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RPG [さくらぷりん] 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン (RJ080542)

I've been using the walkthrough on here and it was infinitely more helpful than deciphering my way through various Japanese ones, but I have one question that I'm still not too sure of. For the NTR events to trigger you only need to have the two characters sleep together right? Or do you need to enter a special relationship with a character and then have them sleep with another?
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It's my favorite RPG game after the original Sweet Home. the work looks pretty refined so far, I'm so full of joy!
It's my favorite RPG game after the original Sweet Home. the work looks pretty refined so far, I'm so full of joy!
is it really that good? is it true that there's ntr on this game
is it really that good? is it true that there's ntr on this game
Yep, it's very, very good, pretty away from the DLSite's standarts. it's a mix of RPG and Survival horror game, much like Sweet Home, but have some neat original systems, a good number of endings and you can toggle "Nes style" or "CG" cutscenes.
The game indeed have netorare, but to trigger it you must meet very specific conditions. and BL that can must be activated in the options menu. (default is OFF);
To me is just great because I don't like any of these genres. NSFW aside, it's a very good RPG, fun to play with great 8bit graphics and music, a awesome story with numerous branches and possibilities and a new game+ that brings a true ending.
What made Corps Party and Sweet home scarier is the final boss in the each game caused a super natural apocalypse by sheer power of madness and hatred.
Only 1 human soul it takes to bring the whole world with them, summon various monster from hell, and kill many people by most unrealistic way possible.
THAT's what made above game so great and horrifying.

My biggest objection to this game was ........ Spoiler ahead, if you haven't play the game.
They hand waved the all super natural phenomenon is work of Cthulhu. A FUCKING CTHULHU.
THAT IS TOTAL LET DOWN ON MY OPINION. We don't get to fight the damn thing too!
Floor is suddenly disappeared? CTHULHU! Mansion is slowly sucked in to darkness? CTHULHU!
There's unnecessary amount of corpse and blood everywhere? CTHULHU! You get chased by immortal zombie woman and ball of tentacles? CTHULHU!
Fresh corpse suddenly rot in incredible speed and devoured by giant roach and maggots? CTHULHU!
You got flesh eating green blobs suddenly infested in entire mansion? CTHULHU!
You encounter doppelgänger and zombified version of your self? CTHULHU!
You ventured to another dimension where you'll be erased from existence or devour by Cthulhu by'em self? CTHULHU!
Cute loli is suddenly turned in to The Creepshow Creep to an giant grotesque cyclops baby? CTHULHU!
What is this thing could die easily and all it takes was couple of shotgun shells? CTHULHU!
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! AH FUCK THIS!!! *(Throw Necronomicon to garbage)*
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What made Corps Party and Sweet home scarier is the final boss in the each game caused a super natural apocalypse by sheer power of madness and hatred.
Only 1 human soul it takes to bring the whole world with them, summon various monster from hell, and kill many people by most unrealistic way possible.
THAT's what made above game so great and horrifying.

My biggest objection to this game was ........ Spoiler ahead, if you haven't play the game.
They hand waved the all super natural phenomenon is work of Cthulhu. A FUCKING CTHULHU.
THAT IS TOTAL LET DOWN ON MY OPINION. We don't get to fight the damn thing too!
Floor is suddenly disappeared? CTHULHU! Mansion is slowly sucked in to darkness? CTHULHU!
There's unnecessary amount of corpse and blood everywhere? CTHULHU! You get chased by immortal zombie woman and ball of tentacles? CTHULHU!
Fresh corpse suddenly rot in incredible speed and devoured by giant roach and maggots? CTHULHU!
You got flesh eating green blobs suddenly infested in entire mansion? CTHULHU!
You encounter doppelgänger and zombified version of your self? CTHULHU!
You ventured to another dimension where you'll be erased from existence or devour by Cthulhu by'em self? CTHULHU!
Cute loli is suddenly turned in to The Creepshow Creep to an giant grotesque cyclops baby? CTHULHU!
What is this thing could die easily and all it takes was couple of shotgun shells? CTHULHU!
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! AH FUCK THIS!!! *(Throw Necronomicon to garbage)*

Are you sure that It's how the things are in the game? I don't remember of seeing any cthulhu references there, but I don't even speak japanese either, so... But I remember of seeing a "hatred force that changes the reality" there. I'm sure.
I'll wait the localisation to confirm, but there's a somewhat sucessful dlsite game what was pretty inspired by Abaddon. perhaps you aren't mixing both game's plots?
Are you sure that It's how the things are in the game? I don't remember of seeing any cthulhu references there, but I don't even speak japanese either, so... But I remember of seeing a "hatred force that changes the reality" there. I'm sure.
I'll wait the localisation to confirm, but there's a somewhat sucessful dlsite game what was pretty inspired by Abaddon. perhaps you aren't mixing both game's plots?

If you're able to read Japanese and if you pay attention to end game document, yes, it was Cthulhu and I think either azathoth or shuggoh.
There's diary of mansion owner talking about he bought necronomicon from someone and conducting all the rituals.
Also, I think there's a secret scene where your entire party hallucinate getting devour by Cthulhu monster.
Localization is already done by Fakku so will see how that goes, they might change the "Cthulu" part to avoid DRM tho.
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I would love it they replace the Cthulhu references with something else, because it looks too generic to this game.

If you're able to read Japanese and if you pay attention to end game document, yes, it was Cthulhu and I think either azathoth or shuggoh.
There's diary of mansion owner talking about he bought necronomicon from someone and conducting all the rituals.
Also, I think there's a secret scene where your entire party hallucinate getting devour by Cthulhu monster.
Localization is already done by Fakku so will see how that goes, they might change the "Cthulu" part to avoid DRM tho.

The game will be released only in early 2020, in the article the Fakku guys said that only the uncensored cutscenes (done from sakuraprim himself) are made so far.

And this is the game that I did reference, it's a blatant clone of the Abaddon game, AND have a plot centered around Cthulhu, if you is right about the plot in the Abaddon game, so this Cthulhu game is nothing more than a copy.
I would love it they replace the Cthulhu references with something else, because it looks too generic to this game.

The game will be released only in early 2020, in the article the Fakku guys said that only the uncensored cutscenes (done from sakuraprim himself) are made so far.

And this is the game that I did reference, it's a blatant clone of the Abaddon game, AND have a plot centered around Cthulhu, if you is right about the plot in the Abaddon game, so this Cthulhu game is nothing more than a copy.

Yeah, now you see why I'm upset. Abadone can be really cool but Cthulhu is just too cheep for making up the story.
Imagine if F.E.A.R have Cthulhu.

And this is the game that I did reference, it's a blatant clone of the Abaddon game, AND have a plot centered around Cthulhu, if you is right about the plot in the Abaddon game, so this Cthulhu game is nothing more than a copy.

Woah, Holy shit. This stright copy cat right here.
Released in 2015? Why I haven't heard this before.... well, maybe because non-hentai but damn.
This one looks really heavy on Cthulhu genre, enemy monster is stright from Cthulhu series.

Yeah, if Sakura Puddin want to come clean from this, now is good time to make difference here.
I heard rumours there is an uncensored version of this game or am I wrong?
I heard rumours there is an uncensored version of this game or am I wrong?
The Fakku version may or may not be uncensored. But it hasn't been released yet.
The Fakku version will have full uncensored CG's by sakuraprin themselves, but will be released only early 2020.
the CG's are the only part of the game that's already finished.
Shame we got some time to wait but i'm happy i'd be able to play this without needing a guide 24/7. :D
I've played through the game so many times by now I know how to get through both east and west wings routes by heart. It's going to be nice to finally fully understand the context of all the scenes now.
This game have strong replayability, with ahuge number of different endings and ways to play. it will be worthy to have.
Ok i have read it, i have tried to hook it right, i have tried to use some of the walktrough you guys writte here with all your patience and im thankfull, BUT GOD i cant go trough this game lol, i guess im to fucking bad. So i will wait to see if some good samaritan drops some s here

PD: As ever my english sucks, sorry
Has anyone heard about any little updates or progress on this game? :D
WARNING! On Sukebei there is ISO version, with Inno installer; it is backdoored/trojaned.

Also, I can't find partial by @kR1pt0n1t3 (mega links down)
Also, textractor can't find proper hook :(
I have own bought 1.32 version.

I'll buy English full version for sure. Can't w8!
What exactly will it be ?Patch ? Full release? Official ?

EDIT: Does this game contain netorate (not: netori) ?
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Partial link is working.