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[WIP - Full] [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Thank you, Candiru.

Bad ending after the #7 battle is also not translated.

Are you using the latest patch? or the one from the first post?
Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

I've played a while ago, and only the 5th bad end was not translated for me, everything else was fine, aside from the occasional typos. Pretty sure I did explore everything possible too.
Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

I've played a while ago, and only the 5th bad end was not translated for me, everything else was fine, aside from the occasional typos. Pretty sure I did explore everything possible too.

The 5th was the one with ryan if I`m not mistaken (Orc scene), which should be done. But I will recheck everything next week. Kinda busy currently. So no promises.
Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Are you using the latest patch? or the one from the first post?

Oh... I'm really sorry for the trouble. I was using another version :eek:
Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Oh... I'm really sorry for the trouble. I was using another version :eek:

There you have the newest version, still without the rewriting but still working on it :)

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Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Thanks again :)
Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Hello, sorry for the long time of silent.

Real life was a kind of bitch to me, and I was busy a lot.

I managed to get some time to fix the difficulty mistake, and one of the two remaining scenes got improved.
The only one left is the Witch defeat. Which I will take care this week.

And could it be possible to make this thread to complete?
As I'm not the owner of this thread I can't do that.

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Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Nice to have you back! Hope everything turns out fine.

Knew it would pay off holding this long off playing the game after all! :)
Thanks for all your efforts!
Re: [RJ140344]赤首の闘技場 (The Girl In the Red Slave Collar)

Hello, sorry for the long time of silent.

Real life was a kind of bitch to me, and I was busy a lot.

I managed to get some time to fix the difficulty mistake, and one of the two remaining scenes got improved.
The only one left is the Witch defeat. Which I will take care this week.

And could it be possible to make this thread to complete?
As I'm not the owner of this thread I can't do that.


i luv u candiru :3
So I've been avoiding this for a looong time now, this being quite a shameful topic for me since I basically ran away from this project and hid. However, something recently has come up. As it turns out, this game is getting an English release on Steam. And wouldn't you know it, at least from what is shown in the video, the translation being used is word for word mine, so I could assume they are using my patch/translation. I'm not sure how feel about this, it's a really strange feeling. It's kind of an honor that I would do a good enough job back then that they'd use it commercially, but also weird because they just kinda nabbed it.

P.S. I'm also really glad that someone finished/touched this up, it's something I've regretted the way I handled it.
So I've been avoiding this for a looong time now, this being quite a shameful topic for me since I basically ran away from this project and hid. However, something recently has come up. As it turns out, this game is getting an English release on Steam. And wouldn't you know it, at least from what is shown in the video, the translation being used is word for word mine, so I could assume they are using my patch/translation. I'm not sure how feel about this, it's a really strange feeling. It's kind of an honor that I would do a good enough job back then that they'd use it commercially, but also weird because they just kinda nabbed it.

P.S. I'm also really glad that someone finished/touched this up, it's something I've regretted the way I handled it.

Well, you can contact them about possibly using your translation. As far as I know, they've already use fan translation - with authorization from the translator and rework said translation.
Hi everyone,

As the Founder of Kagura Games, I just wanted to chime in.

We were actually given permission from Candiru to use his fan translation of this game for the creation of only its Steam page. We are currently in the process of reconfirming with him that the game we used was indeed his translation as we would never use a fan translation without the permission of the translator.

However, I just wanted to stress that we were always planning to make a new translation of the game for its launch. So the current Steam page doesn’t reflect what the final product is going to look like in the end.

Anyway, I’ll come back with an update once we reconfirm with Candiru. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused in the meantime, hyperk2.
Hi everyone,

As the Founder of Kagura Games, I just wanted to chime in.

We were actually given permission from Candiru to use his fan translation of this game for the creation of only its Steam page. We are currently in the process of reconfirming with him that the game we used was indeed his translation as we would never use a fan translation without the permission of the translator.

However, I just wanted to stress that we were always planning to make a new translation of the game for its launch. So the current Steam page doesn’t reflect what the final product is going to look like in the end.

Anyway, I’ll come back with an update once we reconfirm with Candiru. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused in the meantime, hyperk2.

My understanding, from the looks of it, I did a large percentage of the translation for the game (maybe about 90%) which was basically everything except for maybe 3-4 events. I haven't checked specifically the patch Candiru has, but I'm assuming it was my base patch plus what was missing and some touch ups.

Honestly, I don't think I stand to gain anything here, and I don't see any reason why the translation shouldn't be used, so I'm fine with it. It was just a surprise is all.
However, I just wanted to stress that we were always planning to make a new translation of the game for its launch. So the current Steam page doesn’t reflect what the final product is going to look like in the end.

Honestly, I don't think I stand to gain anything here, and I don't see any reason why the translation shouldn't be used, so I'm fine with it. It was just a surprise is all.

Regardless if another TL exists or is being done, if the the one used for the trailer is indeed Hyperk2 TL, it would have been polite to ask him for permission to use it , or at least confirmed to who it belonged before even creating said trailer.

But that is just my take in the matter.
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The trailer was removed until we get to the bottom of this. Just waiting for Candiru's confirmation now.
Hey there, long time no see. So I wanted to share my side of story.

Back when I was looking at the thread, Hyper2k wasn't active anymore and I wanted to see this project finished.

I tried to contact Hyper2k to ask for the permission to take the project over and finish it. After I waited a few months without any reply and any way of contacting hyper2k.
I asked the community if they wanted me to pick it up regardless, and they said yes.

So I finished what was remaining, which was more than the 10%. I proofread the whole project, adjusted scripts here and there, squashed bugs, made some small quality of life changes.
And released it again under my name with part of the content translated by Hyper2k.

When Chiakisan asked me if he could use my version of the patch to create the store page, the trailer, and that he would make a new translation, I granted it.

Anyway, I'd conclude that half the translation belongs to me, and the other half belongs to hyper2k. In fact, in my fan translation, Hyper2k is credited.

Hope this was able to clarify everything.
This all looks like a misunderstanding/miscommunication to me? Sure credits are where credit's due, but when you drop off the face of the Earth like that you can't expect Kagura to contact you can you? Sure they're also wrong for not even trying. But if I was Kagura, I would also contact Candiru that unofficially inherited the translation after hyperk2 pretty much abandoned it. Because they're a business and why waste time on someone that they think is dead?

If you ask me, if Kagura intends to use hyperk2/Candiru's translation for monetary gain then they should just discuss monetary compensation? It would save time and money depending on the agreement than retranslating the whole thing that's for sure.

Also, a conspiracy theory if you will. Candiru is working for Kagura right? What if he told Kagura about this and they decided, hey, easy money right? Since it's easy to just nab it off of a dead translator and say it was done by one of your own since Candiru technically worked on it. In that case, kudos to hyperk2 for speaking up. Then again, this is just speculation.

All in all I'm just glad this is getting an official translation and think this is all just from a lack of proper communication.
Hi again everyone,

As with many things that take place on the internet, I think this may have been one big miscommunication.

Regardless, I just wanted to comment that we are proceeding with our own translation; as we will for all our upcoming games.

Sorry again for the confusion, hyper2k.
I would like to point out that just because someone proofread a Translation and changed things here and there it doesnt mean that said translation is now magically 50% theirs.
The main bulk of the actual translation effort belonged to hyperk, and credited or not, it is his work.
Therefore the actual approach should have been wait for his response or redo the actual translation from scratch.
Going with the "i changed stuff here and there so i will claim 50% of the TL as mine and do whatever i feel like with it", is probably the worst thing one could say.