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RPG [PCを窓から] 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Good game worth buying for its price. Yeah the ending is meh but its a cheap H-game. Compared to other H-games at this price, it's relatively good quality.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Does anybody know where I can find the last boss?
I have all weapons and four armors.
Also, I found some weird opening in the wall in the room where I found the knight armor. When I try to interact with it, there is a visible silence, but nothing happens.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Good game worth buying for its price. Yeah the ending is meh but its a cheap H-game. Compared to other H-games at this price, it's relatively good quality.

I believe that the author left the ending "open" for a new chapter. And this could mean that we'll be able to get a new neat game in a short time (since the engine is ready and tested).

Does anybody know where I can find the last boss?
I have all weapons and four armors.
Also, I found some weird opening in the wall in the room where I found the knight armor. When I try to interact with it, there is a visible silence, but nothing happens.

If you got the "knight" armor (the most useless) you should have reached the castle.
Go into the castle from the main gate, proceed straight north you reach the room in wich you fight a tentacled dinosaur.
If you already fought it, from the room go east and then north, you'll find the recurring miniboss (the not so bright girl warrior) waiting for you. Once you've defeated her, go north behind her and you'll reach the last boss.

If you can't reach the tentacled dinosaur, it means that you did not unlock the gate leading to him, explore the castle in order to find two switch (they are two cilinders of stone), push them and then reach the main hall of the castle and go north.

Good luck.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

I believe some of you are missing the beauty of the ending story wise, if not game-wise.
The main theme of the game is the tragic fate of the marionettes, who are created so that they must obey their orders no matter what, no matter the order and even if there is no longer any point in doing so.

Unlike the other two girls whose orders lead them to ruin the heroine is actually given freedom to do as she wishes. The soldiers could have simply ordered her to "kill all monsters" and she'd be stuck there hacking an slashing and defending a kingdom that is already lost, forever. But instead she is just told to kill enough monsters to cover the soldier's escape and then retreat, and when she catches up with the soldier he, as a human, is able to judge that the cause is already lost and tells her to live her own life as she pleases.

Also, there is no one to seek vengeance on. The magician was ordered to kill all the marionettes by their own army, to prevent their secrets from falling into enemy hands. And their own army has already been wiped out.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

If you got the "knight" armor (the most useless) you should have reached the castle.
Go into the castle from the main gate, proceed straight north you reach the room in wich you fight a tentacled dinosaur.
If you already fought it, from the room go east and then north, you'll find the recurring miniboss (the not so bright girl warrior) waiting for you. Once you've defeated her, go north behind her and you'll reach the last boss.

If you can't reach the tentacled dinosaur, it means that you did not unlock the gate leading to him, explore the castle in order to find two switch (they are two cilinders of stone), push them and then reach the main hall of the castle and go north.

Good luck.

Thank you, I found it and completed the game.
I didn't realise I could go east in the tentacle dinosaur room.

The entire game I kept getting lost because I mistook doors for walls, and I ended up exploring the entire world thoroughly multiple times.
As a result I got everything, although in a somewhat whacky order.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

I believe some of you are missing the beauty of the ending story wise, if not game-wise.

That's the problem with untranslated games... :(
It's really a nice ending, thank you.

Still the fact that
the witch is still alive and with an army ready (for what I can understand)
makes me think of a second chapter.

Thank you, I found it and completed the game.

You're welcome. To be honest, in order to not miss any passage I've used the "right hand rule" for dungeon exploration and brushed the protagonist against ANY wall and interacted with any applique or furniture.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

I don't think it was covered, but it's implied there was someone who ordered the magician marionette to kill all of them, right? So that in itself could be a lead in to a sequel.

Though, I'd be curious to see as how a marionette would "live as they'd wish". What exactly are they motivated by, if there is no one to give her orders? Does she truly have feelings and desires of her own?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

That's the problem with untranslated games... :(
It's really a nice ending, thank you.

Still the fact that
the witch is still alive and with an army ready (for what I can understand)
makes me think of a second chapter.

To answer to your spoiler:

The witch marionette is still alive with an army... ready to rape her ;)

She says in the end "with a number this big, I think I am going to switch my consciousness off for a while", implying everytime she's raped she switches off to conserve energy or something.

But who knows, maybe after raping her they grow fond of her and became her underlings.
I loved the short and sweet story and ending. Even if there isn't a sequel I would love to see more work from the same author.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

I liked this game so I'll sum up the plot with more detail.

The main marionette, Claudia, is activated by soldiers losing to monsters. They give her the order of covering their retreat and following after them. She finds the tunnel has collapsed and is forced to take the scenic route. The strongest weapon, the Holy Sword, is intentionally available early. When you pick it up, it asks you, "You prefer things casual?" Say yes, and you immediately get the most broken weapon in the game.

Claudia saves the friendly yet flaky mage model, Michaela, who offers to supply her medicine from then on. Michaela occasionally needs to be rescued because she has a habit of switching off rather than bother fighting even the weak monsters, letting them have their way with her until they get bored. Despite Claudia's concern, Michaela is carefree about it since it's just more convenient and she's not conscious either way.

Beatrice, an agile and aggressive Marionette, repeatedly challenges Claudia throughout the game. Though Claudia tells her she wants no trouble, Beatrice scoffs that she's got her orders to take down everything she meets in the dungeon... only to fall and lose her weapons as a running gag. As an extra, you can immediately use your new gear to "save" her, and she promises she'll pay you back for it. Pay you back reeaal good.

Things turn tragic when Claudia unknowingly corners Beatrice in the final corridor. By now it's clear Beatrice can't win and she's even reluctant to fight. Sadly, it's shown just how absolute commands given to a marionette are as Beatrice is forced to battle until all her functions cease. She was given a desperate, horribly thought out order, but wishes Claudia luck on completing hers.

In the next room, Michaela reveals herself as a puppet playing puppet master. Her intent all along was to kill Beatrice, but she was too fast and kept getting away. The only reason she'd been helping Claudia was to corner her target. When you think about it, Beatrice was trapped between Michaela and Claudia in that tunnel. With their creators losing the war, Michaela's orders were to destroy all marionettes to prevent their secrets from falling into enemy hands. The player learns just how powerful she is when she's actually fighting.

Badly damaged and reminding Claudia that her mission can't be defied, Michaela makes her escape. She thinks about how she can gain an advantage over Claudia, only to notice she's surrounded by a horde of beasts. Thinking to herself that it's time to switch off, she wonders if she'll wake up at all this time. Shortly after, Claudia makes it to her creators' nation and meets the soldier who activated her. She asks him for further orders. He's dying and so is the kingdom, so he tells her he has none; she should do as she pleases. As a marionette who gained freedom, Claudia leaves the ruins behind her and sets off into the world.

The final shot contains a small bonus. Claudia has created a new technicality by becoming too strong to fight alone.

This game does simplicity right. It's short... but that's part of its charm on how much it managed to cram in.
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Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

After beating the game, the ghost thief demons are back in the spooky part of the castle.
After their boss has taken some damage, he'll try to run away from you but he'll be stuck in the room and if you hit him again he'll simply continue fighting you forever.
I still wonder what that strange wall in the room behind him was for.
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Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

I liked this game so I'll sum up the plot with more detail.

The main marionette, Claudia, is activated by soldiers losing to monsters. They give her the order of covering their retreat and following after them. She finds the tunnel has collapsed and is forced to take the scenic route. The strongest weapon, the Holy Sword, is intentionally available early. When you pick it up, it asks you, "You prefer things casual?" Say yes, and you immediately get the most broken weapon in the game.

Claudia saves the friendly yet flaky mage model, Michaela, who offers to supply her medicine from then on. Michaela occasionally needs to be rescued because she has a habit of switching off rather than bother fighting even the weak monsters, letting them have their way with her until they get bored. Despite Claudia's concern, Michaela is carefree about it since it's just more convenient and she's not conscious either way.

Beatrice, an agile and aggressive Marionette, repeatedly challenges Claudia throughout the game. Though Claudia tells her she wants no trouble, Beatrice scoffs that she's got her orders to take down everything she meets in the dungeon... only to fall and lose her weapons as a running gag. As an extra, you can immediately use your new gear to "save" her, and she promises she'll pay you back for it. Pay you back reeaal good.

Things turn tragic when Claudia unknowingly corners Beatrice in the final corridor. By now it's clear Beatrice can't win and she's even reluctant to fight. Sadly, it's shown just how absolute commands given to a marionette are as Beatrice is forced to battle until all her functions cease. She was given a desperate, horribly thought out order, but wishes Claudia luck on completing hers.

In the next room, Michaela reveals herself as a puppet playing puppet master. Her intent all along was to kill Beatrice, but she was too fast and kept getting away. The only reason she'd been helping Claudia was to corner her target. When you think about it, Beatrice was trapped between Michaela and Claudia in that tunnel. With their creators losing the war, Michaela's orders were to destroy all marionettes to prevent their secrets from falling into enemy hands. The player learns just how powerful she is when she's actually fighting.

Badly damaged and reminding Claudia that her mission can't be defied, Michaela makes her escape. She thinks about how she can gain an advantage over Claudia, only to notice she's surrounded by a horde of beasts. Thinking to herself that it's time to switch off, she wonders if she'll wake up at all this time. Shortly after, Claudia makes it to her creators' nation and meets the soldier who activated her. She asks him for further orders. He's dying and so is the kingdom, so he tells her he has none; she should do as she pleases. As a marionette who gained freedom, Claudia leaves the ruins behind her and sets off into the world.

The final shot contains a small bonus. Claudia has created a new technicality by becoming too strong to fight alone.

This game does simplicity right. It's short... but that's part of its charm on how much it managed to cram in.

The small bonus at the end? Where did you actually see that? I only saw a image of her just walking off to the yonder while the other 2 marionettes following behind her? And what u exactly mean by becoming too strong to fight alone?

I know they are stupid questions but im kinda more curious now and want to clarify things.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

The small bonus at the end? Where did you actually see that? I only saw a image of...

Both rival marionettes being alive in that shot is the bonus. Michaela can't fight Claudia alone, but the tactic she's always demonstrated against an opponent she can't beat is healing another marionette she's using as a pawn. She probably fixed Beatrice. None of the 3 had to die. That's your bonus.

The question's not dumb, since it's left fairly open to interpretation. I could be wrong. But I do question describing the very final shot of the ending complete with twist reveal without spoiler tags.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Now that you've explained the story I'm even more happy of having paid the authors.

When you say: "this game does simplicity right" you really nail the point! ;)
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Now that you've explained the story I'm even more happy of having paid the authors.

When you say: "this game does simplicity right" you really nail the point! ;)

Thanks, and supporting the arts high five.:cool:

Oh, and here's one more detail you don't realize til later.
Michaela always shows up to warn you before a boss fight... which includes encounters with Beatrice. But the latter is because she's hunting her and getting ready to corner her by blocking the exit. Every time Beatrice falls into rape instead, it's saving her life.
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Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Thanks, and supporting the arts high five.:cool:

Oh, and here's one more detail you don't realize til later.
Michaela always shows up to warn you before a boss fight... which includes encounters with Beatrice. But the latter is because she's hunting her and getting ready to corner her by blocking the exit. Every time Beatrice falls into rape instead, it's saving her life.

Yes, when you described the story for us I understood that much.
The more I think about it, the more I admire the work of this author: in a short game he was able to mix a dynamic gameplay with a simple story and yet able to surprise with a twist that goes beyond the simple
and shows the dramatic nature of the marionettes.

Since you are so kind, may I ask you one thing? After almost every fight with Beatrice, when you find her in the "rape chambers", if you use the weapon against her rapers (and her) something bad happens... this does change her attitude or is simply a "comic relief"?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

if you use the weapon against her rapers (and her) something bad happens... this does change her attitude or is simply a "comic relief"?

Yes and yes. Each time, she actually thanks you before turning around and basically saying she'll return the favor. But her role in this game is also to play the part of comic relief.

If you don't help her, I think she still finds her way out of the situation. And I think her future conversations remain the same, but I haven't and honestly don't feel the desire to test this. I think the game was awesome in a lot of ways, but I doubt I can replay it.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

I tried downloading it but when I do it just doesn't work. Is there something I'm missing?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

The more I think about it, the more I admire the work of this author: in a short game he was able to mix a dynamic gameplay with a simple story and yet able to surprise with a twist that goes beyond the simple and shows the dramatic nature of the marionettes.
Yeah, he made every detail count towards the big picture, including the parts you'd usually brush off as hijinks. Beatrice's fighting style, map of where you fight her, the friendly NPC you take for granted, it all factors in without you noticing. That's usually something people rave over an indie game accomplishing. The kind without porn, I mean.

After almost every fight with Beatrice, when you find her in the "rape chambers", if you use the weapon against her rapers (and her) something bad happens... this does change her attitude or is simply a "comic relief"?

It's just comic relief. Here's how some of the dialogue goes:
1st time
Michaela- "There's someone real pesky up ahead. Are you thoroughly prepared? Remember, you can Save anywhere."
Beatrice- "Hold it! I don't know who you are, but I've got orders to beat everyone I see here. It's nothing personal, but prepare to get scrapped!"
Beat her. "Owowow! N... not bad. You're lucky I didn't bring my a-game today!"
Claudia- "(What a strange person...)"
Beatrice- "I'd say you've had enough this time, but if we meet again, it's for keeps!"
She falls into the tentacle jail. "Huh? Aaiiieeeee!" "Wha... what is this?! Hey, wait...sto--"
If you talk to her in the jail cell "Wha-whoa...ah... what just happened...!? Let go of meeee... You! Sto... stop watching! Get out of here already, ah... this isn't a show!"
Talk to her again "Ah, ah... aah...! I don't... why me...? Ha...ah! Stop... ah! Uaah...!"
If you use the Flame Rod. "...Yeah, thanks a lot for saving me. I'll pay you back for this one day...........you can count on it."
2nd time
Michaela- "Hey, hey. Your loud friend's in here. Are you ready?"
Beatrice- "Eep! ...Oh, just it's you. I thought they found me. Whatever brought you here, this as good a chance as any for a rematch!"
Beat her. "Owowowow! Drat... I'm impressed. You're pretty tough, but you haven't seen anything yet! Next time we meet, I am gonna clobber you. Adios!"
Claudia- "I just want to say I have no intention of fighting you."
Beatrice- steps on a pitfall "A-"
Claudia- "Ah."
Beatrice- falling "THIS AGAAAIN?!" "cough What's all this gas...? Oh...no, I can't focus..."
If you talk to her while she's DP'd "pant Ah...! Can't... get away from... Ungh...hah... damn it... let go of me...!"
Talk to her again "Unh.... ha...aah...! No more... my head's... Ah...unf... nooo... wha... aaah...!"
If you use the Battle Hammer to cause a rock slide. "...Thanks a lot. That really cleared my head. I'll be returning the favor real soon."
3rd time
Michaela- "You can guess who's in this room. Get her good for me."
Beatrice- "! ...You again. Stop scaring me like that. Well, there's no helping it now. My orders are to take down everyone I meet!
Beat her. "Damn! Ugh, I lost again... And you look like such a pushover..."
Claudia- "That's none of your business."
Beatrice- "Don't think I'll be taking this lying down, we are going to settle this next time!"
Steps on a pitfall and turns around, "...Why do you suppose these keep opening right below me?"
Claudia- "I wouldn't know."
Beatrice- falling "GOD DAMMIT!" "Wha-- eep, where did all of these... Hey, stooop!"
If you talk to her while she's smothered by ropers "Aw.... aah... I... can't... move.... A-ah...aah... Please, stop... no m... oohh...."
Talk to her again "They are too tightly packed for regular attacks to get through. But something like electricity could take them all out at once."
If you fry them with the Spark Rod "Hey, you know what? ...No, nevermind. Just... just forget it."
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Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Wow... you are good craigj.
but I have some question.

When beat the game and interact with the second helmet what it said?

At the dim part of the fallen castle when you interact with red(blood-soak?) cloths what they said?

thank you

too many other thing that I wonder...but well, let the imagine flow.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Wow... you are good craigj.
but I have some question.

When beat the game and interact with the second helmet what it said?

At the dim part of the fallen castle when you interact with red(blood-soak?) cloths what they said?

thank you

too many other thing that I wonder...but well, let the imagine flow.

They basically say "Remnants of X-type of uniform" and imply there's a lot of doll left. Basically, the thing in the fallen castle basement has been killing dolls like you, leaving nothing but remnants.