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Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The blood soaked deep, and was impossible to remove easily. Searching through his clothes, she found that her large breasts made things very difficult. However, she did find a buttoned vest that worked, when all but the bottom two buttons were left unfastened, exposing most of her chest greatly, only hiding the nipples, even then one could spot the discoloration. The pants were also... Very snug. Her appearance was unusual, looking like a sleazy yet somehow classy woman with no regard for her sexuality. Perhaps it was fitting given her recent record.

This allowed her to walk outside without being bothered. Her clothes would easily fold so that the blood was hidden if she wished to keep them.

And then, she was at the edge of town. Twas rather quiet there.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki wasn’t too thrilled with the clothing she found, but it was better than nothing at all. She tried her best to button up the shirt properly, but it seemed that they were just too small for her. After a bit she finally managed to at least hide her nipples, although she was afraid they might slip free at any moment. The pants weren’t much better. It seemed like any moment it could rip apart, and you could easily see the crack of her ass.

Reaching the edge of town Yuki looked around for any sign of trees. If she found some, she would head that direction. If she didn’t see anything that could potentially be a forest, she would trail along the edge of town, asking anyone she saw for directions to the watchtower in the woods. The entire time she would be fiddling with the collar around her neck, trying to get rid of the ugly thing.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Taking off the collar, something terrible happened, something she didn't account for as a consequence of taking such a thing off. Such as it was she soon came to regret her carelessness. It pulled at a hair on her neck and it really hurt.

Moving on, she easily found what she was likely looking for, a watch tower. Unlike the doctor it didn't seem like a place where someone lived alone. Instead there were sounds of conversation from the top where a pair of guards were overlooking the land. There was also movement inside, an unknown number of people lurking inside the establishment.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki let out a relieved sigh when the fake collar actually came off. She was worried that it might’ve been locked to securely around her neck. It didn’t take long for her to find the tower, it was a lot more impressive then she first assumed it would be, and a lot more lively once she got closer to it. She figured that this watch tower probably doubled as the militia’s barracks, and without knowing anything about Yager, she had no way of telling him apart from anyone else. She sighed annoyed when it became clear to her that this would probably take a lot longer then she anticipated, and thinking about what could happen to her if they caught her, made her shiver.

After contemplating what to do, Yuki first circles around the tower, until she found the entrance. Instead of approaching the entrance, she would search for a tree to lean up a little bit away from it, crossing her arms and simply observing the entrance. It would be better if they didn’t see her, but she knew her shortcomings in her hiding ability, and felt like it would be better if she didn’t act more suspicious than she already was. If nobody bothered her, she continued to observe the entrance, until she figured out if they went out on patrols, if there were any women in the militia, and how they got their supplies. She also tried to see if there was someone she could easily manipulate, or extort information from, preferably someone meek looking. Whenever nothing is going on, she fiddles with around with her shirt, trying her best to close more of the buttons while keeping her breasts covered by the shirt.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Yuki's Stealth: 17 + 5 = 22
Guardsman 1: ???
Guardsman 2: Success

She circled around, trying to stay out of sight. Not wearing her mercenary attire helped her to not stick out like a sore thumb, but even that apparently wasn't enough. Though a gab in the trees and their leaves, one of the two men above spotted her, the other still yet unaware. Seeing someone in the forest, he drew his crossbow and yelled out. "Who crosses the forest alone!?" he shouted. "Come forth!" he demanded.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki was annoyed that they spotted her so early, she wasn’t exactly hiding, but she hoped the foliage would cover her from quite a while. Before Yuki came out of cover, she dropped her sword on the floor. After pretending to frantically look around her, as if she didn’t hear where the sound came from, she stepped away from the trees and into plain view with a sheepish look on her face. She held up her hand so they could clearly see she was unarmed. ''Aaahhhh, I’m relieved to see that someone guards this tower, I’m Lilly.'' Yuki yelled back at the guardsman on top the tower. ''I kind of got separated from my boyfriend when we went hunting together, and this structure was the only thing I could see for miles!'' Yuki said, trying to sound as relieved as possible. Hopefully it didn’t look like she was scouting out the place, since her excuse might not work in that case. ''Can one of you perhaps escort me back to the village? I would be really grateful you know. '' She requests of the guardsman that called out to her.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

The men whispered to each other, a bit of chuckling and glancing at Yuki ensued, before one shouted back. "Stay right there and don't move, we'll take you in~" he said a bit ominously. Shouting came from within, but who knew what they were saying. Soon enough, a group of four armored militia men came out of the front door, approaching Yuki. "I think I saw you once before..." one man said, before opening his eyes. "You were the girl working in the inn the other night! Did ya say you were from this village? Or another?" he inquired. "What's your boyfriend's name?" he inquired further.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki didn’t like the sight of them chuckling and glancing at her, she suddenly got a bad feeling about her plan horribly backfiring. ''Ah, N-no, i-it’s alright. Just point me…'' Yuki tried to yell back, but it seemed like she was too late. She waited around shuffling around a bit nervously, wondering if it might be better to just leave and come back later. However, before she could make a decision, four armored militia men closed in on her, making her feel very uncomfortable. Even though she was feeling nervous, she tried her best to look aloof instead. Although, when the man said he recognized her, she instantly placed a hand over her butt and breasts, trying to hide them. ''Y-You must have… I-I don’t know…'' Yuki stammered frantically, clearly embarrassed that he had seen her naked, though before she fully denied it, she calmed down and tried acting aloof again, even if her red cheeks gave away her embarrassment. ''I just needed some extra money, and that was the only job available at the moment.'' Yuki told them, trying her best to hide her ass from his view.

After Yuki regained full composure, and stopped hiding her assets from them, she took a little bit to think of a way to get out this situation. ''I’m not exactly from this village, but I’m familiar with it.'' Yuki said with a smug smile on her face. ''I wouldn’t exactly call him my boyfriend. I think colleague might be more appropriate. I’m Lispen’s… property, as he would call it.'' Yuki said somewhat annoyed at calling herself that man’s property. ''So, if one of you cuties would be so kind to escort me safely to the village, I am sure he would appreciate it.'' Yuki said ominously with a chuckle. Although she had no idea how dropping that man’s name would go for her, but it was the scariest man she knew in this village, and hopefully dropping his name would make them back off a little. Hopefully, with her current outfit and athletic body they would believe she was part of his group, though if this plan failed, she was probably in a bunch of trouble, as she could feel the cold sweat drip over her back.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Grappled
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

The men reacted with amazement to her mentioning the name of Lispen. "You know him, huh? You're his girl?" the same guard asked, before he motioned forth, and the guardsmen all reached out to apprehend her. She could see herself dodging three of them if she so wished, but the fourth would inevitably put her hands behind her back. "We're going to have to take you in for questioning, Theodor is looking to learn a thing or two about this man, you know~" the guard behind her said. The others surrounded her. "Affiliating yourself with such a man is no good. Come with us, and let's talk." one in front of her said, as the man behind her moved to try and bind her wrists with rope.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

''Yup, so if you would be so kind to escort me back to the village, I would appreciate it.'' Yuki responds confidently, though her confidence was short lived, getting worried when the men tried to apprehend her. Instinctively she dodged out of the way the first few grabs, but with so many hands reaching out for her, it didn’t take long before someone got a hold of her. ''H-Hey, what are you think you’re doing?'' Yuki said defiantly, though when she heard his reasoning, it made a lot of sense. She hoped that Lispen would have a bad enough reputation that these men wouldn’t want to mess with her, but it she was obviously wrong. Instead she just gave them a good reason to arrest her. While cursing Lispens uselessness in her head, she thought of one last way to handle this situation peacefully before she had to act. ''Ahhhhhhh…. You caught me.'' Yuki said in an extravagant manner. ''I lied okay. I am actually here to inspect your loyalty to Theodor. If you don’t believe me, I am wearing his ring around my finger.'' Yuki explained while wiggling her finger to the man that is trying to bind arms. ''I am also suppose to meet someone called Yager.'' Yuki said, hoping to see if he was among these men.

Hopefully this would at least stop them from trying to bind her arms together. However, if they continued to do so, Yuki tried her best to wait until the last moment, or until someone revealed themselves to be Yager, before taking action.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Bound(DC50)
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

The men all looked at each other as her story changed. "Now she's with Theodor, when before she was with Lispin. That's quite a flipflop." one said. "I think this bitch is trying to fuck with us. There's something seriously wrong with every damn thing she's saying." another said as the one behind her got her arms tied up. With her limited experience in such matters, she felt fairly sure that getting out of the ropes on her own would be impossible just with physical means alone.

Then, the one finished binding her and took his free moment to slap her on the ass. "Yager is who you're after huh? Well, too bad slut. It'll be a while before you get the privilege of seeing the head guardsman. So why don't we entertain you for a while?" he inquired, lifting Yuki up and over his shoulder, his arm wrapping around her torso while his other slid his hand up over her ass to stroke her crotch as the four of them brought Yuki inside of their barracks. "I wonder if she's a succubus who just wanted a fuck?" one inquired, as they slammed Yuki down upon a big table, and started to peel her clothing off, using knives to cut through what couldn't be removed thanks to her bindings. "Well, she'll be getting a lot of that here~" another said.

"I didn't think I'd be getting laid today." one said, already with his trousers down and standing at the bottom of the table where he lifted Yuki's legs, got them to form an M shape with her crotch being the center, and tied her legs together so they couldn't stretch out. Like that, he began to grind his cock against her pussy lips. "It's baby making time!" he declared in celebration. Meanwhile two other men began to suck on Yuki's sensitive, untrained breasts, the pleasure from multiple angles of assault driving pleasure up through her spine.
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Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Being greedy for information, Yuki ended up waiting too long, and didn’t react in time to prevent the man behind her from finishing his job. Quickly she realized the horrible mistake she made, as she started to panic a bit. The first thing she did, is try to struggle free from her bonds, but it seemed that they were actually capable of at least tying up people, which just made the feeling of panic worse.

''T-This is completely unneces…. Ah!?'' Yuki yelped out, when she felt the man smack her ass, making her now stinging bottom jiggle in the skins tight pants. At least she found out about Yager’s whereabouts, though she was very annoyed hearing that he wasn’t even around. However, she had something a lot worse to worry about then finding out Yager wasn’t here, as normally her pervious master would get her out of trouble like these, but now that she was alone she wasn’t sure how to get out of this. ''H-Hey, get your hands off me and put me down! Y-You guys will regre… eh?'' Yuki demanded when the man picked her off the ground, though she was interrupted when she felt a hand on her crotch, and her body tensed up. Without any underwear, and her pants clinging tightly against her skin, she could clearly feel his fingers rubbing over her pussy. Now completely desperate, she began to kick and flail around in his arms. The wild movements made her breasts pop free from the shirt, bouncing around as she is flailing. It didn’t take long for a wet spot to appear on her pants, as her flailing and him rubbing, made her pants constantly rub against her bare pussy, slowly making her excited. When they slammed her down on the table, and tried to pry off her pants, she did her best to make it as difficult as possible, but quickly they peeled away her pants, and revealed her sticky hot pussy that made mess of her pants. ''Nooooo, please put them back on!'' Yuki plead as she felt humiliated by her how wet she was, and tried her best to close her legs so they couldn’t see.

However, it did take long before they had her legs tied up in an M shape, and her wet pussy revealed to the entire room. ''Noooo…'' Yuki whimpered as now everyone could see how excited she was, making her hang her head in shame. Her pussy twitches excitedly when his cock rubs against it, as it didn’t take long for his cock to be coated with the sticky wetness that was leaking out of her. Yuki threw her head back and moaned, when the men began to suckle on her breasts, quickly making her nipples harder, giving them something to play with. ''W-Wait, I was supposed to deliver large amount of money to Yager. I-I can show you where I put it, b-but please let me go. I don’t want to endure this and my master’s wrath.'' Yuki pleas with the men, hoping it would buy her some time and perhaps give her a opportunity to flee as she had nothing to lose.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Bound(DC50)
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

The men just laughed. "Another bullshit story out of nowhere." one above her head uttered. He took that moment to put one boot on the table and drop his balls on her face, blocking her eyes while rubbing his cock and genitals along her cheek. "You're clearly a criminal up to no good. Dealing with Lispen, lying to the night watch, and stealing the mayor's ring? Oh, you poor bitch. That's a sentence that'll last for a good year~" he declared.

The one by her legs chuckled, aiming and roughly thrusting his cock into her pussy with a lewd, wet smack, his cock stretching out her pussy. His meat making her pink flesh form a circle around it as she felt his above average sized cock fill her a decent deal. "Oooh~ I can't wait to loosen up this cunt every day!" he cheered, lifting Yuki to let another watchman underneath, so he could lay down under her and casually take Yuki by her asshole as he sheathed inside of her rectum. "Hmm, this asshole's seen some use~!" he said. The fourth and last watchman straddled her chest, and roughly pushed her breasts together to sandwich his cock so he could fuck his cock between them. "Ah, so she might be sweet to someone after all. Maybe Lispen will pay well for his prize back?" he inquired.

The men all grinned. "Yeah, let's sell her back to Lispen." they agreed, before moving like animals, each thrusting at a different pace, the one near her face taking her by her mouth so that her vision was upside down, and his balls were flapping against her vision. Helpless to their motions, they'd continue without end and ignoring all complaint she made, all while warning her of using the one weapon she did have. "Bite, and Lispen will have to take you back missing your limbs." the one in her mouth said. "So suck it, and clean it if you want to keep this beautiful body of yours intact." he warned her. Soon, the sucking and cleaning part would get worse. The men each began to murmur their impending climax. All while Yuki quickly felt the combined attention towards her ass and pussy leading her to her own. Helpless to stop it, each of the men met their release, filling her ass, mouth, and pussy, and painting her breasts with white stripes of thick semen. Chuckling each, they took Yuki to a latch and down to a dungeon of sorts below, where all the other 'criminals' of the town were held.

She was lifted from the table by two satisfied watchmen, and taken below. There, almost nothing but women lurked, each looked a rape victim of their own right, with Yuki being added to that collection. About four women were in four out of twelve cells, and one man that looked scarred all over. Yuki was taken to the sixth cell on the right, all the way in the back, and hauled inside, thrown to the floor before they shut the gate, leaving her bound and locked inside...

She had a simple bed roll, and a shower of sorts in the form of a pipe she could open and close via a latch. It was a metal pipe that ended in a cylindrical circle. Her legs were bound together at the ankles, and her arms behind her back. The rape left her exhausted, left either to think or a way to escape or simply go to sleep and likely wait for Theodor to perhaps show up in a week to save her from this imprisoned situation. If she chose to wait, she's sleep until morning, when one of the guards would be delivering food. It was a strange wheat slop with an odd smell to it, if she chose to eat it. "Breakfast! Eat up you sluts. And enjoy it heartily~" the guard that took her asshole stated, flopping a plate of the slop onto the floor of her cell before smirking at her. If she wished to eat it, she had no choice but to rest on her knees and shoulders to eat it like a hobbled animal.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki tried her best to move her face away from his cock and genitals, though with limited space to move, the only thing that it accomplished was her rubbing her cheek against them. Yuki wanted to deny the accusations they made against her, but just ended up looking downcast with tears in her eyes. Most of these accusations were true after all, and she had worse things than that.

It didn’t take much effort to enter Yuki’s pussy, with all the rubbing from hauling her here, made her pussy more than ready to accept his cock. It didn’t take long before the cock entered her with a lewd sound, while her pussy clamped down on his cock, greedily trying to hold it inside her. Quickly after it, she felt easily enter her asshole. It didn’t take long before her rectum tightens around his cock, as her lewd ass was happy to accept the intrusion. ''P-Please, master save me!'' Yuki called out as she felt both of their cocks fill her up, hoping that Theodor would hear her through the ring. However, she soon lost all hope when the third guy began to straddle, and squish her soft pillows against his hot shaft. ''P-Please don’t sell me to Lispen, I-I don’t know what that man will do to me.'' Yuki plead as she felt the head of the cock between her breasts. She was terrified of the idea of being sold to that maniac, as she had no clue what he would do to her if he realized she failed.

Although, Yuki didn’t want them to think she had any beef with Lispen, she rather reveals that than being sold to him. As soon as they began to thrust in her, she began to beg them not to sell her to Lispen, until her mouth was plugged. It didn’t take long before the man using her mouth could feel her moan, as having all her holes violated, and her breasts used, felt better than she would like to admit. Before she could even think about biting down on the cock in her mouth, she was already warned. With big tears in her eyes, she made a sound to signify she understood his thread, and fearfully began to suck his cock. She made sure to roll her tongue over his tip each time she could, and to lick up any filth until her tongue was covered with it. She began to suck harder, and lick faster the closer she came to her climax, desperately trying to hold it back. With all of them violating her sensitive body, it was impossible to prevent her climax. Her body began to tremble as she felt them mercilessly thrust in her ass and pussy while abusing her breasts, making her shoot girl cum all over her thighs and the man thrusting into her. The pleasure made her eye’s roll back into her head, as she was doing nothing but moan on the cock in her mouth, unable to do anything but accept the cocks thrusting in her. Her pussy and asshole twitch around their cocks, as they filled her with their hot semen. She made sure to swallow every last bit of cum, that was released in her mouth, and making sure his cock was pristine when it left, while she could feel her big breasts being coated by hot seed.

Shortly after they finished, Yuki was brought to a cell below the latch. From what she could see, the cell was rather barebones, and there seemed to be four other women captured besides her. She highly doubts they did anything, but be at the wrong place on the wrong time. She was also curious to see a man being held here, perhaps someone that deserved to be here, or someone that tried to save the women here. She was quickly thrown in one of the cells, leaving her on the floor with cum leaking out of her pussy and ass, with her chest covered in cum.

Yuki didn’t say anything and merely glared at the men that threw her in here, and waiting for them to leave. She took a small breather, lying on her back on the cold floor. It took her a bit before she got her resolve back, and since she didn’t know how long it would take for Theodor to come save her, she had to do something on her own. First Yuki looked to see if someone was in the cell next to hers, and would crawl over to try getting their attention. However, if nobody was next to her cell, she would simply crawl towards the most jagged or sharp thing she could find in her cell, and started to grind her rope against it, hopefully weakening the rope so she could free herself. However, wherever she crawled, she left a trail of cum behind her, as she dragged her dirty breasts along the floor of the cell, while still leaking cum out of her holes.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

She crawled over to the shower pipe, and managed to finesse her way up to getting her arm bindings loose enough to break free and then cut her ankle bindings loose. Thus leaving her limbs free. Though now she stood completely without her belongings, and them being somewhere with the soldiers, and wherever they put them.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Luckily the shower pipe seemed to do the trick, and Yuki found herself quickly free from her bindings. She stretched her arms and legs while looking up at the ceiling with anger in her eyes. She hoped the corruption wouldn’t be this bad, but seeing the most likely innocent prisoners that have been abused by these men, made her realize that the town watch was beyond redemption. She could’ve easily escaped, and just replaced what was lost. However, she couldn’t just abandon the other prisoners, even if she barely knew them. She knew enough about the city watch to know, how they most likely were treated here, and wanted to help them even if they belonged in this place.

After Yuki made her mind up, she wiped away some cum, that was still coated over her chest, and transmitted herself where she dropped her sword. Hopefully she was able to find it, and if she did, she transmitted herself in front her own cell. Hopefully the other prisoners remained calm as she began to speak. ''I need your help.'' Yuki requests from the other prisoners. ''I need to know how many guards are stationed here, and if any of you can fight.'' Yuki asks them. Hopefully there weren’t too many of them stationed here, else saving them all might be a problem.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Very Nude and Slimy with Cum
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 54/66

Thankfully she left it out of eyesight. Though the men were looking for it, knowing she dropped something. She was able to appear and vanish in one movement without being spotted. Thankfully because their eyes were peeled to the ground.

And so she came back, naked and in the hidden cell room. When she asked her question, the prisoners looked weak and drained. "We're not warriors, ma'am." said one girl, the man in his cell replied next. "We were all members of the attempted town watch to make up for what the guards were failing to do. We simply didn't expect the danger to be in the very town guard itself." he declared. A second woman made herself known. It wasn't clear before, but not that she had a better vantage point Yuki could see that she was pregnant. "I'm with one of their bastard children. Each of us were just common folk who decided to pick up pitch forks in a desperate attempt to protect our families. We were no match against their skill, weapons and armor. Now that we're unarmed, it'd be even more of a pathetic fight." she said.

"You'd best use your magic to get out of here, as you did." the man said. "There's too many of them, and they're well equipped. Plus there's even more out on patrols, doing nothing more than acting like brigands. All acting in favor of that bastard Theodor. Every two weeks that evil man comes to collect his tribute from the guard. Ill gotten gains. He's a two faced liar, that endorses this evil while pretending to openly condemn it. Both he, and Lispen are in cahoots. The evil duo, they are!" he griped in bitter anger.

Moreover, Yuki would have to expend a considerable amount of energy(60) to get each prisoner out. She barely didn't have enough to save everyone, not in one moment, anyway.

A girl with red hair and freckles sighed. "Just escape while you can. Honestly, I wish I could do the same. I wouldn't look back, not for anything. I'd run into the wilderness and leave this place forever. They've already killed me father and forced me mother to work in that awful sham of an Inn, to be plugged by the highest bidder. Only a great fire can purge the evil from this town."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki silently listened to their story, though she got visibly annoyed when the started to bad mouth Theodor, especially when he said he was in cahoots with Lispen. ''I can’t believe, this is what I am risking my skin for.'' Yuki said a bit pissed, while glaring at the other prisoners. ''Perhaps I should leave you here, since all of you already seem to have giving up.'' Yuki said while leaning against the wall in her cell, calming herself a bit down before she completely snaps at them. ''I don’t know how long you have been here, or how many times you have all tried making a difference, but having your spirits broken by this much, it’s honestly pathetic.'' Yuki said coldly before walking up to the front of her jail, so she could see everyone.

''You know, I saw my father and most of my brothers get brutally murdered by bandits, I saw my family getting raped while my house burned down to nothing. I was rejected, abuse and used, by men who promised to take care of me and teach me how to fight. Even when I found someone that was willing to teach me how to fight, he ended up being way worse than any of them, but I never gave up hope. Even now I am looking for my family. Instead of losing your spirit and hope, you should learn how to protect those who are dearest to you. If you fail once you should learn how to not make the same mistake next time. If you don’t care for yourselves, nobody will. So stop blaming others, and stop feeling sorry about yourself, instead focus on what you can do once you get out of here, no matter how long it might take.'' Yuki snarls at them.

''There is still hope for you all. Even though you might not believe me, Theodor is trying to get rid of the corruption in this town.'' Yuki said with confidence, standing proudly in her cell, even though she is completely naked. ''It’s true that he could do a lot more, but he’s trying to improve living conditions, even though he isn’t obligated to do anything.'' Yuki explains to them, trying to convince that things aren’t as dire as they seem. ''I understand that you can’t fight in this condition, but at least tell me how many guards are stationed here, before you decide for me, how impossible it is.'' Yuki asks them. ''But… if you still feel hopeless, I can teleport three of you outside, and the remaining three later. I am not willing to risk my life for people who already gave up.'' Yuki says once again coldly.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Status: Very Nude and Slimy with Cum
HP: 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 54/66

The group seemed to quickly dismiss her when she declared alliance to Theodor, or at least favor. "Theodor helps the criminals. You must be under his spell too, like the other women in the mansion of his." a woman said. "I'd rather be down here than have you recruit me to his side." another followed. It seemed like Yuki's position only went down in their eyes.

"About a dozen." the man said calmly, not seemingly as bothered. "They usually go in halves, one here and the other patrolling about and harassing good folk. So about six each." he said. "Good luck if you plan on fighting them. Without the guard then Lispen will probably attack this town. So as awful as they are, they hold this kind of awful influence for a reason." he stated.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki slumped down on the ground defeated, even if she was able to kill all the guards in this tower, and somehow kill all the guard currently patrolling, she would only make more problems for the townsfolk instead of solving them. With how the people down here looked at her, and with their spirits already completely broken, the smart thing to do would simply be leaving them down here. After all, she didn’t owe them anything, and they already gave up. However, Yuki couldn’t bring herself to turn her back on these poor people. She wanted to be a hero for once, and not a cold blooded killer. Yuki suddenly stood back up on her feet with renewed vigor, and this time transmitted herself far away from the tower to hide her sword, then swiftly returned back in her cell.

“I can’t just doom the town to save a couple of people. Even though these men are scum, they do protect the city from greater danger. So, even if I could defeat all the guards, it would do nothing more than destroy the town even further.” Yuki said sadly, and somewhat annoyed that she couldn’t kill the scum that raped her. “However, if I have some time to rest, I can teleport all of us out of here. I really wanted to leave all of you here, but nobody deserves this, and spending a long amount of time here would even break the strongest of spirits. So please, let me free you, once I get my recovered my energy.” Yuki said somewhat apologetic about lashing out to them. If they agreed, Yuki would rest until her spirit returned to her.
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