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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Why not pay for porn?

Now remember I'm not casting any judgements, I know what it's like to be broke, so I'm glad Haseo, Bct and other's can help.

Here's my opinion of MnF porn and why I'd recommend signing up and supporting them if "Anyone"

Now Ace I ask you,
Do you believe people should be paid for hard work?

Well the reason why I don't pay for porn, not because am broke (middle class if anything). But for the fact of its porn... and porn is everywhere.

Now some may say am using the system, by not supporting the hard work. But the fact of the matter is; as long as there are pay-walls, there are going to be leakers.
Big reason why I don't rush or bother good people like Haseo & others who have come and gone, who on their free will. Showed us what's behind the pay-wall.

And for your answer" if I believe people should get paid for hard work", the answer is yes. Unfortunately, in this world a lot of people do a lot harder work with longer hours and get nothing out of it.

When it comes to the MnF artists and any type of artist porn/not porn, they knew what they were going into. A reason why you keep art as a hobby and not as a career.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

No worries, jjmax is just doing what he was made to do.
Guy Gagne said:
When a Cheetah chases after a Gazelle, does he ever stop to think "Maybe I've caught enough Gazelles, maybe I should just settle down, try the Vegan thing"-NO! He keeps running as long as his legs will carry him.

jjmax is like the Cheetah, he never gives up!

I can respect that.

Thanks for your opinions.

Although I think art can actually be a great career, like the Disney animators for example, or making video game's.

Not to mention the many artists that make ton's of money on sites like Patreon, for just advertising their art.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I pay $25 for MnF and I feel it is a good price for everything not to mention I can justify the price since I want to help all of you.

Still to each their own haha.


BCT has another crack for everyone :)

Their hard work goes on and I would like everybody to show their gratitude in anyway possible :)

Here is:

Nintendo Christmas 2

Enjoy everyone :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I bet both Sin and Haseo are feeling all giddy inside, witnessing the day everyone can start enjoying their "lovechild". ;)

Also, like always, big thanks to BCT who, despite the footing they left ULMF with, still allow our MnF Hero Haseo to share their cracks with us! :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

What does everyone think would be a fair price for MnF to charge for access to both the original MnF site, and the MMO?

Thanks MnF, Haseo and Bct.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

What does everyone think would be a fair price for MnF to charge for access to both the original MnF site, and the MMO?


IMHO I think $19.99 is a great price for access to both The main website and the MMO game.

Edit: Shit posting.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Is there anymore MnF games with fun minigmes like the gloryhole one or the one with a sleeping tsunade?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Is there anymore MnF games with fun minigmes like the gloryhole one or the one with a sleeping tsunade?

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has one of the best minigames in awhile. IMO anyways lol :rolleyes:

sir please publish the videos of old games, please !! its an humble request, please !!

Can't do that my kind sir. Having my account banned will definitely prevent me from helping any of you haha.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Thanks BCT and Haseo for the game release. And MNF for making such a nice game. Thanks Sin and Haseo (again) for writing such a nice game. :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Cool, another cracked game. Thank you Baka and thank you Haseo for this thread.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sin, I do think the artists deserve a lot of compensation for their hard work. How much is questionable. When you think of big sites like Brazzers that offer prices as low as $10 a month and hundreds of extra videos, there's no contest.

I'm not saying that MnF are of poor business minds, as Brazzers built their company the same way. It was expensive for a membership at first and you were given very few scenes. However, I think MnF are at a point where it would be more profitable to lower prices and add more artists for more monthly games to make it more accessible. They've already established themselves.

I think either Vadim or Serega should take some time to do market research into what they could potentially earn or lose at different price points to discover what's good for everyone. It's also time to branch out to solid, trustworthy artists. Imagine a budding artist who wants to make a living some day. MnF reach out to him and he practically does volunteer work in order to establish some credibility. The main artists don't lose a substantial sum of money and the budding artist sets himself up for future projects. Win win. I'm sure there are plenty of great artists who would be willing to do this in order to be discovered.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Not to disregard what you've said Lightning, but I'm done talking about that stuff here.

If people that can afford a subscription want to not get one, not help MnF, so be it.
(No skin off my sack.)

I will never have this debate here again -I've seen the light, but you will every once in awhile see me throw up an add.

If you want to talk about it, anyone, pm me, or ask me on Bct in the appropriate place, thanks.




Thanks MnF!!! You're fucking awesome!
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Is that Cleopatra? Nice :)
Just an Egyptian dancer, but very well could be.

I would have enjoyed a landing strip of hair above her pussy, but oh well..

Kosmos made her bruh.. f-in Kosmos! He's doing much better drawing voluptuous women if you ask me.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Just an Egyptian dancer, but very well could be.

I would have enjoyed a landing strip of hair above her pussy, but oh well..

Kosmos made her bruh.. f-in Kosmos! He's doing much better drawing voluptuous women if you ask me.

Yup :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

is there any option to pay with paypal? :(
i think it would be easier for a lot of people ^^'
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hurrah for another guy that likes the PowerFuck Girls and Pinoy!

They are scarce around here..

I have a similar opinion to that!

On the topic of pay for porn, I would if I could. But I can't.
So I don't

On the topic of Nintendo Christmas 2,

Also thank you MnF, BCT, and Haseo, I really appreciate it.
And off I go, into the night!