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[WIP - Full] [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

Progress update!
Map016 finished at last! Next is the slew of smaller map files!
ETA? Dunno, I don't like giving myself deadlines. There's a lot of them... I don't know, sorry.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

sounds great :) keep it up and save your work in case of disaster man ;)
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

Exactly. How dare they assume all males are perverts...

Anyway, thanks for the update. Hopefully we'll see it soon!

Deep down all male are pervert :cool:, on topic aside slow and steady wins the race mate.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

But not too slow and steady. Everything in moderation. Even posts. I've already had to correct two typos (and made another one doing so...). But anyway:

Small progress update
It might take longer than two and a half weeks, because of the inordinate number of files I have to work on.
I'm going to be going back over things I've done and replacing all "Guhehe" (I've NEVER heard anyone laugh literally like a pig) with a more sinister "Mwa hahaha". Because I'm frankly SICK of typing "Guhehehe~"
I mean, really. Nobody with H-Scenes in this game can go one scene without it. It's frustrating.

Thinking with your groinbrain helps when translating H-Scenes.
But I can't type with my groinbrain as that would be messy and probably painful.
Most of the dialogue in the Mayor's house is now finished, as is a glot of dialogue with his maids. I just hope I'm in for a few nice, less abnormal files for a while but I have my doubts. Such is the nature of a 2990 game.

EDIT: Once I hit Map030, I'll run a test to see if everything's tick-tock.
EDIT II: It's going to take longer, sorry. I had assumed most of the dialogue was in three or four large files, but I've taken a scoot through the file structure... And there's more that have 2,000+ lines to do. Removing ETA, going back to "I don't know".
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

any progress in sight? :)

4 weeks ago he said a few weeks, but changed it 3 weeks ago to indefinite, because of snags and realizing the size of some of the maps text content. So - long story short - give him some space. This could still be a while...he's working on it...
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

Back in the saddle now.
It will take quite a while, and I'd rather not give any sort of ETA right now.

I've come across a line indicating an ending of some sort, but it doesn't make any real sense:


Preceeding event:
Akos receives a letter from Linna telling her she never wanted any more than to watch the cherry blossoms with her, Miina and Shizu. The letter indicates she's either gone off the deep end or is going to top herself. It's actually quite sad in tone.

The line in question is very confusing. I can cut the "Desu" off the end, but it doesn't help.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16


I took the liberty of digging the full line out - I think the speaker there is quite important, because it's one of the advice lines. There's more of these in Map003 for example.

Anyhow, not sure how you're translating the name of what appears to be a slightly 4th wall breaking advisor character, so I'll leave that up to you. But the line itself is along the lines of "You can't see the ending in damaged Miracle Flame Armor!"
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

Hey squark, how are the chances that the translation is done before the second title is coming out? :) how is it going? any progess?
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

One more file and I'll have hit the first of a few milestones I've set out.
After this, I'll have done roughly 28% of the total number of maps and I've hit a VERY minor snag.

This time it's a character's name.
This: 憧子

I can't find a decent translation of Tōko anywhere.
All I get is place, position or circumstance.

Wait, hang on... (Loads Rikaichan's Name dictonary).
So it's either Ako, Shouko or Touko.

Given the game it is, I think I'll go with Ako until I have reason to do otherwise.

This will be updated again once I hit 50%. Which will be 153 maps, give or take.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 26/11/16

Good Luck with that, and may be the Motivation always at your side :p
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)


Although you may have messed up the upload of the patch, so people might complain "it no worky" (it looks like it's just the contents of the "Patch" folder inside the RPGMaker Trans patch, without the other bits of it; I don't think RPGMaker Trans will accept it as a valid patch because of that).

There's also a syntax error in the patch as well, in the file Map008, just after "> CONTEXT: Map008/events/3/pages/15/315/Choice/1" is a "> BEGIN STRING" that shouldn't be there. And the same thing in the following:

Map015, just after "> CONTEXT: Map015/events/19/pages/2/92/Dialogue".
Map020, after "Map020/events/4/pages/2/95/Dialogue"
Map051 after "Map051/events/5/pages/3/10/Dialogue"
Map073 after "Map073/events/3/pages/4/7/Dialogue"
Map110 after "Map110/events/3/pages/0/366/Dialogue"

Incidentally, my detailed patch tool puts this patch at 26%, but there are three very weird files that between them account for 24% of all instances of strings in the game: Map319, Map280, and Map318. I think these have some lines which are repeated a helluva lot in (Map319 has a generic laugh for Akos, for example, which is used in hundreds of places). If I strip out the effects of these screwy files, the patch jumps to 50% complete again. So it would probably be a good idea to translate these files next - they have strings in them which are all over the game. (Map319 really takes the biscuit on having lots of uses of strings; it contains 102 unique strings, but 42611 contexts. On average, each string in that file appears in more than 400 places in the game, which is absurd. RPGMaker Trans really screwed up in deciding to put all of these in the same place, because it resulted in a file that's 3MB big.)

But yeah! Keep it up! Long haul translators unite!
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

I don't know if it's me that patching a previously patched Akos game (the one with rpgmktranslated file) or not but this is the result...
Could not parse the following script translation: "『ナンバー1嬢』になった"->"Akos is the 『
Could not parse the following script translation: "称号が『ナンバー1嬢』になった"->"Title Change: 『
The patching is succesful btw...
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

@ habisain
I'll look into it and post an update as soon as I can. Thanks for letting me know. I was counting the amount of files as opposed to the number of lines. It's not actually 50%, but as close as makes not odds in those circumstances. I might go to translate those files next, but that might take a good long while.

@ f4s1k1n
It shouldn't matter that it's a previously patched game. I'll look over the updated files and see if I can identify the (inconsequential) errors you've found. It would help me greatly is you could give me a Map number.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

@ habisain
@ f4sk1n
It shouldn't matter that it's a previously patched game. I'll look over the updated patches and see if I can identify the (inconsequential) errors you've found. It would help me greatly is you could give me a Map number.

Unfortunately, RPGMaker Trans doesn't yet give that information. However, a quick blast with find-in-files suggests that both of those errors are in Scripts.txt.
Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

Given the lead in (and previous experience) on the errors, I think I can sort them out.
And I'm going to take your advice on the next files to be sorted. That'll help a lot. But they ARE fecking ridiculous. They'll take me some time.
I don't know if it's me that patching a previously patched Akos game (the one with rpgmktranslated file) or not but this is the result...

The patching is succesful btw...
Okay. I've isolated those errors. They occurred because of my use of the hash (#) symbol. If I want to use that, I might have to implement a minor edit or change it over to a No. instead of a #.
It should be okay now. I've updated the patch link on the first page with corrections (thanks, habisain) and fixes to the problems f4s1k1n mentioned.
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Re: [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

Okay. I've isolated those errors. They occurred because of my use of the hash (#) symbol. If I want to use that, I might have to implement a minor edit or change it over to a No. instead of a #.
It should be okay now. I've updated the patch link on the first page with corrections (thanks, habisain) and fixes to the problems f4s1k1n mentioned.

If you want a hash symbol, . Just write it as \# and it'll go through just fine.
Yeah, I think I'll use the escape and revert back to using #.

Well, progress.
Now that I've translated most (if not all, that's unlikley) of Linna's and Mil's quest dialogue, I'll be moving into Map307 and Map319. They're the biggest and appear to contain a load of text that gets reused all over the place. It'll be slow and feel grindy, but I really, really want to get these two out of the way so I can stop complaining about their size.
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