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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Uh, I would be really surprised if Cheat Engine works. You're assuming that the data is stored in the same place universally (i.e. across battles), which I suspect would not be the case. I really think that you'd have to hack the game in RPGMaker do that.

If you wonder why XXX*2+1, because RPG MAker for some reason saves its variables in that format

Because it's Ruby, and this is how it stores an integer inside a pointer.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh, it seems you can't get her beyond 68 Sex XP yet, maybe giving blowjobs and whatnot are unlocked past there. Anyone find anything change besides walking around without underwear and the weapon shop CG?

Even the artist's site hasn't had updates for a while... :(


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    Screenshot (2).jpg
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh, it seems you can't get her beyond 68 Sex XP yet, maybe giving blowjobs and whatnot are unlocked past there. Anyone find anything change besides walking around without underwear and the weapon shop CG?

Even the artist's site hasn't had updates for a while... :(

There is no consensual sexytime in the demo. The only sexytime CGs in the demo are the one in the beginning where the motherwitch cockblocks you and an anal scene that is scripted but on a map that has been taken out for the demo.
There are a couple more scripted GOR scenes, but they are also inacessible by normal means.

I added the custom made debug room. You need to decrypt the game.rgss3
file using the programm in the zip, put the two maps in the data directory, delete or move the game.rgss3 afterwards and then you have to go to the map under the city and talk to the left slime to chose a single scene or to the right one to get through a batch to find some scenes. 184 or 185 was the sexy one iirc. 134 the one where she loses her virginity


  • Virginity Witchcraft Demo.zip
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

fascinating game, looking forward to full release.

Also, with the debug jellyfish, you can get an event where Bridget takes her own virginity (event done, it doesn't count as defloration though), if anyone's curious I think it was around event 073-075~ or so.

If the news about the april release are true... mmm, amazing stuff.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, as the ostensible release date starts to approach, I figure I'll give some notes on my erstwhile translation project.

Things which have changed from the prerelease translation:
  1. Pretty much all non H-events text is translated
  2. All graphics apart from the long intro is translated
  3. Some translation errors fixed
  4. Portions of the story in the full game should be translated up to the end of Chapter 2; a lot of Chapter 2 is in the game files, but inaccessible.

Unfortunately, I've hit a fairly major error. I'd assumed a text limit of 60 characters on dialogue, and, that isn't always true. Specifically, if there's a character portrait the text limit is 53 characters, and so you get overrun on a lot of dialogue. This is less than ideal, frankly. There's also some bugs with RPGMaker Trans and portrait dialogue that need fixing.

Hence I'm holding off on a release until I can get those issues sorted out. I'd also like to translate a couple of the H-events (i.e. the ones in the prologue)

Oh, and I've decided to translated the name as "Virgins Protection Magic", which is grammatically correct while still being a faithful translation.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, as the ostensible release date starts to approach, I figure I'll give some notes on my erstwhile translation project.

Things which have changed from the prerelease translation:
  1. Pretty much all non H-events text is translated
  2. All graphics apart from the long intro is translated
  3. Some translation errors fixed
  4. Portions of the story in the full game should be translated up to the end of Chapter 2; a lot of Chapter 2 is in the game files, but inaccessible.

Oh, and I've decided to translated the name as "Virgins Protection Magic", which is grammatically correct while still being a faithful translation.

Wow, you've got a lot done so far, that's awesome! Thanks for the hard work, and having the title as possessive makes a great deal more sense.

Just hope the author didn't die or drop it, can't find any vaguely recent updates from him or the artist...:(
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

The most recent update I'm aware of is the one from the 7th of March, which was the postponement until April. I am fairly confident that the game will be released at some point, although I'm not necessarily confident that it'll be April.

The good news is that the art for the game is all pretty much done, I believe. If you're at all interested, there are thumbnails for the majority of events at Graphics/System/Thumbnails*.png (Thumbnails2, battle events, is not done). As the art was essentially commissioned, the holdup is with writing and programming. I'm also guessing that if the game doesn't materialise, the artist may be slightly annoyed... (he gets paid on sales)

On another note, I'm somewhat pissed off that character portraits aren't controlled via the standard RPGMaker System, but instead by a inline script function which precedes the text. That's, uh, really freaking annoying. It also means there may be some minor errors in the first version of the patch due to new features being needed in RPGMaker Trans which I'm not going to be able to implement in time.

EDIT: Editing to not double post, but some info for those wondering. Turns out there's actually a number of problems with my partial patch at the moment. This is mainly due to a 'dynamic choice' script which means translating certain choices breaks the game. I've got a technical solution implemented in RPGMaker Trans, but it'll take a little time to fix up the patch. I also built an automatic patch checker (which checks for potentially problematic stuff, as well as less problematic stuff like spelling errors), and it's showing a worrying amount of work for me to do... Demo H-events are also 20% translated now.
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

With about 3-4 days left until the date promised the cg artist 'Hard Chrome' has been updating his blog 4 times in the past week which is more than he's ever done. Can someone tell me what he is saying in this post it says something to do with the title and Searthonic.







膜が ないので。QTEはありますので、絶対入れられたくなければ頑張って連打して下 さい。」

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Well, Google says this:

"" Magic to protect the virgin "does not protect anal so magic to protect the hymen.
Since the film is not. Since there is QTE, under and roll Good luck if you do not want absolute encased again. "
The thing with. It seems protect on their own!

searothonc is Mr. pixiv account of.
Questions, is that of the please click here."

Which sounds good to me, anal sex being a sexual attack I think; still hoping for a few more types added in. The rest seemed to be about the artist's progress with their CGs, and a request to comment f you have anything helpful/encouraging to say, couldn't tell whether for him or the dev...

Anyway, that very last bit could mean he has a pivix account we missed, off I go to search!
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

What are you talking about? I certainly didn't miss Searothoncs Pixiv, and I definitely posted it here. Ah well, here's a link.

(Translation for demo parts is pretty much good to go - hopefully, but I'm doing some spell checking before making it public. Also need to release a new RPGMaker Trans, come to think of it...)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Oops, yeah, sorry, missed it before because of the small link. Still, it'd be nice if the thread maker would update the first post, I keep forgetting which page the links are on :eek:

But, looks like it might be released within a month.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

As expected no release on the last day of April let's hope the wait doesn't take too long after this expectation
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

'Tis a shame that it wasn't released today. Given that today is Beltane (look it up) and Beltane is actually quite important in the game.

Also annoyingly my plans for a release of my demo translation is that I still haven't quite managed to get the new RPGMaker Trans release to work properly on Windows, and due to some of the weird scripts in this game it actually is required (tech info: translating some dialogue choices requires translation of some labels; not possible in the current versions of RPGMaker Trans)

Hopefully I'll be able to release something this weekend though. I'll probably make a main thread for it over on Hongfire (due to the pinned first post). Status is that pretty much everything is translated, excluding H-Events (which are 29% translated)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

cool looking forward to the full release gives me something to do whilst waiting for the main release. Would you link us the hongfire post when you've made it for easy access or maybe update your signature with it cheers...
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

OK, doing a 'soft launch' of my demo patch here before taking it to a proper launch over at Hongfire. The reason for this is because it does need a bit more work, and frankly, given the problems I had packaging v4.0c up, RPGMaker Trans needs a bit more testing. Congrats people, you've been selected as guinea pigs.

Here's a link to the new patch:

Highlights: Translates everything (hopefully) which isn't an H-event, and about 30% of H-event text (note: not 30% of H-events; some are partially translated because of a rage quit). All graphics translated apart from the long introduction text (which I am translating, but it's taking a little while because my ability to recognise kanji isn't too great). Hopefully no spelling errors either (although the patch hasn't been proofread, so it's not like I'm guaranteeing it'll be intelligible).

Known issue: Due to limitations in RPGMaker Trans, it's possible that if there is a picture of a persons face in the dialogue window, it may disappear on a immediately subsequent dialogue window.

This patch requires RPGMaker Trans v4.0c, which was just released now; go download it at: As a warning, if you use the old 4.0b release, the patched game will be buggy (specifically, many dialogue choices - particularly when talking to Branwen - will stop functioning).

As an aside, the last time I released a demo patch (the v3 Lilium Union Demo patch), the full game was released half-an-hour later. That was annoying as it broke some translations... but, here's hoping.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

lol well that hope when down 2 and half hours ago i'm afraid but yeah thanks for your work i'll get testing it now any yummy seeds for my little nose (since i'm a guniea pig)

EDIT: Ok just tried doing the translation again and pressed go on the gui to get a pop up of some script errors and invalid handlers looks the same as before.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\rbpatcher\rbcomms.py", line 132, in startRubies
File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\rbpatcher\rbcomms.py", line 132, in <listcomp>
File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\rbpatcher\rbcomms.py", line 126, in openRuby
File "C:\Python34\lib\subprocess.py", line 823, in __init__
File "C:\Python34\lib\subprocess.py", line 1038, in _get_handles
File "C:\Python34\lib\subprocess.py", line 1070, in _make_inheritable
OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh. I think I know the issue, and it raises an interesting point, namely, how the hell did it work on my machine? I actually tested the build before I uploaded it. In any case, the problem is likely caused by the fact I left a debug flag on by mistake, and that debug flag normally stops Windows GUI builds from working. The fact that it didn't do so on my computer is fairly concerning.

I've uploaded a 4.0c2 build, this should fix it (and by binding that debug flag to the global debug flag, hopefully prevent that problem from happening again). If it doesn't, please let me know.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Thanks alot for taking the time to do the translation work habisain, even if seeing an up to date post on this game made my hype meter break the roof :D

Legit so psyched for this game, made all the more edgy by the fact there is no link to a blog or post that I can find detailing how long the delay has been again since April has come and gone :confused:
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Seemed to be working as the bar went to 100% and said it finish unpacking then an error message talking about unreadable ruby files and not loading them.
I selected UTF-8 BOM and it moved to 100% whilst not selecting just came up with one of these warnings without moving.

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Seemed to be working as the bar went to 100% and said it finish unpacking then an error message talking about unreadable ruby files and not loading them.
I selected UTF-8 BOM and it moved to 100% whilst not selecting just came up with one of these warnings without moving.

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
Ruby Traceback:
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'

But.. but... the UTF-8 BOM setting only applies to loading the patch, it does nothing to Ruby...

Damnit, your computer is weird. I'll see if I can figure out anything, but honestly, I've got no idea what is going on there...

EDIT: I'm not entirely certain if you couldn't get it to work. If you couldn't, then try installing Ruby 2.1 and deleting the pruby folder in RPGMaker Trans.
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