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Re: Injustice Unlimited

Wow, alot of people really want a demo of a free game...

I'm going to assume that you aren't just trying to get a little fap material early, and are indeed trying to impress upon sunsetriders7 that you think he could get MORE money by releasing a demo.

The point of contest I see many of you missing however, is that he doesn't agree with the cost/gain ratio. And to a point I do agree.

Given the type of investment we're talking about here, a finished product delivered within a reasonable time-frame (unlike certain other devs...) will generate far more trust than a demo will. Not only that, he's putting out demos to people who are funding him already, giving his project a large amount of transparency. So yeah, you do have to take a leap of faith to start, but it's fairly cheap and you can decide whether this is something you would like to keep funding or not rather quickly, unlike many other investments.

Sunsetriders7 is playing the long game, looking to engender real trust with his supporters instead of generating interest with a demo. And I imagine this will work well for him.

All that said, an unknown dev without any previous projects will most likely find themselves lacking support on their first outing if they don't put out a demo.

Lastly, Ninja_Named_Bob you have some valid points but that's a pretty damn rude way to start a post.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Wow, alot of people really want a demo of a free game...

I'm going to assume that you aren't just trying to get a little fap material early, and are indeed trying to impress upon sunsetriders7 that you think he could get MORE money by releasing a demo.

The point of contest I see many of you missing however, is that he doesn't agree with the cost/gain ratio. And to a point I do agree.

Given the type of investment we're talking about here, a finished product delivered within a reasonable time-frame (unlike certain other devs...) will generate far more trust than a demo will. Not only that, he's putting out demos to people who are funding him already, giving his project a large amount of transparency. So yeah, you do have to take a leap of faith to start, but it's fairly cheap and you can decide whether this is something you would like to keep funding or not rather quickly, unlike many other investments.

Sunsetriders7 is playing the long game, looking to engender real trust with his supporters instead of generating interest with a demo. And I imagine this will work well for him.

All that said, an unknown dev without any previous projects will most likely find themselves lacking support on their first outing if they don't put out a demo.

There's a risk both ways if the dev decides to make a demo available:
1) It's great and people are more hyped than ever.
2) It's buggy or below expectations and people decide to drop support.

I can understand both sides. (And there's some inbetween ofc).
Re: Injustice Unlimited

to be honest, i'm pretty sure that the future fragments thread imploded because of all the delays caused by shit like "X became homeless" or "Y's computer exploded and killed his whole family" (Hyperbole on that last one) and other such implausible-yet almost-certainly-true tragedies that occurred to the devs and almost totally halted production for a good long stretch.

Personally, I never saw a problem with that stuff, delays happen, the only people who blew up about it were whiny kids who don't understand how development works, and yeah, maybe setting a solid deadline was a bad idea, but that's not the issue here.

If you have a dev build for the game, then you basically DO have a demo, it's just patreon only.

That's one way to keep your feedback group small and filter out the trolls and stuff, I guess. And since the game itself won't be sold, I can't fault you for putting the dev-build/demo behind a pay-wall.
Normally it's the other way around though. The taster is free and the game is bought.

as for the "share this around" I think I will. I posted about your Bend or Break thing on a couple of other sites, actually. I was under the assumption that it was a work in progress at the time though.

I dig korra, even If I never got around to actually watching LoK.

I keep getting caught up trying to rewatch the whole TLA first.
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Re: Injustice Unlimited

Here is a picture I released yesterday on

Re: Injustice Unlimited

The style of your art really makes it look like the original thing, which is something I'm really looking forward to in your game.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

The style of your art really makes it look like the original thing, which is something I'm really looking forward to in your game.

Is the game about gradual corruption (the best in gameplay and fun IMO) or just a "zap, you're mine" kind of game?

It's in reference to what you wrote there:

I wanted to stay away from the Training idea because it's just so much harder to make it make any sense and keep the characters relatively true. In this you'll simply upgrade their control devices and eventually be able to just inject whatever personality you want. It's of course based on Akabur's Princess Trainer but I wanted to have more freedom to just do whatever.
So you're controlling them like robots, more than corrupting them? Or do they still have personality, just twisted more and more as you play the game?
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Re: Injustice Unlimited

" Game Level starts at $20.00 "

See, this is where I'm a bit skeptical. Granted, some games ARE worth one to two months of patronage at this level, but the problem is setting it at this level means you could theoretically be paying $240 a year for one game release.

I think it's safer to give the game out at the $5 or $10 level.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Hey SunsetRiders7, just a heads-up to let you know your game is being advertised on the hypnopics collective (oft referred to as simply "The Collective"). Don't know if you already knew, but figured it was worth letting you know just in case.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Wow thanks Manamana for dragging this thread out of ULMF purgatory.

Is the game about gradual corruption (the best in gameplay and fun IMO) or just a "zap, you're mine" kind of game?

It's in reference to what you wrote there:

So you're controlling them like robots, more than corrupting them? Or do they still have personality, just twisted more and more as you play the game?

There are lots of heroines to capture so, it's not like a typical gradual corruption of one character. You capture them and set them to tasks. Easiest way I can explain it.

" Game Level starts at $20.00 "

See, this is where I'm a bit skeptical. Granted, some games ARE worth one to two months of patronage at this level, but the problem is setting it at this level means you could theoretically be paying $240 a year for one game release.

I think it's safer to give the game out at the $5 or $10 level.

I changed all my levels back in October. When I set that level I had only had my Patreon open for 3 weeks, I thought maybe I was going to have 10 supporters at that level. When I revamped my levels I had over 80. Now game and art access starts as low as $5.00. I have had overwhelmingly good feedback with how my tiers are set up. Go take a look something for everyone...we maybe not freeko but mostly everyone. lol

Hey SunsetRiders7, just a heads-up to let you know your game is being advertised on the hypnopics collective (oft referred to as simply "The Collective"). Don't know if you already knew, but figured it was worth letting you know just in case.

Yes SmokeShank has been watching that community closely now. He has said that they are very friendly and supportive, so we may start contributing very shortly.

Lastly I will leave you with something for your eyeballs
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Re: Injustice Unlimited

I won't lie, I check this thread every time I log in. Love to see your artwork SunsetRiders. Have no doubt, I'll be pledging to you down the line. Super excited to play the game.

Mmm, delicious picture. I love the situations where the woman is just thinking, "Come on, finish already." Not sure why.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

There are lots of heroines to capture so, it's not like a typical gradual corruption of one character. You capture them and set them to tasks. Easiest way I can explain it.
OK, so a pokemon-like game xD

I love the situations where the woman is just thinking, "Come on, finish already." Not sure why.
If it's like me, that's because it implies that she has personality and is "in control". :)
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Hey sunset nice work! i keep watch out for you project:D
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Just got hit with a DMCA notice. I guess this means "Download everything while it's still there" cuz he has to pull everything in 48 hours.

No idea if this is going to effect just patreon or his HF and ULMF stuff too. Either way, work on the game is over.

Sounds like SSR7 has stuff planned with original characters anyway though, so there's that to look forwards to.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Really? That sucks, he has so much fanart of DC characters. Not to mention that his style is so similar.

Maybe they got jealous...

Anyway, shame about the work he's done so far though. I guess that's the worst thing about using already existing characters.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Shouldn't this project be safe under the Fair Use Agreement? Specifically under the parody factor?
Re: Injustice Unlimited

So since he's not making money off it anymore... anyone want to throw up a link?

Though honestly.... it's a sad day when you find out that you can't make money off of porn made with copywrited characters. Kind of a load of bullshit too, but hey! That's the American IP copywrite system for you.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Shouldn't this project be safe under the Fair Use Agreement? Specifically under the parody factor?

It's probably a case of "maybe, but the other side has an army of lawyers and a pile of cash and the other doesn't". :(
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Shouldn't this project be safe under the Fair Use Agreement? Specifically under the parody factor?

Pretty sure Fair Use doesn't apply when you use it to make money.

It's the Patreon that was the problem, not the drawing porn of it.