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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Vila curled up against his chest again and tried, she did, but she couldn't stop herself for now.

Praetor wasn't sure what to do, so he sat down on the pew opposite them and leaned back, sighing. So you are NOT from somewhere else then, Are you Little Light. You are changed, and they do not recognize you. he puzzled out, from the little he'd heard.

When we're at our lowest, we look to those still by our side. And wait for the storm to pass. It's all we can do. He said finally, sighing and looking up at the large stain glass window.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Indeed she is. And I was hoping that would have gone better than it did. This is my fault I guess that things turned out like this," Ichiro said, looking down at Vila as she sobbed against his chest. "Let it out my little Vila. I promised you that I would never leave your side, and I meant it. Not just because you saved me, or because you need me to survive, but because I want to be there for you," Ichiro then told Vila, leaning down and planting a kiss on her little head.

Ichiro would sit there for her for as long as she needed him, kissing her again on her little head.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

It took her awhile and Praetor stayed with ichiro, just a silent presence. Comforting in a strange way. Perhaps he understood captivity, Being along after time in the cell... Made Ichiro uncomfortable.

She DID calm down after awhile however, and wiped her eyes, climbing up Ichiro to hide in his hair, He was starting to learn how she worked little by little. She moved to his chest for comfort, to his hair for Safety. She shined when she was happy, and there was magic too her, but much of it seemed tied up in their bond, and her bond with whoever she had bonded to prior.

Praetor chuckled at her movement however. Remember to comb your hair in the morning. Lest she leave food up there. He said, his face crinkling in amusement as he regarded them both. After your Welcome, it's the news of the temple. I suggest resting for the night. You'll have a patrol through the harbor town in the morning with Loran and one other. After the attack there last week, it's still mostly in shambles. Is it wrong of me, to be pleased... That such an infamous pirate has taken up blade and song again. I do not envy whoever angered the Mad Fiddler. he said, rubbing a holy symbol carved of ivory slowly and smiling about something.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"There's that beautiful little face that came to me earlier. Don't forget to smile little one, because I don't want you to be sad, you're far too kind a soul to be sad," Ichiro told Vila before she jumped up onto his head, gently caressing her little cheek with the back of one of his fingers.

Ichiro nodded to Praetor when he mentioned the coming party and the patrol the next day. "Come my little Vila, let's go and party. Some more food and drink will clear our minds," Ichiro told Vila, waiting for Loran or whoever to come and fetch them for the party, and following them out.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

IT TWAS INDEED BRAVE KNIGHT SIR LORAN who fetched Ichiro for the party, nor was it overly extravagant, But they were led downstairs into what seemed to be something of an armory, and then back up through a backdoor into a large outdoor... gathering area? It seemed the temple had to be creative about space considering they were in the center of a city.

But it was big enough and all the acolytes, young, old, armored, wearing dresses. Cranky old healers. Were all there, and cheered when he and Loran showed up, There was booze and speeches, and more booze. But Loran and Ichiro after he was welcomed by everyone with a gigantic WELCOME shout that rang the fucking church bells, stayed with a group of 4 other paladins, all unusually shiny metal wearing people.

Everyone was welcoming, his fluffy butt got a few stares but glares from Vila discouraged that before too long before the tiny person found out there were cupcakes and well then. Ichiro got abandoned for cupcakes.

It was superhappy funtimes, and Ichiro met several paladins, who were all named, and important, but god hadn't had enough coffee yet so they would be introduced in more detail later and one at a time instead of EVERYONE trying to crush into one post when God could barely think. But, needless to say it was an amazing evening and dinner.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

When Loran showed up after a short while, Ichiro got up and followed him out, and moved just quickly enough for a little breeze to blow through his hair, and into Vila. After the welcoming ceremony was given to him, Ichiro nodded to everyone and thanked them, though he felt a little awkward at first, the feeling of being welcomed something that was practically alien to him for the most part, for several years now anyway.

"I'm Ichiro Suzuka, pleased to meet you all," Ichiro said to the small group that he and Loran were with after the welcome he got, sipping at a goblet of ale, having missed the taste of it very much. "And you be careful Vila, and come back if you need me okay," Ichiro told Vila when she went for the cupcakes, grabbing one for himself to eat in the process.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Vila was busy eating the cupcake, so she waved kinda and then went back to it. By the time she was done, she was just lounging in the cupcakes wrapper, finally full and feeling better while Ichiro continued to be akward.

His introduction got him much backslaps and such and everyone was happy to meet him. ALLLL EXCEPT the old healer lady, who never seemed happy about anything. cranky old nun.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro smiled over at Vila after a couple of minutes when he noticed that she seemed to have cheered up some, feeling glad that she had done so. The backslaps he received from the other paladins got Ichiro to feel less awkward, especially after they talked and opened up a bit to him as they talked. "I've not really ever worn armor like these big fancy suits you all have on, but I suppose I could try some out, if you have some that will fit me of course," Ichiro said to try and make small talk with his new fellow paladins, glancing over at the old nun out of the corner of his eye.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

That Depends Lad! Can ye muster the stomach to fight the walking damned? That's what these Big un shiny suits er For! a large, tree trunk thick man with a rediculously huge red mustache said, laughing brightly and with green, shining eyes that always seemed to be crinkled in a smile. If it was any guess, the gigantic great hammer on his back was not for nails.

Loran nodded. Aye Borus, If he does well on the patrols tomorrow, and we catch him up, you can suit him and we'll take a run at the end of the week into the ranges. He said, winking at Ichiro. It's easier to move in then you think. Better then chain or half plate. And the protection is second to none.

Is that why you get put on your ass so often? because it's easier Lor Lor? a woman asked, likewise wearing armor, a full paladin who favored Sword and Board, with short cropped black hair and brown eyes, nearly as tall as Ichiro.

Everyone laughed and Borus leaned in. That's Agatha. Used to be High Guard before she found the callin. But she plays for the wrong team and it's mighty frustratin. he said, admiring her ass but knowing she'd never grace him with it.

The other paladins around were not wearing full plate, but instead wearing scaled leather, 2 of them, twins. And they spoke in unison to cause the maximum amount of headache. Maybe he's better in the woods? Could be a pathfinder. We don't know yet. Battle tested in the arena, a champion surely. But also Wolf Kin. they said, smiling.

O no you don't, he's not stepping one foot into combat before weeks end, he's definitely earned it and more, a good solid rest. So you two stay away from him, You never cease to pick fights. he told the twins, both male, maybe 6 foot with blonde hair and blue eyes. Light and lithe.

Vila it seemed had started dancing on the table like a bit of a spazz to the applause of the acolytes and FINALLY cranky bitch face nun had cracked a smile.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm... I see. I suppose tomorrow I can pick out a suit in the morning to wear. If you have some ringmail or something light, but very protective, then that would be alright with me," Ichiro said, looking over past Loran and to the woman when she spoke and teased Loran.

"How does she play for the wrong team, yet she's here?" Ichiro whispered back to Boris when he leaned in close, and also staring at her ass, though more secretly than Boris had been.

"Well I have a very good sense of smell compared to a human, and before I was taken, I was a hunter among my people," Ichiro said to the twins with a shrug.

After Loran told the twins what he did, Ichiro looked back to Vila as she danced, and found his eyes drawn to Agatha again, the woman nearly as tall as he was, and obviously very strong to be able to wear such armor and still wield a weapon. She would make a good mate to whoever was able to tame her, Ichiro thought idly to himself, before he looked back to Vila dancing and smiled warmly at the little sprite.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

I mean She only sleeps with other Women. Borus explained, unable to stop himself from laughing at Ichiro's ignorance. And Liste well lad, You'll find the full plate, it makes ye less tired, then ringmail and the like. The weight is distributed across the bodeh, The drawback is it's shiny and clanky. Which is good, Because if ye run with me and Agatha, it's huntin the Undead we be doin. And the Noise brings em right on in to reach. He explained, thumping Ichiro on the shoulder while Vila got tired of dancing and flopped back onto his head.

Yerrrrr nush drunk yesh. Why ish yous not drunksh? she asked, laying upside down on his head and giggling. The culprit being a cup of mead nearby.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, I see. That... is too bad," Ichiro said to Boris when he said what he did about Agatha.

"Hmm... plate will be a little tight on my tail though unfortunately, and it needs to be able to be out to wag and stretch and whatnot," Ichiro said, glancing over to Vila and noticing that she was beginning to get drunk.

"Hmhm, because I haven't been drinking quite as much as you have little one. Give me a little more time though, because I have a larger tolerance for it than you do remember, because I'm so big," Ichiro told Vila with a chuckle, taking a mug of mead and drinking it down with joy.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Yesh you ish. You ish HOOOOGE! she cried, standing up to throw her arms up before falling back into his hair, Agatha noticing and coming back over. You have a Sprite in your hair.... she said, confused, poking about at his hair, only to have Vila poke back and flail and arm, and then her tail as she mooned Agatha, giggling.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Aye Vila, I am hoooge... very hoooge compared to you little one, hmhm," Ichiro chuckled at Vila, downing the last of his mead as he noticed Agatha coming over.

"Aye I do. This is Vila, and she is really the reason why I managed to win in the arena today. Without her aid, I doubt I would ever have won that fight," Ichiro said as the two poked at each other, and Vila mooned Agatha, with him chuckling at them both.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

So that's what Loran meant. It was literal. You are Blessed. How odd, and interesting. Agatha said, scooping Vila up out of his hair gingerly since she was still mooning her, and putting her on her own head.

Vila did not, interestingly, immediately panic. Instead, she pawed around in Agatha's hair for several long moments before making a decision.

Thish Throne ish not Adeq... adeqush...Addictabuch... Shuitable! For one of shuch impresshive shtature ash myshelf. she declared, before flopping back onto Ichiro's head with a squeak, Agatha unable to keep from laughing.

I've seen them drunk before, but never up close. They're actually terrifying in a large group. They cos little fires if they get too excited. She said, giggling as Vila blew a raspberry at her. I would NEVER ever ever never ever ever never shtart a fire on Itchy's head. or hish floofybuttsh. she cried, seeming mortified at the very idea!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Laughing aloud at the duo talking as Agatha scooped Vila up and put her on her own head, Ichiro listened to them talk as Vila flopped back onto his head. "Aye, I feel very blessed indeed. And my head is your throne, Vila?" Ichiro asked curiously, smirking up at Vila as she flopped back.

After Agatha mentioned seeing drunken sprites before, but only in larger groups and not up close, Ichiro chuckled a bit. "I remember seeing one or two on my way into the city, but only just barely. And I saw one once aside from Vila, flying around the arena when I did a night battle. But other than that, she's really the first I've seen, and actually is the first I've truly met," Ichiro said, letting Vila stay up on her throne as he spoke.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

They tend to avoid people, they do their thing, everyone else does their own thing. And everyone co-exists. It's rare to have one chat with you. though little greetings are common. And thefts... They're sticky fingered little food monsters. But they light the streets just because, and they watch out for all the children. Or they try to... What happened in the harbor last week drove them all away from that entire area. It's in shambles, We've seen pirates have spats before, but never so violent... Could be true. The Demon Fiddler reclaiming his seat. She said, seeming worried.

YUSH! THE DEMON'SHHH FIDDLER! THE GREATESHT PIRATE EVA! Vila cried, before falling over and starting to snore.

Agatha laughed. Aye. In every sense. He was supposedly retired. Maybe we'll get to see him. she said, seeming... excited? Like she was a Fan... this place was weird.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I see, well, then we shall need to check this harbor out and get rid of this... Fiddler," Ichiro said, looking thoughtful as Vila flopped over and began sleeping deeply, while Agatha he noticed seemed like a fan of sorts to this pirate guy.

"I'd say it wouldn't be a good thing to meet him though, unless it's to drag him to the noose," Ichiro said after a few moments, before grabbing another cup of mead and drinking it down, letting Vila stay in his hair.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Agatha broke into a fit of laughter at that, unable to stop herself before she slapped him on the shoulder and then gave him a push for the door. Cmon, Gotta learn you a thing or two about Garellia 'Itchy' she said, Loran raising a hand in confusion before Agatha waved him off, all the men in the group of paladins looking stunned. he'd have to make up a suitable story later.

She'd lead him out, and he had his axe and she her gear while Vila woke up long enough to hide in his tunic pocket, curled up and napping happily.

First! The pirates here? They're the Garellian Navy. They have their own rules, and when you see this... It'll make a bit more sense. she said, leading him down the winding cobbles as Dusk was starting to fall, Ichiro able to see tons of sprites now all giggling and flopping into hanging lanterns, indeed lighting the streets.

It was beautiful and haunting at the same time, but the buildings, and their roses, which grew from every lintle, doorframe, and windowsill in great sweeping blossoms in the night filled the air with a pleasant and heady scent of adventure and purpose. Relaxing and Exciting.

People were headed home in this, the central district, and the first place Agatha took him was the plaza, where a large map rested. He could see 9 districts. The Central one they were in was a large and well kept circle. Then there were 4 market districts surrounding it, What was called the Storm District further to the south, a noble's district to the north, the Palacial district beyond that, and then what was simply labeled Harbor.

The Harbor was the largest of all the districts, including central and All the market districts combined, because it encompassed 9 miles inwards from every stretch of coast on the peninsula, and it had a warning. Sea Law in effect. No Guard. in bold print around the entire district.

Once he'd had a good chance to look it over, she moved on, heading directly south towards the point of the Harbor. You see, the pirates, and the merchants have a standing agreement. The royalty came later. As did this country... city... The entire City is the Country. Garellia is Garella. she said, before continuing. Because of that, the pirates control the harbor and protect it for the merchants. Those merchants who pay tax to the pirates, have protection from Our pirates, AND all other pirates on the ocean. So they exist outside standard law, they make their own and adhere to them strictly. However, what's important is this. Combat is not prohibited in the Harbor. Not even ship combat. So if a portion of the Harbor burns down? Like it most certainly did.... Well... That's on them to sort it out. They govern themselves and in exchange they're at the beck and call to defend and support their port of birth, here in Garellia, where every Pirate is a King. But... even Kings, have Kings. And the Demon Fiddler was that leader for a long time, until he retired. He's since reclaimed his crown, in a single night, and the damage he did is.... well... see for yourself. she said as they walked, soon cresting a ridge point on the city skyline, allowing them to look down into the harbor. Or rather, the smoking ruins of what had been a large portion of the southern tip of that harbor.

no less then 15 ships of full galleon size had been sunk, and simply LEFT there in the port, with flags all bearing a skull and a violin crossed with a cutlass flying over them, like grim reminders of who had sunk them. Fires were still burning, and not a single sprite would go near that area. It was dark save the fires that were still burning. The sound of combat raged below here and there as groups went at eachother. But there was one thing of note. A massive flagpole flew over the cape, and on it rested that same flag.

19 ships sunk, 300 plus men killed in open combat. another 100 killed with cannonfire. Whoever made him angry enough, to pull him out of retirement, well.. I sincerely doubt they're still alive, and if they are, well.... It wont be long. she said, looking down at a testament to both Grit, and Power. And not of a magical kind. though from the smell on the air, it wasn't ALL gunpowder. Only a single ship was sitting out in that harbor, judging from the 60 broadside cannons aimed still at the harbor, it was a warship.

Most pirates would never sail something so big, and slow... But he... is truly fearless... Somehow he makes that monster move as fast as a sloop. He can't be outrun, he's never been outfought. The Demon Fiddler of the Steel Roses. He's a living legend and I do mean it. she said, looking down at that ship.

I pity the soul who caught his attention... I really do. she said softly, in awe of a soul truly blessed by Melora, to sail so freely upon her world.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Sighing a bit at Agatha when she laughed at him, Ichiro felt a little miffed that there was apparently a joke here at his expense. Following her out, he looked over at her, and idly wondered where she was taking him. "I was never allowed anywhere in the city save the arena remember. So I don't know anything about this place to be honest," Ichiro said to Agatha as he followed her down to the harbor, since that seemed to be where she was taking him, with him noticing the various other sprites as they went.

When they reached the map area, Ichiro looked at it as Agatha explained things to him, and after they moved up to the ridge overlooking the whole thing, Ichiro stared down at what appeared to be a massive battle raging. "I see... and these Steel Roses are the assassins that Loran mentioned to me before, right?" Ichiro asked as they watched the battle.