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[WIP - Full] [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

If you're running on v0.629-app, you should update to v0.629a-app. It fixes stuff, whereas the previous version was unstable. v0.629a-app is stable on two of my test saves; still has a typo or two, but they're so minor that I'm leaving them for the next release.

If you're running v0.629a-app and still getting crashes, please post the error pop-up (either legible picture or copy-paste) so that I can try debugging it.

There's a small chance that a line will have a "ghost-byte" in it - my way of calling a line that has a single byte character that won't show up in a my text editor (notepad++). It doesn't crash the game for everyone - only some. I've only had that problem once so far with Lilitales, which isn't insurmountable, but is pretty much impossible for me to find from the script itself, and yet also barely stable enough that my computer runs past the line just fine without crashing. I had to have Seipher (whom was experiencing the crashing) personally report which of my fixes were working in order for me to debug the issue (was a line in one of Cless' scenes, back before it was translated; I forget which one).
This is with .629a installed.

Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

This is with .629a installed.

Try this (attached) script file; see if it fixes the crash.

If it doesn't, please attach a save file. xD


  • try_this - redvision.zip
    771.8 KB · Views: 68
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Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Try this (attached) script file; see if it fixes the crash.

If it doesn't, please attach a save file. xD

That appeared to fix it with no problems <3
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

That appeared to fix it with no problems <3

Excellent! I'll add it into this Saturday's patch. Thanks so much for reporting it! :)
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

First post here since Jan 2013... just want to say I really appreciate you translating this. Hope everything is going well and you're still on track for the next release (and the one on Dec 24!).
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

First post here since Jan 2013... just want to say I really appreciate you translating this. Hope everything is going well and you're still on track for the next release (and the one on Dec 24!).

And I really appreciate the honor of being the topic of your first post!

I've just released a patch a few minutes ago - you can find it on the project blog, or on the first page of this thread. Also, I'm officially stating that the next release will be on Dec.25th - because I sometimes get called in on Saturdays, and end up falling asleep when I get home. I still intend for the 24th, but I don't want anybody getting hung over it. :)

Thanks for the support; with the loss of the rep system, comments like these are more meaningful than ever. m(__)m

Thanks a lot for the update. :) I'll give it a go later, also the next release will make a nice christmas present.
Keep up the good work.

Aye - that's been my original intention, heheh; many thanks for your continued support! ^^
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Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Thanks a lot for the update. :) I'll give it a go later, also the next release will make a nice christmas present.
Keep up the good work.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

And I really appreciate the honor of being the topic of your first post!

I've just released a patch a few minutes ago - you can find it on the project blog, or on the first page of this thread. Also, I'm officially stating that the next release will be on Dec.25th - because I sometimes get called in on Saturdays, and end up falling asleep when I get home. I still intend for the 24th, but I don't want anybody getting hung over it. :)

Thanks for the support; with the loss of the rep system, comments like these are more meaningful than ever. m(__)m

Great!! Thanks again, hope you have a nice Christmas too. :D
don't stress too much over the exact dates, it's good enough you're consistently updating and it'll be a shame if you burn out!
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Great!! Thanks again, hope you have a nice Christmas too. :D
don't stress too much over the exact dates, it's good enough you're consistently updating and it'll be a shame if you burn out!

Aye - burning out's a common illness many passionate warriors face on the front lines of fan translations. I've taken preventive precautions; the fact that I'm still here after a year and ~4 months tells me that they're still working. Though I can definitely say that the decreased performance is an evident side effect. xD

Again, my sincerest thanks go to you and all you others here for being so understanding, and for being here to give me a push when my procrastination steers me adrift.

Hope we'll all have a good Christmas! 2016 needs it! xD
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Also want to give thanks for your effort on this quality translation, :D
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

I'm a little confused with this game, do you actually gain xp from grinding or do you just lvl up at specific parts of the game. Since grinding doesnt seem to do anything...
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

I'm a little confused with this game, do you actually gain xp from grinding or do you just lvl up at specific parts of the game. Since grinding doesnt seem to do anything...

It's my belief that there's a maximum amount of exp you can gain per area, however I've all but forgotten the code, so don't take my word for it. :x
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

It's my belief that there's a maximum amount of exp you can gain per area, however I've all but forgotten the code, so don't take my word for it. :x

Thanks! For both the translation and the reply :p , first play through atm figured out most things with my chinese.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Anyone know what the password room does? The password is 7373.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

Anyone know what the password room does? The password is 7373.

EDIT: Having just tried it, it allows you to skip the prologue and have a few minor bonuses to start with.
("Password Jump")
(~"The trial version's save game data cannot be used for the full game version. Instead, you'll be allowed to skip ahead to the Black Pass.")

You have 4 things you can augment:
- The result of the prologue ("Defeated" or "Survived for 15 turns") (determines how Luna got H'ed)
- Starting money - adjustable from 1000 Dinars to 5000 Dinars
- Infection Level (a.k.a "Lewdness") - adjustable from 5% to 15%
- H count - adjustable from 1 time to 15 times


Hope it helped ^^.

Just for the record, it would be optimal to keep base-game related discussions and questions to the threads in the main Hentai Games section. The Translations subsection is usually used for discussing translation/translator related topics; not the games themselves. This is to keep the forums neat and clean. ;)

The main thread can be found here:
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Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

There is a second password you get after beating the final boss that lets you see a few extras. Don't recall what it was, though. Had it saved in my pre-append version of the game, but I seem to have forgotten to move it before deleting the folder.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

There is a second password you get after beating the final boss that lets you see a few extras. Don't recall what it was, though. Had it saved in my pre-append version of the game, but I seem to have forgotten to move it before deleting the folder.

Ah yes. I remember that being mentioned in the main thread as well, but never tried it out 'til now.

Password from clearing EX dungeon:

Taken from the script, around line 28828 (on v0.755a-app translation's scripts):
;◎==============================■ 入力

if %0 == 7 & %1 == 3 & %2 == 7 & %3 == 3 goto *b_clear_load
if %0 == 5 & %1 == 6 & %2 == 7 & %3 == 5 goto *ex_clear_room
p.s. still haven't played the EX Dungeon yet. Lol ._.

Makes me a little sad to see such wonderful unborn ideas the author had in mind for his slave city.....
e.g. Luna in the stocks......
....her over-the-camera doggy-style tentacle scene......
.......the various slave outsfits that imply #slavelifesim.....
.............the Mansion content.........
.................... the version of Airi that actually looks serious and kinda cute for once.....

................................OHH, THE MISSED RP POTENTIAL!!! .(TдT)\
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Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

This game seems pretty decent maybe I like it because its not typical rpg maker fodder. I'm glad you kept going even though you got some hate messages. Personally I think if jp devs are gonna be xenophobic or just say no to translations with no apparent reason they should be ignored. now if they gave an actual reason like that they had plans to sell the game in english at some point, then I could see them saying no to fan translations.
Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

"- changed name of the item "Kahramahn" to "Kaframan" (going by the katakana)"

Re: [RJ137150] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (English Translation)

is there anyway to rescue the princess before she gets the worm and raped etc or is it impossible? I'm trying to follow w/e the light/just path they spoke of is and I'm assuming rescuing her before any of this happens is part of that. Correct me if I'm wrong please.