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The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

After a few moments, the door was opened. A woman in a nun's habit colored red and dark red opened the door. She was young, looking to be about Aria's age. She was quite the beauty from what Aria could see but it was restrained behind the modest clothing. "A traveler? What brought you here?"
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria smiled plainly at her, bowing her head politely. Dark red habit? Did she recognize any faith that followed such attire? Still, the woman was a welcome sight. Dripping wet she paused and with a small amount of good natured embarrassment replied, "I got a bit lost in the rain and lost the main road. I was wondering if you could perhaps direct me back to it?"

She paused for a moment. "A-and if it isn't trouble, perhaps I could take shelter for a short time inside?" The young swordswoman would be quite the pitiable sight, drenched in the rain.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

The nun looked at her closely, then said "I'm sorry but if you could hand over your weapons? We've had some trouble with bandits, you see. Along with the scabbard." When she did so, the nun took out a piece of rope. Using a complex set of knots, she bound the sword to the scabbard. When Aria tested it, she found she could draw the blade but she couldn't do it very fast. After she slid it back in, Aria was admitted to the building.

The place was well shielded from the storm. The nun's name, from small talk, turned out to be Ilara. She, along with the other nuns, worshiped a spirit known as Ahael. The spirit even sent envoys occasionally to bless the nuns for their devotion. A spirit also arrived when the place was under attack, though it sometimes took some time, hence their policy on weapons. Aria didn't recognize the name. "Unfortunately, when a storm of this potency arrives, it usually lasts for several days. You are welcome to explore our home but, please, try to refrain from interrupting the other sisters. We have finished our meals for today but I can provide you with some bread and butter for tonight."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria paused, wary for a moment, she didn't do a good job hiding it from her face. "Ah, I'd give my word not to cause trouble, but I understand your hesitation." She handed it over after a moment of doubt, feeling naked the moment the blade was handed over. She let out a sigh of relief when she got it back, noting the skill the woman had with ropes.

Aria followed inside quickly, trying to do her best to ring out her hair and bits of her cloth as best as she could to keep from dripping and getting everything well. Ilara, a pretty name. The spirit known as Ahael was not one she knew, but then it wasn't that unusual to her, Aria's knowledge of the wider world was embarrassingly deficient at times that was becoming more obvious as she continued on her strange journey. Seemed pleasant enough of a spirit to worship, she gave a quiet thanks to spirit for their peoples kindness and generosity as she heard the name. "Ah, days? That is...unfortunate, is it okay if I take shelter here that long? I don't wish to be a burden or anything." The mention of food caused her stomach to growl again, which was starting to be a trend. Aria wasn't used to travelling and rationing.

"Oh of course, I will stay clear of everyone's way, is there anything that I can do to help sister? And food sounds lovely." Aria smiled and bowed her head slightly in thanks. She was rather fascinated with the place, unfamiliar with nuns and their cloisters for all that she had heard. She would accept the offer to explore as soon as she managed to change and get her clothes dried. "Is there a place I can hang my wet clothes and change?" Her backups were hopefully not soaked through, she'd hate to stretch that kindness further. With bandits being a problem it would be wise for her to keep her armor with her.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

Fortunately her backup clothes were dry enough. Ilara seemed more than happy to wait for Aria to get herself ready, including passing her a cloth she could use to dry herself off. The cloth even smelled nice, some kind of woody fragrance. She was led to the kitchen where there was a drying rack. The nun fetched some bread and butter which was surprisingly good. "We add herbs to much of our food. We grow them in a small garden we keep indoors."

"Tomorrow morning I shall introduce you to my sisters. There are chores aplenty to be done, especially with the rain. Certain areas flood."

Aria slept peacefully, though once she awoke to the sound of footsteps. They passed near her bed and looking outside, Aria saw a barefooted nun holding an ornate staff turning the corner. Aria didn't get a good look at her but the day had worn her out and she soon retreated back to the bed.

The next morning she found that the rain was, if it could be, even worse. The wind howled and occasionally rattled the windows. If the sun was up it didn't show. Ilara had just entered the room when Aria woke up. "Ah, good, you are awake. Come with me, please." As she moved through the building, Aria heard an enchanting melody that would have drawn her through the building, even if Ilara wasn't leading her.

She was led to a small room next to the kitchen. It held a table that was just large enough to seat everyone. Ilara introduced the other two nuns. Mother Aspia, who, when standing, towered over everyone else. She wasn't human, with a blackish cast to her skin. Her hood was down so she could see the pointed ears of an elf. The other, Sister Habi, was obviously non-human as well, but it wasn't that she lacked human features. She was just too beautiful to be a simple human. It was she that was singing the song of beauty that would probably linger in Aria's mind for some time to come.

Aspia was still eating her meal but Habi had finished. Aspia looked at Aria, looked her over, and nodded. "She seems safe. Ilara, you will not be punished." To Aria she said "Please, sit, eat. Ahael's envoy has provided us this food so that we may continue our work. You are to join us in that today."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria was glad for her good fortune, making sure to dry herself quickly and get her clothes somewhere they could dry off properly. She followed along, doing her best to appear as grateful as possible for the Sister's incredible generosity. "Ah, well it's incredible, you guys do a really great job bringing out the flavors of the simple meal," she praised.

"I'll be happy to help out with those chores as long as I am here, if you'll have me of course." She liked the idea of meeting the other sisters, finding company had been a welcome salve for the weariness that travelling had given her.

She slept better than she had in awhile, stirred by the passing footsteps. "Mmm...?" she managed, but the figure did not seem terribly interested in her, and remembering her promise to stay out of the way she gratefully slipped back into her peaceful slumber. When she finally stirred she noted with surprise how the rain had held up, even growing harder. This was insane! Would she really be stuck here for days? Well, it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened she decided. The people seemed friendly enough. "Oh, okay, good morning to you Ilara," she noted cheerily as she dutifully as she followed.

She found herself drawn by the melody. "W-wow, who is that? Their voice is beautiful, I've never heard anyone sing so well..." she hummed along quietly to the melody as she went to the kitchen. Aria realized she would have her chance to meet them personally as she merged through into the dining area. She bowed her head politely to the other nuns, finding her gaze locked on Sister Habi for a long moment. Aria had never seen anyone so beautiful, she found herself lost for a moment amidst her beautiful features and her even more haunting voice.

She snapped out of it as Aspia looked over to her. "A-ah, I had no idea," she said quickly realizing that Ilara had taken a risk on her. "I-I promise on my honor that I will cause you and the sisters no trouble at all. I have been given nothing but kindness since I have arrived and will endeavor to return that favor." She smiled gratefully. Ahael's envoy? Wow. She'd never met such strange people, an elf once or twice, strange travelers she never had a chance to speak with who happened upon their village was among the most exotic people she'd met and it was a very rare occurrence. She took a seat and gave quiet thanks to the spirits, including Ahael and the sisters as she began to eat. "O-oh! I forgot. My name is Aria. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, thank you, for the food and the kindness." And the enchanting melody. She could listen to that beautiful voice all day.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

And listen she did. She was given chores to do by Aspia while the nuns were doing their own work. All three of them took it in turns to disappear into the basement. That was where they kept their holy idols and they were not for outsiders to see. Even while Habi was down there, she could hear the song, as if echoing through the halls. It never seemed to get any louder or any quieter, despite the distance, but Aria found she really didn't care. She was sent out to check on the windows and make sure they were fitted correctly. It was an arduous task that took ages because of the height of the windows.

Aria had just finished one of the windows, banging the frame in place with a mallet she had been given, when she got down the ladder and turned around to see Habi behind her, completely nude. Before Aria could react, Habi leaned forward and kissed Aria and now Aria could feel the song thrumming through her body. She dropped the mallet to the ground and barely noticed Habi removing her clothing. Her eyes closed and she felt the bliss of Habi's embrace and then...

She blinked. The mallet was in her hand, she was clothed, and Habi was nowhere to be seen. The halls were quiet. Ilara, who was passing by, putting the clean linens back on the beds, saw Aria. "Hello, Aria, you aren't finding the task too difficult, are you? You looked flushed."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria did not insist or intrude on their holy works, doing her best to keep respectful of their wishes. She moved carefully from window to window, it was hard work but she did her best to keep the memory of the song, or its sounds in her mind to keep in good spirits. Up and down, again and again, she was actually getting a rather good workout, but she at least felt like she was repaying them for their kindness so she didn't complain too much, although she was certainly hoping to be done as soon as possible. "A-ah, Habi...?" She paused feeling herself freeze in shock as her eyes glanced over her body. When her lips felt Habi her eyes closed, there was no thought or consideration she simply melted into the embrace without a second thought. Some distant part of her brain warned her but she didn't listen, couldn't. She was powerless...

She wasn't even sure when the mellet dropped to the ground, only dimly aware as her clothes were slipped free.

She blinked again and it was over. "H-huhn?" She turned to Ilara as if breaking from a daydream. What? Aria looked around suddenly but she was untouched, Habi was nowhere to be seen. Had any obvious time passed?

"Uhm...?" Oh right Ilara was talking to her. She swallowed nervously and turned to her, rubbing her head as she tried to put it past her mind. "No, it's fine, a little tricky but it needs to be done, and I'm happy to help..."

She flushed again, thinking on what had happened against her wishes. "Uhm, you haven't seen sister Habi, have you? I could have sworn she was nearby..." Free of whatever spell she was wonder a faint worry had wormed its way into her stomach filling her with unease. Was there some danger here? It had all seemed so pleasant...and yet the monsters at the village had promised the same.

"I should get back to work, sorry to keep you."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

"Sister Habi? She's tending to the garden at the moment. She's taken a vow of silence, you know. Her melody is in praise of Ahael but she speaks not a word. It is enchanting nonetheless but I'm sure you know that."

Unfortunately for Aria, it was hard to tell if time had passed. Without the sun, the only way she could have told was if the candles had been melted farther down but she hadn't been paying attention and she had no way of telling that.

The rest of the work went smoothly. Aspia appeared a few times to supervise her, always finding something that Aria had missed, but she never seemed to be impatient, only stern. She was about halfway done when they stopped to eat lunch. They were served a cup of tea along with their bread. The tea had been sweetened with honey. Several times, out of the corner of her eye, Aria saw Habi watching her though when she turned, Habi was occupied with her meal.

By the time the candles had were down to stubs, Aria had finished her task. Another meal was taken, then it was time for bed. When she was in bed, she heard the singing again, lulling her to sleep...

When she woke, Habi was there again, nude once more. She leaned over and put a breast in front of Aria's face. Aria obediently began suckling and tasted the sweet, smooth milk coming out... Aria woke up. The storm continued but there was a little less cloud cover so there was some sunlight at least. Aria's door was open and Ilara was standing there. "I was about to call you for breakfast but... you look flushed again. Are you feeling ill?"
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"A vow of silence? Wow, that..." she wasn't exactly what she might call a motormouth but Aria couldn't imagine taking a vow of silence. "She cannot speak at all? I couldn't imagine doing something like that." Aria nodded, silent and a little embarrassed acknowledging that she indeed found the melody enchanting.

There was something peaceful about the long work with little sense of the passage of time. She fell into a rhythm, allowing the simple process of her relatively mindless task to direct her. Aspia's criticisms were received with simple apology and immediate correction. Aria was determined to make herself appear as a diligent hard worker, her honor demanded as much in response for their kindness. When lunch occurred Aria was all too happy to take a break, but found herself flustered with the sight of Habi again. She kept her eyes on her food, returning conversation politely but mostly focusing on the meal, hoping they'd take it without a sign of disrespect. The tea and food was delicious and she made sure to eat and drink what she had been provided and then she was back to work. The task had taken most of her day, followed by another quick meal and with the exhaustion of a hard days work, probably harder than she'd worked in her entire life, she was happy to return to bed.

There was a satisfaction in doing a hard days work, simple food, with pleasant enough company. The only problem seemed to be what she had decided was an odd fantasy, possibly due to whatever effect her encounter in the village lingered. That's what must have happened she decided and resolved to perhaps apologize or perhaps be more friendly with the silent Sister in the future.

She fell asleep instantly.

Habi was there and Aria couldn't help but accept what was offered. It would be rude not to...right? Habi had practically ordered her to and so she leaned forward and suckled gently on the breast, shivering in delight as she tasted the sweet smooth milk...

And then awoke. She looked around, startled by the sudden wake up call. "Ilara...?" She rubbed her eyes to make sure, sitting up as she rubbed her forehead. "A-ah, no I'm fine. I don't feel ill...at least." She brushed her burning cheeks, wishing that they would calm down to hide her embarrassment. "I've just been having...ah, just strange dreams I think, must have dozed off earlier too. I apologize," she tried to turn the subject somewhat more innocent. "Must not be used to the hard work like the rest of you. I must admit that it is quite satisfying none the less."

Just odd dreams right? She wasn't sure though, and the worry had begun to remount. The act of suckling at the breast like some nursing baby repulsed and embarrassed her, but in the dream it had seemed natural, even alluring in its own right.

What was happening to her?
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

It was perhaps a little comforting that Habi wasn't at the table when they arrived. Ilara explained "The rain caused some flooding down below. Habi's in charge of making sure nothing is damaged and it's a full time job." Aspia nodded "She is a very devout follower of Ahael. Miss North, today I am going to have to ask you to get wet, unfortunately. To the north is a cave where we store perishables. The cave is naturally cold, close to freezing. You need to retrieve some of the meat we stored there. A few pounds, nothing more.." She pushed a compass onto the table. "We are prepared for situations such as these. Please remember to head north exactly. I don't wish you to get lost."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

It was a small comfort, but more than worrying, she desperately wanted answers, no so naive as to chalk it up to chance. She'd never had such thoughts about...anyone let alone another girl before until that slime. And while it didn't feel quite linked it had to be related somehow. Still, she had promised to help out the sister and she would. "Oh, of course, how far is it?" Close to freezing, that was worrying, Aria didn't like the cold. "I'll head out immediately, is there anything I should watch for?"

With a simple nod, she took the compass, making sure she knew how to use this particular one before setting out for the cave, heading exactly north and making sure to make her way so she did not get lost. She wanted to make sure she could come back if she got off the path somehow.

At least it wasn't scrubbing the floors. She undid the knot on her blade hilt, or asked the sister to when she headed out.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

Ilara undid the knot and provided a stone that gave off warmth. It was nice, like settling under a blanket during a cold night. She also gave her a waterproof cloak. It was a bit small but it would manage.

Aria became glad for the compass. The rain and fog made it impossible to see more than fifty feet in front of her. Luckily, there were also markers. Made Aria curious about how often this happened. She found the cave after what felt like hours. It was cold to be sure but the stone managed to fight it enough for Aria to retrieve the food without too much discomfort.

On her way back, Aria became convinced someone was following her. Twice she spun around, only to see water. The second time she turned around, a mass of water had appeared before her. It was in the shape of Ilara, completely nude. It tilted its head, as if unsure at what to do with Aria.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria set the cloak over her and her supplies to keep out the rain, keeping the stone close to her to keep in the warmth as best she could. Did little for her legs but then there wasn't much she could do for that. She followed the markers carefully, growing worried whenever she went too long without a marker. Still the trip and the cave went without incident but on the way back she paused, sure someone was after her.

"Who is out there," she called out firmly, hand dropping to the hilt of her sword. She spun on her heel, feeling a presence somewhere behind, her blade was half drawn as she went. "Ilara...?" She froze and took a half step back, not replacing the blade in its scabbard. "H-how are you doing this?" Had she turned into this? Some twist of magic provided by her lord? Was it a monster stealing her form? With no indication either way the young swordwoman couldn't decide to pull her blade free. "What is it you want...?"
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

The water Ilara stepped forward, opening its arms and beckoning Aria closer. It closed on her but Aria was able to step away at the same rate. It wasn't moving particularly fast. But each step Aria took seemed to be harder. A quick look down revealed the water was sticking to her feet, like paste. Then she must have stepped in some kind of hole she hadn't noticed because she was stuck, one leg completely submerged. Hands rubbed up and down her calves and the water crept up her legs, towards her pussy. The water was warm, everything was warm. The blade fell from her hand, where it began hissing, as the water attempted to extinguish the white flame. She began sinking, deeper and deeper into this warm water...

Aria stood at the entrance of the church. Her legs were wet and not only with water. Ilara ushered her in and retied the knot. She thanked Aria and took the meat, leaving Aria at the doorstep.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"What are you doing...!?" she exclaimed as Ilara advanced on her. Could it speak? Was she being overly cautious? She considered it until each step held her fast, holding her still. "A-ah! No! No no no!" she cried out, the feeling was almost exactly the same, that same thought she found her mind drifting too when she was distracted, falling deeper into the pit, feeling the warmth slide higher along her body, the bare contact of flesh made electric and satisfying. She dropped her sword? No! That couldn't be! She would never surrender to this! Never! Wake up! Wake up!

She blinked, feeling suddenly dazed as she stepped inside. "H-huhn?" She watched as Ilara bade a retreat from her and stood by the entrance along soaking wet. She didn't move, for several long moments she tried to figure out what was happening to her, her sword, she reached for it to make sure it was at her waist then silently moved to her room to change. There was no denying it now, something was happening to her. Now she had to decide if it was worth trying to find out, or slipping away...and yet, how could she possible find her way home? She'd wind up lost...somewhere, and in the rain she might freeze to death.

After she changed, she did her best to calm her body down as well, wishing she could steal a bath or something, but unsure she could trust it. The flooded chambers...could it be tied to the magic she encountered? Was it all Habi?

She looked to her blade and drew it quietly, running a hand along its surface. If only there was someone here to give her guidance, to let her know what was happening to her. She quickly put the blade away and set to return to where she was expected. If she appeared suspicious she would surely be in greater peril.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 28/34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

The sword briefly lit up, the char burning bright white. It didn't harm her but it was very startling. Then it stopped as suddenly as it began. Maybe it was a sign? On the other hand, if it was one, it wasn't very helpful. She also felt the drain. It was a very inconsiderate weapon.

During dinner, Habi reappeared. Apparently she had managed to fix the leak. Ilara chatted with Aria, explaining how she had made their meal, which was a stew. It wasn't quite as tasty as Rishia's stew but it hit the spot and warmed her up after her experiences in the rain.

That night, for the first time, Aria didn't sleep peacefully. She tossed and turned. Then she awoke to find Aspia looming over her. Before she could say anything, Aspia's hand latched onto Aria's face. Aria's struggles were in vain, the woman had a grip of iron. With her other hand, she removed Aria's lower clothing with a single motion. Then she plunged two fingers into Aria. With a start, Aria realized she was sopping wet. With cold efficiency, Aspia brought Aria to a climax and the rain blew through the window onto Aria's face.

The rain? Aria looked about. Unsurprisingly but unfortunately, Aspia wasn't there. The window had been blow open and rain was coming through. Aspia came by moments later with the ladder and quickly fixed the window. She turned around to stare (or glare) at Aria. "You missed a spot, Miss North." She was just as intimidating as she had been in Aria's (vision? memory?) dream. Her body began to react and Aria wasn't sure whether Aspia was about to repeat(?) the process but she left without a word, carrying the ladder back.

The rain had not abated and the mist was just as thick. Aria began wondering if it was ever going to stop. After breakfast Ilara took Aria aside "Well, you've been here a few days and you've seen everything guests are allowed to see. Do you have any questions?"
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria let out a quiet gasp as the blade lit up. "A-ah...t-thank you," it was brief and a bit tiring but in truth Aria needed that kind of affirmation, the cloister had taken a sinister turn and it was nice to know that, even if it was a hunk of strange metal, that she had an ally on her side. Aria turned her gaze to Habi, in spite of her beauty Aria had begun to associate it with the risk it represented. Dangerous and beautiful, she was still struck by the melody, still found herself humming and thinking about it frequently but she had marshaled her wits to stay on guard around her.

She returned the chatter peacefully, making notes on the recipe to see if she could repeat it. It made her think of Rishia, how she wished she had that girl here at her side, maybe together they would have figured out this strange place together. She did her best to try to get directions for when the rain led up, if she had to flee it would be wise to know which way to do it.

She excused herself somewhat early and turned to bed, but rightfully didn't have an easy time sleeping, fearful of what strange thing might happen to her that night. She felt trapped, the strange lands were a danger to her, and the rain as potent as any foreboding wall. Had she been drawn here? Lured? Was it all in her head? Was this what the world outside her village was like? Oh how she longed for the simpler quieter days she once knew.

She awoke with a start, gasping as he head was clutched tight. "W-what are you doing! Stop! STOP!" she cried out, swinging wildly but ineffectually to free herself as he pants were stripped efficiently off. "Please don't!" She let out a groan as she was penetrated and shuddered going bright red with the embarrassment that her body had betrayed her once again. She still tried to fight but it was too much, she had been completely dominated by the force of the woman and it wasn't long before her shameful cries were one of reluctant pleasure. The act of resisting seeming to have only heightened the sensation.

Wait the rain? Aria blinked realizing it had been another of her mad 'visions' and she sat up with a start. She stared blankly at the towering intimidating figure feeling a warmth spread throughout her, a silent desire inspired by the dream and pleasure she had 'felt' moments prior. Helpless, she was helpless of course, the woman could do whatever she wanted to her. She hated herself in that moment, felt her body was alien to her as she fought against the feelings. No, this was no dream, she could fight if it came to that, she wouldn't be helpless like that.

She left leaving her with her burning shameful body. She almost felt the desire to quietly pleasure herself, wondering if that relief would cause these strange visions to abate, but her honor refused. She eventually dragged herself to breakfast, glancing to Ilara as she was taken aside. "Oh? Questions?" She wanted to open up but was fearful she would just embarrass herself. "In truth I know so little, about your customs and your worship. Could you tell me more about the spirit your worship perhaps? I swear I would not reveal anything secret, but I find myself curious about your worship as well, and the way you go about it..."

Perhaps without revealing her hand she could find the answers she sought.
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Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 28/34, EP = 34, CP= 77 Status: Fine

"You want to know about Ahael?" Ilara seemed thrilled. "Well, he's a protector of women and a fertility god. He believes that every being on our world could get along if they reveled in food and friendship and other base desires. Family is very important to him as well. Large families, in particular." She looks somewhat sad "As nuns, we cannot follow that dictate and must preserve ourselves but it is for the good of the world." She shakes her head, getting herself back on track.

"We have also armed ourselves against the great menace, the aliens. He has blessed us with prayers to drive back the creatures. Just a week ago, we were alerted to one skulking around the edges. We whispered for Ahael's blessings and his envoy arrived and slew it promptly."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria nodded earnestly and then the mystery began to find answers in her words. "Oh...oh!" Protector of women...fertility. Could that possibly explain those strange visions she was having? Was it perhaps the work of a well meaning spirit or the influence of that worship? Huhn, she'd heard bawdy stories of it. The information did well to relax her a bit better, even as she went silent and got a little embarrassed by the believes. Base desires, large families? "O-oh I see. That makes sense then," she said for no real reason. "You are all celibate?" They didn't seem to be the most celibate, but then perhaps that was her strange mysterious visions fault more than anything they had done. Aria herself had no interest in the 'family-life' she was no wife to be won, not content playing house-wife. She'd always dreamed of being a known name, a great hero praised for her many deeds, honored for her goodness.

"The alien menace? You have prayers to fight them?" Aria perked up her interest at that. "I know that I am an outsider, but, we share a common enemy. I have tasked myself with rooting out those beasts and protecting people from them. They destroyed my home..." she paused for a moment caught in sad recollection. "I mean, is there anyway that I could perhaps speak...or gain his blessing to that end?"

She decided to come out with it. "Oh I've been having strange...visions lately. I-is that common around here? Nothing prophetic! Just...bizarre day dreams." She would refuse to go into further detail, blushing faintly that she had brought it up.