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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Is this an I told you so moment? Cuz I don't get many of those.

haha, I'm just playing around.
I get those ALL the time
PS, told you so
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

well just my own words somehow i think they arent even working a single thing since last update - still when they mean an update they started to give any evation possible the last 2 voting they did and this last looks more like dont bother us to me.

still well i am a follower of them so i still wait over a year for it cuz is fun though at least about speeding up with less characters and start new characters after game finished i think is a good idea that was already suggested in their forum since last year. in the end i hope they still take their time and make a good game and not rushing to make a trash game like others we have seen lately of other ppl haha

il have faith for an update sooner!! xmas is fine T_T
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Yeah this is a good idea.

It would be awesome if they got TWO stages in the next update.

That's ridiculous though.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

That's crazy talk, Papanomics. Now you're just being silly.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Wait, so are they saying, less characters moves the game quicker?

Apparently they've decided that their war on logic is futile.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

War on logic is never futile.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

A sort of update Zeta has decided to unveil something called the R Engine. It seems to be an engine she and a friend/supporter made to make Project X better and smoother to make in about every conceivable way.
I'd post a link but xbox 360 internet blows -_-
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

A sort of update Zeta has decided to unveil something called the R Engine. It seems to be an engine she and a friend/supporter made to make Project X better and smoother to make in about every conceivable way.
I'd post a link but xbox 360 internet blows -_-

Link to the R Engine that TalonHK3 is talking about:


Yup yup! This is the new engine we are going to work, is a heavy modified version of the OBor Engine, but modified and fixed for the necessities of Project X, this version will be possible thanks to Boltaction, that i want to give my big thanks (and the fans should too) for his help on this, the R-Engine will mark a before and after in our development, optimization and playable options, if you dont believe that this is really important, check this out:

Features (ProjectX Specific):
- ProjectX specific loading images/text (replacing OpenBOR) to avoid confusion.
- Dynamic gameover background animations (per level per character)
- Encryption/Decryption support
- Speed improvements - using Intel Compiler 2013
- Added interactive gallery (on hold)
- Added threaded timer support, allowing more dynamic entities.
- Made engine C++ compatible
- Windows/Linux/Mac compatible

Future Features (not implemented fully at this stage due to time constraints):
- Two (or more) player / enemy animations at once
- NPC AI Character
- Various internal features to improve performance/functionality

New Features (OpenBOR improvements since last ProjectX release):
- Improved NPC AI, now more realistic
- New scripting functionality

Bugfixes (due to issues in OpenBOR):
- Fixed setting animation within idle/walk loop (causing cheese's animation change to fail)
- Provided workaround for different BG level panel width - causing major issues
- Fixed various internal bugs causing issues with ProjectX.
- Fixed slow shutdown issues

Resuming, MUCH better performance, dedicated Game Over Screens for each character in each stage, more intelligent AI (again more), an interactive gallery more easy to access, 1P & AI Coop player game (cpu helping you like if you play with a friend), the posibility of 2 enemies grab the same player to make custom rapes or gangbang, and some more new features that all of you will see in a future, I have to mention that some of these features will be added in a near future, some are now full working, but we need time to use them and make stuff ready for them, like the game over screens, etc.

In another side, the account for donations have been changed, so anyone who would like to donate, they can do it via Paypal to "[email protected]" with the nick you would like to appear on the credits section, writting it in the description of the donation, thanks a lot and enjoy!
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Is this an I told you so moment? Cuz I don't get many of those.

haha, I'm just playing around.

I was hear when you called it and I agreed. They were expanding the game horizontally not vertically, and making any real new content vastly more complex and time consuming.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Well they've got a new engine so, sounds like the game will be awesome when it comes out 6 years from now.

In the meantime.... fuck
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Personally, I'd want to criticise how long they are taking with the game, but I won't. Granted they could take the fast road and still come out with something decent. Though, if they want to take their time with it and make it as good as possible, it obviously would be well in their rights to. That, and the finished product x amount of time from now will only be that much better.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I'm the opposite. This is a breakthrough so I don't want to criticize and my belief is one that people can make whatever game they want, so points to them for wanting to make it the best possible.

However, I also believe that you move forward and that clearly hasn't been their focus when making this game. And although this recent engine switch is noting more forward movement, it also means a few steps backward first.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Essentially that's it, what I'd want to criticise is how long they are making this game for themselves. I've already heard reports about how people working on the game got lazy and dropped out or something, I'm not sure of the specific details, so adding this to the mix seems like a good way to make this take forever.

But I want them to make what they want and how they want to in spite of that, and not compromise their works quality either.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

At the end of the day, they are making this out of their own free will with no obligations. Believe me, I want these updates now. Like, NOW. But I'm in no position to demand that. If they decided to stop the project tomorrow and not release anything further, there's nothing we can really do.

In my honest opinion, this game will not see it's own end. Members will leave, tasks will be too difficult, and they will eventually get frustrated and drop it.

I really hope I'm wrong, but that's how I feel since we've been getting one ".5" update a year for the last two years or so.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I'm glad they're still working on it because an active project is infinitely better than an abandoned one, but some Duke Nuke'em Forever-style development that never makes any forward progress is dangerously close to being constructively abandoned.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

well there was that one game.. katawa shoujo? took for freaking ever and it came out and everyone loved it...

guess it could happen in different ways
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I'll be disappointed if there isn't a Christmas release. But I guess that's my own fault for assuming there would be (with little to no reason to suggest such). It looks less likely to happen, assuming they've already implemented the new engine. Oh well, I'll continue to wait.

My biggest concern with this pace of development is that more and more team members will loose interest and drop out. That or simply become unable to work on it. This game has been on going for a long time now, and things in life change far too often than most would like. I'm worried at this rate the game will slowly get less and less worked on before getting dropped all together...

I fear the downward spiral. I just can't tell if ProjectX is already on it or not.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Well I think it seems to be all foward movement. For the longest time only Zeta herself would be the one coding it because it was something she did in her sparetime. With the new engine created by Boltaction it seems to be implying that the team now has a second coder ass he's been saying that they're finishing working on transferring content from the Beats of Rage Engine to the R engine and him say how irritating it was to do so. He and Zet also said that there's an update coming soon which is why some of the new planned features were cut for time so if not an X-mas release than a New Year's one. But that's just what I've gathered ^^;
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

In all honesty, if they really wanted to really get this game into overdrive, they'd toss it up on Kickstart and give everyone some sort of wage. XD
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

In all honesty, if they really wanted to really get this game into overdrive, they'd toss it up on Kickstart and give everyone some sort of wage. XD

Well that would be nice, but I don't think Kickstarter would allow for adult games based on copyrighted material.