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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Sylvia
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Dodger
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
She thinks a lot has very much patience which makes it possible for her to handle unexpected situations more easily in stead of freaking her out, however also making it possible to for her to get caught in her thought to much which makes her lose focus on the situation sometimes.

After leave her car in the parking lot close the huge building, Sylvia take a moment to see the huge building at her side, she nearly cant believe than she was one of the few testers selected to play this new game, the blue haired girl had heared some stories about what kind of game is and this had made her get more curiose instead of making her avoid her chance to play it.

Her throughts are ended once she walk toward the glass door and soon she notice a brown haired young man in a lab coat. Welcome to Chamber Corp, Miss Sylvia. The man said after check some archive papers on his hand, maybe with all the data than Sylvia give to try to be selected. Please follow me, we were waiting for you for a time. The man looks to be kind and more mature than someone of his age, no doubt than Sylvia could pass a time talking with him about this new game, but soon they reached the place where her machine remain, ready to be used. It have a oval shape and from the opening door she can see a panel and some buttons, her attempts to talk were cut once she notice than the scientist was ready to help her to get inside her machine.

Of course than they have time to talk, but after sattle her doubts, she get inside the machine and in a mometn the machine was turned on making her look a screen with some options
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futanari option? Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bimbofication Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After dubble checking if she locked her car Sylvia turned to the building soon to notice the size of it. Wondering why she was only one of the few testers of this new game where almost anything could happen while the building was so huge.

When she suddenly noticed door of the building almost being to close and thought it was best te just accept the fact that she was one of the testers and concentrate on what was happening in front of her. When she is inside she notices a young man in a lab coat coming at her greeting her and asking her to follow him before she could answer. She hoped to have a little chat with him about the game a bit before entering it but noticed the man wasn't interested in talking. After the man helped her in her oval shaped machine and soon it was stared up and she got a screen of options.

she thought for a moment and then began entering her answers

Humans: Y 4
Male/Female: Y 4
Female/Female: Y 2
Futanari option? Y
Pregnancy: Y 3
Birthing: Y 1
Non Consentual Sex: Y 4
Slavery: N
Corruption: Y 2
Bimbofication: N
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y 2
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 4
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y 4
Roughness: 2/3

having trouble with some options it took her a while to complete the list. But when she was finaly done she nicely waited for the next thing she had to do.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Just when Sylvia end to answer the last question, other screen appear.

Difficulty (?): Easy | Normal | Hard | Insanity

Finally there were a last option to answer

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)

Pleasure Island(?)
Bizarre Dimension(?)
Corrupted Temple(?)

________(?) (Something else?)
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

when seeing the next screen she automatticly chose Normal

looking over the level selection she eventually chose Pleasure Island and waited for the game to load while readying herself in case the was a fight right at the beginning
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

When the tester ended to choice her last option, all started to get covered by a deep darkness until she cant even see her nose, all was silent and quiet until she heard some seabirds singing some feets away of her, just then she notice than she have the eyes closed and when she open them a intense light blind her for an instant.

After recover her vision she reached to see than she was resting over an hammock, her sight then get placed on the whole tipi where she rest. the floor was just sand and she could see a desk in the middle of the room, a wooden door was closed at her left and some shelf were at her right over a huge chest near opened, over the desk were some papers and a bag with fruits were at the south.

She started to see her body and notice than it was slightly different than before, she was wearing only a swimwear of a navy color and soon a little growl in her stomach said her than she was hungry.

This game will be more real than others, you will have a health bar who will represent your hungry and water need, of course than you can live without check them for a time, but if you reach a 25/100 in any of them, your rolls in a fight will drop with a -2, but if both are at 100 you get a +1. As you choice dodge, you cant start with a weapon, but maybe you could find one around or buy it if you find a town, also you can get magics (wonder if i should do the others threads like this) If you want to add other status said it in a pm and i will try to place it.

hp 4/4
ap 0/10
hungry 50/100 water 50/100
unnarmed +dodge skill
PS: You want to he a corption bar to?
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

suddenly Sylvia's vision turned black and she soon began to hear sea noises. After listening for a moments she notices her eyes where shut and when she wanted to open they got closed again right away due to a blindening light.

When she was finaly able to open her eyes she soon noticed the tipi she was in and the furniture in it, and as soon as she saw the bag with fruits she grabbed it making shure she could take stuff while exploring. after securing the bag on her back she looked at the papers on the desk.

After studying the she took a look at her body noticing she whore different clothes, but she couldn't think about it to much because her stomach began to growl. She ate a fruit from the bag en decided there wasn't much left to do here for the moment so she decided to look for some supplies because she couldn't see any kind of water.

can't think of any other status i would like to see right now so like it is now is ok and yes i would like to be able to see a corruption bar
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Looking at the papers over the desk, Sylvia notice a map about a unknown cave an hour of distance of where she was, that cave was in middle of a forest. Also she have notes of an old boat resting in the shore, but nothing more were write in the map, maybe she could use it to make notes.

With her belly nearly empty, she take one of the most juicy fruits on her bagfood, it taste a little passed of time, but it was not nearly close to be rotten, maybe her fruit will resist two days more before get spoil.

Now with her stomach settled, the bluehaired girl leave her hideout and started her adventure. She was over a hill, some feets away of the coast, her barefoot feets could feel a little of the hot sand.

The view should be very beautifull at the dawn, but it was not the time to lost her time. Without tools or weapons she will be in serious danger if she get too deep at the forest, but soon she notice a path between the grass than lead to a place with high trees and round rocks, she could search there or take the cave or the old boat.

ap 0
F 95/100 W 65/100
Corruption lv1 0/100
[these status cant be seen by your character]
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

When coming outside Sylvia she saw the forest with somewhere the cave in it and a path to some bigger trees and a coast with behind it a beautiful view of the horizon.

After looking at all 3 directions carefully she decided it was to dangereous to go in the forrest without any weapons or tools. So she decided to go to where the ship should be while hoping there where some useable left in it.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Without waste time, Sylvia move toward the disused ship, the trip was not so long and the travel toward it was out of problems until suddenly she notice a rock than suddenly moves to eat a lonely crab, maybe its was just her imagination or really was something hidden bellow the mysterious rock who reach her thigh-height.

She could try to go around, from a rock field or go a little inside the sea. Or just run at full speed in an attempt to dodge the creature
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

not shure what the creature is and not wanting to find out Sylvia decided it was best to see if her freerunning skills from a few years ago where still as good as they where and she tryed to dodge past it.

While running she started to jump from rock to rock hoping to confuse the creature for an easyer passage
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Just after decide, Sylvia decide to use her speed skills than she earn after years of training, she even avoid get hurt by the rocks, as she use them to avoid the strange creature. She then run away a time more and then turn behind her to see the creature in the same place, maybe her quick stalker moves avoid completely to call his attention.

No doubt than she could escape from at least 5 more monsters in that way without get completely tired. From there her path was free of creatures and after nearly 20 minutes below the sun, she notice a stranded broken ship, her eyes spot a pair of skeletons resting on the beach, their rusty weapons were useless now and even their clothes were just useless rags, maybe the wild creatures eaten their bodies and let the rest of them to rot in the sun.

Sylvia was all sweaty after her walk, but still feel than she could resist more before need to drink something. Her eyes turn to see a big hole in the ship than could be used as a entrance and a rope stair hanging from the deck, she was unable to notice if there were more monsters, so she must maybe choice right to avoid any surprise.

ap 0
F 85/100 W 45/100
Corruption lv1 0/100
which is your first lenguage?
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Noticing she still had some skill Sylvia walked eagerly for the rest of the way to the ship.

When she saw the skeletons and the rope stairs she was disappointed to see there was nothing she could use.

Looking at the big hole in the ship she didn't realy trust it and decided to take the stairs. But before she started climbing she some of the bones of the skelletons to check for monsters. After climbing almost to the top of the ladder she trew one of the bones on deck and waited to listen if she could hear anything move. If yes she climbs down (if possible) and tries what happens when she trows a bone in the hole, if no she climbs on deck.

my first language is dutch, what's yours?
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

A little sick, she take the femur and the right hand from one of them, unfortunately there were a little remains of meat and even when the salt of the beach made a good job to dry them, she still could smell a little odd smell.

Luckily the stair resist her weight and then she through one of the bones and wait


After a moment she get up at the deck, as all looks to be safe, she soon notice some sea birds eating something in the floor, maybe some human rests or ... oh its the bone than you throw a moment later, Her sight notice than she could check the cabin or a trap floor who looks to be the hatch, unfortunately she cant find any useful at the deck, except a rope close some holes in the floor

ap 0
F 85/100 W 45/100
Corruption lv1 0/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

As Sylvia sees the rope she want to get it but to make shure there isn't anything going to grab her as soon as she comes to close she scares the birds away and uses the bone again, this time to trow it into the hole closest to the rope. If nothing happens taking the rope and otherwise leaving it be.

She then decides to check the cabin but first she tries to find a window where she can look through into the cabin to check for anything supsisious.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The sudden quick moves from the bikini girl, make the birds fly away, leaving a more clean bone than before Sylvia throw a moment ago. Then she throw the bone once again aiming to one of the holes close the rope, the bone hit the floor and then bounce a last time before fall from the other side of the deck. All looks safe and this cause her to go to get the rope, suddenly a great fuss call her attention when she have the rope with her both hands. The birds from before returned and started to peck her until her struggle make her fall when the floor break below her.

After a scream and a soft fall on a old hammock, who broke and cause her to fall on the floor, Sylvia looks herself on a new room, with some webs at the corners, a chest closed and at least 5 wooden boxes, there were also a nearly closed wooden barrel at a side of a door. there were also others 4 hammocks and a male shirt full of dust on the floor. Finally she could heard the noise of the waves hitting the ship and the noisy birds at the deck.

ap 0
F 83/100 W 42/100
Corruption lv1 0/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After getting up and cursing at the birds for a moment Sylvia looks around and when she sees all the potentional loot containers she can't resist trying to open them, first taking the male shirt she starts at the chest and after that tries all the crates ending with the barrel by the door.

After opening the ones which are possible to open and taking the usefull loot she goes through the door (not being cautious this time cause there is no other way to go)
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After take away the ust of the shirt, Sylvia move to open the first boxe, easily she move away the lid and she look inside. There were a photo of the sailor and his family, as also some notes and a little knife to open letters, there were also a male underwear and some socks who looks like were clean.

Expecting to find something better, Sylvia moves to the next box, but suddenly something like a big snake behind the crate jump at her, the creature tried to wrap her andunly succed on torn a little the male shirt on her.

creature ??

Silvia 4/4
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

just in time jumping away from the snake like creature she manages to be unharmed however seeing as it still hides behind the crate she decides to back up some more to the most open space in the room readying her letter knife for the upcomming attack. While trying to analise how the creature moves to make it easyer to dodge its attacks and looking for spots to make freerunning attacks. However she soon sees this room is to small for that and has to settle for dodging and attacking
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

19 vs 1 critical Sylvia wins
14 vs 1 Syilvia dodge

10 vs 11 Sy miss
7 vs 9 Monster hit

With the time enough to focus in her next move, Sylvia wait for the right moment to hit and evade the creature counterattack. Her eyes stay looking at the creature and just when this slide toward her, she wait to the right moment to evade the monster attack and cause a serious wound close his head, the creature screech and recoil for an instant, the blue haired girl tried to attack now than it was weak, but in a quick move the snake like creature jump away the danger and fall close her left side, without waste any time the monster attack her and with a sudden move it rip apart her old shirt and even hit her in a side to push her away.

creature 2/4

Silvia 3/4

miss to reduce your hp
Last edited:
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

When being pushed Sylvia quickly reacts by making a sideways summersalt to end on her feet and trying making some distance between them again to make it easyer to see the next move of the creature. readying herself for to do a dodge hit move again.