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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw a trailer for that today, first thought it was Transformers and was dissapointed (STILL WAITING FOR UNICRON MR. BAY), then thought it might be a movie adaptation of Crysis and was dissapointed (much less than the first dissapointment though), then I decided I didn't care because it wasn't either of the former and changed the channel.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I saw a trailer for that today, first thought it was Transformers and was dissapointed (STILL WAITING FOR UNICRON MR. BAY), then thought it might be a movie adaptation of Crysis and was dissapointed (much less than the first dissapointment though), then I decided I didn't care because it wasn't either of the former and changed the channel.

I am guessing that it's battleship. Giant robot (hence transformer) and aircraft carrier (hence Crysis).
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah sorry about that, I didn't realize my post was on a new page.

The sound effect at the beginning was what started it, the one that plays when the trailer jumps between points in the movie, since Bay likes to use THE SAME FUCKING ONE FOR EVERY TRAILER apparently.Then went on to talk of hiding in the ocean, so both Transformers and Crysis there. The robots looked like possible exo suits so Crysis, and then the whole giant energy shield thing made me think of Crysis again. Not sure why but I'm thinking there was something similar around the island in the first 2?
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just saw the Avengers, liked it all around. While it is criminal for a film to expect you to have seen over nine hours worth of movie before it, The film doesn't punish you for having not seen it. You just kind of have to pay closer attention every time they mention a backstory. The only other complaint I might have is that this makes the pacing weird; once they get everyone together it starts, and it doesn't much slow down until everything is over.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Saw the Avengers. Loved every second of it. Going to see it again.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, I had to stay up pretty late to see that open last night. I felt like it did things that I would normally not like other movies for, but did them so successfully, that I couldn't fault them.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Avengers Review: More Specific, Less Drunk
Iron Man was probably the best part of the first half, and Hulk was certainly the best part of the last. Cap was fantastic as a man out of time, and really had the old-fashioned soldier bit down. Banner was great, standing in opposition to himself right up until the end. Widow and Hawkeye were both useful without being that usefulness being forced. The writing was fantastic all around. Motherfucking Thanos in the post credits scene, and schwarma after that.
Character favorites:
Iron Man: When he appears to fight Loki and hijacks a broadcast system because he wants a theme song. It really helps to establish how important style is to the character.
Captain America: The end of the film, when he's being a tactician and leader. Giving orders to rescue teams, and directing the Avengers to use their strengths cohesively.
Thor: He fights Cap and Iron Man to a stand still, it's pretty goddamn cool.
Hulk: "Puny god."
Widow: I thought her introductory sequence was fantastic, and everything after was just icing on the cake.
Hawkeye: Either the last battle, or when he fires an arrow from a moving aircraft to the helicarrier also in motion, using the wind to turn his shot.
;_; Coulson
I also saw Cabin in the Woods, and really enjoyed it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I went to see Iron Sky last night. Much of the movie failed to amuse me, though that might not be entirely the fault of the movie, as it wasn't quite what I was expecting. There were some awesome moments in it, too. Like
Near the end of the movie, it is revealed that US wasn't the only one breaking the treaties banning space war ships. Actually, everyone was breaking it - except *drumroll* Finland!

i loved iron sky. it might be one of my top 10 movies of all time. the movie takes humanity's stupidity to a new level.
like idiocracy...
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I have this to say about The Avengers... thank you Mr. Whedon. Thank you.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Agreed wholeheartedly, *most of the marvel movies we've had before this were quite good (I actually liked the last hulk film but Edward Norton just didn't really fit) but all left me feeling like they lacked a little something, the Avengers did not.

With the casting change for Bruce Banner, and even the more apeish way the Hulk moves I've got to say this is the best Hulk I've seen to date.

First time I've been trolled by a movie, and you know what? I loved it! Schwarma for everyone!
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

An animated Starship Troopers movie, the trailer holding direct quotes from the book, Paul Verhoven and the director of the second two not on the crew listings... okay guys, colour me intrigued.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

the only question i need to ask is if its going to star johnny rico's epic chin again. If so... I'm in.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Casper van Dien is a producer so... maybe?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

i loved iron sky. it might be one of my top 10 movies of all time. the movie takes humanity's stupidity to a new level.
like idiocracy...

Wish this movie would get released in the US. Still have no date announced but they have a distribution company at least...
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

An animated Starship Troopers movie, the trailer holding direct quotes from the book, Paul Verhoven and the director of the second two not on the crew listings... okay guys, colour me intrigued.

Seconded. Although it might be hard to top the Animated Series they did of it *snicker*
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It might be, that was pretty good, and I should go watch it again, the entire series is sitting on my DVD shelf.

But still... I hold hope. Maybe foolishly.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

As it is on mine. I had to write down which campaigns I had, since I kept finding it randomly at various stores. I remember watching it one summer and going "Wow. Huge departure from the movie."

Eh, sometimes little things like that surprise you.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I got lucky and found the "Complete Campaigns" at a store once.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.


Taking my mother to see Dark Shadows tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

Edit (since it hasn't been that long):

So, we saw a decently early showing of the movie today. Given that I only had passing familiarity with the original series (other than it reveled in camp), I didn't go into the movie with too much of an opinion either way. As my mother put it as we were leaving, "I expected it to be funnier." Given all of the reviews that we'd been reading, I did, too. Granted, it does have its moments, but it's not the camp that I think the reviewers would have you believe. The supernatural elements of the movie aren't played up too terribly much, either, or rather, I should say, they aren't the whole focus of the movie. There are some interesting cameos (Christopher Lee, Alice Cooper, Jonathan Frid) and some tongue in cheek moments that really got chuckles out of me, but I felt that certain elements that are revealed at the climax of the movie really could have been played up better and had more hints dropped earlier so they didn't seem completely out of the blue.

Good for an afternoon? I'd say "yeah" but mostly if you're a Depp fan rather than a Burton fan. Can't say the same about whether or not you're a fan of the original.

Also, as far as trailers went, Gangster Squad looks pretty good. So did...um...*goes searching for Affleck projects* Argo. And I hate to admit it, but Snow White and the Huntsman looks pretty sweet, even if it does star Kristen Stewart. The effects look f'ing awesome. Maybe I'll hit it at the dollar theater. Those were the ones that really stuck out for me, at any rate. More as I remember them.
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