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The Ranting/Debate Thread


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

On the topic of women allowed to be bi, buts its bad for men. Women who sleep around still get that negative "slut" image/label. Wheras men who sleep about are considered heroes. o_O

I think this is something that should be fixed. Men bitch about women not putting out... cause women don't want that label fixed to them. Else they probly would be more open to letting themselves go wild.

Then of course ye get women like me and Chibs who just don't care.

As to Toxic and Games Dude. If your bi there ain't nothing to be ashamed about. Really its just what you are able to go to to get you off. Besides, if yer into guys, it just opens up the other half of the population for possible partners. That's how I looked at it anyway when I suddenly found myself staring at other women's cleavage.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I was a little scared at my parents reaction at first, but after realizing they were cool with it...

Well I'm quite happy being an equal opportunity employer :3

And Sin, I absolutely agree. There is so much pressure for men to go and get laid, and when they do it's a huge effing parade. But there's still so much pressure for girls to stay pure and heavenly until they get married.

Human society needs to open up a bit and stop looking at sex as a taboo subject, and spread the equality around a bit. =/


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Haha, but I don't waaaaant partners :(

The only thing that pushes me towards ANYTHING reflecting partners is a sexual curiousity, which equates little more than someone saying "Hmm, I've never really had seafood before... ehh, next time I go to a nice restaurant, I just might order some"

But yes, there are many double standards which key back into my earlier thought of how I don't think we can ever be equal, but we can at least have things overall balanced. I don't know if that makes me sound like a dick or not

*edit* that wasn't a cunnilingus joke, I was making an honest metaphor, and seafood was the first thing that came up cuz I have a MIGHTY craving for shrimp right now.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

On the topic of sexuality;

I've recently been playing the first Xchange game, and I've been pondering on something. The main character is a bloke who is changed into a girl by some magical sex-changing solution that he gets soaked with. S/he eventually ends up getting fucked by men and chooses to stay as a woman for most of the endings because s/he enjoys the feeling so much. What I've been wondering is this; even though the character is female now, s/he'd still have the mind of a man, so would that make him gay because he enjoys the feeling of being penetrated by men or would he be considered straight because he's now a woman? (lol trying to find logic in a hentai game)

I also have another question that I've been trying to answer but have had no luck; Most, if not all of us enjoy rape hentai, either in the form of tentacle rape, beast rape, human-on-human rape etc... Now, most people outside of the 'fandom' would consider this on the same line as IRL rape and that those who enjoy seeing fantasy rape must automatically get off on IRL rape. The question that I have yet to find a decent answer for is; Is fictional rape, either images, movies or prose, be as bad as IRL rape? Because after all, both form's of rape is still rape regardless of whether the person is real or not. Sure, I haven't lost any sleep over it but it's still something I've been thinking on.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

*Sits down and waits patiently for Vuki to come at Oni with psych analyzis and sosciety critic.*


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

In response to Oni...

I'd say the girl is straight. Despite having the mind of a man, she now has the biology of a woman, and that would effect thinking and such... yeah...

As for the second bit... that's a little tough. I wouldn't say its as bad. There are two ways of looking at it.
A) You are enjoying the abuse of another human being, you are a horrible horrible person etc.
B) It's purely fictional and no one is actually being harmed.

So, depending on how one looks at it determines how they will think of that particular desire.



(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Are you comparing hentai rape to watching real rape or committing rape? Because you'd be surprised how common rape fantasies are with people, both committing it and victimized by it. There's a HUGE line between fantasy and reality and anyone who tries to draw any parallels between it doesn't understand a thing about psychology or how the world works.

In terms of exchange, thats a huge debate with sexuality and why I say gender is less black and white than people assume. Do you judge gender by chromosomes, by genitalia (if so, only functioning or not), by state of mind? It's all very arguable area


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

On the topic of sexuality:

Look deeper. The reason bisexual females are more socially acceptable than bisexual males is because men are the ideal (due to religion, due to the fact that societies used to be hunter-gatherer cultures, whatever). Women who are masculine are "strong," while men who are feminine are "weak."

Keep in mind that I'm fully aware that not all gay men are effeminate and not all gay women are masculine and vice versa for straight people. It's the stereotype I'm talking about. And because of the fact that it's socially acceptable for a woman to act like a man but not the other way around, men who are effeminate stand out a LOT more. Words like "fairy" and "fag" come to mind about flamboyantly gay men, whereas I can't really think of any particular slurs about gay women.

I don't think the negative connotation is applied directly to bisexual men, only the flamboyantly bisexual men - which unfortunately is linked to the stereotype that all gay men are effeminate. If you want to be bisexual, go right ahead - but if you want to avoid the connotation, either do something about it and be one of those men who everybody is surprised to learn hits for both teams, or (my personal favorite option) just stop caring about the connotations one way or the other. So people call you a fairy. So what? It's just a word. Words can only hurt you if you let them. So your sexual status isn't socially acceptable. Who cares? You're not hurting anybody, as long as you're not one of those retarded P&P fucks. Does it really matter what everybody else thinks of you, if what you're doing makes you happy?

Once you realize the fact that people who are trying to hurt you are usually just doing they only thing they know how to do in order to cover up their own hurt, it gets a lot easier. The other people are just doing it from sheer blind ignorance - which, while frustrating, at least puts you in the cloak of safety of knowing that you're better than them and thus their opinions don't count either way.

Also, sorry if this comes off as slightly ranty. People who complain about things that are or are not socially acceptable annoy me. I mean, I understand that prejudice is a real issue and a huge problem in human society, but in most cases it's like somebody who gets all butt-hurt over somebody else's religion. Who the fuck cares what they think? The only thing that matters is what YOU think, as narcissistic as that might sound. The only time it should bother you is if you get fired or not hired due to prejudice, you know, when it endangers your livelihood. But even with that, there are almost always ways you can think positively about it. If you accept the fact that prejudice is part of the human condition and will NEVER go away (or at least not in our lifetimes), think of it like running into traffic. You can't really avoid it, it's going to happen sometimes. And if you get fired from a job because of prejudice, did you really want to be working there in the first place? Wouldn't it be in your best interests to find a different job where there is no such prejudice? And at least if you get fired and can prove it was for a prejudicial reason, you'll probably be getting quite a lot of money.

Anyway, that's why that annoys me. Feel free to disagree - I'll freely admit that I've never been discriminated against for something that wasn't just wrong - for example I've been discriminated against because the person thought I was gay when I'm not, but I've never been discriminated because of my race or gender. Which falls into the category of "plz don't talk about it when you don't know about it." *shrug*


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

On the topic of sexuality:

Look deeper. The reason bisexual females are more socially acceptable than bisexual males is because men are the ideal (due to religion, due to the fact that societies used to be hunter-gatherer cultures, whatever). Women who are masculine are "strong," while men who are feminine are "weak."

Keep in mind that I'm fully aware that not all gay men are effeminate and not all gay women are masculine and vice versa for straight people. It's the stereotype I'm talking about. And because of the fact that it's socially acceptable for a woman to act like a man but not the other way around, men who are effeminate stand out a LOT more. Words like "fairy" and "fag" come to mind about flamboyantly gay men, whereas I can't really think of any particular slurs about gay women.

I don't think the negative connotation is applied directly to bisexual men, only the flamboyantly bisexual men - which unfortunately is linked to the stereotype that all gay men are effeminate. If you want to be bisexual, go right ahead - but if you want to avoid the connotation, either do something about it and be one of those men who everybody is surprised to learn hits for both teams, or (my personal favorite option) just stop caring about the connotations one way or the other. So people call you a fairy. So what? It's just a word. Words can only hurt you if you let them. So your sexual status isn't socially acceptable. Who cares? You're not hurting anybody, as long as you're not one of those retarded P&P fucks. Does it really matter what everybody else thinks of you, if what you're doing makes you happy?

Once you realize the fact that people who are trying to hurt you are usually just doing they only thing they know how to do in order to cover up their own hurt, it gets a lot easier. The other people are just doing it from sheer blind ignorance - which, while frustrating, at least puts you in the cloak of safety of knowing that you're better than them and thus their opinions don't count either way.

Also, sorry if this comes off as slightly ranty. People who complain about things that are or are not socially acceptable annoy me. I mean, I understand that prejudice is a real issue and a huge problem in human society, but in most cases it's like somebody who gets all butt-hurt over somebody else's religion. Who the fuck cares what they think? The only thing that matters is what YOU think, as narcissistic as that might sound. The only time it should bother you is if you get fired or not hired due to prejudice, you know, when it endangers your livelihood. But even with that, there are almost always ways you can think positively about it. If you accept the fact that prejudice is part of the human condition and will NEVER go away (or at least not in our lifetimes), think of it like running into traffic. You can't really avoid it, it's going to happen sometimes. And if you get fired from a job because of prejudice, did you really want to be working there in the first place? Wouldn't it be in your best interests to find a different job where there is no such prejudice? And at least if you get fired and can prove it was for a prejudicial reason, you'll probably be getting quite a lot of money.

Anyway, that's why that annoys me. Feel free to disagree - I'll freely admit that I've never been discriminated against for something that wasn't just wrong - for example I've been discriminated against because the person thought I was gay when I'm not, but I've never been discriminated because of my race or gender. Which falls into the category of "plz don't talk about it when you don't know about it." *shrug*
That last line in your little "rant" (This is the ranting/debate thread, not the "srry bout the rant guyz" thread, don't apologize) actually brings up an entirely different debate for me. Why do people say "Well, you haven't done this, so you can't criticize it!" YES. I. FUCKING. CAN.

How do you think movie critics get paid!? It's not like Roger Ebert ever made a fucking Oscar movie, but he's STILL one of the most respected and acknowledged critics out there. You don't need to know the finer tunes of how a chair was made to say it fucking sucks when it breaks because your five year old cousin sat on it, just as I don't need to know how to direct to realize that Michael Bay or Uwe Boll are both fucking crack addict whores who need to be restrained from ever getting close to another movie ever again. Your thoughts?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, Dyke is the big word to use for gay women. However, your entire rant seems to go on about how people should jsut get over the prejudice against them. Well last I checked, homosexuals are still being savagely beaten, sometimes to death. Parents are still booting their teenage children to the street for being homosexual.

As for women being "strong" as good, well I've gotten called names and crap behind my back all the time for having muscles and being a woman, so I don't know where you got that little bit of information from. I don't let it bug me, but I'm just pointing it out.

And you know what, it fucking sucks having names thrown at your constantly. Never hearing a good word, and only being put down is pretty fucking harsh. Its easy to brush it off if it doesn't happen to you, but it sucks.

And Mo... Michael Bay is no where near as bad as Uwe Boll. Though I do agree with yer statement.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Hrm...I'm not sure how you all interpretted it, but I don't have a problem with gays. Hell, one of my best friends is gay and the other is bi, and my bro is gay too.

Anyway, the only 'prejudice' I have is whether people are useful or not. I know it may sound cruel, but it disgusts me whenever I see someone asking for money on the street. If you're not gonna go out and earn it yourself you don't deserve to have it. If you're not helping society then you're better off not living. That and the damn immigrants who come over here to work then send the money over to their goddamned country. Fucking hell, put the money back into our economy instead of pumping it into your own countries.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

technically they are pumping it back into their own families, not country. you make it sound like espionage.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That is a very sticky and hot debate. But I agree with Wolf on the matter of perspective. I guess you need to ask yourself would you actually DO it IRL or would you want someone to do the same to you? I believe (whether its right or not is another thing) that hentai is the same thing as people playing WoW or other RPGs. Do you think you're an elf or a wizard? Do you hack people with swords IRL? You just have to decide on what you YOURSELF would actually DO irl and be able to distinguish and pay mind to that thin red line. IMO anyways.

DOH! I was looking at the first page wasnt I? :eek:
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(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, at least you STARTED reading the thread. An annoying new member would have just asked "LOL WUTS GOING ON HERE"


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

We interupt your thought-provoking debating for this special announcement!



May 9, 2009
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Sorry. It had to be done.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Like I say, every problem can be solved with more demomen.

Some fucking queenbags hate demos though and actually cheat a shitload to give the soldiers kills.
I had just heard about some servers that actually have homing crit rockets on for soldiers.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Technically a demolitions man would still be a soldier... oh wait this if TF2 isn't it?

*backs away slowly*


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

oh wait this if TF2 isn't it?


- that should explain things

On a separate note: Apparently green text is very expensive
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'm taking a lot of this from a friend of mine, who I constantly drain information from him about psychology and well, theories of life; philosophy really. The point is, most of the things I talk about now I wouldn't have talked about a year ago.

So, as for this subject. Human beings are pretty much the most advanced life-forms that we know. This happens to be true because of our ability to understand, calculate, process and determine everything around us. Now initially there is a process that I would explain, but I have to keep my mouth shut until later...

Point is; humans can create whatever they want... but the process of creation depends on how that person's logic was developed. The trick to the development of logic, is that the smallest deviations can make the biggest difference when someone is thinking about something (or initially calculating).

So because of the complexity to our process of thinking, anyone can be anything.

Now, the big problem here is misunderstanding. No one will ever 100% agree on everything; there will always be at least 1 disagreement for 1 subject. However, that's if life was 100% controlled; meaning all people thought the same.

In our society today, disagreements are at large due to emotions. People are developing logic that is based around fear and hate, lust and greed. People are making choices based initially on those emotions.

Does it truthfully matter if someone is gay or not? The only reason troubles come from such segregation, is due to those lovely emotions. People are afraid of being ridiculed or whatever. Now, from what my friend tells me and because I believe it...

...There would be no reason to segregate people based on sex preference; unless it turned out to physically harm someone... as mental harm doesn't really exist (course, unless there is physical harm to the brain). Yet, when people say... "Oohhh... the sight of two gay people kissing is hurting me" ... no, they're full of shit. Now, if those two gay people had flaming hot lips that burnt you're ear because they kissed you... maybe then you have a reason. =3

So the conclusion to this debate:

Shut up...
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