean in your game. Then sure, fine by me.

Final warning. Cease arguing with the DM.

Contents spill out, on the prime material unless they are otherwise inclined and aligned to. It doesn't quite make sense to stuff a bag until it bursts, only for it to pop with nothing coming out, to me. The whole piercing a bag of holding idea was first introduced in I think one of the first dragon magazines, like.. way back in the low double digits and explored there convincingly. If in doubt I like to stay with the classics.. (hold on that sounds like something Blue said. hmn..) For example, if you burn a bag of holding while planeswandering your contents might have a % dice chance to end up on the elemental plane of fire, but thats under my purview.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I'm going to assume you responded before I edited in the clarification. I don't have an issue with this ruling.

But I can't tell when you're talking about your game or the rules at large, because they're not the same thing. If we're talking about the games baseline assumptions, well see my point. If you want to rule that way, again, not an issue, but that's not the same thing as what it says. And if we're gonna discuss the hypothetical rust monster in a bag, we at least need to stand on the same baseline or we're just talking past each other about something totally different, thinking we're talking about the same thing.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Check your pms.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

I suggest no bags of holding in this campaign
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

...I may already have one.

I promise not to put anything living or so magically powerful as to possibly compromise the integrity of it though!

(Also post coming)