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Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

15 vs 12 hit
11 vs 15 monster hit
19 vs 12
9 vs 3 hit
18 vs 14

Sylvia goes direct to the wond beast, her sharp weapons soon cause a deep wound on the creature, but this fight was far away to e easy. The other wolf soon avenge his foe with a bite in the human leg who dont stop her to cut once again at the chest of the creature, with all that blood lost the mammal fall dead on the floor, she now was facing a beast, looks like the luck was at her side, but easy this fight could end bad for her.

Sylvia 2/4
Wolf 0
Wolf 2
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Having killed one of the wolves Sylvia turns to the other one getting back in her defensive position and waits for the wolf to attack.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

18 vs 13 defend herself
23 vs 14 defend herself
18 vs 14 defend herself
9 vs 9 defend herself
17 vs 9 defend herself
17 vs 2 counter
25 vs 7 counter

With her full attention on protect herself of the creature, Sylvia stay away of any possible wound, her body dodge with grace the bites and tackles, many were the wolf's attempts to hurt her, but after a while the creaure body get tired and slower, until the point where Sylvia was able to cut him in a counterattack.

The creature was in a fatal ondition, more dead than alive and the woman just cut in a vital point when the creature tried to wound her again. Now with two wolve dead, the young woman must decide what to do now after a little rest.

5/5 ap 0
H 85 W 100
Corruption 9
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Having defeated the wolf Sylvia decides to follow the river some more.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Leaving the deadly bodies of the wolves, the adventurer get deeper at the forest following the river, she soon notice than it was not a good idea when a strange trap get ativated, a whole group of vines get activated and suddenly she get hit by a dart at her neck, there was not a way to know what kind of potion it contain and she was in middle of the forest without knw if she could activate other trap. Suddenly she smell a little of smoke coming from the distance, maybe she could find someone living on the forest or at least an antidote.

Sylvia (???)
5/5 ap 0
H 85 W 100
Corruption 9
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After getting hit by the dart Sylvia quickly wants to know what was in it, suddenly she smells some smoke and tries to get to it following her nose and and by means of the trees she tries to be on the ground as least as possible to have a less chance of activating a trap
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Using the trees, Sylvia manage to avoid any other trap, however she starter to feel herself weird and a little clumpsy in her moves, just then after some minutes she manage to see a little wood house in middle of the forest, around there were some tools used to cut trees and even it have a chimney, the house have a window and a wood door.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Seeing the house and the cutting tools Sylvia knows whatever lives in there has to be an inteligent being whether or not it's a human, so she decides it is best not to try and peek throught the window but instead gently knock on the door.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Unfortunately for Sylvia the door was close and the person who lives there looks to dont be inside for the moment, her attempt to look inside was also in vain as a long curtain negate any view from the inside of the house. All this looks strange and maybe the person could still be inside but very busy to answer to her.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Not getting any answer Sylvia decides to try opening the door to see if anyone is inside.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The young adventurer dont have any problem to open the door using her skills, she made a quick peek but she was unnable to see anything unusual and then just when she get inside a net fall on her, but it was not a normal net and soon it press at her bod until she was unnable to move, no doubt than the net was inbued wwith a strange spell than looks to give it life.

Her noises soon call the attention of a strange guardian, a slime like creature who fall close her and then start to move toward her neither, touching and licking the zone.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Being trapped by the net and the weird slime touching her was something Sylvia didn't realy appriciate and she quickly started to try to move even if it only was rolling over.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Sylvia attempts to get free are in vain, as she can start to feel how the net get more pressed against her body with each struggle, at least the creature looks to dont try something more on her, but soon she start to feel her body turn wet without any motive.

ap 2
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Thinking that it's probebly the net what makes her aroused Sylvia tries even harder to get free.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Any attempt to get free looks to be futile and soon the net press her the enought to have her breasts and neither grappled by the living object, at least the young slime remain peacefully touching her lower lips as they for some unknown reason start to get wet with her own juices

ap 3
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Seeing as stuggeling doesn't work Sylvia tries a new tactic of not trying to move at all, maybe the net reacts to movement or something.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Just when she stop of struggle, the net dont move anymore, Sylvia made a little sight of relief, but soon this get interrupted when the sslime stat to caress her neither in a more quick motion, soon her clothes started to melt and her arousement looks to dont stop, what is turning on was not the net, but something else.

ap 5
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Finaly having the net to stop moving Sylvia rests for a moment, just to find out the slime begins to take more action. Not wanting to be a play toy for the slime she decides to try to use her knife to cut the net knowing that there isn't any other way it would let her go.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

With her dagger and one hand sword, Sylvia manage to get free of the odd net, even the slime get stunned by the sudden tactic change from the woman. Now with only the slime in her way, Sylvia can fight or try to escape.

ap 5
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Finaly getting free from the net Sylvia's next thought is to get revenge on the slime for melting her clothes away and starts to attack it.