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Random movie talky stuff.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I've got to agree on the snow white previews, but we'll see, awesome special effects can't make up for bad acting on the heroine's part. Even if she does well It'll still be hard to get the bad taste of her twilight career out of my mind.

I recently got a bit of free time that I didn't spend playing terraria to catch up on some movies I had wanted to watch.

For now we'll just go over the second Ghost Rider film. First off I've never read any of the comics so I have no idea what is canon or not, nor do I care and I actually liked the original. Not a great movie, but not a bad way to spend a couple hours. Spirit of vengence however, was quite bad, I ended up needing to watch another movie afterwards to keep thoughts of it from my mind.

Spirit of vengence throws out alot of things from the first movie, and while you can do this in comics by re-issuing the series, you don't get away with it in movies with no explanation. Blaze is no longer the 'Rider', but instead he is the riders host, meaning that he isn't in controll i.e. writers couldn't think of a plausible way to extend the movie so the protagonist has a debilitating weakness: stupidity because the 'Rider' is simply focused on feeding and not much else.

Alot of the 'style' has been changed, the Rider's costume for example, is no longer badass with spikes coming from the shoulders and such, but seems Blaze's clothes have been recovered from the scene of a fire (makes sense, I know, but looks crappy). I'm not much of a motorcycle enthusiast, but I don't like the bike either.

Then there's the approach to the way the shots are done, truly it does feel much more like a comic, which some might praise. I am not one of them, when there's an action sequence I don't like having tunnel vision for the entire thing. Also, everything is so... telegraphed, and overblown.

And lastly comes the acting or perhaps it's the script? The Rider is portrayed as a crazed demon, more of a clown than an unstoppable force from hell. And of course this bleeds over into Blaze before he's about to be taken over. The amount of focus they put on this just makes it worse for me. I'm partial to a more stoic form of demon, so my own prefrence may be to blame.

As I'm writinig this I realise that perhaps my own prefrences stonewalled any enjoyment of this filme I may have had. That said this is a B movie through and through even though it seemed to have a decent budget. And to be honest, it fails at being a B movie.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I've got to agree on the snow white previews, but we'll see, awesome special effects can't make up for bad acting on the heroine's part. Even if she does well It'll still be hard to get the bad taste of her twilight career out of my mind.

I recently got a bit of free time that I didn't spend playing terraria to catch up on some movies I had wanted to watch.

For now we'll just go over the second Ghost Rider film. First off I've never read any of the comics so I have no idea what is canon or not, nor do I care and I actually liked the original. Not a great movie, but not a bad way to spend a couple hours. Spirit of vengence however, was quite bad, I ended up needing to watch another movie afterwards to keep thoughts of it from my mind.

Spirit of vengence throws out alot of things from the first movie, and while you can do this in comics by re-issuing the series, you don't get away with it in movies with no explanation. Blaze is no longer the 'Rider', but instead he is the riders host, meaning that he isn't in controll i.e. writers couldn't think of a plausible way to extend the movie so the protagonist has a debilitating weakness: stupidity because the 'Rider' is simply focused on feeding and not much else.

Alot of the 'style' has been changed, the Rider's costume for example, is no longer badass with spikes coming from the shoulders and such, but seems Blaze's clothes have been recovered from the scene of a fire (makes sense, I know, but looks crappy). I'm not much of a motorcycle enthusiast, but I don't like the bike either.

Then there's the approach to the way the shots are done, truly it does feel much more like a comic, which some might praise. I am not one of them, when there's an action sequence I don't like having tunnel vision for the entire thing. Also, everything is so... telegraphed, and overblown.

And lastly comes the acting or perhaps it's the script? The Rider is portrayed as a crazed demon, more of a clown than an unstoppable force from hell. And of course this bleeds over into Blaze before he's about to be taken over. The amount of focus they put on this just makes it worse for me. I'm partial to a more stoic form of demon, so my own prefrence may be to blame.

As I'm writinig this I realise that perhaps my own prefrences stonewalled any enjoyment of this filme I may have had. That said this is a B movie through and through even though it seemed to have a decent budget. And to be honest, it fails at being a B movie.
Very true. Then again, doesn't hurt that the Huntsman is hot, either. But we'll see. I'm thinking dollar theater, at the very least.

As for Ghost Rider, I can't quite claim to completely know canon for it, but the whole "Blaze isn't in control" I don't think is too far off the mark. If I recall, "Ghost Rider" would take over, sort of leaving Johnny Blaze in a "WTF did I just do?" sort of situation when it came to enacting vengeance. I don't know about the whole "feeding" thing, though.

And yeah, I kinda liked the original, too, slightly hokey as it was. I really liked the twist at the ending. That was pretty clever.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh yeah I can't wait to see Snow White & The Huntsman too. I'd go just for Charlize Theron as the wicked queen. She looks so deliciously evil!


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Also, as far as trailers went, Gangster Squad looks pretty good. So did...um...*goes searching for Affleck projects* Argo. And I hate to admit it, but Snow White and the Huntsman looks pretty sweet, even if it does star Kristen Stewart. The effects look f'ing awesome. Maybe I'll hit it at the dollar theater. Those were the ones that really stuck out for me, at any rate. More as I remember them.
Argo looks pretty funky. I still have to see the town, but it seems little Affleck is starting to get a good directing head on his shoulders recently.

Gangster Squad... okay Ryan Gosling is pretty hot. A little pretty boy for my usual tastes... but meh. But Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, and yeah, even pretty boy Gosling really look like they're going to bring 40's and 50's badassery to the table there. Penn and Brolin especially are perfect for the gritty setting they want, while even Gosling as the woman wooing machine is a good intro to the gorgeous Emma Stone.

As for Snow White... I've said my piece on that one. Rather looking forward to it as a darker version of Snow White. I've been left with the impression that Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron are the bigger focuses in the movie... I'm kind of hoping so because I've never like Kristin Stewert... in anything. Fuck, she better not ruin this movie.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Darkening skies... I found this movie while looking for something, anything to watch. Not too bad overall, the first half (maybe?) of this movie pushed my paranoid freakout button like crazy. Then it just stopped and turned in a generic shitty b alien horror movie with a easily forseeable twist, leaving me dissapointed yet relieved I could sleep with the lights off.

Splice... well this one was kind of crappy too. Typical we created a monster FOR SCIENCE! They even lampshade the trope several times. Though to the films credit, it turns into a /d/ themed light porno about 20 min from the end.
Including consensual sex with a female monster by a human male, the monster then swaps genders later on, and then it decides to rape the female human who used her cells as part of it's genetic makeup. THEN during the ending she is shown as pregnant, it's unclear as to wheter she was impregnated during the monster rape or the sex scene with her and the male lead earlier in the movie.
So in all if you don't look at this as a serious movie, more of something to watch and make fun of with friends a good time could be had.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Snow White and the Hunstman was a god awful piece of shit.
The special effects and fights scenes were meh at best, the score and sound effects were completely forgettable, and the aesthetic design was bland. And those were the good parts of the movie.

Kristin Stewart has the same dumbass expression throughout the entire film as she's had throughout every other movie I've seen her in, and is barely noticeable on screen. The only scenes that stood out with her in them were the one in which Chris Hemsworth gives her the plot and source material required kiss of resurrection (her expression was twitching in a scene in which she was supposed to be dead, and the thought process I imagined for her went along the lines of "Oh my god Thor is kissing me omgomgomgomg") and the scene in which she does an impassioned speech to rally people to her cause, which painful. If asked to watch it again, to quote her in that scene, "I'd rather die today than live another day of this death." That was an actual line by the way, not paraphrased.

Charlize Theron overacts the shit out of this movie. Half of her scenes feel like they're taking place in a completely different movie, to be honest, and the scenes with her and Stewart together are some of the most awkward in the whole film. The implied incest with her brother (I forget his name, I honestly don't think they ever actually said it) is retarded rather than creepy, and she never really displays any impressive powers. I remember one point in the movie in which she turns into a flock of crows to escape from Chris Hemsworth and prince William after she poisoned Snow White, and the two competing love interests just kinda swatted at them like drunk dudes trying to swat mosquitoes for a minute before she left and went home to crawl out of a tar pit. I'm not making that up.

Chris Hemsworth is really the only good main actor in the whole film, but in this movie he basically just plays Han Solo with Thor's accent, and the action scenes with him present reminded me of Thor, and The Avengers, both of which were vastly superior movies in more or less every conceivable manner. And again, seeing him with Theron and Stewart was just awkward because the latter wasn't acting at all and the former was hamming it up relentlessly.

The supporting cast are all bland with the exception of a couple of the dwarves, but they get too little screen time for it to matter much. The script was crap (though not the worst I've had to sit through at least,) and the story was retarded and full of gaping holes. That's more or less all that I remember from it, and I just got back from it ten minutes ago, so that should give a pretty good indication of how much of an impression it all left.

There's a difference between this sort of bad and the fun sort of bad. Battleship was the fun sort of bad, because the actors at least seemed to be having fun and everything meshed together well enough that you could ignore how retarded it all was because cool explosions and the feel good attitude. Such cannot be said for Snow White and the Huntsman, which is just painful to sit through while thinking about all of the money wasted on its production.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Hmm. Dollar theater, then. Still like to see it eventually, I suppose.

Probably going to go see the Avengers tomorrow. Looking forward to it.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fucking Damnit no! I wanted that to be a good movie... sooo badly. Damnit, damnit, damnit...

Eh... I'll still watch it at some point. Just cheap night.

Fucking hell, so much potential there to. Fuck it, I'll just right my own damn version.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fucking Damnit no! I wanted that to be a good movie... sooo badly. Damnit, damnit, damnit...

Eh... I'll still watch it at some point. Just cheap night.

Fucking hell, so much potential there to. Fuck it, I'll just right my own damn version.
Not if you're going to make typos like that, you're not. Then again, that's what editors are for.

I'm teasing!


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I can't believe people actually thought it was going to be a good movie.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Not if you're going to make typos like that, you're not. Then again, that's what editors are for.
I was tired and in pain in my defense.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm with Oni here, I have no idea how that could have been good, unless maybe Theron stayed a little bit more quiet, than shouting all her lines. And even then it would only maybe make the movie bearable


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

There is whitetext after that. Was only poking fun. Hope you're feeling better.

On a different note. Saw Avengers today. Highly enjoyed it. I think my only beef was that unless you know the comics/characters, you won't get the first aftercredits. The second aftercredits took me a minute, then I started laughing.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Saw Avengers today. Highly enjoyed it. I think my only beef was that unless you know the comics/characters, you won't get the first aftercredits. The second aftercredits took me a minute, then I started laughing.
IMO, Tony Stark had the best lines in the movie (not all, but most), but Hulk had the best scene in the movie.

And yes, second aftercredits was hilarious XD


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The Tony Snark Power Hour, ladies and gentlemen.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'll definitely agree that Stark had the most quotable lines, that's for sure. And the Hulk sequences were impressive. I actually liked watching Natasha running away from him, heh. You got to see her agility in action.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Mmm, yeah Natasha in action. Gotta say I liked that too! :eek:

I definitely agree on Stark though. He had great lines. I was a big fan of Bruce Banner too (in slightly less angry mode).

Buuuut yeah... Natasha.... wish she would interrogate me. *sighs*


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So, I heard something rather interesting on the radio today. Apparently, Robert "Sparkly" Pattison is getting his panties in a twist because there's talk of his girlfriend playing the role of Anastasia in the new BDSM-themed movie "Fifty shades of Grey."

This is doubly funny to me because:

A - His girlfriend is Kirsten Stewart. The girl with three facial expressions on a good day.

and B - Fifty shades of grey has taken the literary world by storm, not just because of it's content, but because of it's origin. For those of you not following anything about it, 50 began life as TWILIGHT FANFICTION. Apparently the author changed the major names around (and, well, it was apparently AU) and published it on Amazon. Wackiness ensued.

But I was standing at the counter at work today when that announcement came over the radio and I very rarely blurt up at work but it was a "You've got to be kidding me!" moment that I couldn't let go.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So, I heard something rather interesting on the radio today. Apparently, Robert "Sparkly" Pattison is getting his panties in a twist because there's talk of his girlfriend playing the role of Anastasia in the new BDSM-themed movie "Fifty shades of Grey."

This is doubly funny to me because:

A - His girlfriend is Kirsten Stewart. The girl with three facial expressions on a good day.

and B - Fifty shades of grey has taken the literary world by storm, not just because of it's content, but because of it's origin. For those of you not following anything about it, 50 began life as TWILIGHT FANFICTION. Apparently the author changed the major names around (and, well, it was apparently AU) and published it on Amazon. Wackiness ensued.

But I was standing at the counter at work today when that announcement came over the radio and I very rarely blurt up at work but it was a "You've got to be kidding me!" moment that I couldn't let go.
My god... I can't tell if my brain is crying out in pain or humor. These people fail logic forever x,x;