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Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The blue haired girl decide to sattle her needs first, or she could feel sick if she dont eat something soon. Her attempts to cast a fire were taking a little of more effort than she expected, but as always she take this as a challenge and stop until she succeed in her job. As she wait for the meat to be ready, her eyes turn to the fruit on her bag, with all the exercise made today the fruit juice just taste delicious and soon she dry both of the fruits than she take to calm herself a little until the principal dish get ready.

When she started to prepare her bag, a great yet also ironical surprise occur when Sylvia opened the tiki chest, who was a little of the medium size reaching nearly the 3/5 height of her desk, a very used one hand sword was resting at a side of the chest, ready to had being taken from the start of her game, this weapon could e useful until get a better one or at least a different one than Sylvia could like more, if she reach to find a town or at least a merchant.

The map looks o say than something really great was hidden at the cave, maybe the treasure of the people of the ship or something like that. The map was in code and after check the books she could notice than they could help her to solve the code from the map, as also the little treasure chest who have a little lock with four numbers, she could need to read a pair of books until get the answer but that will be all what she could do before the night come.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Seeing the sword in the chest Sylvia slams herself to the head for not checking it in the first place but then takes it now having a weapon for each hand.

After looking over everything not knowing anything else she could do she decides to read the books to find out what the map says and to open the chest.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

2 little success, a fail

Two books looks to be of her idiom and a third was the Capitain's binnacle (not a diary), of course than it was in a personal code, the others two were about tales of the island who looks come from a ero sci-Fi book, maybe if she read to this but each night, a day could she know the physical stats of a creepy creature before fight with him, at least she could take the time to read about the ones than she fight today, to know all about them before start the fight.

The other book looks weird poems, cook dishes, homemade things, why a great pirate could have this?
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

A little dissappointed to see the binnacle is written in some sort of code Sylvia decides to move on to the other two books deciding to read the book about homemade things, cooking dishes and weird poems this evening.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The learning book looks really too difficult to be a house skill book, even some letters looks placed in random places, maybe if Sylvia read it at and make note of these little changues, she could maybe find something, but this could take too much time and her "snake" meal could turn into coal. Not only that she would need all the light available and maybe a little of the morning to end the first book.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Seeing the randomness of the book Sylvia wants to find out what it all means but decides to wait with that for now deciding to take the weird meat when its ready and eat it.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Leaving the books at a side, Sylvia go to check the meat than she leave ato roast at the fire, it looks a little passed, but the smell was still really great. With no time to lost she start to bite the exotic dish, it was a little tough, but not much as must be after had passed more time on the fire of the needed, the "serpent meat" was out of nerves, bones and fat, so Sylvie had not problem to enjoy and eat it all with passion, even there was a particular flavour hidden in the meat, than she never had tasted.

Once full, the bluehaired girl return to her lecture, all looks more easy to understand with her mind more awaken and restored. There were really great recipes than she could try if she could have the ingredients and ways to create usefull things from leaves and others common things than she could find in the forest or the sea.

Even she understand than the weird letters could be ordered maybe in a way to get maybe hidden messages. The fire started to fall a little and the night soon fill the place with darkness, making her be nearly unnable to read. She could leave her tiki to do anything with only the night light or rest, after place all in order for tomorrow.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After being done with everything Sylvia decides to take a rest for now because she doesn't know yet what kind of creatures roam around during the night, knowing it is better to wait with going out at night till she is more accustomed to this place.

She checks if she has all the necessary stuff in her bag and then puts it near togetter with her newly found sword and knife so that she can go on her way as soon as she wakes up.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The night beach sounds give to the adventurer a relaxing night, something than someone would not be able to get in any city or even town. Maybe the only problem was the odd smell coming from her loot clothes, it looks to remain a little even when the smoke has starting to feel the clothes too.

Sylvia heard some weirds sounds afar in the distance, even growls and splash sounds on the beach, maybe a fish or something. At the morning the bluehaired girl wake up fully refleshed and early in the dawn, seabirds sounds and waves hitting the rocks were turning into usual sounds, after get up and prepare herself for the next day, Sylvia could now read more or go for an adventure.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Finaly waking up after a night full of weird noises Sylvia decides to leave her equipment for just a little longer and look over te books again. This time taking the book with all the weird letters in it and she starts taking notes of them.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Taking something to write, Sylvia place the book and started to make notes from the letters who looks suspicious, they were a lot of them and were in all the book, when she end,she tried to give them an order and soon she could read words who looks to dont have sense.

"seven" "Moon" "waterfall" "faling star" "blue" "eight" "edges" "guilty" "twist" three" "open" "fate" "hole"
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Seeing those words Sylvia quickly gets the chest and puts in seven, eight and three in that order in slot 1 to 3 and then tries every number in the last slot starting with 0, if that doesm't work she tries the same thing but then putting seven in slot 2, eight in slot 3 and three in slot 4.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After try some numbers, Sylvia suddenly heard a little click from the box, her hands dont wasted any time to open the little treasure box, at the inside was a round stone with a rune like symbol at the front. The back side was imperfect, with lines and a hole in the middle, maybe it could be usefull for her in the future.

Now she could continue her journey, having a lot of choices like the forest, the cave or return to the ship to look for more things
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

When she opened the chest Sylvia saw a weird stone inside it, having no idea what it is she decides to take it with her anyway.

She then takes her bag and weapons and starts exploring again. this time going towards the forest because that is the best place to find fresh water.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Leaving her tiki, Sylvia can notice some marks of fights and footsteepts vanishing in the sand, maybe some dangerous beasts hunt in the night close were she rest. The forest path looks to be a difficult one, maybe painfull without her new boots. The vegetation grow as more deep she goes and after some time she see a possible path than could guide her to a river, but just then a mass of snakes appear from some brushes close her, they twist and jump everywhere, trying to surround her.

Tentacles 5

Sylvia 4/4
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

seeing the tentacles apear in front of her Sylvia quickly dashes away from it in order to not get surrounded by them. She ready's her weapons to fend of incoming attack from the tentacles while looking for a way around it if not to escape from it atleast to get some space where she could move easyer.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The creatures were a lot to focus on an attempt to get free at the moment without get hurt, their moves were also very caothic to find a opening for an attack, Silvia weapons were just only able to take her distance from them. Finally they fly toward her, but she manage them to dodge them and then her weapon tried to cut through one of them, but suddenly other come and hit her on the back and make her lost her chance.

Sylvia 3/4
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

While trying to strike one of the tentacles Sylvia suddenly feels a something hitting her hard in her back making her stumble forward for a moment but she quickly recovers and puts up her weapons ones again.

Noticing the speed of the tentacles she knows running isn't an option. the only thing she can do is try to dodge the tentacles and wait for an oppertunity to stike at one of them. She now focusses only on the tentacles.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

6 vs 3 Sylvia hit
5 vs 3 S dodge
14 vs 7 S Hit
19 vs 15 S dodge

The creatures could be faster, but they were unable to work in team, sometimes they wrap each other by mistake get on the way of others. Looking this Sylvia wait for them to fall on that mistake and then she cut some of them as they struggle in vain to escape. Others creatures look her move and tried to hit her from behind, but with a quick side jump, she manage to evade them and then place another hit to them. Even with these two good hits there were still a lot of living tentacles

Sylvia 3/4
tentacles 3
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Hitting one after another tentacle Sylvia decides to stay on this tactic hoping to hit even more of the tentacles especially because there are 2 less tentacles to watch out for.