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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

If you can use Rapidshare, just go to the and use the RS link.

Still, probably would be a good idea to upload it to mediafire, since I think there are a few people here who like that over MU or RS.


Apr 19, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Project X

If you can use Rapidshare, just go to the and use the RS link.

Still, probably would be a good idea to upload it to mediafire, since I think there are a few people here who like that over MU or RS.
I think everybody love MF :D


Jul 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Project X

I have 0 problems with MU tbh.

Rapidshit on the other hand ... The download slots are always AALLLWAAYYYSSS full the last 5 months or so, at any hour at any day it seems aswell :mad:


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Project X

You guys mean Zu?


Personally, I think we need a better warning, or a half/full second more warning when you're about to get raped, because the enemies seem to have a lot easier of a time hitting you than you do of hitting them. Also, it could do with a gallery where you can see the animations that you've unlocked by having them happen to you.

Really?...Really Really?
That SoundFX already has me on a split second pressing of the escape key...usually to my horror in arena mode because escaping w/o bar with Zu deals more damage to you then just taking the rape outright. TBH I think the timing on it is a bit...LONG...because it's almost WAY too easy to break out all together still, and if not for the bosses not allowing you the chance at all, it would be WAY too easy to beat this game w/o dying. (Then again please note that I played games like Streets of Rage and Final Fight usually only on a single credit w/o too much hassle, so it might just be my overall experience with such games here )

Still, Zu's animations are so much more animated then everyone else it sticks out like a sour thumb. The tentacle animations to a ton of the girls is awesome ( Zeta normal getting screwed, then both of Zu's and Rouge's end up as my fav's. ) and it's nice to see some 'personalized' animations as well ( then again each one still has different face reactions even if it's the same pose ). I do kind of wish the face icon changed when grabbed thought other of staying one way on entry, and then changing on death. Still, one new girl, a reveal of another girl upcoming, new animations, and a more solid gaming experience shows to me that this is shaping up to be quite nice indeed, including that AFAIK Zeta's doing MOST of this solo.


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

Hmmm... my thoughts?

Separate out the high scores from normal mode and arena mode. They don't mean anything, compared to each other.

The shadows are a bit weird, from where I sit. The usual purpose of the shadows was to show where a floating/jumping character was horizontally. That is, imagine a light source shining straight down and casting shadows directly underneath the characters. In this game, it's angled towards the viewer, so as a character moves up, their shadow moves away from the viewer. It's a bit annoying to adjust to, since it makes it hard to tell where the Buzz Bombers are.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

Really?...Really Really?
That SoundFX already has me on a split second pressing of the escape key...usually to my horror in arena mode because escaping w/o bar with Zu deals more damage to you then just taking the rape outright. TBH I think the timing on it is a bit...LONG...because it's almost WAY too easy to break out all together still, and if not for the bosses not allowing you the chance at all, it would be WAY too easy to beat this game w/o dying. (Then again please note that I played games like Streets of Rage and Final Fight usually only on a single credit w/o too much hassle, so it might just be my overall experience with such games here)
Maybe next time I'll put my headphones on then, 'cause an audio cue would probably help XD
My problem with it, though, is that it's way too unpredictable. Sure, that's the point, but I'll be running around, trying to get into the EXACT POSITION you HAVE to be in to hit people, and the enemy will initiate the rape sequence when my head is touching his wheels/legs/stinger... w/e. That's just a bit silly to me. The enemy shouldn't simply have to touch any part of my animation with any part of their animation to initiate the rape, it should be based on the distance from each other on the floor 'grid'. So either we need a little bit more warning - not much, but just enough - or something. Like I said, it seems like the enemies are able to catch you WAY too easily. The only ones that I don't really have issues with are the Motobugs... but they're slow as hell.


Jan 2, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Project X

acoording to her HF account the demo is now at 2.0


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

Level 2 contains much instant death - instant death pits, and the boss has an instant death attack that initiates like any of the rape attacks


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

Level 2 contains much instant death - instant death pits, and the boss has an instant death attack that initiates like any of the rape attacks
Not quite. The instant death attack is escapable - you get the warning and the exclamation mark. The rape version is instantaneous.

I think the jumping segment needs tuning, though. I always end up continuing there.
Speaking of the instant death boss, do all the characters have the same skeleton?
No. Zu, for instance, gets her skull and panties back. Zeta gets metallic scrap and her headband.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

I like eggman's moustache.

Also, what's the point of putting a new condom(Full health) item right in front of a boss that's a 1-hit kill anyway? It doesn't give score, and it's..Well, not really getting used for anything.


Re: Project X

The update has gotten much better. I personally enjoyed the air pump thing and the horses. The thing I dislike is actual death now playing a facotr, despite the story and the shape of the health bar.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Project X

After a few more playthroughs to see the animations of other characters(all 4, they have different animations for the second level enemies) I've got more things to say on it, firstly, the story moves on it's own, but very slowly, just don't impatiently press buttons like I did or it will skip the story bits. A button to move along the story without skipping would be nice.

Secondly, agreed with Lila, while I personally had no trouble with that boss(Spamming the 'd' move pretty much makes you invulnerable as long as your energy bar lasts, and then you can jump away and wait for it to regenerate), it's inconsistent with the rest of the game. It just doesn't seem fitting with everything else in the game wanting to sexually take advantage of/impregnate the player(And as Lila mentioned even the life bar showing the game is about sex), I find it strange the plant was only effected by that pink smoke for whoever you were saving while it just tries to kill the player. It also took me a while of beating up the mouth and spiked tentacles before trying to hit the real life bar of the thing, I thought it was just scenery since in the forest before the boss there were several other girls fucked in the background(By the trees/vines).
Still, not a big deal, it's not like it's hard to buttonmash D and jump away every now and then, it's just annoying if you're playing for the porn.(Currently there is none after that boss, but there's most likely going to be more levels later)

Thirdly, I have no idea where the hidden areas are. I guess that's why they're hidden. Most of my attention was on the actual fighting, so I might play again to try to find the hidden places.

New enemies in level 2 were nice, nothing bad about those.


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Project X

Could anyone upload a save file by chance? I really don't feel like playing through the first stage again to see the stage 2 stuff, especially since the new version seems to not want to run very well on my crummy laptop :(


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

what is the instant death attack you speak of? i did two playthroughs one as Zu and one as Zeta both times beating the stage 2 boss and yet the entire time i never one saw this attack. I had the mouth eat the character and spit her out but she was covered in cum usually and by no means dead since she would get right back up. the vine spanking and the vine full-through penetration. everytime though it would just add damage and by no means instantly kill the character.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

what is the instant death attack you speak of? i did two playthroughs one as Zu and one as Zeta both times beating the stage 2 boss and yet the entire time i never one saw this attack. I had the mouth eat the character and spit her out but she was covered in cum usually and by no means dead since she would get right back up. the vine spanking and the vine full-through penetration. everytime though it would just add damage and by no means instantly kill the character.
I've had that happen as well, but yes, it is the mouth. It can just eat the characters, but there seems to be a sort of chance of that not happening. Or like the different animations for rape, depends on what direction you're facing.

It can insta-kill though, I've had it pretty much as the only attack it used. The vines never did the full-through thing when I played, even though there was plenty of spanking.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Project X

what is the instant death attack you speak of? i did two playthroughs one as Zu and one as Zeta both times beating the stage 2 boss and yet the entire time i never one saw this attack. I had the mouth eat the character and spit her out but she was covered in cum usually and by no means dead since she would get right back up. the vine spanking and the vine full-through penetration. everytime though it would just add damage and by no means instantly kill the character.
The Mouth can randomly 'eat' in full the player, spitting out their remains and then burring then. It's an attack that lets the player know a second before hand thought that one's about to die, a bit longer even then the other warnings in the game ( most maybe .5 seconds, this one at least a full on second, twice the time to react, with twice the beeping sound effect. ).

On the subject of the game thought: The leaf platforming does seem...bugged. I saw a video of it and it seemed far more stable in that version then the one we have, then again in that version I think I also saw someone savable from attacking one of the trees, what is something you can't do at all here. The new Tackle move is a nice add-on, if maybe a bit overkill, including now that powerbar recovers on hit, regardless of hit. So using the special blast attack, will recover lost energy immediate if it hits. Making the game a bit TOO easy now, but regardless the current insta-kill and lost of life of failed platforming ( instead of say, just HP bar damage ) does make it a bit more harder overall to keep all of your lifes. Fake Difficulty sure, but it's a bit clear that a balance is still trying to be made, and it'll take some time before one is meet, there's still at least 2 more cast to add, more less planned 7 stages total ( if not more by journal hints ) so it'll all come in due time.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Project X

For the secret areas;

1.) Try to attack every vending machine you see, one of them will be attackable.

2.) While traversing the leaves, at one point you will see a spider fall to it's death. Standing on the leaf just below where it fell, move up, jump, and you will land on the outstretched grass just above where the spider fell.

Also, I agree with the 2nd boss. Amy's bones made my boner :eek:


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Project X

The attack for the mouth depends on whether it has its tongue out or not - tongue out, rape, tongue in, instant kill

Not quite. The instant death attack is escapable - you get the warning and the exclamation mark. The rape version is instantaneous.
Should I have said normal rape attacks?