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RPG Maker Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

They're all linear, a visual novel would be more appropriate. (better yet just a simple comic because there's just about as much choice)

RPG's are good for world building, this game has no world.
Personally I don't enjoy the game so far. Everything is so detached from reality it feels like a bad porno.
Yes. And it is main problem of almost all 3dCG games on ulmf(Kristis Revenge for example) they are like superlinear visual novels and have no interesting mechanics or even some funny stuff like sex statistics( Kappa). And some of this 3DCG "RPG" games have like worst 3d models in the world( i mean you can see that creator didn't even try to do good game). I understand that it is hard for 1 guy to create good storyline, but ffs atleast do good CG's atleast.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Yeah there are many of these 3D games which are lack luster, which makes the good ones shine way more.

Ive notice some creators cut corners, like they won't pose the hands of the models, or other small tweaks, when you pay attention to detail you see stiffness in the poses.

I didn't read everything, but I'm guessing there's not much hope for this game. (not that id care from the current state it's in)
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Well in my opinion, and with the developers' recent absence, I think that people are justified in being wary of this project for the time being. However, I certainly would say that I appreciate the fact that the developer kind of presents the game for what it is without trying to claim that he's making some genre-defining project or anything like that. For those like me that find the art appealing, the allure of the game kind of falls into place. For those that don't like the art, there isn't much to keep them interested in the project.

What I don't understand, though, is that while Impure has never claimed anything else, there seems to be a few people who are happy to come by the thread and yell about how much they dislike this project any time the thread is bumped. I'm not fond of the art of Future Fragments or Lily of the Valley, but I don't jump in every time to diss on what I don't like about it. I respect people delivering their opinion on the art/game/patron system, but if you keep coming back to say the same thing you really aren't helping anything. People seem to understand this with the more extreme fetishes, but struggle with the same concept in regards to patreons they don't like.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

I see 65 comments in the Patron since the post on Oct 31st, I assume more of the same? I really wish I could read those comments.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

No updates since October 31st, wondering what's going on.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Any news on this game?

Last month I was hoping to Patreon it but felt the game slowed down a lot on the updates and so far no news since the tiny Halloween update... 88 comments I can't read since the last update, I wonder what is going on.

Is 0.7 coming out anytime soon?
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Any news on this game?

Last month I was hoping to Patreon it but felt the game slowed down a lot on the updates and so far no news since the tiny Halloween update... 88 comments I can't read since the last update, I wonder what is going on.

Is 0.7 coming out anytime soon?

Well let me summarize it for you. Impure promised the version 0.6b back in the 1st week of October, which he failed to deliver and went into hiding. When people started asking about the progress he never answered them or if someone posted negative comments on his patreon ,the comments got deleted. All of these happened for the whole month of October. And when the time for the pledge was there, he simply pops out of nowhere and churns out some random excuse and promises ver 0.7 . People believe him . He updated it to 0.6b and vanishes again for whole month, even though ver 0.7 was supposed to be out by now. That's two months in a row he has done the same thing!! So, don't hold your breath for a new update anytime soon.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Well let me summarize it for you. Impure promised the version 0.6b back in the 1st week of October, which he failed to deliver and went into hiding. When people started asking about the progress he never answered them or if someone posted negative comments on his patreon ,the comments got deleted. All of these happened for the whole month of October. And when the time for the pledge was there, he simply pops out of nowhere and churns out some random excuse and promises ver 0.7 . People believe him . He updated it to 0.6b and vanishes again for whole month, even though ver 0.7 was supposed to be out by now. That's two months in a row he has done the same thing!! So, don't hold your breath for a new update anytime soon.

Thanks for the update.

That's a real shame. Until 0.5 the game was good (i like the genre) but 0.6 felt rushed. Then I don't know what happened afterwards...

Looks like the comments fell to 83 which I assume some more deleted comments happened. I wish I could read how angry they are!
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

0.6 felt rushed. Then I don't know what happened afterwards...

Amateur developer + get-rich quick scheme = The present situation

This is what happens when people decide to "make" a game only because they want to make money. It's the difference between artists and hustlers, really. Basically, Impure started the game out because he thought it was fun and it made him a lot of easy money. Eventually the work required by the game stopped being fun and his interests waned, but he really likes the free money he gets for such a minuscule amount of work required, and so updates begin to appear later and later and they begin to feel "rushed" because eventually he feels that he has to put out something to keep that free money gravy train going. This has happened to this project as it has happened to other Patreon-reliant projects before. The sad thing is that ignorance grants the hustlers a hell of a lot of leeway, and so he'll keep making a lot of free money for doing literally no work because people will "believe" in the creator, and he'll keep taking their money for as long as they keep blindly throwing said money at the moneysink.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Actually the current ETA for the next update is tomorrow evening. He wanted to have it ready before the weekend but apparently wasn't happy with some renders so he wanted to re-do them.

Anyone claiming he went MIA for a second time is completely incorrect. He's been in communication on patreon this entire month, so anyone there knows what we're expecting. Hopefully this next update is supposed to be adding 5 new scenes, I think one or two of them were requests from the 50$ patrons.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Basically, Impure started the game out because he thought it was fun and it made him a lot of easy money.

I don't know if we actually have any idea why he started out making the game. All I know is that, as of this point, he is still raking in $2,000 per month, which is nuts.

I have to agree that this game came off as something amateur and unpretentious at first. Coupled with decent art that actually created clothing that didn't hug the body, there was an amateur charm to it. But if this turns out to be a milk stream then there were signs. For example, besides the sketchy way he deleted negative comments, at $1,000 he was supposed to start a second game, and as far as I know that never happened. At least he was honest at $1,500 about just wanting a new computer. Hell, I want one too...

Even so, hope its not a scam for the sake of the people still holding out hope that Impure comes back. If he does come back, I hope it's just that realized he was in over his head on the project and freaked out.

EDIT: Glad he didn't actually go MIA for the second time though someone might want to tell him to work on his PR skills for people outside of Patreon.
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Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

I think you're possibly spot on with him feeling like he was getting in over his head - he's said that he was a student and has now dropped some of his course load to allow more time to work on the game. Apparently.

EDIT: Glad he didn't actually go MIA for the second time though someone might want to tell him to work on his PR skills for people outside of Patreon.

Problem being that many patreon threads, and this one is no exception, get swarmed by people like Stoper and Merlik who have purely negative things to say to any release he might make. I feel like it would get really discouraging if you're trying to produce something and just get stomped on whenever you're showing it to people here.

Now, he's making his money off of it so he's laughing all the way to the bank, but it still wouldn't encourage developer interaction. Look what Hentaiwriter and Yummytiger go through.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Problem being that many patreon threads, and this one is no exception, get swarmed by people like Stoper and Merlik who have purely negative things to say to any release he might make. I feel like it would get really discouraging if you're trying to produce something and just get stomped on whenever you're showing it to people here.

Sorry for trying to warn people to stay away from scammers like this one. Who got "locket out" from their Patreon acc for a month, just to show up the very last day before the pledges are processed. Released a 5 min long "update" and now he's back with another one for, what, the last day of the month? You don't say!...

He's not showing up here, because he can't delete comments.
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Sorry for trying to warn people to stay away from scammers like this one. Who got "locket out" from their Patreon acc for a month, just to show up the very last day before the pledges are processed. Released a 5 min long "update" and now he's back with another one for, what, the last day of the month? You don't say!...

He's not showing up here, because he can't delete comments.

Heyyy, look it's exactly what I was talking about! I doubt there's a thing he could do to convince you anyway, so it would be a great ol waste of time to try. Why not just try ignoring this thread?
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

Heyyy, look it's exactly what I was talking about! I doubt there's a thing he could do to convince you anyway, so it would be a great ol waste of time to try. Why not just try ignoring this thread?

Hey, you mentioned me personally and you're surprised I showed up to defend my point? I'm not Impure, mate, I've never been locked out of my accounts ;)

Maybe I'm not ignoring the thread because it's a discussion thread, not someone's personal shrine?
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

the thing is, all of us that dont support him (patreon) should not complain at all. we should be glad that people do something, even if that project gets abandoned, delayed like hell, do minimal updates, he fucks with his patroens, greedy motherf***er or something else.

this thread should focus on Sarah's Life game, updates, releases, content.
in his recent post he show some rendering, let do that and focus on Sarah's Life not about untrustworthy Impure.

(could contain spoilers! click only if you must)

Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

ehh girl on girl is okaY I guess...
LOL needs more NTR in my opinion and more choices to make it feel more like a game and less like a slideshow.
Still i enjoy the character design so I hope he keeps it up.

*edit* to the person who neg repped me because I said it needs more NTR...
You do know this is set out to be an NTR game right...
That's like bitching at someone who asks for more tomatoes on a tomato pizza...
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Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

He must have been an idiot to neglect a good 2000 bucks / minimal effort cash flow, never mind waned interest. Some of the rushed updates had a lot of amateurish erroneous grammar which actually made me think did he sub-contracted his job to India or something ^^
Re: Sarah's Life v0.6 - [*NEW UPDATE* 30-8]

i really wish that he hired a writer, as you say prdude.
its not fluent (even if i have difficult writing proper/good english, i appreciate read well written stories) with spell mistakes and odd sentences.
the patroens should consider this and ask Impure to hire someone.
a good writer could make this game a lot better. i think the rendering is quite good, one of the better on patreon, while the game itself is lacking.